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Changing Roles

Page 18

by Melanie Moreland

  Her eyes widened again, and behind me, Shelby let out one of her Beaker noises.

  “Does she wave her arse for you a lot?”

  “Not as often as I would like, I admit.”

  “But you like to grab it?” Caroline questioned, her eyes dancing.

  “As often as she lets me.” I winked at her. “And often when she doesn’t as well.”

  A real smile broke out on her face. “Nice to meet you, Liam.” She winked right back at me. “Nice grip you have there. And, um, I would say from the feel of your welcome, you’re happy to be home.”

  “Bloody happy.”

  “Sorry it was the wrong ass.”

  I waggled my eyebrows at her. “A pleasure anyway.”

  “Maybe I should leave you alone to say a proper hello to the right ass.”

  “That, Caroline, would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can have coffee after?”

  “I’d like that.” She indicated the ball of fur sitting on my shoulder. “I realize you are rather possessive of your, um, pussy, but would you like me to take him while you have some time with Shelby?”

  God, I loved this woman already. She was cracking.

  I lifted her hand and brushed a kiss over her knuckles. “Thank you. That would be brilliant. A little private time with my other, ah, kitten would be appreciated.”

  Behind me, Shelby’s Beaker noise escaped. Again.

  Caroline left the kitchen, carrying the kitten who I now knew was male and Shelby had named Fuzzball. I would have to address that, but first, I had another kitty to soothe.

  Turning, I looked at Shelby, giving her my best sad eyes and smile. “Oops.”

  She stared at me. “Can you ever do things like a normal person?”

  “Um, no?”

  “You grabbed my friend’s ass, Liam.” She waved her hand toward my crotch. “You ground your…oh God—”

  I grinned sheepishly. “In my defense, I thought it was yours.”

  “So you said.”

  I stepped forward. “Again, in my defense, I didn’t know she was here.”

  “She got here late last night. We went for breakfast. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I finished early,” I explained, slipping my arm around her waist. “I was anxious to get home to you.”

  “I think Caroline knows just how anxious.”

  “I like her.”


  I nodded. “She’s feisty.” I pressed closer. “But I like you better.”

  Her cheeks darkened. “Yeah?”

  I chuckled as I pulled her against me, my lips at her ear. “Her ass was nice, Shelby, but nowhere near as spectacular as yours. I have no idea how I got them confused.” I squeezed her rounded cheeks firmly. “I’d like to show you how anxious I really felt. How much I missed you.” I squeezed again. “And this.”

  Her eyes, the warm, rich blue I missed so much, looked at me from under her lashes. Her arms wound around my neck. “Show me, then.”

  With a groan, I tightened my hold and crashed my lips to hers. I commanded her mouth instantly, delving and tasting, needing to show her exactly how much I had missed her. One hand stayed on her hip while I buried the other into her thick hair, tilting her head and controlling the kiss. Her low whimper was all I needed to lift her onto the counter, stepping between her legs as I reacquainted myself with the sweetness that was Shelby. Her hands tugged and pulled on the back of my hair, keeping me close, wrapping her legs around my hips as she welcomed me home. I wanted to lose myself in her taste forever.

  It was only the sudden, sorrowful, and loud meow that broke through the fog clouding my brain. I wanted Shelby. I wanted to tear off her clothes and shag her right here on the counter until she was panting and screaming my name. Then I wanted to take her upstairs, make love to her in our bed, and then shag her all over again on some other surface of the house. God knew there were plenty of places I wanted to try.

  But we weren’t alone.

  If the meow hadn’t done it, the quiet, “Sorry, he escaped,” did. I stepped back, my breath ragged and bent down, picking up the kitten that was clawing at my jeans, trying to climb his way to my shoulder.

  Caroline stood in the doorway, uncertain if she should leave or stay. I smiled at her, tracing my thumb across Shelby’s bottom lip. God, I loved to bite that lip.

  “Someone likes you,” Shelby said quietly.

  I looked over to the kitten that was nestled happily again by my neck. He did seem to have taken to me. “Pussies do like me.” I winked at her. “I mean, what’s not to like? Where did he come from?”

