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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 23

by Greg Ballan

  "This whole thing was a set up?"

  Erik nodded. "Martin, I'm getting that vibe and the more I think about it, the more the pieces are coming together that way. They needed a way to get me involved. What better way than to give me a child with divine province?" Erik spun back toward Anderson. "Then you took advantage of William Denton's death, already knowing my relationship with Martin. You knew once the powder puffs at Vatican City couldn't solve his son's murder, he'd come to me and eventually I'd come here. You knew that was the way in." Erik's voice dropped to a deadly baritone. "You played us like a couple of chumps. We were the bullets in your loaded gun, and you just pointed in the direction you wanted and squeezed the trigger letting us unleash the havoc your ethereal overlords were forbidden to do under the cover of solving a murder and protecting my family."

  Martin stumbled forward in shock. "No, no that can't be right." He looked at Anderson, desperate. "Tell me you didn't play on my grief like that." Denton's right hand reached for his pistol.

  "Tell me!"

  The Congressman barely flinched. "Take your hand away from your gun. You're not going to kill me." Anderson's tone was gruff, nails on a chalk board. The mild demeanor vanished. "Of course we used you, both of you. But that doesn't make the danger you were in any less real, Special Agent Knight. Your son was brought forward to draw Molec out and end his threat forever. We had to up the timeline for Armageddon's Son and we needed someone with enough power and courage to bear the burden and keep the child safe while at the same time combat the forces both at Molec's and Lucifer's command. Once the child was revealed, we knew all literal Hell would break loose. Who better than a genetic mutant human with the DNA of an Esper soldier to serve as guardian?" Anderson sat down, ignoring the ringing phones on his desk. "You were the right man at the right place at the right time for our forces, Agent Knight."

  "He's my son. You deliberately put my son in danger, and my wife. She was nearly killed and brutalized by some godforsaken ghoul. Was that part of your divine plan, too?"

  Anderson steepled his hands. "Nobody predicted the attack on your wife or your son. We had assigned them protection as you well know. Molec was a few steps ahead of us and we grossly underestimated his audacity and cunning." The congressman took a deep breath. "Since you're fond of honesty, let me tell you something else; the boy isn't solely your biological son."

  Erik shook his head. "You're wrong. He's an Esper, Shanda saw it. I felt it during the battle in the parking lot. They said he was my son."

  "Yes, genetically he has your markers because he was willed to be your offspring, but EJ is so much more than you imagine. He's not just your son. He's divinely engineered from many sources. Yes, you were picked to nurture him. Yes, your genes are part of him, the biological organic building blocks, but to say you are his father oversimplifies his cosmic significance. Biologically you are his father. But in the cosmic sense, Erik, you're not. You are more than human, and your son is so much more than you, me or any being alive in this universe. You were the perfect anomaly as I stated earlier, and we used you to further our purposes and lay a scheme to rid this plane of a great evil." Anderson's face softened slightly. "I'm sorry for the subterfuge, really. But I was given my instructions to follow." He gestured toward the ringing white phone on his desk. "Agent Knight, I can't explain all of this to you, nor do I have the time or patience to justify the actions taken to save this world. You're far too clever for your own good. We figured if you were kept busy enough, you wouldn't see through the ruse." Anderson glanced over at another phone, "Right now you two have a choice to make. Refuse to fight and sacrifice your family or get on the Mach 4 transport with the tactical team I'll be assembling and prevent Molec's forces from taking Vatican City and hopefully avert the inevitable war about to happen."

  Martin and Erik were silent. Erik glanced over at his old friend. Denton's hands shook, his face blood red to match the fire in his amber eyes. One hand clenched, knuckles white. The other slipped inside his jacket, smoothly freeing the large demon slayer pistol. The man was deliberately holding back tears. Before Erik could react, Denton squeezed the pistol's trigger and fired. The bullet grazed Anderson's right arm. Blood flowed from the torn flesh. "You knew my son was going to die, didn't you? You needed that death to set this complex play in motion." Denton locked the barrel of his gun on Anderson's forehead. The congressman held his other hand against his wounded arm, his eyes locked on the weapon.

