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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 25

by Greg Ballan

  I'm glad you're back. I assume my son is safe?

  The weapon buzzed softly and Erik knew Shanda and EJ were fine.

  Jakor, now would be a good time for the brain boost we discussed. Neural impulses inside his mind fired, transmitting reams of knowledge and skill acquired by the alien intellect. Erik marveled at the incredible martial tactics and skill possessed by Jakor, capability he'd never be able to gather in his own lifetime. The staff sensed the link and responded to the telekinetic signature of its former master. More powerful ambient energy coursed through the weapon. Yes, Jakor is here. We need him in this fight.

  The nine-foot towering onyx-colored archdemon paused, stopping several feet away from his smaller silver opponent. The two combatants faced each other, each warrior a drastic contrast to the other.

  "You have been a thorn in my side for too long, hybrid. I plan on killing you! You have the audacity to challenge me!" Amber flames seared the ground as Molec spoke, accentuating each word with a flaming exclamation point.

  Erik focused his will. MOLEC, you finally stopped running. This is it? This is your grand play? Attacking a city defended by all the forces of Light? Do you want to bring down all the Heavenly powers to destroy you? He looked back at the still standing city and then back at his opponent. Bad news, asshole, it's still there!

  Molec tapped the side of his head and laughed. "Ah I'd forgotten, Esper soldiers have no real vocal chords beyond a primitive hissing language. It's been centuries since I've killed an Esper. I look forward to breaking your spine with my bare hands. And after I kill you, I'll wait until I'm invited inside the city by terrified, cowardly clergymen. Once invited, the barrier will fall and that'll signal the end of your bastard divine offspring," The demon raised a hand gesturing his army forward.

  You failed again. My son is still alive. The hybrid crouched adopting an Esper battle stance, allowing the alien warrior skill to dominate his essence.

  Molec shook his massive head. "All in due time. The battle is not yet over. But your role soon will be once I kill you.

  Are you gonna talk me to death? Put up or shut up! I'm gonna snap your neck like a stale breadstick, demon, and then slice your head clean off and let the Pope mount it on a pole high on the city walls. Any other evil sick bastard with bright ideas toward violence will simply have to look up at your withered skull and instantly know what a foolish endeavor attacking here would be and the price to be paid for such folly.

  Erik raised his weapon, ready to unleash all the power at his command. The sky overhead crackled with thunder and his mind willed the agitated electrons in the upper atmosphere. Erik's skin tingled and he felt a powerful presence materialize behind him. Molec stopped his advance and his forces cautiously retreated.

  "You have no cause to interfere, angel. This is not an ethereal affair!" Molec took another cautious step back.

  Erik turned to see Michael and several dozen ethereal soldiers garbed in white armor with ivory white weapons. He nodded once and turned back to face the archdemon.

  Michael's laugh was a silvery, mocking cascade dominating the battlefield. The voice came from behind him, above him and even seemed to emanate behind the enemy army. "After so many centuries, you finally crawl out from under your rock. In your haste to kill the child, you have brought us into the conflict by attacking this oasis."

  Molec laughed. "I didn't attack. A human established the blockade. The forces here simply enforced it. No demonic entity entered the city uninvited and no demon hunts the child. Mere humans are doing all the dirty work. As it was with the Son so it shall be with the child. He will die by free human hands."

  The archangel crossed his arms. With two wing beats he was beside Erik. "You initiated the Soul Bounty on the chosen vessel. You brought forth an army to attack the child. You brought forth a wraith inside the holy city to attack and kill. You're the cause of many human deaths and you stole the Ruby Crucifix." Michael pointed his lethal ivory sword toward Molec. The weapon glowed white hot. "Plus you've decimated the entire city of Rome and slaughtered hundreds with this rampant attack! Your guilt has already been determined, archdemon of Hell. You're stained with the blood of innocents. As for your ludicrous analogy of humans with free will acting on their own volition, need I remind you that the humans you refer to are under your direct control with no free will? They carry out your orders and desires as mere automatons. That is a violation and you do know it." The powerful archangel gestured out toward the ruined city littered with corpses. "Killing innocents and letting demonic forces run rampant is also in violation of the original pact between Heaven and Hell after the great war." Michael stood silent, but the rage in his voice shook the earth with its powerful tenor.

