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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 12

by Greg Ballan

  Denton frowned. "So we have another mystery to figure out."

  "No, there are only a few beings capable of generating a vessel strong enough to temporarily trap the Ruby Crucifix. Lucifer is one such being. God and the archangels could…" McMahon shuddered. "And possibly Molec."

  Denton turned toward the senator. "So Molec is our thief."

  McMahon nodded, studying his private treasures. "It would appear that way." The senator looked annoyed.

  "Out with it," Erik barked.

  McMahon shook his head. "It doesn't concern you, Agent Knight."

  "If it relates to this theft, then it concerns me, Senator."

  McMahon frowned, rubbing his hand across his jaw. "How did he know? I have a spy in my organization and that's not good for my business or my mortality. If my employer finds out the theft is due to negligence on my part, I've outlived my usefulness."

  Denton rolled his eyes. "Forgive me if I'm not all heartbroken."

  McMahon smirked, clearly not appreciating the sarcasm.

  Erik walked out of the vault, following the traces of the cross and the demonic echo. The echoes didn't dissipate as he expected. Instead, they suddenly stopped. Erik reached an open hand through the empty space that was devoid of any psychic presence. "It ends here rather abruptly."

  Denton tilted his head. "Not at the elevator?"

  Erik shook his head. "It just stops cold, like it was snuffed out…" Erik felt a pins and needles sensation crawling up his arm. "Sonovabitch, a portal! Whoever took the relic created a Netherspace portal and popped out of this space to make good their escape. I can sense a slight trace of it."

  McMahon looked on, watching the detective.

  Erik spun around to face the senator. "Was that the answer you were looking for McMahon? You're playing me, but I'm not such an easy mark. You already knew Molec took the damn thing. You just didn't know how he took it, and we just provided you that tidbit." A plasma ball formed in Erik's right hand. "I swear to God I will burn a hole right through you if you keep playing games!"

  McMahon stepped back, studying both men. His eyes turned black as coals and his flesh reddened like an angry sunburn—it was a visage of pure evil. "You're too smart for your own good detective. You should have given us your bastard child when we asked. I knew it was Molec as soon as that bone-headed warrior of Light sensed the presence down here. I admit he was easier to fool, a dimwitted soldier angel not tarnished by the human characteristics of suspicion and mistrust. Your side is pathetically naïve, Detective. It makes winning this war much easier. But yes, using your Esper bloodhound senses was Collins' idea. I figured I'd play along with you and see if we could get the last piece of the puzzle, and you didn't disappoint. Netherspace, something rarely used by higher demons but an adequate, if rarely used, travel tool for the more mundane among us. Molec was stripped of his teleportation powers, so he's mastered the old pathways."

  Erik's eyes narrowed to angry slits. "That still doesn't get you any closer to finding him."

  The demon that was Senator McMahon laughed a hideous chuckle. No, but it gives us a roadmap to search. There are only a handful of places Molec can go using spatial portals. We now know where to look, thanks to you." The demon frowned momentarily. "How did you know? How did you know I was playing you?"

  Erik took a step back. "When I started scanning your mind, I felt the non-human brain waves. You masked your presence perfectly, but you can't mask how you think or how your brain works."

  MARTIN… WHEN I MAKE MY MOVE, HIT THE FLOOR! He projected into his friend's mind.

  Erik shielded Martin. He forced more energy into his fist. The orb radiated its fiery blue essence, lighting up the entire corridor. "What's your game, McMahon, if that's even your name. Give me a reason not to burn you to a cinder."

  The demon laughed. "I can't die, hybrid, at least not by mortal means. You can burn me with your Esper weapon but I'll just come back again."

  The hybrid nodded, his face an icy glacier. "I'm not gonna kill you, but I will make you pay for the attack at my gym. Give my regards to Bartholomew when you see him in Hell!"


  Erik spun and launched the powerful plasma blast down the hallway. The burning sphere sped into the vault erupting in a violent blue inferno. Gold, paintings, marble statues and other countless treasures were vaporized instantly as the vault itself dissolved.