  "We knew your son was snooping where he wasn't supposed to be. We didn't know how he felt the presence of the relic. He was an anomaly we wished to study. We knew someone was contracted to steal the relic, but we didn't anticipate the use of mystical garbs and the undead in the process. Our priests were woefully unprepared for such a clandestine attack. Molec's theft of the relic and your son's death were not part of our original plan, but we decided to use the events to our advantage."

  Denton's aim wavered as a sob wracked his body. A flood of tears broke free. "We're just pawns to you." Denton holstered his weapon. "We have no free will. That's an illusion. We're puppets in some awful cosmic play."

  Anderson shook his head. "Some men and women are not free to choose. Some are called to action and destined to be a part of something greater than themselves, Mr. Denton." Anderson looked from Denton to Erik. "You and Agent Knight are two of those people destined to be a part of the eternal struggle as have been so many more before you and so many that will come after you." Anderson moved his hand. The bloody wound was healed and the sleeve of his jacket magically repaired. "Gentlemen, you need to get to Vatican City. We have no more time to discuss the Cosmic Truths. The battle for this planet is at hand. If we survive this calamity, you're more than welcome to return here and we can pick up this conversation." Anderson pointed toward the door. "My driver will take you to the hangar. I'll have some special weapons and body armor loaded for you, Denton. As for you, Agent Knight, your Esper flesh can provide more protection than any armor in our arsenal."


  Vatican City

  The Vatican Guard formed a defensive wedge around Shanda and EJ, shielding them from the attackers. Shanda tried to reach out with her mind through the endless void as she was forced through several corridors leading to the White Room. Erik, we're in trouble! The entire city is under attack!

  "Please, Mrs. Knight, we must keep moving!" A guard urged her forward as she clutched her terrified son.

  Shanda nodded and increased her pace. The next attack came from behind a large pillar. Seven men with spears and swords charged, chanting and screaming. The guards were hard pressed to keep the attackers back.

  "We can't hold them off much longer. I'm sorry!"

  A deep snarl overwhelmed the battle cries. A guard cried out as a blade pierced his chest. Blood sprayed over the defenders, covering Shanda and EJ in a layer of warm crimson. The Sentient Staff flowed like liquid chrome from EJ's arm, buzzing and growling as it took shape, hovering over the defenders. The attackers paused, studying the object with momentary confusion. Angry jagged arcs of energy blasted them, vaporizing three men on contact. The four others retreated behind heavy marble pillars, cursing and promising death to the child. Lances of raw power tore into the columns, blasting away large chunks with each impact. The stressed load bearing pillars collapsed, burying the four men under tons of marble and stone ceiling debris.

  "God is watching over us."

  Shanda shook her head as they continued. "I'll take any help I can get right now."

  "Where's Daddy?"

  "I'm sure Daddy's on his way, hun. We just have to hold on for a little while longer." She held EJ tighter.

  "We need to keep moving, Mrs. Knight. The weapon's discharge has crippled the entire structure over our heads. The roof could collapse burying us as well."

  Shanda nodded. "I hear more footsteps coming. I thought you cleaned out all the rats?"

  The burly guard clenched his ceremonial blade tighter. "As did I. Obviously we missed a fe
w and they've freed their cohorts in the dungeon." The guard gestured overhead. "I've read about these blockades in the library of scrolls. I fear our forces will have their hands full. I suspect the Prince of Darkness will make his move during this chaos."

  "I'm not giving up!"

  "Nor are we, Mrs. Knight. We are sworn to protect you at all costs and we will follow our holy orders."

  The staff reformed around EJ's forearm. The weapon buzzed and gently hummed. The child answered, conversing with the weapon in a series of hums and whistles.

  "Though it appears the child has the best protector God can provide on this world."

  Shanda sighed. "It appears that way."

