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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 14

by Greg Ballan

  Carla stood, looking around carefully. "You have the mark of Light, Agent Knight. It's in your aura and your essence. I believe you. As for me, I'm leaving DC to find a tiny corner of the world and seek refuge in an oasis. I'm through with all of this."

  Martin and Erik watched as the young girl vanished into the sea of people.

  "Good luck, Carla, and thank you." Erik stared at the ground lost in thought.

  They sat in stunned silence for ten minutes, Erik's mind reeling at the revelation. "Hopedale, the sonovabitch is in my freaking backyard under my very nose and I didn't catch wind of it."

  "How would you know? We weren't looking for evil. We weren't aware of any of this shit until a few short weeks ago." Denton's hands ran though his iron gray hair.

  Erik nodded. "We need to get to Hopedale and do some recon. I know that building. It's an abandoned hulk in the middle of town." The detective shook his head and chuckled.

  "I think I missed the joke."

  "Molec is hiding in plain sight. There's nothing better than hiding right out in the open. In a million years I'd have never considered that place some sort of evil hideout." Erik frowned. "This demon is always one step ahead. Carla was right." Erik looked toward his friend. "Molec appears to have eyes and ears everywhere."

  Erik stood, stretched and flexed his left arm. "Counselor we need to catch a flight to Logan Airport and stake out the old mill to see exactly what we're getting into. Cars and people go by that structure constantly so we can't just barge in. Plus that place is a powder keg of dry, oil-saturated wood. One errant plasma blast and the whole place goes up like a roman candle."

  Denton feigned a heart attack. "Be still my beating heart. Agent Knight is suggesting caution."

  Erik grinned. "Wise ass." He laughed anyway. "C'mon let's exercise our agency travel cards and hop a flight. I think we've worn out our welcome in DC anyway. We can stop by Anderson's office and let him know what we've learned. I'm sure our Ethereal friends would love to pluck Molec from his little warehouse fortress."

  Chapter 6: A Deal with the Devil

  Hopedale, MA

  Erik adjusted his grip on the tree branch as the limb swayed with the heavy fall breeze. The tall tree gave him the perfect vantage point to observe the back of the abandoned factory. The darkness provided an additional sense of concealment behind the drying oak leaves. He pressed the red stud on his radio. "I see three men in the back and something larger and most definitely not human giving orders."

  "It looks black and dead from back here." Martin's voice echoed over the tinny speaker.

  Erik focused his enhanced vision around the facility. Powerful alien eyes climbed the upper ultraviolet frequencies. He spotted a dark translucent blister surrounding the entire abandoned facility. The high-powered floodlight's luminance was absorbed by the intangible barrier. "There's some sort of screen blocking out the lights. Can you see anything?"

  "I see the outline of the building, barely. The lights in the building are very dim. It's too dark to make out anything else."

  Erik followed the dome's outline. "The barrier ends at the very edge of the fence line. No wonder no one's complained. To every nearby house, it looks dead and uninhabited. I know they have a few guards patrolling to keep out the high school party crowd, but I imagine the neighbors probably welcome that. I wonder what they'd say if they knew what lived inside this structure." Erik took one last look, scanning the grounds from his perch. "I'm heading back to you. We need to form some kind of plan."

  Erik leapt from his perch, dropping fifty feet. After a brief walk he was back by his truck. Martin parked the vehicle by Bancroft Park, a neighboring roadway that bordered the large structure. The detective looked back, shocked. From that vantage, the warehouse looked completely abandoned. There was no evidence of any activity or sound. He opened the cab door and slid in. "Incredible"

  "What is?"

  Erik looked over as Martin took a sip from his coffee cup. "There's some kind of protective blip shielding the entire facility. It's absorbing most of the ambient light and sound. I can't imagine how it works during the daylight."

  "But you saw people and activity?"

  Erik nodded. "Yeah and a rather large 'un-person' that seemed to be supervising."

  "Molec?" Martin's voice jumped two octaves.

  Erik shook his head. "I don't think so. I don't think Molec is the type who wants to sully his hands. If there's one demon, I'm assuming, like roaches, there are more I didn't see inside. Carla's intel was spot on."

