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Order (Blood Moon Covenant)

Page 24

by R L Medina

  “Val!” Elijah’s desperate voice called. He sounded weakened and in pain.

  My wolf rose to the surface.

  Diego smiled. “After I kill you. I’ll kill him next.”

  My wolf growled.

  Standing there stark naked, my blood dripping from his mouth, he looked fierce. He was fierce. He was everything the humans feared of us—strong, brutal, wild.

  But so was I.

  His eyes shot to silver and before he could shift, I moved forward. My knife sliced through his side.

  “No!” Sylvie’s cry bounced off the walls.

  Diego reeled, clutching his wound. I blinked at the blood blossoming from his skin. An injury in human form was much harder to heal. I stared in shock at what I’d done. It happened too fast. Too easy. Was it over? It couldn’t be over already.

  Diego roared. His wolf was filled with fury. He punched me. I reeled back with the force of it, pain spearing through my jaw.

  “Val!” Elijah pushed his way to the front.

  “Don’t. Don’t shift.” Sylvie was at Diego’s side. Her eyes were wide with fear. “Don’t shift. Your human side won’t be able to heal in time.”

  Diego hissed in pain, his eyes shooting me daggers.

  His wolves howled around us. My wolves burst through and descended on them. The humans we’d saved were with them—turning the guns Diego had gifted us on his pack.

  Elijah pulled me into him. His shirt, unlike mine, hadn’t been torn when he shifted. The rough material rubbed against my bare skin. I stood, numb, as Diego’s blood dripped from my knife.

  “Call off your wolves.” My voice was hoarse.

  Sylvie sobbed by his side, trying to stop his bleeding with a kitchen towel. Diego’s eyes narrowed on me. The look he leveled me said it all. This wasn’t over. It was far, far from over.



  The streets were filled with werewolves and vampires. I could barely make out my coven past the crowds. Dread coiled in my gut. Ryn stopped the carriage and we hopped out.

  Deepa stood beside me, eyes wide in horror.

  “Come on,” I urged her.

  Ryn ordered his vampires into the fray. He turned and gave me a curt nod.

  I stumbled forward as they descended on the wolves and other vamps. Ryn’s vampires against those loyal to Fane. Diego’s army was bigger than I’d ever imagined. How could I have not seen it?

  Blake’s words came back to me. There are others…

  More rogue witches right within our coven. Guilt pricked at me. I should have seen it. I should have known.

  Vampires, witches, and werewolves all on the same side and against us. It would be a bloody mess once it was over. The only ones not there… humans. Where were all the humans?

  I turned to Ryn. “The humans and the other wolves. The slaves. Free them. I’m going to help my coven.”

  Ryn nodded and commanded his vampires to follow my orders. They disappeared down the street.

  Deepa and I went ahead, racing for the coven. She and Ryn shielded me from the rogue witches that came out of nowhere, blasting magic at us.

  I leapt through the doorway and let Deepa use her magic to seal the doors. It wasn’t a permanent fix, but it would help.

  Inside there was chaos. Spells flying through the air, wolves tearing into each other, and vampires whooshing here and there.

  “I’ll deal with the vampires. You two go after Diego.” Ryn’s voice hardened.

  I looked back and nearly stumbled. His brows were furrowed, and he looked exactly like the portrait I’d seen. Harsh. Unrelenting… and magnificent. He glanced at me before disappearing.

  Snapping my mouth closed, I motioned for Deepa to follow me. I had to get to Diego. Make sure Kohl was okay.

  “Kenzie!” Kohl called from the back.

  Deepa moved with me, shielding us both with her power. Irritation burned inside me. I needed my magic, but it was still too soon to cast.

  “Kohl!” My voice rang out.

  Heads turned to us. Deepa swore behind me and I realized too late, my mistake. The rogue witches came for me and some of the familiar faces I saw cut me to the core. How could I have been so blind?

  Kohl and my faithful witches cut them off before they could make it to me. They formed a circle around me and cast a barrier around us. A lick of anger curled inside me.

  I didn’t want to be stuck in the protection ring like a weakling. I should have been there on the front lines, striking them all down.

  The blood moon was still in the sky so why wasn’t I healing faster?

  “Kohl, where is he? Where is Diego?” I yelled over the noise.

  “He’s with Valeria.”

  “The covenant?”

  “It’s safe.” Kohl glanced at me.

  Relief flooded me. I smiled at him. Concern shone on his face as he took in my appearance.

  Someone screamed. I turned to see the candles knocked over, fire racing along the wooden floor.

  Trying to burn my coven down? Fury sparked inside me.

  “Deepa, Kohl, come with me. The rest of you put out that fire and end those witches.”

  They scattered immediately, ready to fulfill my command. Deepa and Kohl moved with me and kept the barrier strong.

  We made it to the back room. I reeled at the sight before us. Valeria stood, naked, over Diego. A bloodied knife hung from her hand. Elijah, Drew, and her wolves were by her side.

  They’d done it. They had stopped him. I stared at them, stunned.

  Sylvie was beside her fallen alpha, blocking Valeria’s path.

  “Stop. I’ll sign it.” Sylvie’s shrill voice echoed in the room.

  I threw a hand up to silence everyone. “Enough. Stop. Diego, call off your wolves. It’s over.”

  They all turned to me.

  “Stand down.” It was Sylvie who spoke.

  Diego’s eyes were narrowed on his mate, but he said nothing. He was too busy bleeding out.

  Marching forward, I went to Sylvie. “You said you’ll sign the covenant?”