  The sound of a massive tree falling echoed throughout the open space. They all flinched, startled, looking up. Chunks of plaster fell. Pearl colored raindrops of various shapes and sizes plinked against the marble floor tiles. The ceiling sagged, overburdened, weakened beams bowed under their tremendous load. A large stress fracture appeared and spawned a network of tributary cracks sending down a stream of fine powder. Powder and plaster fell like winter snow covering the already pale floor with a coating of white.


  They fled from the large chamber as larger blocks of concrete, plaster, and wood imploded into the chamber.

  Shanda knelt down, breathing heavy. EJ fidgeted. "At least we won't be followed."

  The guard pointed down the adjacent hallway. "Through there. The sacred room is not much farther."

  Gunfire erupted and two guards fell. Bullets chipped marble and granite pillars. Shanda heard the dull thud of lead piercing human flesh. The large guard fell over dead, eyes open in shock.

  "The bitch and her offspring are here. Take them out!"

  EJ broke free from her grip. He pointed toward one of the gunmen. A searing ball of aqua plasma burned through the stunned man. He fell forward, with a six-inch cauterized hole in his torso. The staff formed a shield as dozens of bullets filled the air. The tiny boy unleashed a firestorm of energy at the hapless assassins.

  A machine gun erupted. Muzzle flash and flame lit up the foyer as dozens of armor-piercing bullets bit into walls and deflected off EJ's shield. Shanda watched the battle behind a large statue. Stray bullets ricocheted off the walls and EJ's shield, forcing her to duck. The gunfire intensified and she screamed in terror. "EJ!!!" All she could do was scream out her son's name. Thunder echoed from the walls and the smell of burnt flesh and ozone stung her nostrils. Flashes of blue light continued to accompany the thunder until the gunfire finally ceased and silence reigned.

  The cry of innocence lost shattered the silence. "Mommy? Mommy where are you?"

  Shanda peeked around the large statue's base. Her son stood alone in a sea of charred, smoking bodies, burnt by her son's bio organic weapons. EJ held the staff loosely in his hand, weeping as he studied the mayhem surrounding him.

  "Oh my baby boy!" Shanda raced to her son and held him tight. "It's okay baby. Mommy has you now. It's okay!"

  EJ broke down. "I couldn't make it stop! I tried to but it just kept coming out of me! I didn't mean to hurt anybody. It was an accident!"

  "I know honey, I know." She scooped him up with one arm and picked up a loaded assault rifle in her free hand. "We need to get to the White Room. I should be protecting you, lil man, not the other way around."

  Shanda glanced back at the bodies of the Vatican guards that gave their life for her. "I'm so sorry." She turned and walked down the long hallway adjusting her grip on the heavy weapon. Shanda walked down the long corridor, her finger resting on the trigger guard, ready to unleash hell upon the next wave of assailants. The hallway curved and she recognized the pillars and chairs outside the chamber known as the White Room. Three guards greeted her.

  "Mrs. Knight, thank heaven! Where is your escort?"

  "They were all killed protecting us."

  The man bowed his head. "Regrettable. They were good men, all of them. I am sorry you and your son had to witness such savagery—but come." He gestured toward the heavy white door that opened on its own. "We can take sanctuary in the protection of the White Room. We will be safe in here from all external forces."

  Shanda followed the three men. "Erik, where are you?" she wondered as the heavy door closed behind her.


  Erik studied the team of heavily armed men sorting through gear and parachutes. "Counselor, you're really hell bent on jumping out of this aircraft and parachuting into Rome?"

  "I was hoping we'd be landing." Denton frowned. "Praying actually, but God seems preoccupied at the moment. What about you? You have that look about you."


  "Yeah, you get that look right before you're about to unleash a hellstorm. Your brow furrows and you keep making a fist with your right hand." Denton managed a smile. "What's your plan?"

  Erik sighed. He really didn't have one. "Drop in and kill everything that needs killing, find my wife and son, then go home."

  The old man rolled his eyes. "Okay, well that's a good strawman, but maybe you can provide me a bit more detail?"

