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Battle Lines (The Ethereal War Book 2)

Page 24

by Greg Ballan

  "We're fifteen seconds from the drop. We're laying down a field of suppression fire." The plane shuddered slightly as several 125mm explosive rounds erupted from the craft's five heavy gun ports. Erik heard the distinct whine of a 30mm Vulcan Cannon dispensing hundreds of rounds a minute into the drop area. The plane shook violently. "We've taken a hit from some sort of beam! We lost an engine! You need to jump now!"

  Several more heavy cannon rounds fired in response. Erik looked through the tiny view plates and saw ordnance detonating. "My God, I hope there aren't any people there!"

  "From what we were told in our initial briefing, Agent Knight, no one is left alive in Rome. Those who survived the initial assault have already been evacuated." Erik looked up at the young soldier preparing to deploy.

  "I hope you're right." Erik extended his hand. "Good luck, soldier."

  "Thanks and good luck to you as well. From what little we were told, you've got the heavy lifting on this job."

  Erik looked back. Martin was busy issuing directions and prepping for departure. The old man looked back at his friend and smiled. He held back a tear, fearing for his friend's safety. "Take care of yourself, Counselor. EJ needs a Grandpa!"

  Denton gave a curt nod. "I will. Be careful, son. I'll be praying for your success and your family's safe return." The old man turned and headed toward the rear door and attached his jump line. Two large soldiers formed up around him to make sure he'd make the drop safely.

  A red light flashed and an alarm sounded. One by one they leapt into the darkness. Erik watched helpless. His gut tightened. "God, please keep him alive."

  "Agent Knight, we need you up front."

  Erik turned and headed toward the cockpit as the jump door closed behind him. He studied the terrifying scene outside. "My God it's a dome of complete blackness covering Vatican City!" The aircraft's surveillance cameras showed several winged creatures circling the dome.

  Vatican City was totally encapsulated. Fires raged outside the city and dark clouds circled in a vortex directly overhead. Erik could see bursts of light but they were sporadic.

  "There's some crazy ass creatures flying around the dome, and the occasional flash of lightning. There's definitely some kind of conflict, but nothing like I've ever seen in my thirty years of service. We can't get too close without drawing more fire."

  "Can you unload a few 125's at that blister? Maybe we can break it open."

  The pilot studied a scope. "It reads solid. We can try and punch a hole through but we can't get in close with just three engines. If one of those beams hits a fuel tank or our munitions store, we're gonna go off like a firework."

  "I gotcha. Take us as close as you dare and then unleash a volley and let's see what happens. Maybe we can actually crack this nut."

  The large plane banked, spilling altitude. Erik heard vibrations beneath the cockpit as the transport's large main guns locked onto the demonic dome. With a shudder, twelve high yield explosive rounds with phosphorous tracers sped toward their target. The men watched as the projectiles impacted and exploded on the dark surface. After several seconds, the pilot looked back at Erik. "Nothing. Not even a scratch."

  Several beams of energy raced toward the plane and the pilot had to bank hard to avoid the incoming fire. "They know we're here, Agent Knight. We're a sitting duck at this speed. I need to get some more forward velocity." The plane's Vulcan Cannon fired as several winged creatures approached. The dark sky lit up with yellow tracers and depleted uranium rounds. "Our automated defensive systems can knock down the smaller bogeys, but that big blip is too much."

  Another beam collided with the aircraft, violently shaking the frame. Panels sparked as energy surged through delicate circuitry and the aircraft's carbon fiber skin melted.

  "We're not designed to take this kind of punishment. We gotta get outta here, sir. If you're gonna do something, it needs to be now!"

  "Climb," Erik ordered. "Take us higher up out of range, then circle the area. It's time to make my presence felt. If this bird has EM surge protection, I suggest you engage it now!" The engines whined and rocket-assisted motors pushed the large craft higher and higher, Erik felt the g-force pushing against him. "What's our altitude?"