  Shelby gave me a pointed look, rolling her eyes, before explaining. “I was dropping off a donation at the shelter. He was abandoned, and he needed a home—he was down to his last day.” Her eyes were pleading. “I couldn’t leave him, Liam. I couldn’t.”

  Her tender heart made my own ache. She cared so much about everything. “It’s fine, Beaker. He’s welcome.” I tickled his chin as he purred happily. My new mate. “But we aren’t calling him Fuzzball. That is all sorts of wrong. He needs a good, strong, male name.”

  “What’s wrong with Fuzzball?”

  I leaned down, my lips against her ear. “I already have one soft, fuzzy pussy in the house I like to play with. This wee guy is gonna be my mate. He needs a different name.” I bit down on her lobe, pulling it with my teeth.

  She shivered and swallowed; her voice was husky. “What are we calling him?”

  I looked at his rugged face and big paws. He was going to be a monster when he grew. I grinned at her. “Thor.”


  “Yeah. He looks like a tough little bugger. I like it.” He licked my finger. “See, he agrees.”

  She rolled her eyes but agreed. “Okay, Thor it is.”

  I grabbed her chin and kissed her. Hard. Deep.

  “Thor and I are hungry. We need you to take care of that for us.”

  Her eyes crinkled as she grinned saucily. “For food, right?”

  I kissed her again, pressing my lips to hers firmly. “For now.” Then I grinned. “I smell turkey?”


  “I want sandwiches.”

  She stared at me, slowly trailing her tongue over her bottom lip.

  “I want you even more,” I murmured.

  “Caroline,” she whispered. “I can’t just kick her out.”

  Pulling back, I winked at her. I wanted her alone—and soon. “I’ve got it covered.”

  I turned to Caroline, who was watching us with a smile. “Come in and join us, Caroline. I have to make a call, but I’ll be right back.”

  I scratched Thor under the chin as I walked down the hall, dialing the phone.

  “Hey Douglas, can I interest you in the best-tasting sandwich you’ve ever had?”

  I grinned at his enthusiastic reply.

  “Great. Come on over.”



  Lunch was great. Douglas was as crazy for Shelby’s sandwiches as I was, and in my opinion, ate far too many of them—I even had to share the pickles. I sat back, watching Caroline charm the pants off Douglas. She was funny, smart, and articulate. They had many shared interests including her photography. Turned out he knew her work and was a fan. She, in turn, admired his films.

  Shelby, as usual, was right. They were perfect for each other. But I wanted them to be perfect for each other somewhere else.

  They were far too comfortable sitting at my table, eating and talking. I wanted Shelby to myself, but she seemed to be enjoying their company a little too much. I needed to remind her why I invited Douglas over in the first place. I was hoping he would take Caroline out for a while, and I needed to make him think it was his idea.

  Shelby was driving me mental. Every time she leaned forward, I caught a glimpse of the top of her breasts peeking out from her shirt. I wanted to touch them—with my tongue. Her voice seemed huskier today, her laughter sultrier, which made me need to feel her lips underneath mine.
When she moved her head, I could smell the fragrance of her hair. I wanted to bury my face in it. Each time she shifted in her chair, I wanted to feel her moving underneath me. Or on top—I wasn’t picky right now. When her hand would land on my thigh, my cock twitched a little trying to get to her. It was like a fucking heat-seeking missile and Shelby’s pussy was the target. He wanted her. I wanted her. Soon.

  I needed her to understand that.

  Casually, I stood and strolled to the refrigerator, grabbed the jug from the shelf, took a glass from the cupboard, and set the orange juice in front of Shelby with a loud thump. Smiling, I poured her a glass and pushed it toward her.

  Douglas looked at me. “Did I miss something?”

  I shrugged. “Shelby is thirsty. I can tell. Parched, in fact. She needs some OJ. She has a severe deficiency—it’s a medical thing. She needs lots of OJ.”

  Caroline frowned, looking concerned. “Shelby, you never said anything.”

  Shelby’s cheeks flushed. “It’s nothing. Liam is overexaggerating.” She shot me a look.