  McMahon shrieked in utter agony racing toward the evaporating chamber. "You half-breed bastard! Do you know what you've done? You've destroyed billions of dollars in treasure! Priceless artifacts and wealth that can never be replaced" The demon spun toward them, its black eyeballs burning with fiery red flame.

  "What I've done is hurt you, Senator. I've caused you pain like you and yours have caused me and my wife. Maybe I can't kill you, but I can hurt you. Payback is a bitch and I've only just begun!" Erik launched another blast striking the demon in the chest, vaporizing it within a heartbeat. McMahon didn't even have time to scream as his flesh evaporated into nothingness. The empty space that housed the vault rumbled as thousands of tons of earth began to collapse and fill the void. The tunnel supports buckled and the sounds of tortured metal dominated the air.

  Denton pointed to the elevator. "We need to go, now, before this place falls in on us!"

  They sprinted into the elevator. Erik watched somewhat detached as the hallway imploded. The doors closed and they began to ascend. The cramped compartment jerking every so often.

  "Let's hope this thing holds together and we don't get stuck mid-way." Denton looked around nervously as the lights flickered.

  "There's not as much pressure against the elevator tube, Counselor. It runs vertical not horizontal. There isn't the immense weight sitting on it." Erik tapped the wall. "And the generator and motors are above ground."

  Denton nodded. "I hope for our sake you're right."

  The elevator chimed and the doors opened revealing the sunlit surface. Erik looked over at his friend and gestured toward the outside. "After you."

  The ground above the vault and long passageway collapsed into a large sinkhole. The aftershocks and tremors still reverberated throughout the grounds. The elevator shook. Groaning metal twisted and collapsed as the weakened structure sank into the ground swallowed by earth.

  Erik looked over at Denton sheepishly as they walked away. He tilted his head. "Or I could be wrong."

  Both men continued toward the awaiting limousine. The driver was finishing off a cigar. He looked puzzled as a dust cloud rose into the sky. The guards arrived to investigate the sounds caused by the destroyed vault and passageway.

  "What the Hell is going on?"

  Erik stared at the driver. "The senator's been unavoidably detained. He won't be needing a ride back to the capital." Erik pointed toward Martin, "We, however, do." Both men flashed their credentials. The guards' hands fell toward their weapons. Denton drew his.45. Erik made a gesture toward his friend. "Put the gun down, Counselor, let me handle this." He looked toward the guards raising a burning fist. "You don't need to get mixed up in this. Let's just pretend like none of this happened. We'll leave. You'll get to live another day and everyone will be happy."

  The guards stared at his burning fist. Each man nodded slowly and backed away. "I don't get paid enough for this shit," a guard mumbled as they walked back to the front gate.

  Erik looked at the driver. "We need a lift back to DC."

  "What about the senator?"

  Denton looked back at the collapsed landscape. "Senator McMahon won't need much of anything anymore—for a while at least, if he's to be believed."

  The driver shook his head. "I don't want to know. The less I know, the happier I'm gonna be."

  "Wise decision," Erik mumbled entering the car.

  The ride back to DC was quiet. Erik could sense his friend's uneasiness. "What's eating you Counselor?"

  "You were reckless back there. You almost got us killed!" Denton pointed an accusatory finger. "
I can't leap tall buildings in a single bound or punch through corrugated steel. If a mountain falls on me, I'll get crushed like an ant under a boot. You're on a vengeance vendetta, like with The Observers. Only the stakes are much higher." Denton's voice dropped. "You're playing with powers we simply don't understand. Do you want Lucifer putting a bull's-eye on your back? You vaporized a United States senator! How do we explain that away?"

  Erik folded his arms. "I vaporized a demonic entity masquerading as a human, who will undoubtedly be reformed or reanimated rather quickly, I assume, if we're to take the good senator at his word."

  Denton sighed heavily, his displeasure still obvious in tone and body language. "If you're going to wreak havoc, give me some advance warning and for the love of God keep me out of the firing line!"