  "Fifteen thousand feet. We're circling the disturbance. Nothing's climbing up to attack us." The pilot studied another scope. "Correction, I've got a blip climbing up. Our automated systems are tracking…" The dull whine and vibration of multiple cannons sounded as thousands of rounds descended upon the intruding blip. "The contact is falling, but I'm picking up something larger on an ascent path. We need to get out of here!" The plane's automated defenses fired again. This time several larger cannons activated and a dull thud shook the plane as dozens of rocket-assisted shells sped toward the new threat. "Agent Knight, we need to bug out! Our fuel is low and our munitions are nearly expended."

  Erik looked out the window. "Are the EMP systems activated?"

  The pilot nodded. "She's built to resist an EMP pulse and the other circuits are shielded."

  Erik closed his eyes, focusing on the ambient energy outside the aircraft. Not only could he draw on the agitated energy in the atmosphere, the demonic disturbance was a massive source of power he could tap The hybrid's hands reached skyward, summoning more and more power, expanding his sphere of influence and control. Hail battered the damaged aircraft as turbo jet motors strained to keep the craft on a true course. Still he reached out, gathering more and more power, compressing it, summoning the elemental energies of the planet to serve his wishes. Titanic arcs of aqua lit up the skies above Italy. The entire landmass along with Sicily, Austria, and Croatia were covered by roiling clouds arcing with electricity.

  "Knight, we can't hold course. Whatever you're doing out there, you're gonna bring us down too if you keep it up!"

  Erik nodded briefly and looked toward the sky. He whispered, "Michael, tell your remaining forces to withdraw. I'm about to rain down some hurt!" The hybrid waited five seconds, compressing aggravated ions and ambient energy into one massive blast.


  The sky erupted. A jagged plume of unfettered energy raced down from the heavens slamming into the demonic barrier, vaporizing hundreds of winged demons and gargoyles. The lance of power continued to batter the onyx shield fracturing the powerful membrane in dozens of areas. When the static discharge dissipated, the dark blister still stood, but the forces around it had been wiped out along with several nearby buildings. The area around Vatican City had been flattened and reduced to rubble. The dome seemed to fluctuate, winking in and out of existence. Large cracks were visible and parts of Vatican City could be seen through the inky darkness.

  Sparks shot throughout the cabin as ambient static electricity tore through the battered airframe. Erik opened his eyes. The copilot had a fire extinguisher and frantically sprayed multiple wall panels. The detective looked out the cockpit windshield. The sky was blue and clear as far as the eye could see. The pilot shook his head in disbelief. "Sonovabitch, that scared ten years off my life." He glanced down at the fuel gauge. "We can't stay here anymore. We need to set bird down. Our tanks are bone dry."

  Erik nodded. "The dome? Did we get it?"

  The pilot tilted his head. "We? Brother that was all YOU! According to the scope, you damaged it. It's fading in and out, but still holding. Our camera can actually see Vatican City through some sections of the blip. Your little pyrotechnic display vaporized a great deal of the opposition. Our guys have a perimeter about five miles back and have been killing anything that moves." The pilot paused to listen to a voice in his headset. The smile faded from his face. "Denton just checked in again. Something's happening underground! He says it feels like an earthquake."

  Erik's senses triggered a warning, unlike anything he'd ever felt. "Tell them to pull back, now! Something's coming and it isn't good."

  "The sky!"

  Erik turned back toward the cockpit windshield. A sea of inky black spilled onto the clear blue
skies, blocking out the sun. Rome was once again immersed in darkness. The damaged aircraft buckled as wind turbulence battered the stricken plane.

  "I'm getting out of here, now!" The pilot banked the plane hard over away from the spreading disturbance. The airframe creaked in protest. "Agent Knight, we're not gonna make it to our landing point. I have to set this tub down, now. We've done all we can. Whatever's going on here is beyond our ability to cope. If they can bounce back from that lightning bolt you just unleashed, we don't have a prayer, so to speak." The pilot looked toward his second. "Take the controls."

  Erik gritted his teeth. "I'm not done yet. My family is still down there." He walked toward the jump door, the pilot behind him. The detective slammed his palm against the large red button. "Get to safety and thanks for getting me here." Erik paused and extended his hand. "And for sticking around longer than you should have. I appreciate it."