  "I don't know why our allies couldn't just come here and do this. Anderson could have passed what we learned along rather than sending us." Denton slurped the dregs of his coffee and crushed the empty cup.

  "Like he said, demons were angels once, a long time ago. They can sense each other, as soon as one of the Ethereal soldiers of light popped in, I imagine all sorts of alarms would go off. Also, the kind of power unleashed during an all-out assault would level that building. If this building goes up, a lot of innocent lives are gonna go with it. It's smack dab in the middle of town, not to mention the water source that runs underneath could be tainted by the fire and destruction. We're going to have to get real close before we summon our friends and pray that we get the jump on them before a bolt of fire or any other type of energy is unleashed inside that giant tinderbox."

  Denton sighed. "I can't climb a tree, I don't know how I'm gonna clear that twelve foot fence."

  Erik turned toward Martin. "I don't want you in this fight, Counselor. There's a chance this could go totally FUBAR and the farther you're away from this place, the safer."

  "I can't. I need to do this, Erik. I need the closure. I need to be there. If it goes bad, it goes bad. I'm willing to take that chance." There was steel in Denton's voice.

  Erik frowned increasing his grip on the truck's steering wheel. He didn't want Martin in this fight. "I understand, but just remember what you said about reckless."

  "I know Erik, but I can't walk away from this, not now."

  "Okay, I have an idea that will get us close, then we can call in the cavalry. I have no doubt somebody somewhere on a puffy cloud is watching us anyway."

  Denton opened the truck door. "Let's go. It's getting cold out and my blood is too thin to be out in these elements for a long period of time."

  Erik tilted his head, bewildered. "Let just hope we don't wind up in a place that's really warm and requires lots of sunscreen and lip balm."

  "Amen," Denton whispered as they moved toward the foreboding structure.

  Erik and Martin crept toward the fence, using the thin tree line as concealment.

  "Okay, now how do I get over the fence?"

  Erik didn't answer. He scooped up his friend and leapt over the barrier, landing lightly on the other side. He carefully placed a stunned Martin back on the ground.

  Denton took a breath to recapture his dignity. "We tell no one about that!"

  Erik studied the warehouse. The lights were clearly visible again and he could see even more people and demons busily moving among the crumbling dock. "Mum's the word, Counselor, but we have bigger fish to fry at this point." He gestured toward the dock as they took cover behind a large dumpster."

  Denton watched cautiously. "Incredible. None of this is visible from the street and we drove right by this!"

  Erik nodded. "Right now I'm going to take some safety precautions. I hope you don't mind getting wet."

  Denton squinted and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't follow you."

  "There's a heavy cloud layer over head. I'm gonna help things along." Erik's eyes radiated a blue energy and his hands gestured toward the clouds. "ARAHKANA SOLOTH KANA ALAYU." The hybrid chanted the same verse three times and the heavens unleashed a downpour of chilling rain.

  Denton looked over at his friend. "What now?"

  "Now we wait until the clouds finish their work. The building will be soaked and so will the timbers. There won't be as much chance of a fire now. I'm not taking any
chances. Plus the rain keeps our scent down and will hopefully buy us a few more minutes. I'm wondering how long it's gonna be before something sniffs us out. We can't get any closer. There's nothing to use for cover."

  Both men crouched patiently, counting the minutes. After ten minutes had passed, the rain tapered off to a drizzle, then stopped altogether.

  "I think it's time to call in the shock troops and get this over with. There isn't going to be a better time. They're all back inside." Erik reached inside his jacket and freed his sentient staff. Blue lightning danced up and down the powerful silver cylinder as it expanded. The weapon growled fiercely, anticipating combat. Erik closed his eyes and looked to the stars. "Now would be a good time to clean up the garbage."

  A flash of white light illuminated the darkness and six powerful Soldiers of Light materialized. Erik recognized the leader. It was the being he'd spoken to in his office earlier.

  "Let the battle commence." The blond warrior looked over at Martin. "Stay hidden, human. These demons will take your soul, or worse."

  Denton shook his head. He freed a massive glowing pistol from his holster. "Not this time. I came prepared for this!"

