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Changing Roles

Page 19

by Melanie Moreland

  She covered her mouth as she giggled, her eyes lighting with mirth. Her shoulders relaxed as she realized I wasn’t going to yell at her. I didn’t care about her dented car or what they would print. I only cared about her being hurt. She only cared about those she loved not being angry with her.

  “I understand, Shelby. I do,” I assured her quietly. “I only lasted about three days the first time I had a meltdown.” I ran my fingers down her soft cheek, wanting her to know I wasn’t angry with her. Never with her. Only at the situation we were in. “That was how I met Everett. Did he never tell you the story?”

  “No. I assumed you met at some industry function.”

  I shifted. “Nope. I became an actor by accident. I was visiting Douglas, and as a laugh, he let me have a walk-on role in a film he was making. I was spotted by another producer visiting the set and given my first break. It was a small role, but it led to another, and then I was hired for a leading role.” I huffed a long breath. “That movie took off like wildfire—totally unexpected by everyone. I was hounded and had no experience, nothing. Douglas tried to help, but I was a bit stubborn and insisted on making my own way.”

  Shelby laughed quietly. “You, stubborn. I can’t even imagine it.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Hush. So in the meantime, I had hired a manager. My first mistake of many. He was” —I snorted— “useless. To him, any press was good press—any picture of me was a good thing in his eyes, no matter how intrusive.” I rolled over, tucking my arm under my head and pulling Shelby close. “I had been trapped in a hotel doing a press junket for a few days and had to get out. So, I did much like you and jumped in the car, thinking I’d be okay. I ended up in some bar across town, believing I’d lost the reporters following me. But not long after I got there, a couple of the tossers walked in and sat at a table nearby, staring at me, waiting for me to do something. They would throw out remarks to try to get me to react.”

  “What happened?”

  “I started getting angrier, and after I had a couple of ales, decided I was gonna confront them and give them what they wanted. Maybe even throw a punch or two and show them who was in charge. I figured if they thought I was tough, they’d leave me alone.” I chuckled at the memory, tracing small circles on Shelby’s skin with my fingers. What an idiot I had been. “I was about to get up when this big guy beside me slapped his hand on my shoulder and told me I needed to stop thinking what I was thinking and just ignore the fuckers.”

  “It was Everett?”

  “Yeah, it was. I growled at him, I think, and he laughed, then introduced himself, ordered us another round, and calmly explained exactly what would happen if I followed through with my plans. I had been muttering out loud, it seemed, and Everett heard enough to know what I had planned.”

  “What did you do?”

  “He told me he had a much better plan and asked if I was up for it. Of course, I said yes because anything was better than sitting there with those wankers so close, irritating the hell out of me. He explained his car would be out back, to give him five minutes, and winked. He said to follow his lead, and then he raised his voice, telling me to get over myself, stood, and walked out the front door.” I started to grin, remembering what happened next. “A few minutes later, I got up and loudly announced I needed to take a piss then pretended to stagger down the hall. I slipped out the door and into his car.” I shook my head. “We were long gone before they even realized they’d been played.”

  Shelby was giggling with me. “And then?”

  “We went to his place and got right drunk off our heads. It was the start of a great friendship. The next day, there was an article about my rude and drunken behavior in a public place.” I looked down at Shelby, grinning. “I was quite thoroughly chastised by the studio. If only they knew how drunk I’d been in a much more private place, they would have been horrified.”

  “How did he become your manager?”

  “Jack and I hadn’t been getting on—at all. We argued constantly, and then one day he informed me I should stick to acting, and he would handle the rest of the stuff, since he was much more capable than me.”

  I sighed. “The day I was mobbed, he was there—twenty feet away, watching. He did nothing to help. He stood and watched as they tore at my clothes and hair. Groped at me. Grabbed my junk. He did nothing but make sure lots of pictures were taken.” I shuddered at the memory. “He thought my panic attacks were amusing. He never cared about me. Only the dollars I added to his bank account.”

  “What a jerk.”

  “Yeah, he was. He loved to spend my money. All under the guise of ‘helping’ me, when really it was just helping himself and his friends. It took me a while, but the argument we had that day was it for me. I walked out, went to Everett, and made him an offer. He only had two other clients, but I liked how he treated them—with respect.” I rubbed my face roughly with my hand. “He had been much more than a friend for a while. Always there to advise me or help if I needed it. He always had my back—something I knew Jack didn’t anymore. Whatever was better financially was the direction Jack seemed to be taking. I knew it was only going to get worse. The more famous I became, the more we argued. Jack proved he wasn’t loyal to me—only the money I made him. Everett was a true friend, and I knew I could trust him. He had proven it time and time again.

  “Bloody hell, it was an awful scene when I fired Jack. Everett was there, doing most of the talking, thank God. And my lawyer was there. It got ugly. But once it was done, things got much better.” Smirking, I rolled again, making Shelby gasp in surprise as I hovered over her. “Then I fired that nutjob, Marie, and got you. And my life became pretty bloody perfect.”

  She smiled at me, her gaze filled with love. We were close enough I could see the flecks of gold amidst the blue of her eyes. Our eyes held as the heat built back up around us.

