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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 13

by Greg Ballan

  "Tell our mutual allies I apologize profusely. Going forward, Martin and I will tread more carefully and avoid upsetting the anthills." The detective extended his hand and Anderson shook it gratefully. The detective could read the confusion on Martin's face. He nodded subtly toward his friend and mouthed later. "And if I'm to believe Senator McMahon, he'll turn back up before he's missed too much. If he's so important that Lucifer puts all his pieces back together again, you'll know he's worth paying extra special attention."

  "A solid point, Agent Knight." Anderson looked relieved and the color returned to his ashen face. The powerful presence that dominated the room vanished. "There's a bistro on the outskirts of DC called The Starlight. Many of the Beltway players loiter there. We've never had the inclination or need to investigate the establishment." Anderson cleared his throat, "Until now. I would suggest you go there and try to remain as inconspicuous as possible and see if your hyper attuned Esper senses can winnow out some type of lead." Anderson scribbled on a notepad tearing off the top sheet handing it to Erik. "I suggest hailing a cab and remaining as inconspicuous as possible. Rolling up in a limousine or unmarked government sedan would mark you a key player." Anderson rolled his eyes. "Just try not to maim or kill anybody of any great importance. The booze flows like water at the Starlight and secrets are traded like Pokémon cards." Anderson exhaled. "One more thing, Agent Knight, a message of a personal nature I've been asked to relay." Anderson took another breath. "There are divine eyes on Brianna Knight and those closest to you."

  Erik nodded. "Relay my sincerest thanks, please."

  Denton looked confused.

  "I'll explain it in the cab, Counselor." Erik headed toward the doorway into the busy hallway with Martin barely a step behind him.

  Anderson called out behind them. "Be careful, gentlemen. The Starlight is not friendly territory."

  Denton walked beside his young friend and whispered, "Why the sudden change of tune regarding our tactics?"

  "There was something else in there, some ethereal presence spoon feeding Anderson his speech. I gather the white light is the same kind of filter we encountered in Vatican City. I didn't want to get into another philosophical discussion anyway. Anderson looked nervous enough and I don't have the patience for it. It was easier to just go along to get along." Erik kept walking briskly toward the stairwell. "Washington stinks of ethereal interference from all sides. We have to find out how Molec is playing the game here and root out a few of his stooges." Erik pointed toward the exit sign. "We can catch a cab and be across town at this place in just under an hour."

  Denton nodded as the two men left the small DC office complex.


  The Starlight Bistro

  Erik and Martin sat on a large bench across the street from the Starlight. Erik hid behind a large newspaper, telepathically scanning people as they wandered in and out. "Anderson was right. There are a lot of heavy ethereal players here. The psychic essences I'm picking up are massive." The detective sighed. "And have the telltale mark of darkness."

  Denton folded his paper down, glancing across the street quickly. "Not to mention the human heavy hitters as well. I've seen five senior senators, and three members of the President's Advisory Council walking in during the last half hour. You were right. Washington is a cesspool of supernatural politics.

  Erik chuckled. "Well it's comforting in a weird way to know they're just as corrupt as we are."

  Denton shook his head. "Is it weird to say I'm somewhat disillusioned by all of this?"

  Erik smirked. "Why Martin, losing your faith already?"

  Denton laughed, lifting his paper back up. "I guess I'd make a poor disciple."

  Erik folded his paper and tossed in a nearby barrel. "I'm suddenly hungry. Let's go over and grab a bite to eat. Hopefully the food is good."

  Denton discarded his section of the DC Times and followed.

  It was obvious that both men were underdressed. The large bouncer scrutinized them as they got closer to the doorway, then blocked their path.

  "You need a tie and a decent dress shirt here, gentlemen. This isn't a McDonalds or Wendy's burger joint."