  The Ethereal shook his head. "As you wish, human!"


  Molec studied his captured prize. He could detect minute fractures forming in the ectoplasmic sphere. No matter how much dark power he applied, the demon couldn't boost the vessel's containment power. It was already causing him and his companions discomfort to be in the same room with the object. "Even this safe cannot contain the cursed thing." Molec covered the sphere with Talithim cloth and pushed the cart holding the sphere back into the large safe.

  A nosferatu's eyes popped open. Dead, black pupils dilated in fear, the creature looked toward its master and shrieked a banshee like warning call. Molec's flesh tingled and he knew. "How?" The archdemon looked through several cameras to see six soldiers accompanied by the human hybrid soldier and his elder companion. "No!! Curse you, Erik Knight and all that you are! I will have your still-beating hybrid heart on a skewer!" The enraged demon turned to his forces. "Kill them all but bring me the hybrid, alive! Barely alive! I want to suck his soul from his still living body so he can watch in horror!"


  They approached the warehouse and Erik spotted the cameras. "They know we're here."

  "They knew the second we materialized. Be ready."

  Erik's staff crackled with raw power. The weapon's angry roar pierced the quiet. EASY, WE'RE GONNA FIGHT, BUT WE'RE GONNA BE SMART! The staff settled a bit.

  "There!" Martin shouted, pointing the large weapon's barrel at large scalloped doors which opened. Several humans and inhumans raced toward them. Before anyone could react, Martin fired eight shots. A flash of blinding white light followed each blast. Erik watched as five charging demons were consumed in a purple fire while the three human soldiers evaporated in amber flame.

  The tall, blond ethereal soldier looked back at the old man, impressed. Denton nodded slightly, his face set in stone as he changed glowing ammunition clips. "I made a few contacts in the firm that are familiar with divine weaponry. I borrowed this for a few days."

  There was no more time for talk. Molec's other forces fell upon them.

  "The nosferatu are taking flight!" Erik shouted as he engaged a snarling eight-foot monstrosity. The beast snapped at him with razor sharp tusks and claws. Erik raised his staff deflecting a powerful slash with the edge of his weapon. He tilted his head backward as massive jaws snapped for his throat. Thigh and calf muscles exploded propelling him forward, driving the tip of his staff through the creature's throat. The weapon exploded out the back of its neck amidst a sea of bloody ichor. Erik jerked the weapon back, swung the staff in a figure eight pattern, then slammed the alien metal down on the beast's skull. The creature dropped as purple ichor hemorrhaged from its ears.

  Another demon lunged for him. There was no time to think, he could only react. This one was smaller but had a whip-like tail that reminded him of the original Seelak warrior he'd fought years earlier. This demon was fast, and it took all his power to block the dizzying array of attacks, which forced him backward step-by-step. A sharp lance of pain tore through his back as the creature's tail skewered his torso. Warm blood flowed from the wound staining his clothing and pooling on the filthy soil. He fought on, desperately executing an endless array of defensive maneuvers, never able to launch a proper counterstrike. His body absorbed more punishment as he blocked super powered fists and hoofed feet. The demon got careless and Erik lunged forward, snapping out three trip hammer jabs. Each blow landed solid with a resounding thump. The demon's eyes narrowed, becoming slits of burning rage. It charged, skeletal thin arms flailing wildly. Erik spun his torso, unleashing a spinning back kick. His foot slammed into the creature. He swung his staff in a horizontal arc, timing the weapon's impact perfectly with his kick. The combined force of both blows stunned the creature, knocking it back ten feet.

  Erik took a moment to refocus. These beings were powerful, unlike human opponents. The creature he felled leapt back up, charging forward and hissing angrily. Razor sharp claws readied to rend his flesh from bone. The tail whistled forward like a cobra to pierce him again. The hybrid twisted his body and snapped his hand forward, grabbing the prehensile appendage. Erik gathered his strength and yanked on the tail as hard as he could while launching a powerful sidekick into the creature's lower back. A sick crackling sound accompanied the impact of his kick. A shriek of pain and agony broke through the haze of combat as the limp tail now hung lifeless in his grasp, the other end ripped from the demonic torso by the opposing forces. The crippled demon fled, leaving a trail of greenish blood back into the warehouse.

