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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 22

by Greg Ballan

  Anderson nodded. "Since you're actually exercising common sense, I have something for you both, provided you promise me you'll only do reconnaissance work."

  Erik nodded and extended his hand. "You have my word."

  Anderson clasped his hand, then reached into a lower desk drawer. He placed two green amulets on the desktop. "These amulets mask your aura. You, my hybrid friend, have been branded with the mark of a warrior of Light, whether you like it or not Divinity has marked you." Anderson looked over at Denton. "You too have been marked as a guardian. The link between you two has been sealed: Warrior and Spirit Guide if I were to fall back on Native American folk lore." Anderson slid the amulets across his desk. "The energy from these stones will mask your essence and make you appear as a Greylord, completely neutral and non-partisan in the Eternal Conflict."

  Denton frowned. "Greylord? There's yet another layer we don't know about?"

  Anderson laughed. "Mr. Denton, there are layers of mystery and ethereal beings that even I don't know about, nor do I wish to. Greylords existed before this universe was formed. They inhabited the cosmic vacancy that this space and time supplanted. These beings come and go as they please in and out of space and time, and have no interest or stake in the battle we fight. They simply exist and wait for this universe to come to an end so they can inhabit the void once again. Neither side sees them as ally or enemy so they're paid no heed."

  Erik's jaw dropped. "They existed before our universe was formed. Holy shit, and I felt insignificant before."

  "They are but one of many old powers, Agent Knight," Anderson replied. "Earth has appeal to many diverse beings. The bounty of life energy on this planet knows no rival. It is a beacon for many. As you saw at the Soul Market, that bounty can be harvested for malicious purpose." Anderson sighed. "But let's get back to the matter at hand. Keep those amulets on your person and you will be read by all as a Greylord. No ethereal will approach you and you can observe and gather information freely. Without their cover you would be identified immediately and the proprietors would do everything within their power to eject you both." The Congressman pointed toward the detective. "Your exploits at the Soul Market have spread throughout the Multiverse." Anderson chuckled. "Never in my life have I seen one individual piss off and annoy such a wide variety of organic and divine life forms. You are certainly a vortex of mayhem. Tread lightly and carefully in this establishment, you will have no friends there. This version of the Starlight is a cesspool of evil and corruption. Any human there has sold his or her soul to darkness and has surrendered any claim to humanity. Even the wait staff is pledged to darkness." Anderson leaned forward, eyes intent, "You will be alone. If you find Molec there or you find the relic, leave the place and summon aid outside. You will be unable to contact the forces of Light once you enter."

  The detective studied the amulet before slipping it in his pants pocket. "Understood. Can you arrange a ride for us?"

  Anderson nodded. "You'll need a change of clothes, too." He snapped his fingers. "Do you have your Esper weapon? If so, you'll have to leave it behind. You cannot carry it there. It too will be sensed. Even the gemstone cannot shield a weapon so powerful."

  "I sent the staff back to Vatican City to protect EJ and Shanda. I trust our allies, but I feel better having the weapon there if needed." Erik and Martin displayed their standard agency pistols. "Will these cause a ruckus?"

  "Greylords don't carry guns. If you must be armed, keep them out of sight. But bullets will be of little use to you."

  Denton flashed a wicked grin. "We have special rounds just for these ethereal types, I liberated another batch from the firm before we flew up here."

  Anderson shook his head. "Gentlemen, I implore you not to embark on your pattern of rampage. Get the needed intelligence and withdraw. We cannot afford a Soul Market incident here."

  "There won't be one," Erik assured. "We're not looking for trouble. I'm saving my rage for Molec."

  Anderson nodded. "I'll have the proper attire delivered to your hotel room, I know someone who can make a reservation for you. One does not simply walk into this place. Even a Greylord would need a reservation. That access card will verify your credentials.


  The Starlight Exclusive Club. Lower Washington, DC

  "This suit itches and I look like a damn thunder cloud." Denton shifted uncomfortably in their spacious booth adjusting his heavy suitcoat.

  Erik nodded and tilted his black sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, gesturing at his own charcoal grey sleeve. "They take the grey in Greylord to an extreme." He sipped his water quickly slipping his dark glasses back up as a waitress approached. Blood red eyes studied each man. Erik felt a telekinetic power probing him. The jewel in his suit coat pulsed and the women shuddered as if something slapped her.