  Erik nodded, considering Denton's claim. "I'm sorry, Martin. I should have found a way to tip you off when I realized what McMahon really was. As far as the cave in goes, I honestly believed the elevator shaft wouldn't be impacted."

  "Are you a geologist now?"

  Erik's face flushed. "No, I'm not."

  Several uncomfortable moments of silence passed.

  Erik turned to face his friend. "Martin, we have to take the offensive. We have to push back and make them feel some pressure, force them to react out of panic and to make a mistake or a rash move. We're behind here, by a great deal. I don't understand all that's going on between Dark and Light, and as McMahon and Collins both indicated, we're not getting the whole story, just one perspective." Erik shifted in the seat. "You know the game, Counselor, and you know the strategy I'm employing. I admit the stakes are higher, but the cost to me is my son. I didn't choose this and I didn't want it. I got dragged into it just like every other conflict. We need to shake the trees and see what falls out. That's always been the firm's strategy when we've needed leads or needed to flush out a rat or two. The same approach applies here. I know these beings are powerful, but they have to operate in stealth. No one in Washington wants to upset the balance. I believe humans, and the forces of evil and light just want the status quo. If we're going to find any leads on Molec we're going to get them from Lucifer's agents. And they're used to operating with near impunity at this point."

  Denton nodded. "I know what you're saying, and I agree to a certain point. But the wrecking ball approach may need to be dialed back just a few notches. Remember what our Vatican friends said about upsetting the balance?"

  "I remember, but keep in mind these are the same people that have been losing ground for the last four decades. They're holy men and women unprepared and unfit to engage in the kind of war being waged right now. They're not the folks I'd be taking strategic advice from."

  Denton frowned. "Touché. But they have more knowledge about what we're dealing with than we do. We can't just dismiss that either."

  Erik watched his friend as they sat in silence. The detective realized Martin was a late sixty-something year old man soon to retire. He had no business squaring off against superhuman entities let alone combating demonic forces. Erik's impulsive actions put his friend at risk and that was something he truly hadn't considered until this very moment. The realization ate at him like acid. "I do owe you an apology, Martin. I put you at risk. You're my best friend and I carelessly gambled with your safety. I am truly sorry, Counselor. It won't happen again."

  Denton smiled, easing the tension. "We're almost back to DC. What's our next move?"

  Erik returned the smile. Martin gave him the usual 'All is forgiven' treatment brushing the incident away while changing the subject back to work. "We know Molec went through Netherspace." Erik tapped the Sentient Staff hidden inside his jacket. "My little silver friend here has the ability to travel through that dark matter. I'm almost tempted to open a portal and see if I can pick up a trail."

  Denton frowned. "You told me Netherspace was a Seelak invention. Do you really want to tempt fate by getting sucked up in a dark void?"

  Erik sighed. "What I thought was some high-tech portal is just a demonic highway adopted by the Seelak for their own purposes during the war on their home world and here on Earth. But the staff can navigate it. As long as I have the staff I should be reasonably safe."

  "I suggest we stop by and see Congressman Anderson and let him know what's going on. Senator McMahon's absence won't go unnoticed for long. Perhaps he can shed some more light and point us in an Earthly direction in order to sniff out some other leads." Denton grinned wickedly. "And see just how much we've upset the applecart today."


  Congressional Offices. Washington DC

  Erik and Martin walked down the narrow basement hallway barely avoiding the mad rush of congressional aides and reporters. This area was far different from the lavish offices of the house speaker and the senate majority leader. Erik casually scanned the mass of scrambling bodies.

  "They all appear to be human. But then so did McMahon. There's no sense of any ethereal presence here."

  Denton nodded as they approached the end of the hallway. "These are small-time players, freshman representatives and some research staff and a page or two. I wouldn't expect much interest in these low level bureaucrats."

  Erik nodded. "Maybe, but these are the trenches. I'd want eyes and ears down here. I suspect there's more than meets the eye." The detective pointed. "There's Anderson's office. Let's see what else we can find out."