  Fuck, I wanted her again.

  I drifted my fingers across her shoulder. “Does it hurt?”

  “Not really. Just a little achy.”

  Leaning down, I brushed my lips over the bruise. “I’ll kiss it—and anywhere else you’re aching,” I murmured, trailing my lips to her ear. “Just show me, and I’ll make it all better.”

  I liked the shiver my touch caused.

  She wound her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her sweet mouth.

  I went willingly.



  My phone buzzed with an incoming text. Shifting carefully so I didn’t disturb Shelby, I grabbed it off the nightstand.

  Everett: Picked it up. On my way. Be there in 10. She is going to kill you, btw.

  I grinned—there was that chance. Looking down into Shelby’s sleeping face, I decided the chance was worth the risk. And I knew exactly how to get her on board with my plan. I snickered quietly to myself.

  I was pure genius.

  Pressing closer, I nuzzled the sleep-warmed skin of her cheek, ghosting my lips over her skin. “Shelby, my darling girl. Wake up.”

  Her eyes opened, her sleepy smile welcoming. “Hi.”

  “Everett is going to be here any minute. We need to get up.”

  She pulled the covers tighter and snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, enjoying the feel of her being close.

  “Is he coming to yell more?”

  “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t let him yell. But you can’t yell either.”




  Chuckling, I got up, grabbed some jeans and a T-shirt from the drawer, and threw them on. Bending, I grabbed Thor, placing him on my shoulder. “Get dressed and come downstairs.”

  “Commando, Liam?”

  I winked at her. “My girl likes me that way.” I paused at the door. “Come on, Beaker.”

  “I’m coming!” I heard her get out of bed as I walked down the hall, and then she called out, her voice suspicious. “Wait—what are you up to Oscar?”

  I kept w

  Shelby walked around the vehicle silently, stopping a couple of times to glare at me, then she would move again, opening the doors, peering inside, but not saying a word. I heard her rummaging around the front at one point, and I braced myself for her wrath.

  Finally, she stopped in front of me. “You bought a new car.”

  “SUV—the safest one in its class. It’s an Acura MDX.”

  Everett grinned. “It’s a sweet ride. This thing is loaded.”

  “Why does the registration have my name on it, Liam, if it’s your car?”

  “SUV,” I corrected.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Your SUV.”

  “Ah, tax purposes.”

  I looked at Everett, who nodded with approval.

  Good one.

  I probably shouldn’t have raised my hand for a fist bump while Shelby was looking.

  Big mistake.

  “You better not have bought me this, Liam. If you did, you can take it back…right now.”

  I shook my head. “No refunds.”

  “So, you did buy this for me?” she spat out, crossing her arms over her chest. “Is my car not good enough?”

  And there it was. I looked at Everett, who shrugged as if to say, “You’re on your own,” and faced Shelby.

  “No, actually, it’s not.”

  Her eyes narrowed and I moved closer, keeping my voice soothing. “Shelby, this SUV is safe. A nav system, completely synced with your phone, extra air bags, tinted windows, air conditioning.”

  She snorted. “You sound like a car salesman. Why do I need that stuff? I’m fine without it! I’ve done without all of it until now!”

  She walked into my web so easily, I was surprised.

  “Things have changed now. This—” I patted the top of the SUV "—will keep you safe. Now you can drive with the windows up and be comfortable in the heat.” I jerked my head toward the front gate. “They can’t take pictures of you through the tint. Pull down the visor and wear sunglasses, they won’t get much of an angle from the front either. You don’t even have to roll the windows down to get in the gate—there’s a remote inside the cab.” I added a little incentive. “Once this—us—dies down, I won’t worry as much when you’re out on your own.” I didn’t add it would be a while before that happened. Then I went in for the kill. “I would think, after what happened this morning, you’d want to make sure Ev and I don’t worry as much. We hoped you’d accept this, knowing how much it would mean to both of us.”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked over at Ev, who stared at her, his face grave. She looked back at me, and I struggled to keep a straight face as he took a bow behind her. I kept my expression serious. “I don’t ask much, Shelby, but I am asking you to do this one thing. Drive this car. For me.”

  She looked at the vehicle and then back at me. “It would make you feel better? Worry less?”

  “Yes, it would. Please.”

  Her voice became suspicious. “Does this have anything to do with the money?”

  Bloody hell, my girl was a smart one. “No, Shelby. This has everything to do with your safety and my peace of mind,” I stated firmly. “It never even crossed my mind.”

  She studied my face, which I managed to keep smooth, only conveying shock at her suggestion.

  “Just checking,” she murmured as she looked back at the vehicle again.

  My lips twitched as I dared a glance at Everett, who was smirking at me. I should have gotten another Oscar for my performance. Fooling her wasn’t easy.

  She sighed in defeat. “It is a lovely color,” she murmured.

  I pulled her against my chest, wrapping my arms securely around her. “It’s called ‘Performance Red Pearl.’ You know how much I love you in red.” I patted the hood. “And it sparkles. You love sparkles.”

  She looked at me, no longer annoyed, but smiling.