  "I don't like people poking where they're not invited." Erik turned toward her doing his best to project hostility.

  "My apologies. I've never encountered a Greylord in this establishment. I needed to be sure." She took a deliberate step back.

  "Is there a problem?" A tall gangly man in an impeccable suit approached.

  Denton looked up. "There was a question regarding our identity. I believe the matter has been settled." His voice was frosty.

  "We are honored to have Greylords in our establishment. I'll have your drinks brought over immediately." He grabbed the waitress, dragging her away. Erik could hear the man scolding her under his breath.

  "These jewels are as good as Anderson claimed." The detective focused his Esper powers. "Time to go mind fishing." Erik took a deep breath and opened the telekinetic receptors he normally kept shielded. Hundreds of random thoughts avalanched into his head.

  We can't sneak these funds through.

  Where can I bury the body?

  If my wife finds out about my affair, she'll take me for every penny.

  How can I get rid of my husband?

  I just wanna take you home and screw you.

  That waitress has a great ass!

  I'd sell my soul to get out of this mess!

  I need the vote on this bill to fail. I'll have to bribe everyone on the subcommittee.

  We can't possibly move ten million without anybody knowing.

  If this came out we'd all be ruined!


  Erik frowned. "Just random thoughts, none of them pertinent to our situation. I'm still winnowing though all the clutter."

  The waitress came back and placed two tall, slim glasses filled with ice and lime green bubbling liquid. "Mr. Potts, the owner of this establishment sends you his regards. He knows Greylords are fond of this concoction. It's on the house."

  "Thank you."

  Denton stared at the glass. "We're being watched. I think we're expected to drink this concoction."

  Erik picked up the glass and cautiously took a sip of the liquid. "It's lime Gatorade, vodka and soda water." Erik frowned, "and some other type of flavored liquor. Greylords have unusual drink preferences."

  Denton took a deep swig and nodded. "It really isn't bad. I may have to keep this in mind."

  Erik raised his glass and took another sip. "Cheers."

  When do they attack Vatican City?

  Erik flinched as the thought registered. He focused his senses on that particular thought and concentrated, filtering out everything else but that singular mental pattern.

  Molec's forces are massing. We have to move our assets out quickly!

  We have to get our money out of Rome! That idiot is going to unleash chaos!

  Erik turned slightly, locking down the source. Two men were frantically whispering in a corner, neither one happy. "Something's going down, Counselor, Vatican City is in danger!" Erik hissed. "We need more details." He pointed to the men. "Let's gather up the gnats and have a conversation."

  More thoughts registered. Must blockade the city and kill the hybrid child.

  Erik stood, his eyes burning fires of aqua energy that even the da
rk glasses couldn't shield. "They're gonna kill my son!"

  "Erik, no! You can't go off like a cannon here. If they're planning an attack, we have to pass on the intelligence. You promised not to go rogue!" Martin gestured toward the seat. "Sit down. Let's finish our drink, leave a fat tip, and get out of here. We now know what Molec is planning so let's get the information to Anderson so we can prevent the disaster."

  Erik sat slowly, ignoring the few curious stares. He drained his glass with one gulp, slammed it back down on the table. The frustrated detective took a crisp twenty from his wallet and slipped the bill under some silverware. "I know. I'm sorry. We act out here, we give away our advantage to Molec and he knows we're on to his plan. I get it, but my son and my wife are in Vatican City and I'm not there to protect them." Erik flexed his arms and the suit coat fabric strained under the pressure of bulging muscle. "I'm done. Let's get out of here. The sooner we pass this along, the better for all concerned."

  Denton took two more sips and nodded. "I understand, believe me I do. But your staff is there and it vaporized the last threat. I'm sure it'll do the same to any other. Plus there's no way Molec could successfully attack such a holy place without a devastating response from Light's army." He placed his empty glass on a napkin and nodded. "Let's go pass along the intel."

  Erik nodded as he stood. "What you're saying makes perfect sense, but I'm getting that buzzing in the back of my head, even in here. Something's wrong, Martin, terribly wrong."