  "Save your outrage, angel. Mankind has slaughtered and shed more blood than I ever could here. Your pathetic tirade is laughable." He pointed toward the hybrid. "You unleashed your own weapon of destruction upon me and upon Lucifer. This silver puppet and his aging ape meddled in affairs forbidden to humans. The fact that you allowed the vessel to be born is also contrary to the original laws set down by your boss. The Soul Market: destroyed. The leader of the Space Mariners, a hostage for ten thousand years: freed by your puppet. You know the species will spread throughout the cosmos again, spreading His word to other space faring life forms." Molec pointed back toward Michael, flames spewing out his nostrils. "The Mariners lost their war and you had no right to set this half breed abomination upon the space port, let alone have him free the leader of a defeated army."

  The archangel shook his head. "Had Lucifer not acquired human souls illegally the interference would not have been necessary. Had you not used the Mariner to attack the hybrid, he would not have had to defend himself." Powerful biceps flexed on the archangel's arms. "I grow weary of talk. I've come to dispose of you once and for all."

  Molec laughed. "I have the relic and I will have it sent to oblivion where you will never find it. Do we fight with armies, or will you allow me to crush this half breed, silver plated minion?"

  Michael stepped back. "You may engage the Esper in combat." The angel glanced over at the angered hybrid. "Though you may regret it." He gestured toward his forces. "Stand down for now. Let the hybrid and the archdemon settle their differences."

  The two combatants circled, weapons whistling through the air. Molec lunged forward, the burning blade rushing toward the hybrid's head. The silver warrior easily ducked the blow and thrust under the demon's attack. The Esper blade bit into black stony flesh. The silver warrior charged, swinging the weapon up in a circular motion, smashing the lethal edge down to decapitate his foe. Molec shifted slightly and the weapon's blade missed the neck, slicing clean through one of the demon's heavy horns.

  The archdemon glanced at the severed horn, eyes burning with fury. The demon charged, roaring and breathing fire. He raised the great burning scimitar over his and swung the weapon down, lumberjack fashion, to cleave his opponent's skull. The weapon shrieked, hissing through the air. The hybrid retreated, catching the falling blade with the hooked edge of his alien weapon. Demonic and ethereal metals clashed, multicolored sparks bathed both combatants as each weapon shrieked in anger and protest. The staff growled, vibrating angrily in its master's hand. Erik twisted the hook, stressing the captured blade and forced the weapon down. He spun his body launching a hard kick into Molec's unprotected face. The sheer power of the blow forced the demon lord back several feet falling flat on his back.

  Erik pointed his weapon and tensed powerful muscles. Bioelectric power raced through this body into the staff, blasting forward in a beam of burning plasma. The radiant energy tore into the fallen demon, scorching and searing his armored stone flesh. Erik increased the blast intensity as he charged forward. He leapt the last few feet, raised his weapon and swung down on Molec hoping to disembowel the demon with one strike. Molec raised his blade in a dual handed grip, forming a desperate last-second defense. The demonic weapon and the alien metal crashed again, blocking the attack. The Sent
ient Staff whined, angered. It generated more internal power. Heavy jagged arcs of energy leapt from the heavy Esper weapon as it pushed harder against the demonic steel. Molec pushed up harder, desperately, to keep the Esper weapon at bay. Erik added more of his own strength leaning forward and pushing down with powerful muscles. Slowly the heavy devil blade fell, inch by inch. Aqua blue arcs of energy struck the archdemon, causing him to gasp in pain. Erik rapidly pulled the weapon back. The staff screamed in protest. Molec's sword, now free of the down force, arced into the ground, driven by Molec's own strength and momentum. Erik spun the Ahn-so-lak in a fluid motion overhead and slammed the shrieking blade down on Molec's now unprotected shoulder. The blade sliced cleanly through the demonic flesh, shattering bone and severing muscle tissue. Greenish yellow blood sprayed from the gaping wound. Erik forced the blade edge back, sawing deeper into the soft inner flesh severing more heavy bone and tendon. Molec's blade shrieked as it sliced across the hybrid's unprotected left quadriceps carving a deep six-inch cut. Blood spilled from the wound, cascading down his leg. Erik felt a bout of nausea and weakness but it passed quickly.