  Congressman Anderson shook his head in disbelief and frustration. "You can't just vaporize a United States senator, Agent Knight. Even if he is crooked and demonic, you've sent a shockwave through the other side and no one knows how they'll react."

  Erik shook his head, having already covered the ground earlier. The detective sighed heavily and steeled himself for another argument. "Congressman, it's up to you and your allies in Washington to keep up the pressure. A force that has to play defense doesn't have time to go on the offensive and act out. You and yours have been asleep at the helm for decades and have been run roughshod by your opponents. If both dark sides are preparing for war, and it appears that way, you better get your shit together and start planning for the same."

  Anderson shook his head stubbornly. "It's not that simple!" The congressman tossed a report toward Erik. "We're outgunned here. Humanity is already well on the way to corrupting itself without Molec's interference. The archdemon is frustrating Lucifer as much as he's frustrating us."

  Erik slammed his fist on the heavy desktop. "Then I would strongly suggest you get some reinforcements and get in the game or else all will be lost."

  "Your son and the cross were the keys to keeping evil at bay. We must have the cross back and the light bearer protected. Your escalation of hostilities only makes it harder for us to do our work."

  Denton tilted his head. "And what would that be? We're looking for the cross and trying to unearth the trail."

  Anderson rolled his eyes and walked over to a small panel. He pressed a series of buttons and the room seemed to brighten, reminding Erik of the White Room at Vatican City. "We're looking for the cross as well gentlemen. You're not the only forces we have scouring the planet and we're monitoring the politicians under Lucifer's control and trying to establish a dossier on who may be working for Molec in the capital. Your attempt to force our opponents on the defensive counters our overall strategy."

  Denton held out his hands. "What strategy? You seem to be sitting on you backsides letting us do the legwork." He coughed uncomfortably. "No offense."

  Anderson nodded. "That's the whole idea, Mr. Denton. We have all the movements and patterns of known and suspected servants of Lucifer. They all have similar habits and traits as well as attend similar work and social functions. We're looking for breaks in these known patterns, or people who start adopting them. We are watching and looking, I assure you." Anderson paused, sipping from a water glass. "You kicking over the ant hill will force our opponent to act differently, change behaviors and ruin years of surveillance and study. We know how Lucifer reacts
when kicked. We know how his puppets here respond to the dark lord's saber rattling and whims. Though you may find it hard to believe, more can be gained by watching and listening than by attacking outright. You've taken out a major player on that side and we don't know how they'll respond to that loss and we don't know if they'll attempt to retaliate in kind. Molec instigated the conflict, Agent Knight. Your pouring gasoline atop a burning pyre of flame escalates the problem rather than solves it."

  "So what should we do? Sit back while you keep watch and make notes? Has that recovered your relic? Has it gained you any footing in the overall battle for humanity? You know," Erik's voice dripped with sarcasm, "the war you're losing badly."

  Anderson stiffened at the rebuke "How God chooses to fight this war isn't your concern."

  Erik made a fist and took a step forward. "When God got my son involved, and nearly got my wife killed, it became my concern, Congressman. If God isn't happy then let Him come down off his cloud and fill me in."

  Anderson smirked. "Blasphemy doesn't help our impasse."

  "If I may be so bold," Denton interrupted. "What does God want us to do then? I thought we were doing His will by looking for the cross and trying to root out Molec? We identified where the cross was held. We identified who stole it and we know that the strange Netherspace portals were used to transport the item after the theft from Senator McMahon. It's a bit unusual to ask us to solve a problem you created then complain about the methodology employed when we are, in fact, producing results."

  Anderson flinched, involuntarily tensing his neck. "No one is questioning your results or your capabilities." He sighed heavily. "We…" He stopped himself. "Excuse me, they would rather you not totally disrupt our network inside the capital in your zeal to uncover the culprits and recover the artifact."

  Erik sensed there was another presence in the room. He couldn't see it or hear it but Anderson was being spoon fed his reply. The congressman became nervous and uncomfortable.


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