  No one approached them. In fact, the crowd seemed to part as they moved toward the door. Erik wondered just how powerful these beings were that existed outside of the known universe.

  As they approached their limousine, Erik's Esper senses fully engaged. His telepathic link to Shanda and EJ was severed. He stumbled and grabbed his head, struggling to cope with the sudden loss of their presence.

  Martin helped his friend into the car. "Are you okay now? You scared the bejeezus out of me back there!"

  Erik nodded. "Sorry. I'm okay. I think the attack is already under way." Erik closed his eyes, attempting to summon Michael as he'd done before. "Nothing! My direct line to the Ethereals seems to be closed. Can you get Anderson on your cell?"

  "I'm trying but I keep getting dumped straight to voice mail." Denton dialed another number. "The firm's Washington line is jammed too." The old man slipped the phone in his pocket. "I don't have Esper senses but something feels wrong in my gut. The firm's lines are never jammed and we have Anderson's direct office line. I don't like this. Denton leaned forward. "Driver, we need to get back to DC as soon as possible."


  Washington, DC

  Martin and Erik were escorted into Anderson's office. The man was frantic, pacing back and forth, talking heatedly into his phone. He looked over at Erik and shook his head. Erik's gut tightened. Anderson hung up the phone cursing, his body shaking.

  "How bad is it?"

  Anderson activated his flat screen television. CNN was reporting live from Rome. Vatican City was hidden under a massive plume of black. A gigantic onyx dome covered the city. Audible screams and wails of agony sounded from the speakers and intermittent brilliant white light appeared and arcs of energy flashed above and around the darkness. A reporter shrieked in terror as hideous malformed creatures ran amok in the streets chasing humans. Something huge and scaly approached the reporter. Her shrieks silenced abruptly and static filled the screen. The image jumped back to a local newsroom and a terrified news anchor. Anderson flipped through several other channels to see variations of the same scenario.

  A white phone on the congressman's desk rang. He picked up the receiver. His face paled as he nodded several times. "I understand. God help us all." Anderson collapsed in his chair.

  "What is it?"

  "Vatican City is blockaded. We cannot get through. The forces protecting her have been overwhelmed by this unprecedented attack. We've lost all communication with the holy city. The forces of Light are gathering for war and we can only assume the same is being done on the other side." Anderson's voice trembled. He looked up, color drained from his face. "The Ethereal War has begun. Evil is running amok all over Rome and innocent people are being slaughtered."

  "I need to get there. My wife and my son are trapped!"

  Anderson pointed toward the white phone. "Light knows you're here." A tear rolled down his cheek. "Will you fight? Will you take up the cause for humanity? This isn't just about your family, Agent Knight, it's about saving all of us. Molec has triggered the end. Demons are running amok contrary to God's law. If Heaven's army is unleashed, Lucifer will also unleash his forces and this planet will be destroyed in the conflict. You have to be the stop gap. You have to aid the remaining forces still battling for Vatican City before they all fall."

  Erik gave a firm nod. "I'm going to personally break Molec in half with my bare hands."

  "Will you fight, hybrid? Will you fight for the survival of humanity?"

  The detective clenched his fists. "Yes. Given the circumstances, I have no choice anymore."

  Martin placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm in too."

  "No, Counselor. This is a fight I'm going into in full Esper mode. I'm going to harness all of Jakor's power and skill. He's fought this type of battle before and I'm going to use his experience along with my power to unleash my own brand of Hell on Molec's army. I don't want you anywhere near when this goes down."

  Denton ignored his friend. "I can lead some forces in Rome to deal with the overflow of demonic activity. The firm has weapons for this kind of problem." He opened his suit coat, displaying his specially modified guns. "I know we're involved in this. Maybe I can't fight like my friend here but I can clean up the demonic trash killing innocent civilians and I can lead some forces to keep the threat contained."

  "Agreed," said Anderson. "I'll call the firm and we'll have a special team readied and a cargo bird prepped to take you all to Rome."

  Erik slammed his fist on the desk. "Damn it! That'll take hours. If I had my staff I could open a portal and get there in an instant."