  “She had a glass at breakfast, Liam,” Caroline assured me.

  I nodded. “Good. I’m after her all the time to make sure she gets enough. It’s my job to make sure she gets enough. I give her at least a couple of good solid shots of OJ a day. More, if she lets me.” Turning my head, I winked at Shelby. “It’s packed full of natural goodness.”

  “I think I’m fine right now,” she murmured.

  I shook my head. “No, you really need some. I really need to give you some. I want you full of OJ.”

  She giggled. Then she started to laugh. She picked up the glass and started to sip as she chortled.

  Caroline and Douglas shared a look, and Douglas shrugged as if to say, “I have no idea.” Then he addressed Caroline. “I understand you’re here to see Shelby, but I know some great spots where you could take some wonderful photos.” He looked over at Shelby. “If you don’t mind me stealing her away for a few hours? I mean, you’re welcome to join us, but with your following out there…”

  Shelby smiled. “It would be nicer for Caroline if you took her, not to mention safer. They won’t follow you.”

  That reminded me. “Where is Ryan? You didn’t go out for breakfast on your own, did you?”

  She didn’t quite meet my eyes. “No. Ryan was with us.”

  “Did you drive?”

  “No, he drove us. I sent him home after we got back. We didn’t plan on going out again.”

  “Where is your car?” I asked, because she still didn’t have her new one yet.

  She and Caroline shared a quick glance. “Um, I took it in for service.”

  I pursed my lips. Something was up, and she wasn’t telling me. Feeling my gaze, she looked up. “Later,” she mouthed. Grudgingly, I let it go.

  For now.

  Caroline spoke up. “Are you sure you don’t mind, Shelby?”

  She shook her head. “No. You go and enjoy the afternoon. I’ll help Liam unpack, and I have a few things to take care of.” She assured him. “Will you be back for dinner?”

  Caroline started to nod as Douglas spoke. “Why don’t we play it by ear? We’ll call you later.”

  I liked his idea. I hoped it was much later. I smiled benignly. “Of course. I know Shelby wants Caroline to see everything. Take your time.” I pretended to yawn and stretch. “I need a nap. I’m knackered—it was a long week, and I was up early this morning. And I’ve got a few phone calls to make.” I stood. “I’ll let you get on.” I extended my hand to Douglas. "Enjoy your afternoon.” I kissed Caroline’s cheek. “So…lovely to have met you, Caroline. A real pleasure. I look forward to seeing you again.”

  She grinned. “I doubt anything will ever compare to that introduction, Liam. See you later.” She waved, and I knew Douglas would be hearing all about this morning at some point during their time together. I also knew I’d never hear the end of it. I held up my hands.

  “Jet lag and wishful thinking, Douglas. Keep those in mind.” My hand brushed Shelby’s shoulder as I left the room. “You know where I am if you need me.”

  I headed upstairs, knowing Shelby would join me as soon as we were alone. After giving Thor a head rub, I grabbed a quick shower. Coming out, I grinned at what I saw on my bed. Shelby, curled in the center of the bed, wearing only my T-shirt from earlier, Thor snuggled against her as she tickled his head. He obviously enjoyed her touch as much as I did. I could hear him purring from where I stood. Shelby had drawn the shades, the room cast in dim light, restful and soft.

  Shelby glanced up, her eyes dancing as she saw me.

  “Are they gone?” I smirked at her.


  “The door locked?”



  Shelby quirked her eyebrow. “Medical condition, Oscar? Seriously?”

  I ran a towel through my hair as I walked toward the bed. “I spoke the truth.”

  “Do tell.”

  Leaning over, I picked up Thor and placed him in the basket Shelby had bought for him. He wasn’t overly happy, but he didn’t move. I loosened the towel at my waist, allowing it to fall to the floor. My cock was already hard; OJ knew Shelby was right there, and soon he would be buried deep in her warm, wet heaven. I ached for her. Shelby’s eyes were wide as she watched me slowly stroke myself. “You have a raging fever that only I can cure.”

  She leaned back on her elbows, my T-shirt pulled taut across her breasts. I could see her nipples, hard and straining under the cotton.