  The pilot clasped his outstretched hand. "You're welcome, and good luck." He coughed uncomfortably. "Uhm, Agent Knight, you don't have a parachute and were 15,000 feet up. That's a long way down for a man with no wings."

  Erik's eyes burned as the jump door opened. "I don't need one!" He spun and leapt from the speeding plane. "I AM THE WARRIOR!" Within several heartbeats Erik fully transformed. He fell into the dark abyss, plummeting like a laser-guided bomb toward the damaged blister surrounding Vatican City. As the hybrid fell, he gathered agitated photons of energy, pulling more and more static power around his body. He plummeted toward the flickering dome like a burning meteorite slamming into the blister at terminal velocity. The concussive blast sent shockwaves rippling over several miles. Rubble and debris from ruined buildings were swept up in a flowing cascade.

  The demonic blister ruptured, shattering like overstressed glass. A high-pitched evil shrill of agony pierced the silence as bits of fractured demonic energy vaporized. Smoke, debris and heavy dust covered the battle-torn city. Inside the darkness, two aqua eyes burned like raging infernos. A powerful silver being flexed large muscles. The hybrid raised his arms and shouted a battle cry easily heard for dozens of miles. MOLEC! I'm calling you out, you son of a bitch. Let's settle this just you and me, one on one, winner take all! The hybrid tensed, massive leg muscles contracted then exploded with superhuman force. His leap carried him over the Vatican protective wall a hundred meters outside Vatican City. Several dozen demons erupted from beneath the ground gathering and circling, preparing for an all-out assault against the helpless holy oasis. The hybrid took a step in front of the large gates. He picked up a fallen lamp pole and dragged a heavy line in front of the holy city. Don't cross this line!

  A massive creature hissed mockingly and rushed forward. The hybrid hurled the lamp pole like a javelin, impaling the charging beast. The lamp post bore through the creature as it mindlessly rushed forward. The beast stumbled and fell forward, sliding in the dirt. Its body stopped inches before the line, dead. Anyone else?

  The demonic army moved forward as a unit. More dark acolytes materialized to join the advance. Erik gestured toward the sky. Thunder cracked and angry jagged arcs of lightning danced in the heavens.

  NOW for some payback!


  Vatican City. White Room

  Shanda held EJ tight. The child trembled in abject terror. Molec's human forces had decimated the last of the Vatican defenses. The incessant pounding on the large 'White Room' doors grew louder and louder. A veritable increasing drumbeat of doom. The vile shouts and screams permeated through the heavy walls, each voice threatening death or something worse if they did not surrender EJ.

  "Will the door hold?" Shanda's grip on her stolen assault weapon tightened.

  The Archbishop's pasty face, shaking, and wide-eyed terror broadcast her answer.

  The heavy door groaned in duress as more and more powerful concussions slammed against the blessed barrier. Cracks and splinters formed along the stressed frame and timbers. It wouldn't be long. Evil would come. They meant nothing. Her life meant nothing. Darkness only wanted the child, the bearer of the Ruby Crucifix, Armageddon's Son. For evil to hold sway on Earth, EJ Knight had to die and the archdemon was determined to possess Earth no matter the cost.

  "What about the outside shield you said was supposed to keep out the darkness? Will the shield stop the demon army?" The terrified mother held her son close.

  The Archbishop shrugged as the lights flickered. "I don't know. The barrier was designed to thwart demonic forces. We didn't believe Molec would have so many human accomplices working for him, let alone have more forces already hidden within the city." The old man shook his head. "Nor could we anticipate that we would be attacked by such a powerful demonic weapon, here, in holy Rome, of all places! The fiery hosts of Hell have fallen upon us."

  "What about the sisters and the other priests? Are there places for them to hide?" Shanda's thoughts were of the kind nun who shared coffee, pastry and pleasant conversation earlier. She had taken an instant liking toward the woman.

  "The Holy Father has a private shelter and there are a few hidden places away but I don't know if anyone had time to flee. This attack was pre-planned and well orchestrated. I wonder where our divine forces could be. They must know what's going on here." Bishop O'Malley studied the heavy door as it shuddered under the constant barrage. "God cannot let this place fall."