  The detective shrugged his shoulders. "Martin, I wish I could. Truth be told, I have no idea what we're dropping into. It's literally a Hell on Earth in Rome right now and it's spreading like a cancer. You need to stop the spreading and I need to kill the source." Erik flexed powerful muscles. "I'm gonna start by shattering that dome any way possible. I'm going to unload everything I have into one massive blast. If I can break the shell, I'll draw Molec out, then I can finish this once and for all. Michael can get the relic back and we can go home and do our best to put this shit behind us." Erik shook his head, frustrated. "To be honest though, I'm never gonna be the same again. No one on this world will be. How many millions saw the news broadcasts until the local channels were wiped out and the reporters eaten or worse?" Erik sighed. "Nothing will ever be the same again. Our entire world is tainted by this."

  "I guess you're right," mused Martin. "Maybe people will start being nicer to each other when they realize Hell and demons exist." Denton rubbed his nose. "If we survive." Martin glanced over his shoulder. "I need to go check my gear and inspect my chute. Captain Tilson is about to give me a crash course in jumping out of a Mach 4 transport. It's been forty-two years since I did a combat jump."

  Erik chuckled. "Good luck." He watched Martin leave. "I need to talk to a friend and get some strategic advice. Erik closed his eyes and focused his concentration inward to the deeper recesses of his brain to a portion inhabited by something else.


  Welcome back Erik, it is good to see you. Would it be presumptuous of me to say I know why you are here?

  Erik smiled. I figured you would. I'm about to engage a demonic legion of great power and possibly square off against an archdemon named Molec. The archangel, Michael, claimed to have fought with you in the Esper War on your home world.

  Jakor looked up to the sky and nodded briefly. He called aloud and several great flying beasts circled overhead. Yes. I know of the battle angel. We spoke briefly earlier. He is a great and powerful warrior. We fought many battles together but it wasn't enough to save my world, and now Earth is in danger of becoming extinct as well. I am aware of what is going on.

  Erik nodded. Good, I need your guidance on how to fight Molec. I have no practical experience with demonic combat. I could use your skill set when the time comes. I have your native powers and the like, but your internal experience isn't part of the package, I can't access that directly. If you know how to transfer those skills to me, I could certainly use them. We're closing in on the focal point of the disturbance and I need every advantage I can get to save my wife and son.

  Jakor placed his hand on Erik's shoulder. You've fought well so far against many demons, but yes, I will give you the knowledge I possess. Jakor stood, rising several inches above Erik. Demons like Molec thrive on attacking. You prefer a defensive mode of combat. This will be your downfall. To defeat a being as powerful as Molec
, you must attack and keep attacking. Don't allow the demon to formulate any strategy. Use your enhanced powers to keep him on the defensive and off balance. Molec will grow frustrated and lose his composure once the fight does not go his way. He is powerful but easily sidetracked. His power has made him arrogant over the eons. Don't become overconfident even if it appears you are winning. Fight aggressively but with purpose and caution. You have many powers and gifts. Now is the time to bring all that power to bear on this adversary. When you need my skills, you will have them.

  Erik lowered his head. Thank you again. I promise once this is over we'll have a social visit. Perhaps we can even link in my bride and she can meet you.

  Jakor smiled. I would welcome that. Good luck, hybrid. Fight well and bring honor to our race.

  A voice sounded all around them. "We're approaching the drop point and going subsonic. There'll be a jolt as the braking thrust fires, so hold onto something."


  Erik opened his eyes and gripped a nearby handhold. He heard the drone of engines firing and his stomach went queasy as the large sleek aircraft began to decelerate. After two minutes, the pilot announced they were subsonic. The sound of Velcro snaps and boot laces dominated the aircraft cargo hold. Erik watched as large clips of glowing green and orange ammunition were loaded into several assault weapons. Martin was helped into his parachute and then began issuing commands to the soldiers. Erik remembered his friend would be in charge of the defensive perimeter and in full command. He watched silently as Martin gave directives and devised strategy to effectively bottleneck Vatican City and the rest of Rome. Sixty armed soldiers would scarcely be a sufficient force against what was infesting the streets of Rome. The detective wished his friend had stayed back in DC. He was fighting a losing battle.


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