  HOW BAD ARE YOU INJURED? A voice echoed I his head.

  I'LL BE FINE, I'M ALREADY HEALING, he projected back.

  Several gunshots caused him to turn. Two creatures beset Martin. The demons didn't appear to be affected by his special rounds. Erik raised his staff and focused his will, unleashing a searing blast of high-energy plasma. The blue energy slammed into one demon burning a gaping hole through its large torso. The second one turned to face Erik. Another gunshot rang out. The second demon's head split like a melon, its body falling forward, limbs shaking violently as it was consumed by purple fire. Martin gave him a thumbs-up gesture as he reloaded another clip into his weapon. Erik heard another scream.

  A winged angel slammed into the cement with a skeletal nosferatu clamped onto it. The demon's claws had pierced the soldier's white armor and the creature was sucking away on the ethereal life force, feeding like a hungry leech. The angel struggled, pummeling the gaunt yet powerful demon, but was weakening quickly. Erik looked up at the dark sky pointing toward the demon, AH EXOTAR ANAHK!!

  A jagged bolt of lightning raced from the sky, slamming into the demon, unleashing hundreds of thousands of volts. The creature shrieked and exploded into tiny smoking shards of ash. The accompanying thunderclap shattered all the window panes in the warehouse. The winged ethereal soldier stood and nodded a wordless thanks before engaging another of Molec's creatures.


  Erik ducked a searing fireball and cartwheeled away from a bolt of amber flame. I HAVE AN IDEA. PULL OUR FORCES BACK AND PROTECT MARTIN! Erik projected to the ethereal forces. The hybrid stared up at the night sky shouting in his alien tongue. Another searing bolt of lightning plunged to Earth. The bolt struck his staff and he redirected the force through seven separate arcs of energy, each one impacting a demonic foe. Five of the demons vaporized while the other two stumbled back into the warehouse, smoking from charcoaled flesh. The four remaining human servants dropped their weapons and fled, running toward the opposite end of the warehouse looking to escape the forces of light. "We need to move now." He looked over at Martin. "How are you doing, Counselor?"

  Sweat streamed from Denton's forehead and he panted, but th
e old man gave a thumbs-up gesture, then snapped another clip of glowing ammunition into his weapon. "I'm ready for more."

  The forces of Light rushed forward, smashing through the feeble wood and cast iron doorway. The noxious smell released from the dark corridor caused Erik and Martin to gag. Denton bent over and vomited violently, each breath making him gag even more.

  "For the love of God, what is that wretched smell?" Denton placed a handkerchief over his nose and mouth.

  The blond leader looked over at the old man. "It is the scent of Hell." The being pointed down the corridor. "Molec has been here for a while, making his minions at home in this place." The divine soldier spun around, heading deeper into the corridor. The being raised his massive ivory and silver blade, his grip tightening on the fearsome sword. WE CANNOT WAIT, WE MUST MOVE FORWARD QUICKLY! His words echoed in their minds.

  Erik focused on his staff. He needed a different weapon for such close quarter combat. KATANA! The six foot Sentient Staff transformed into a sleek, lethal samurai sword which could be wielded more effectively in the tighter space. He moved forward, hybrid senses on full alert, doing his best to ignore the foul odor that saturated the area.

  The corridor emptied into a large open space, easily a hundred feet long and half as wide. The dry, rotted wood floor was covered in layers of black filth. Several alien-looking barrels dripped their contents, forming a toxic ash-colored paste. The scent of oil and alcohol hung in the air.

  "No energy blasts of any kind in here!" Erik warned. "Those weird demonic barrels are leaking some kind of flammable distillate, and these timbers are bone dry and saturated with God knows what kind of chemicals. This whole place is a toxic bon fire just waiting to happen." Erik's senses detected the distinct pattern of the Ruby Crucifix. He looked over at the ethereal soldier. "I can sense the cross." He pointed toward the adjoining doorway. "The presence is strongest that way, but I can't sense any other energies." The agitated detective cursed violently. "That bastard got away again!"


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