  He took a step back out of the scimitar's reach. The demon blade could react and attack on its own volition, guiding its wielder's hand. I'll need to watch that. He blasted the fallen archdemon with another energy blast. Molec rose to his feet, his stony flesh smoking. Ichor still flowed from the gaping wound. Erik could see the exposed shattered bone move as the archdemon forced his crippled arm to function despite the pain. The remaining horn on top of his head glowed bright red. A searing beam slammed into Erik, knocking him off his feet. Armored chrome flesh on his left pectoral muscle was blackened and blistered. His mind reeled from searing pain. Another lance of ruby energy hit him square in the stomach, burning and scalding his flesh.

  Erik focused his will and launched a plasma salvo, striking his adversary in the chest. Ebony flesh smoked and the air smelled like burnt sulfur and brimstone.

  You cannot win a battle trading blows at a distance. You must attack! Jakor's voice echoed inside Erik's mind. Attack! Use the skills I've given you. The archdemon's blood beam will keep burning away your flesh while his wraith blade leeches away your power! Soon you'll have no reserves left to heal.

  Erik took a deep breath, lifted his weapon, and surrendered to the skills of his Esper counterpart, allowing the Esper warrior to fully dominate his essence. His body crackled with more ambient energy. The wound on his leg healed. Overhead, the elements gathered as agitated electrons collected inside gathering thunderclouds. A blue nimbus of power surrounded him. He made a slight gesture toward Molec. A searing bolt of lightning crackled from outstretched fingertips. Thunder exploded as the jagged lances slammed into Molec's body. The hybrid rushed forward, swinging his Esper weapon with blinding speed. The sharp edge sliced several deep gashes through Molec's chest and stomach. The burning scimitar retaliated in Molec's grip, thrusting forward, slicing through the air. Erik caught Molec's sword arm. He dropped his staff, taking the bulky arm in both hands smashing the demon's elbow joint against his thigh. The crack of shattered bone dominated the air. Molec screamed in agony, spewing demonic fire thirty feet into the sky. The blade dropped from his grip, clanging on a heavy blood-coated cement slab. Erik smashed his foot down upon the weapon, snapping the blade in half, crushing the concrete. A banshee wail rose up and a cloud of emerald vapor swirled, dissipating in the wind.

  Erik unleashed an Esper combination of strikes. His blows sparked against the demon's hide, each impact drove it farther back. Esper combat movements mimicked reptiles and serpents, blinding open hand strikes and rapid slashing combinations quickly followed by a single power blow. The alien combat tactics were brutal and savage—far more lethal than any human martial art. Molec dropped to one knee, arms dangling useless by his side. Now I do this my way!! Erik unleashed a powerful uppercut, his fist smashing under the demon's chin. The force of the blow launched the stunned archdemon fifty feet into the air, landing a hundred feet away. Molec's impact caved in the surrounding asphalt, swallowing him in a deep crater. Erik pointed skyward, a heavy lightning bolt thicker than a tree trunk struck the crater, blasting flaming chunks of asphalt into air and surrounding battlefield. The accompanying thunderclap shook all of Rome and caused combatants on both sides to flinch momentarily.

  I'm gonna make you wish you stayed in Hell!!! The battle-enraged hybrid leapt into the crater. His feet slammed against the stunned demon's chest shattering its ribcage. Molec's body tensed as he cried out in pain. A fountain of gore and fire erupted from his mouth. The silver warrior perched upon his larger foe, raining down super-powered punches. Each strike shattered the stony demonic flesh. The hybrid raised both fists over his head. He hissed savagely into the dark sky. Thunder shook the entire city as both fists slammed down upon the archdemon. The shockwave from the titanic blow created a large dust cloud, lifting chunks of brick, asphalt and other debris. The stunned demon coughed great fountains of yellow blood and gore. A pool of greenish ichor flowed from its caved-in chest and open shoulder wound. Erik gathered all of his physical power and swung down on the demon lord with a vicious left hook. The punch shattered Molec's jaw sending several large teeth airborne. The demon lay completely still, broken and bloodied. Its once burning eyes now black and lifeless. They hybrid raised his hand for another punch … You wouldn't even feel it at this point and you're not worth another punch.