  Erik was about to bully his way past the bouncer when Martin stepped between them. "I completely understand, but we were rushed and our luggage is in the belly of some airplane due to arrive later tomorrow because of some trans-Atlantic screw up. Senator McMahon recommended this place to us personally. I was hoping you might have a few spare dinner jackets in the coat room that we could liberate for the evening. We've been stuck eating airport food and drinking crappy coffee since we left Paris. To top it all off, the senator got delayed and had to postpone our meeting this afternoon. He suggested we dine here and he'd try and come by later on."

  The bouncer took a step back whispering into a small microphone on his lapel. "I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll have some jackets delivered to you at Senator McMahon's personal table."

  Denton smiled warmly as they were escorted inside by two stunning hostesses.

  "Well done, Counselor."

  "I don't think the senator is in much of a position to care if we use his table or not. And if anyone here knows he's dead, they'll understand why we got the bum's rush. It's better than trying to bully our way in."

  They were seated at a large corner booth. A young waitress immediately walked over. "Welcome to the Starlight, gentlemen. How can I serve you today?"

  Denton smiled and asked for a table wine and some bread. The waitress complimented their choice and walked off.

  Several people at other tables eyed them with looks ranging from mildly amused to openly hostile.

  "They must know who we are."

  Denton shook his head slightly. "More likely they don't and that's what's causing the uproar … Anderson was right. This place is reserved for a darker, more evil clientele."

  A man dressed in an expensive suit approached their table. "Gentlemen, may I join you for a drink?"

  The man didn't wait for an answer before sliding into a chair. He waived a waitress over and ordered an expensive glass of brandy. "I didn't know the senator was expecting dinner guests." The stranger waited for Erik or Martin to offer some insight.

  "I don't believe we've had the pleasure," Denton whispered as he studied their uninvited guest.

  "I'm a very close friend of the senator. I'm usually informed when he's expecting guests."

  Erik's eyes grew hard. "Well, apparently you didn't get the memo. My friend and I prefer to dine alone this evening. Now if you don't mind, we'd like to be left in peace."

  The waitress returned with Martin's bread and table wine. She also placed a large platter of expensive cheeses, grapes and butters on the table. She slid a glass of brandy in front of their unwanted guest. The man ignored Erik's request to leave and instead reached for his glass. He held it up toward Erik. "To the long lost Esper race and their twenty thousand year war." The man drained his glass with one gulp and reached for a slice of bread.

  Erik's hand lashed out like a serpent, grabbing the man's wrist. "You made your point. You know who I am. Since you know, I'm gonna assume you know why I'm here." The detective increased his grip on the stranger's wrist. The bones creaked and the man winced in silent agony.

  Denton leaned over to Erik. "Ease up. We're attracting attention." The elder agent turned to face their guest. "The senator won't be coming for dinner tonight and maybe for several nights to come. We're not here for trouble. We just want information."

  The man rubbed his wrist, eyes narrowed. "You don't belong, Special Agent Knight, nor do you, Bureau Chief Denton. Yes, I know who you are. As for your reasons to be here, I'm not interested in aiding you, nor is anyone else here. This isn't a place for people with your affiliation."

  "What about people affiliated with Molec? Do they frequent this place?"

  The man's face hardened. "We don't discuss the archdemon. I ask that you finish your drinks and be on your way. Your kind isn't welcome here."
/>   The man stood and turned to leave.

  Erik shot out of his seat. He grabbed the stranger's shoulder and spun him back around. Several men stood from their booths as hands reached for concealed weapons.

  "Do you know what's going on? There's a war brewing. Battle lines are being drawn while you sit here in Washington playing your little games. Molec is playing with fire looking to instigate a war of mutual destruction. If he succeeds, your little slice of neutrality will be eviscerated and no one knows what kind of Hell on Earth will be unleashed on humanity. If you're human or partially human that has to frighten you. Your boss will lose. Light will lose." He released his grip on the man's shoulder. "We'll all lose." Erik gave the man's shoulder a light, easy tap. "I just want to find Molec and stop him. I promise you, I just want to stop Molec."