  Everett groaned. “I am out of here.” He chuckled. “Cheeseball is back in the house.” He shook his head as he walked away. I ignored him. Cheeseball was working right now, and I was taking full advantage of that fact.

  Lowering my head, I bit down on her sensitive lobe. “The windows are dark enough we could snog in the back seat somewhere. Just for fun.”


  I kissed the shell of her ear, tracing the pale skin with the tip of my tongue. “We could get in now and try it if you like.” I lowered my voice. “It would drive Everett crazy.” I opened the back door. “You wanna test it out?”

  She whimpered.

  I had her.


  The stories printed the next day were quite close to what Everett had predicted. Apparently, I was seeing Caroline as well as Shelby, which caused her to drink. One of the photographers got pushed while trying to break up the two of them, since they were about to start physically fighting over me. I glanced at Shelby, who was chuckling beside me.

  “Hot, Beaker. Catfight.” I waggled my eyebrows at her, relishing her giggles. Of course, no mention was made of the fact that they were long-standing friends, or that Caroline was staying here and they had left to go for breakfast together. I shut off the monitor, shaking my head. It would never change. Half the time, even legitimate interviews misconstrued my words, twisting them to make it seem like I said something other than what I had stated. I was tired of it, and I had to admit, it was wearing me down.

  I sat, sipping my coffee. “Is Caroline still asleep? What time did she get home last night?” I had crashed early, Shelby beside me reading, and Thor purring on my head as he snuggled in.

  Shelby smirked as she placed the plate of French toast in front of me. I dug into the unexpected treat, famished. “She texted me to say it was late and she’d stay at Douglas’s.”

  I paused, my fork midway to my mouth. “That wanker. He stole my other woman!”

  Shelby laughed. “You Wright men are hard to resist.”

  “It’s the British thing. I keep telling you. Resistance is futile.” I pulled her into my lap, kissing her with syrup-covered lips.

  “So it appears,” she agreed. “It’s not like Caroline to move so quickly.”

  I took another bite of French toast, chewing thoughtfully and chuckling as Shelby stole a bite off my plate. “Douglas isn’t usually one to act like this either,” I agreed. “I guess you were right. They are perfect for each other.”

  Her eyes lit up, and she moved closer. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say? I was what?”

  Laughing, I kissed her—hard. She was adorable. “You were right. One hundred percent right.” Then I smirked. “And I am going to have fun with them when they eventually resurface.”

  “Liam? If you embarrass her, she might decide to spend less time with Douglas. And more time here.”

  I frowned, not understanding her point. Caroline was here to see Shelby after all. “And?”

  “If she’s here, we won’t be alone. And then I couldn’t do this.” With a grin, she slipped off my lap onto her knees in front of me. Her hands began a torturous circuit up my thighs, gliding under the loose legs of the board shorts I was wearing and teasing OJ. He instantly became far more interested in the fact that her mouth was right there than the fact that French toast was close to my mouth. I dropped my fork as Shelby tugged on the material, lifting my hips as she pulled him free of the suddenly restraining fabric.

  When her mouth closed around me, wet and warm, my head fell back, thoughts of breakfast, Caroline, or anything else leaving my head, at least the one on my shoulders. The only thing in the entire world that mattered was the sexy woman kneeling in front of me with my cock in her mouth. Dammit, she was good at pleasuring me.

  “Oh fuck…Shelby…” I groaned.

  Her eyes were filled with mischief as she pulled back, teasing the head with her tongue, the pink tip gliding and licking, making my eyes roll back in my head. “You really want Caroline here all the time before you leave?”

  “No,” I panted, sh
aking my head, understanding her completely now. And in utter agreement. “Caroline should spend lots of time with Douglas. She can come back after I leave,” I gasped. “Not saying a bloody word.”

  She winked. “Good plan.”

  My reward was her mouth on me again.

  Both OJ and I rejoiced.


  Later in the afternoon, I handed Douglas another beer, grinning at the expression on his face as he watched Shelby and Caroline chatting, floating around the pool. “You are a goner there, big bro.”

  He glanced at me, frowning. “I just met her, Liam. Hardly a goner.”

  “Hmph,” I mused, throwing myself back into the lounger next to him, staring at Shelby. Her blue bathing suit was nowhere near small enough for my taste, but since we had guests, it was probably for the best. They might not like the reaction I would have to her more revealing suits. As it was, I had to keep OJ on a short leash and distracted. “Well then, you’ll be happy to know Shelby is planning on keeping Caroline busy over the next few days. You won’t have to worry about her being too…clingy or anything.”

  The bottle paused in midair and Douglas glanced at me. “Oh.”

  I hid my grin. “Problem?”

  “No.” He paused. “But I thought you were home the next few days. I, ah, was planning to take Caroline around, show her some great photo spots and, um, you know, let you have some time with Shelby before you left for your shoot. You know, as a favor.”

  “Ah. Such a selfless gesture on your part.” I rolled my eyes. “You are so full of it.”

  He joined me in my laughter. “I am. Bloody hell, Liam, she’s fabulous.”

  I agreed. “She’s great. I like her.”


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