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The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution

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by Bernard Bailyn

  Prince Edward County, Va., 260

  Private property, right of, 352

  Progress, idea of, 85

  Proud, Robert, History of Pennsylvania, 57

  Providence, R.I., 44

  Providence Gazette, 33, 42, 100

  Prussia, 79

  Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von, 23, 27, 29, 43, 150

  Pulteney, Sir William, 168, 340

  Puritanism, 32–33, 140, 303

  Pym, John, 344

  Quakers, 84; and radical writings, 36; and abolition of slavery, 245; and religious establishment in Mass., 268–270

  Quartering Act, 119

  Quebec Act, 119

  Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 99, 117; and Enlightenment authors, 22, 27; Observations, 23, 26, 28, 35, 39, 43, 61, 62, 64, 122, 141, 233; and radical tradition, 45; on power, 61; on conspiracy, 121, 122; on colonies and state of slavery, 233

  Radicalism, nature of, in England, 47, 283–284

  Ralph, James, 13, 41; Case of Authors, 14; History, 14; Of the Use and Abuse of Parliament, 89

  Ramsay, David, History, 157, 273, 281, 285

  Ramus, Petrus, 23

  Randolph, Edmund, 360–361, 368

  Randolph, John, Considerations, 284

  Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 77, 82; popularity of his writings in colonies, 41, 42; Dissertation on the … Whigs and Tories, 41, 83, 123; Histoire d’Angleterre, 41, 83; Dissertation on the … Anglo-Saxons, 83

  Raymond, Sir Robert, Reports, 31

  Reasons Why the British Colonies … Should Not Be Charged…, see Fitch, Thomas

  Religion, see Church of England; Congregationalism; Establishment, religious; Methodists; Presbyterianism; Puritanism; Roman Catholic Church

  Representation: colonial, in Parliament, 161–162; in England, 161–164, 166–167, 338; and taxation, 162; concept of, in colonies, 162–175; in Mass., 165; in states, 324; antifederalists on, 338, 341; federalists on, 362–363. See also Parliament

  Republic, 281–284. See also Democracy

  Republican government: at state level, 324; antifederalists on, 344, 347–349; virtue and, 344–345, 351–352, 368–376, 378–379; federalists and, 351–352; “confederate,” 362

  Revenue Act, see Sugar Act

  Rhode Island, 100, 185; charter of, 191; and slave trade, 245

  Ricaut, see Rycaut

  Rights: colonial concept of, 27, 184–189, 193–194; extension of English, to colonies, 194; colonial codifications of, 194–197

  Robertson, William, 27

  Robinocracy, 49–50, 206. See also St. John

  Robinson-Morris, Matthew, Lord Rokeby, Considerations, 133, 141

  Rockingham, Marquis of, see Watson-Wentworth, Charles

  Roman Catholic Church: as threat to liberty, 98, 207; in Virginia, 248

  Rome, 26, 66, 79, 85, 88, 90, 102, 132, 133, 232, 282, 287, 295, 306; colonists’ knowledge of history of, 25, 373; compared to England, 131, 133, 137

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 23, 27, 29

  Rush, Benjamin, 230, 239, 328–329

  Russell, Lord William, 132

  Russia, 63

  Russian Revolution, 19

  Rutledge, Edward, 379

  Rycaut, Sir Paul, History of the Ottoman Empire, 63, 64

  St. George’s Field Massacre, 115

  St. John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, 8, 28, 42, 49, 72, 75, 77, 85, 118, 151, 168; Craftsman, 39, 40, 42, 50, 53, 57, 72, 73, 86, 206; Dissertation on Parties, 40, 68; on the constitution, 68

  Salem, Mass., 7

  Salkeld, William, Reports, 31

  Sallust, 24, 25, 26, 42, 137

  Salter, Richard, Sermon, 127

  Savannah, Ga., 169

  Sawbridge, John, 149

  Saxons, 67; and origins of British Constitution, 80–82

  Seabury, Samuel, 27, 74, 119; writing of, 11; Free Thoughts, 11, 312; Alarm to the Legislature, 62; View of the Controversy, 121, 137, 143, 175, 184, 223, 226; on English society, 137; on representation, 174; on sovereignty, 226; on civil disobedience, 312; Congress Canvassed, 312