  Erik leapt from the large depression and picked up his staff. The broken saber had vanished. He looked over at the stunned demon army. He took an aggressive step forward and they all retreated. That's what I thought, cowards, all of you. He walked back toward the ethereal soldiers. Erik glanced back and saw several creatures dragging Molec out from the burning crater. To his shock, the archdemon still lived. A multi-legged creature tended to his wounds.

  "Molec is immortal. You cannot kill him, but you have brought him as close to death as I've ever seen." Michael watched as their enemy was partially revitalized.

  Is this the Ethereal War?

  Michael laughed. "This is but a mild skirmish, foothills of a massive mountain. Raphael's and Gabriel's forces are gathered in wait. My soldiers are here, hidden awaiting my word to strike should the time come." The archangel placed a hand on Erik's chrome shoulder. "I sense Lucifer is close by with his army ready to do battle at a moment's notice. He watches in the Netherspace, waiting to see how this exquisite ballet unfolds." Michael smiled. "You fought well, hybrid. Worthy of the power bestowed upon you." He gestured back to the holy city. "This battle liberated the holy city and freed the chosen vessel and his mother. Your son is at the gates watching you. Your bride is there too."

  Erik hissed. They should be back in the White Room, hiding.

  Again, Michael laughed. "Your attacks on the dome have severely damaged several structures, the White Room included. I have an army of eyes on the chosen vessel. They are safe. Other forces are gathering the last of Molec's human army. The boy is more than able to protect himself and his mother now. We must focus on the matter at hand." Michael pointed at Molec's forces. "Our enemy comes to parlay."

  Molec's fire dimmed. The flaming aura surrounding the large demon seemed to sputter. The archdemon's wounds had been healed, but not completely. His regenerated flesh was off color and he walked with a decided limp. He held a large burning emerald long sword similar in nature to the weapon Erik destroyed earlier.

  "Let's go talk to our foe." Michael advanced.

  Erik followed close behind. His powerful staff ready to unload a titanic blast of energy at the slightest hint of aggression.

  Michael stopped several paces from Molec. The archdemon had to step back, and his army retreated several steps. The angel's aura was so powerful that even his mere presence was disturbing and uncomfortable. "Speak your mind, Molec, quickly."

  "I am willing to bargain, angel. This battle gains us nothing."

  Michael glanced toward the sky, his nod almost imperceptible. "Especially after t
he beating you endured."

  Molec frowned, glaring toward Erik. "The hybrid is full of surprises. Yet I still stand."

  Michael shook his head. "You fought, were defeated, and now wish to bargain? You have gall, demon. I grant you that. But it has been agreed upon. What is your proposition?"

  "I will give you the holy relic and I will spare the child's life if you give me sovereignty over Hell. Otherwise I'll see that the Ruby Crucifix disappears forever, lost in the Multiverse where it will take, even you, thousands of years to find it. There are no more Esper bloodhounds in the Multiverse, just the one here, and you've used him up." Molec pointed toward Erik, laughing. "You're a stooge, hybrid, blinded by some false sense of loyalty to 'Good'. But you're wrong, Esper. There is no Good or Evil. There is only the war and the battle for worlds in the Multiverse. You believe you fight for a cause but you're no more than a puppet, a plaything." Molec pointed toward Michael. "In the end, you will be betrayed and regret your choice."

  "Silence, hell spawn!" Michael snapped, clearly annoyed at the accusation.

  The relic is still here, on this world, burning through his containment orb. Martin and I have been close to it. EJ is safe behind those walls and I can sense my wife is safe, too. We can recover the relic once the sphere dissolves. They can't touch it. We take him out now and his own forces will betray him. If you let him go, he'll keep plaguing this world and others in his quest to rule Hell. Erik forced the thoughts toward Michael.

  It is a fool's bargain. Molec is buying time for something, stalling and trying to build discourse. The angel dipped his head slightly.

  Erik's danger sense triggered. He studied the army facing them. Ten huge demons joined hands at the back of their army. Twenty massive horns burned a purple so hot it was almost white. Erik's mind shrieked out a warning. They're gonna attack, take cover! He dove, tackling Michael to the ground. Twenty lances of burning power tore through the space where they stood heartbeats earlier. Erik and the archangel came to their feet. The Ethereal soldier was enraged. He gestured toward the attacking forces and three of the massive creatures vaporized. "I owe you one. Take the archdemon. I will personally tear the location of our relic from his mind!"


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