  "No." Anderson disagreed vehemently. "You open a portal, every demon will know the second you arrive and be on you like flies on horse poop. Netherspace is a demonic highway and right now it's full of evil traffic. Besides, this is a special bird. She can move eighty tons of cargo at Mach 4 plus she has plenty of teeth. Call it a byproduct of our Area 51 research. We'll get you there quickly. The remaining Ethereal forces we have on Earth are already rallying. If we fail, Michael and Raphael will intercede, and Lucifer will engage them in an effort to take this world. We'll all perish if that happens."

  Martin narrowed his gaze. The old man looked flummoxed. "Why won't God intercede? If he wants humanity to survive and keep his 'Son' safe why not just snap his fingers and end all this?"

  Anderson met Martin's gaze. "Look at the world Mr. Denton. Everywhere we look God is being expunged on our planet. We've dropped the very mention of God in our schools, in our courts, and in our hearts. Look at the music and movies that dominate our culture. They are a cesspool of depravity. Man has come to serve money and secular humanism. We've been given free will and we've chosen poorly. God will not directly intercede, but He will act through His forces if the rules governing his worlds are violated. These actions violate those rules, if we cannot correct them, war will follow and God's legions will unleash His fury just as Lucifer's legions will battle to take this world. If God were honored and respected, perhaps He would intercede as you suggest. Sadly that isn't the case for this planet." Anderson pointed toward the old man. "You yourself were a devout Atheist just weeks ago, were you not? Yet now you ask for God's intervention. Even your powerful hybrid friend had little to do with God prior to the incidents that brought him into this war." Anderson pointed at Erik. "And you, Erik, would you fight so hard if your wife and child were not endangered? If God sought you out on your own for such sacrifice would you have made it freely and willingly?"

  Erik look
ed away, uncomfortable at the accusation. "Based on my harsh prior experience with the church and the molestation of my step brother, I would have said no if a man asked me. If approached by God or Michael, I would have fought." Erik looked back at Anderson. "If God wasn't happy with the way shit played out, he should have hired a better PR firm than the corrupted Catholic Church. You guys aren't doing yourself any favors with all the bad PR over the last few decades." The detective spun. "And don't lecture me, Congressman. I'm in no mood. If God wanted things to be different maybe 'He' should have played a more active role. If God knows all, He should have seen this coming. I'm sick of rules and I'm sick of being pushed around on your blasted chess board. My patience is at an end. I trusted you to keep my wife and child safe and all I get in return for my assistance in chasing down your wayward demon is my family in cosmic jeopardy smack dab in the middle of your holy war! You've carped at how I do my job and the way I do my job and frankly I'm sick of all of it." Erik jabbed his finger at the congressman. "To be blunt, Martin and I have had more success hunting down Molec than all of your heavenly hosts put together! I admit we've caused some carnage but then again you knew that was gonna happen and since we're being honest, lets lay all the fucking cards on the table." Erik slammed his fist on a table, crushing the top into splinters. "That's exactly what you wanted us to do despite all your protests to the contrary. You wanted us to come in and shake shit up! You wanted us to push Molec and keep him off balance. You wanted to rattle the evil cages in DC and send a shockwave to Lucifer's Washington contacts." The detective took a step toward the congressman. "And the Soul Market? Did you really think I'd just accept that I'd find my mother's soul at random and not be suspicious? You must have known if I went there, I'd find her and what I'd do, which means someone on your side knew she was already a captive there! You and Michael knew exactly what I'd do once I found her soul. You knew I'd free her and you knew the place would be scrapped by those security forces. I gave you the excuse to go in there and bust it up. You knew what was going on but you needed proof and a reason to intercede. Sending us there was a twofold gesture. We pushed Molec, yes, but we ultimately gave you an excuse to shut the place down and gather an advantage you wouldn't have had without human interference based on your bizarre rules of engagement." The detective paced back and forth. Anderson appeared more uncomfortable as the detective tied more events together. "If you were so concerned about neutrality, you wouldn't have given up your Washington opposition so willingly. You wanted me to rattle the House Speaker. You knew I'd find Senator McMahon's cache and you probably knew I'd make the bastard pay for what was done to me earlier." Erik looked over at Martin. The old man was stunned.


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