  The man studied Erik carefully. "Trust is a commodity in short supply, Special Agent Knight. The forces of Light are just as likely to deceive as we are and just as inclined to bend the rules by allowing the unauthorized conception of the Light Bearer, thereby accelerating the conflict."

  Erik sighed. "My son."

  The man nodded. "Yes, your son. So you see, hybrid, your motivations aren't as pure as you claim. There is a self-service core to your desire to find Molec and to stop this war. You wish to save your son, a child created to end all of darkness and herald in the second coming of your savior." The man took a slow step back. "To help you would bring about the end of mankind. Armageddon's Son should not have been allowed to come into being and the Ruby Crucifix should never have been stolen. I fear the war will come no matter what you or we do. We have crossed the point of no return." The man's face softened. "You think being Dark means being without feeling. Well you're very wrong. We live, we love and we have family just as you do. We're all pawns, hybrid. In this cosmic game of chess played by the lords of Light and Dark we are the disposable soldiers."

  Erik felt his eyes water. "You're wrong. I can stop this war. I just have to find Molec. Help me and I promise you the war can be avoided."

  The man shook his head sadly. "I believe your intent, Agent Knight, but you cannot change the course of destiny. You cannot stop what your God has decreed will pass. The war will come as long as your son is alive. I have no wish to kill your child, nor does Lucifer. We would rather the child simply go back to the ethereal realm. Molec, however, has no such civility or decency."

  The man turned and walked away, disappearing into a different room. The remaining patrons turned back to their private affairs and Erik sat back down.

  "We're not going to get anything here, Erik. Maybe this was a bad idea. We were made the moment we sat down." Denton took another sip of his wine.

  Erik frowned. "My gut's telling me there's more going on here than just a simple holiday spa for the dark side."

  Denton nodded. "Maybe so, but there's nothing we can do about it now. Nobody here is going to lift a finger to help us. Our guest was pretty much spot on. Why should they do anything to help us when it could ultimately lead to their destruction?"

  Their waitress brought over another basket of bread. She leaned in close to Erik. "I can help you. Meet me in the park across the street in ten minutes. My shift is over and we can talk away from all these ears and eyes."

  Erik nodded slightly, aware that other eyes were still watching. The waitress grunted softly, picking up his cue. She made a small fuss over Martin and then quickly walked away.

  "And the plot thickens," Denton whispered, tearing into another slice of warm bread while shielding his mouth with a napkin.

  Erik raised an eyebrow as he peeled the foil off a butter pad. "Or it could just be bait for a dead end."

  Denton took another sip from his wine glass. "Pessimist."

  The detective nodded. "That way I'm never disappointed, only pleasantly surprised."

  Martin drained his wine and sighed. "This may be Lucifer's café, but the wine is heavenly."

  Erik snorted, laid out two twenty dollar bills and stood. "Let's move Counselor, unless you want another bottle for the road."

  Both men shed their borrowed jackets and headed out, acutely aware of the eyes following them.


  Erik and Martin sat partially concealed in the park across from the bistro.

  "Are we being watched?" Martin adjusted his light jacket scanning the passersby.

  "No, I don't think so. If anyone was taking an interest in us I'd feel it, human or otherwise. The sensation is identical." Erik tilted his head. "On our three o'clock."

  Denton strained his peripheral vision and spotted a young woman approaching them cautiously. "That's her."

  The waitress walked by and the two men stood, following her for several hundred yards. She stopped by a massive fountain, sitting on a large bench. She motioned for them to join her. Erik sat on her left in silence while Martin took a casual stroll around the fountain before joining them.

  "No tails and nobody watching."

  Erik nodded. "I'm still reading the all clear too." He glanced down at the young woman. "I'm not one to question the motives of anyone willing to offer me information but," he looked directly into her eyes, "you're risking a world of hurt and possibly your very life by talking to us."

  The waitress closed her eyes. "I don't care anymore. I'm not going back to that place after we speak. I'm leaving, getting as far away from this hell infested cesspool as I can get."

  Erik wondered where one could hide from evil. "Fair enough. What do you know about Molec and where can I find him—or is 'it' more correct?"