  “Is that so?” she teased.

  I crawled on the bed, my cock pulling and surging to get closer. “Yep. You need an injection. An OJ injection.” I shook my head. “I won’t lie to you, Shelby. It will probably take more than one injection to cure you.” I waggled my eyebrows at her. “Probably…mul-ti-ple.” I said the last word slowly, running my tongue over my lips as I leered at her.

  For a minute the room was dead quiet.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “Everett was right. You do make me silly.”

  Then she giggled.

  And I pounced.

  Having her under me again was perfect. She was perfect. Our mouths pressed, tongues claimed, our hands stroked and sought out curves and dips as we rocked together. I held her tight, devouring her mouth as I thrust deeply, needing her as close as possible. She whimpered and moaned as she clutched my shoulders, my name falling from her lips like a prayer while I pushed and pulled, the heat between us blistering.

  I cursed and moaned as I felt my orgasm building—too soon and too strong to ignore. Desperately, I slipped my fingers between us, finding her clit, and stroking. “With me, Shelby. I need you to come with me, baby.”

  She cried out in her release, the sound of her passion music to my ears as I succumbed, breathing out her name. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful as I gasped and clutched at her small form, finally collapsing on her chest, panting and mindless.

  She pressed her lips to the top of my head. “I missed you.”

  I sighed against her neck, leisurely trailing my lips up to her mouth, kissing her with the lightest of pressure. “I missed you. So much.”

  I rolled slightly, tucking her against my chest, not ready to let her go yet. “How the hell did we live together for six months and not do this every fucking day?” I wondered into her hair. “I must have been blind.”

  “We weren’t ready.”

  “Was it worth the wait, Shelby?” I asked, suddenly uncertain and needing her assurance.

  “Yes,” she answered simply.

  I lifted her chin for another kiss, my hand tightening on her shoulder. She stiffened, and I heard the small gasp of pain escape her lips. “Beaker?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  I sat up, flicking on the light and straddling her, effectively pinning her to the pillows. I ghosted my fingers over her shoulder, and I frowned at the bruise I could see forming there. I met her nervous eyes. “How?”
  “It was an accident.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  She hesitated. “Did someone touch you?” I hissed through my teeth. I was going to kill whoever had put those marks on her.

  “They tried.”

  “Start talking, Shelby. Before I lose it.”

  She sighed. “You were right, Liam.”


  “Caroline and I went for breakfast without Ryan this morning. I thought it was early enough we’d be okay. There were only a few of them hanging around.”

  I already knew where this was headed. “And?”

  She huffed. “They followed us. I got nervous and called Ryan. He met us at the restaurant, but it was like the few had multiplied—there were so many of them, so fast. They were surrounding us and yelling all sorts of things. One of them got too close, and I stumbled back and fell, hitting my shoulder. Ryan got there right then and pushed the guy out of the way. He hit the car with his camera, denting it. Ryan got us into the restaurant and took care of them outside. He had my car sent to the shop and drove us home after—yelling at me the whole way.” She pouted. “Everett called and yelled at me too.”

  “I told you—”

  Her eyes beseeched me as she cupped my face. “I know you did. I was stupid, and I thought I could handle it. Please don’t be angry. I have enough people angry at me.”

  I leaned into her touch. “I’m not angry. But you have to understand—”

  “I do,” she assured me. “It was a mistake. I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  “Everett yelled at you?”

  “He called me by my full name and everything. He was really mad.” She sighed sadly. “He said now they’ll print a story about me being drunk in the morning and falling down and my bodyguard assaulting a member of the press.”

  Sounded about right.

  But she looked sad and worried. I hated that she’d learned this lesson, but I also knew she’d learn many more. No doubt Everett would be here at some point this afternoon, and we’d hash it all out. But for now, I wasn’t going to lecture her. I wanted her to smile. “They’ll probably link you and Caroline together as well.” I waggled my eyebrows at her. “Maybe I’m doing both of you—together.” Then I grinned at her. “And they’ll see her with Douglas. No doubt, we’re sharing the two of you. Keeping it in the family and all.”


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