  Selden, John, 315

  Self-interest: antifederalists on, 345–346, 347; federalists on, 366, 367

  Seneca, 24

  Serious Address to … New York, 233

  Seven Years’ War, 84, 103, 113, 204

  Shakespeare, William, 23

  Sharp, Granville, Declaration of the People’s Natural Right, 241

  Shebbeare, John, Letter to the People of England, 13

  Sheffield, England, 169

  Sherlock, Thomas, Bishop of London, 252

  Sherman, Roger, 322

  Sherwood, Samuel, 104

  Shirley, William, 121

  Shuckford, Samuel, Sacred and Profane History … Connected, 33

  Sibthorpe, Robert, 28, 29, 53, 199, 344

  Sidney, Algernon, 22, 29, 38, 40, 45, 60, 132, 168, 299, 344; Discourses, 34; popularity of writings of, in colonies, 34–35

  Silence Dogood, 43

  Silliman, Ebenezer, 213

  Singletary, Amos, 343–344

  Size, of republics: antifederalists on, 347–349; federalists on, 360–368

  Slave trade, 236; abolition of, 245–246

  Slavery: colonies and state of, 119–120, 122, 232–233, 312; concept of, as political condition, 233–235; identification between causes of Negroes and of colonies, 235–246

  Smith, Melancton, 322

  Smith, William, Jr., 46, 280

  Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (S.P.G.), 249; and Episcopal establishment, 96–98; Mayhew-Apthorp controversy, 254–257

  Some Fugitive Thoughts, 17, 237

  Some Observations of Consequence, 168

  Sons of Liberty, 111, 244

  Sophocles, 24

  Soulé, François, Histoire des troubles, 124

  South Carolina, 111, 166, 236; plural officeholding in, 110; and religious establishment, 248; ratifying convention, 339, 341

  South Carolina Gazette, 59–60

  South Sea Bubble, 36, 132

  Sovereignty: of Parliament, 47, 200–202, 205, 206, 216–217, 335–336, 341, 351, 358–360, 377–378; concept of, in colonies, 198, 202–229; concept of, in England, 198–202, 222–224; divisibility of, 209–220, 223–224, 226–227

  Spain, 63, 66, 118, 129

  Sparta, 375

  Spectator, The, 71, 77

  Spelman, Henry, 31, 82

  Spirit of the Laws, see Montesquieu

  Stamp Act, 6, 94, 99, 100, 101, 111, 120, 128, 134, 136, 140, 208, 211, 214, 215; repeal of, 4; and fear of conspiracy, 99–102, 134; riots against, 112

  State governments, 324; versus federal powers, 335–336, 351. See also Constitutions, state; Federalism; Sovereignty

  Stearns, William, View of the Controversy, 35

  Stephens, Rayner, 283

  Sterne, Laurence, Tristram Shandy, 10

  Stevens, John, Jr., “Americanus” essays, 330, 363–365, 368, 374, 375

  Stiles, Ezra, 244

  Storing, Herbert, 326, 327

  Strabo, 24

  Strahan, William, 87–88, 115, 135; on England, 133–134; on conspiracy, 148, 149

  Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute: 122–123, 145–146, 147–148, 344

  Suetonius, 24

  Suffolk Resolves, 126

  Sugar Act, 103

  Sullivan, Francis Stoughton, Lectures on the Laws, 31

  Sutton, Mass., 9

  Sweden, 64, 66, 79, 138, 146

  Swift, Jonathan, 8, 23, 49; Conduct of the Allies, 13; Modest Proposal, 13; quantity of writings, 14; compared with American pamphleteers, 13, 17

  Switzerland, 65, 138, 282, 287

  Tacitus, 24, 25, 42, 82, 132

  Taxes: and representation, 162; distinction between external and internal, 209–221; federal government’s, 335, 336–337, 343–344, 358. See also Stamp Act; Sugar Act

  Taylor, John, 341

  Tea Act, 118, 128

  Tea Party, see Boston Tea Party

  Temple, John, 213

/>   Thacher, Oxenbridge, 99, 199; and classical authors, 24; Sentiments, 100, 144

  Thompson, Gen. Samuel, 370

  Thomson, James, 46; Britannia, 49; Liberty, 46, 49, 140

  Thucydides, 24

  Tindall, Matthew, Rights of the Christian Church, 57

  Tories, colonial: and representation, 174–175; and nature of constitutions, 175; and rights, 188; on sovereignty, 226; seizure of property of, 302