  The waitress folded her arms. "My sister fell in with Molec last year. She was infatuated with him for some bizarre reason. The idiots inside the Bistro have no idea that Molec has acolytes in there, watching and listening to every word being said. That's how he keeps himself two steps ahead. He recruits from both sides and then uses them as information couriers. Molec is far from stupid and the Lords of Dark and Light have become far too lazy and complacent in their tedious conflict to even comprehend the idea of stealth."

  Martin leaned toward her. "If Molec is so lethal, why would you risk crossing him and earning his wrath? Who or what force can protect you?"

  "I don't care about protection anymore and Molec has already taken everything from me. He raped and brutalized my sister and bartered her soul as it still shrieked in agony from what was done to her body and her mind."

  Erik tilted his head. "He bartered her soul? I'm afraid I'm not too clear on that concept beyond what the words themselves literally imply."

  She looked up, fire in her eyes. "That's just what I mean. He snatched up her soul as it left her dead body and sold it like a yard sale trinket."

  Martin gasped. "Dear God! Is that even possible?"

  "For lords of the Ethereal Realm many things are possible. Even the most grotesque concepts you could imagine are mere entertainment for some breeds of demon and even some of the lesser lords of light."

  Martin shuddered. "That's awful."

  "Lucifer established a soul market several centuries ago during an age when men experimented in sorcery and worshiped false gods and idols. Human Sorcerers sacrificed their souls willingly for the power to summon the forces of darkness. As men's greed grew and the lust for power increased, more and more humans bartered their souls for power. At some point Lucifer made a pact with other major demons in other realms for non-human souls from other places and other worlds." The young woman shuddered. "These things were not meant to mix with humanity and the soul market has become a place for predators and cold-hearted demons looking for souls as food for nosferatu or whatever other creatures of the damned that devour such things. Souls are a source of great energy and can be used to power all kinds of divine and non-divine objects." She looked up at Erik. "Alien species, demonic entities from across the universe all come to this one point to sell, trade, and acquire souls, Agent Knight. And in all the known universe of all the sentient species, nothing is more valuable than the soul of an innoc
ent human. The pure energy of an unbound human soul is a commodity of the highest value."

  Erik's flesh crawled. "And you think Molec is hiding in this place. How do we find it?"

  The waitress shook her head. "I don't know where the market is. That's a tightly kept secret, but Molec isn't there. Lucifer's agents would recognize him eventually and get word back. Molec is no match for the fallen Lord of Light, only the current champion can face the fallen angel. As for the location, the market inhabits some dimensional pocket on Earth. I don't know where, but I know Molec has been there, only briefly, and his acolytes go there and make purchases to feed their hordes. But if he needs to hide briefly, the soul market would be a temporary reprieve and a gateway to other realms that use the market for barter. If you don't find Molec in his stronghold, the Soul Market, though it be dangerous, would be a good place to start looking for leads."

  Erik shook his head in disbelief. "I think I'm gonna be sick. This shit can't be real. There's a whole sick underworld existing right under our nose and we had absolutely no idea."

  Erik glanced over at Martin. The counselor's face was deathly pale, his eyes wide with shock and dismay. "Ma'am…"

  "Carla, my name is Carla."

  Erik nodded. "Carla, do you know where Molec is now?"

  Carla's face turned to stone, her eyes burning agates of hate. "Yes. He's hiding out in a puny suburban wasteland in Massachusetts. A town called Hopedale in a condemned mill. No one uses the building and the security guards that keep out trespassers are all on Molec's payroll." She looked directly into Erik's eyes. "Use your powers, Agent Knight. I've heard the talk about how strong you are. Promise me you'll kill that demon, avenge the death of my sister and free her soul. I know Molec took it to the market for trade. If her soul was devoured I'd have felt it."

  Erik wiped away the tears from her cheek. "I promise you I'll do everything I can. I wish I could give you some guarantee, but that'd be a lie and I won't lie to you."


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