  The voices and the incessant pounding stopped. For a single heartbeat, silence reigned. A shockwave shook the entire city. Overhead lighting exploded sending shards of glass and angry sparks cascading to the ivory marble floor. Three heavy wall supports cracked under the massive blast. Several more concussive impacts shook the holy city.

  "My God, was that a bomb or an Earthquake?!" The Archbishop hid under a large table as ceiling pieces of the supposedly impregnable White Room rained down upon them.

  Bishop O'Malley struggled to stand upright. Blood trickled down his forehead in large drops. "Is everyone okay?" The bishop stared up at the damaged ceiling. "What power could do this? We can't endure another blast like that."

  Shanda screamed as another massive shockwave blasted Vatican City shaking the blessed steel and timbers of the fortified safe room. A main support beam buckled, raining down more debris, forcing them to retreat under the slight protection of the conference table. EJ looked at his mother, youthful, innocent eyes burning like blue suns.

  "It's Daddy! He broke through Molec's blockade." The three-year-old child stood bathed in an aura of pure white energy. Marble and plaster chunks fell toward the child, evaporating as they touched the burning aura. The aura expanded vaporizing large chunks of falling debris. EJ gestured toward the door and an unseen force blew the weakened barrier off its hinges. "The hybrid has taken his role as Earth's champion and issued a challenge. The forces of Light are gathering, The Ethereal War has begun." The men attacking the White Room turned and fled.

  The words came from EJ, but the voice and cadence were that of a much older child. Shanda looked down at her son, stunned. She felt her connection with Erik restore and immediately knew he was engaged in some type of combat. A gentle hand tugged on her sleeve.

  "C'mon, Mommy. Daddy's gonna fight the bully bad guy!" EJ's voice was his own again. The young boy was determined to get to his father. EJ held up his tiny left arm. The staff moaned and whined as it sensed the upcoming battle and wanted to be with its rightful master. "I don't know if you can hear me, but go help Daddy, please!"

  The staff flowed off his arm, adopting its standard foot-long cylindrical shape. The weapon flew off, crashing through the overhead ceiling. The low pitched moan faded as the staff sought out its master. EJ tugged Shanda's hand gently guiding her. "We're safe now. Daddy's friend the angel is here too and he brought lots of help. Daddy is very angry and wants to hurt the bad guy."

  Shanda nodded, still stunned by her son. "Okay, lead the way, little man."

  Chapter 10: War!

  Vatican City

  Jagged arcs of power decimated the charging demonic fo
rces. The hybrid launched salvo after salvo of burning plasma orbs, pitching spherical blasts of energy into the advancing army like a desperate ambidextrous baseball pitcher. Through sheer force of will, he commanded the elements to rain down lightning bolts into the advancing demonic forces. At some unseen command the army halted its advance. The line Erik had drawn in the dirt hadn't been crossed. From behind the sea of evil, a stream of scalding fire raced toward Erik. He dove to one side, barely avoiding the stream. He could feel the ambient heat as the fiery weapon streaked past. The fire stream slammed against an unseen barrier, spreading and dissipating before it could damage the wall of the holy city. Erik took quick note of the holy barrier. His wife and son were still relatively safe—he hoped.

  The sea of demonic entities parted and a large onyx black figure approached. Erik's flesh crawled. The large being exhaled streams of fire vaporizing both dead and wounded alike as it approached. It carried a large curved saber of some unknown material. The weapon hissed and glowed with an evil energy. The hybrid's danger senses flared and instinctively he knew this was his nemesis: the archdemon, Molec. Angry growling filled the air as Erik's own Sentient Staff streaked toward its master's hand. Erik sensed the weapon, extended his hand, and felt the powerful staff settle in his grip. Once held, the weapon expanded. A lethal edged blade formed on one end and a savage barbed hook on the other. Aqua lightning danced up and down the weapon seemingly as a challenge to Molec's demonic blade. The staff had taken the customary shape of an Esper heavy weapon, the Ahn-so-lak.


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