  Townshend Duties, 4, 102, 111, 117, 215

  Tredwell, Thomas, 331

  Trenchard, John, 45, 50, 62, 84, 85, 113, 132; popularity of writings of, in colonies, 35–37, 44, 53; Cato’s Letters, 22, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48–49, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 68, 77, 80, 86, 132, 137, 283–284; Independent Whig, 36, 43, 45, 53; Argument Shewing, 36, 62, 84, 85; History of Standing Armies, 73, 116

  Triumph of the Whigs, 170

  Trumbull, Benjamin, 157; Discourse, 33

  Trumbull, John, M’Fingal, 7

  Turkey, 63, 64, 66, 129

  Turner, Charles, Sermon, 183, 267, 308

  Two-Penny Acts, 5; and religious establishment, 252–254

  Ulpian, 24

  Van Schaak, Peter, 29, 30, 149–150

  Vattel, Emmerich, de, 27, 29, 150, 180; on constitutions, 178; on external and internal obligations, 210; Law of Nations, 210

  Vaughan, Sir John, 30

  Venice, 64

  Vergil, 23, 24; Eclogues, 111

  Vice-Admiralty, see Admiralty

  Virginia, 111, 119, 235, 236; and religious establishment, 247, 249, 257–261; Church of England in, 251; Declaration of Rights of, 260; constitution of, contrasted with England’s, 276; proposals for state constitution of, 291–293; ratifying convention in, 335, 345–346, 353, 356, 360–361, 369. See also Tobacco; Two-Penny Acts

  Virginia Gazette, 38, 66, 80, 102, 137, 152, 169, 259

  Virtue, in government: antifederalists and, 344–345; federalists and, 351–352, 368–376, 378–379; Madison on, 369; Webster on, 373

  Voltaire, 27, 29, 30, 84

  Votes and Proceedings … of … Boston, 7, 61, 66, 78, 104, 107, 108, 109, 117, 206, 219

  Wales, Princess Dowager of, 148

  Walpole, Horace, 147, 303

  Walpole, Sir Robert, 36, 39, 46, 47–50, 51, 52, 53, 72, 87, 121, 137, 206

  Wanton, Gideon, 10

  Ward, Samuel, 10

  Warren, Joseph: Oration, 76, 116, 233, 275; on Stamp Act, 101–102

  Warren, Mercy Otis: The Blockheads, 7; The Group, 7, 29; and Enlightenment authors, 29; History, 64, 102, 157; on Hutchinson, 331; Observations on the Constitution, 332

  Washington, George, 17, 42, 120, 121, 333; on Federalist papers, 327; on virtue and American government, 369–370

  Watson-Wentworth, Charles, 2d Marquis of Rockingham, 134, 135, 147–148

  Watts, Isaac, 40

  Wealth: and military service, 356; and virtue, 371–372; distribution of, 374

  Webster, Noah, 327–328, 354; Sketches of American Policy, 373; Examination…, 373

  Webster, Samuel, Misery and Duty, 193

  Wedderburn, Alexander, 29

  Weems, Mason, 157

  Wells, Richard: Few Political Reflections, A, 140, 235, 241; on slavery, 239–240

  West Indies, 236

  West, Samuel, 370

  Whately, Thomas, 213; Regulations Lately Made, 166

  Whigs, English: influence of radical, on colonists, 33–54; interpretation of history of, 41–42; radical, and corruption in England, 132–133; and sovereignty, 199, 201

  Whitelock, Bulstrode, 41

  Whitney, Peter, Transgressions, 59, 61, 67, 183, 310

  Wilbur, Richard, “Mind,” 322

  Wilkes, John, 110, 111, 112, 115, 131, 344, Number 45 North Briton, 11; identification of colonists with, 110–112, 121

  William III, 36, 46

  Williams, Samuel, Discourse, 7, 66, 140, 271, 272

  Williams, William Peere, Reports, 31

  Wilson, James, 8, 174, 322, 329, 332, 368; Considerations, 42, 81, 104, 171, 225; on placemen, 103; “Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies,” 153–155, 173; on representation, 171; speech (Oct. 6, 1787), 328, 339

  Winthrop, James, as “Agrippa,” 322, 343, 349, 366

  Worcester, Mass., 152

  Workman, Benjamin, “Philadelphiensis” papers, 334

  Wright, John, 57

  Wyndham, Sir William, 171

  Xenophon, 24

  Xerxes, 66

  Zenger, John Peter, 43, 52, 85

  Zubly, John Joachim: Calm and Respectful Thoughts, 42; Humble Enquiry, 58, 169, 182, 217; Law of Liberty, 66, on representation, 169; on nature of constitutions, 181; on divisibility of sovereignty, 217




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