  She nodded.

  “With his blood.” I pointed at Diego.

  She glared at me. “My blood works just as good.”

  “No. I want his.”

  He struggled to his feet. “No, Sylvie. You sign that and we’ll lose everything.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “We already have, Diego. I can’t lose you. You’d do the same if it were me.”

  Before he could argue, I took the knife from Valeria and swiped it along his cut. He hissed with pain, eyes flashing silver.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I warned.

  Trusting Kohl to have my back, I turned back to his mate and offered her the end of my blade. She leveled me a look of pure hatred as she took it.


  He pulled out the scroll and hovered it in the air before Sylvie.

  “Sign it. Your name with his blood,” I demanded.

  With a trembling hand she did what she was told. Shock ran through me. Was it over? Was it really over? It couldn’t be that easy.

  Sylvie’s shoulders slumped as she finished. She gripped the knife in her hand.

  I held my palm out to her. “Give it back. I don’t trust you with it.”

  Her eyes were silver. Kohl edged closer to me. Elijah moved first. He yanked the knife out of her grasp, and she skittered back.

  Val was standing with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders now. Her face was scrunched in pain, but she was alive. Her and Elijah and Kohl.

  “Are we free to go now?” Sylvie’s voice was small and subdued.

  She crouched beside Diego, her gaze on him. His eyes were clenched shut.

  Silence filled the room. Even the witches had stopped fighting and gathered around to watch what would happen next.

  All eyes turned to me. I squared my shoulders back. “Yes. For now. Take your pack with you.” I turned to face the others. “The covenant is sealed. Signed by the humans, the wo
lves, the witches, and vampires.”

  Or it would be once Ryn signed it. But they didn’t need to know that.

  “You don’t speak for all witches,” one of the rogues interrupted.

  A harsh laugh escaped me. “Actually, I do. That’s what being queen means. You can try to defy me if you want, but trust me, you won’t win.”

  Ryn and his vampires came up behind the witches, their presence drawing gasps and stares. He met my look and nodded in assurance.

  I marched up to the rogue witch. “Get out of my coven. Before I decide to strike you all down here and now.”

  Never mind that I couldn’t use any magic yet.

  She flinched at my words and that made me smile. They wouldn’t think me so weak now.

  The rogues exchanged nervous looks and one by one, turned for the door. A sigh of relief escaped me as they left. Sylvie and the other wolves trailed them. Diego, hobbled between his mate and beta, eyes murderous as they landed on me.

  He motioned for them to stop.

  I steeled myself as he stood in front of me. “This isn’t over, McKenzie. I won’t let you destroy what we’ve built.”

  “Get out of my face, Diego,” I snapped.

  He glared at me as the others led him away. Back to whatever hole they’d crawled out of. I watched him go, his threat echoing around me.

  Not over…

  I knew it wasn’t over, but at least we’d come to a stand-still. We could figure out our next steps as we went.

  Once they were gone, I instructed the healers to make use of the last of the blood moon and tend to everyone. There was a tangible relief as everyone moved about. We’d done it.

  Surprise and joy showed on everyone’s faces, but the moment didn’t last long. A loud, slow clap sounded from somewhere. Everyone paused.

  I frowned, scanning the shadows for the source.

  Fane emerged.

  His cold, blue eyes pierced me. A smug smile spread on his face. “Well done, everyone. Cheers. Sorry to have missed the excitement.”

  My mouth dropped open. Was he for real?

  Ryn marched toward him. “Fane,” He growled.

  Fane’s eyes flicked to him. “Prince Fane, please.”

  “What are you doing here? You dare show your face again after what you’ve done? You helped Diego.” Ryn’s voice rose and bounced off the walls.

  Fane only smiled. “Yes. I’m sorry about that too. But looks like you’re no worse for the wear so all’s well that ends well.”

  Ryn took a step closer to him, fury in his eyes.

  “Did she tell you she kissed me?”

  Ryn reeled.

  My eyes snapped to Fane’s. His smile grew triumphant. Bastard.

  “Get out.” Ryn’s voice hardened.

  “I just thought you’d like to know.”

  Ryn stilled, his fangs out. “Leave, Fane. Now. Before I do something, I regret.”

  Fane’s gaze flickered to me. “Haven’t you already done that?”

  Ryn leapt at him with a snarl and threw him against the wall. I flinched as his head collided with it, the sound echoing in the silence.

  “Ryn.” I hurried to his side.

  Fane’s eyes narrowed. “You never could master your emotions. Weak just like before..”

  Ryn recoiled, anguish flashing across his face. His hands dropped to his sides as Fane straightened his shirt and sneered at me.

  Everyone watched us. I didn’t dare look at Kohl. My humiliation and Ryn’s anger weren’t enough for Fane. He stopped in front of Kohl and I sucked in a breath.

  “Did she tell you about our kiss? She was practically begging me to take her.”

  Fury built inside me. “Shut your mouth, Fane.”

  “That’s not what you were saying that night.”

  Kohl’s fists clenched, knuckles whitening. His mask of coolness slipped and the shock and hurt I saw written behind it made my stomach clench.

  “But I guess one vampire wasn’t enough for her.” His eyes slid to me and back to Kohl. “I saw her sucking face with my brother. You should have heard her moaning. She ever moan for you, witch?”

  A blast of magic flew from Kohl’s palm, sending the vampire stumbling back.

  Fane laughed.

  I could feel the magic between my witches rise and fall. I didn’t need to turn to see their shock and disgust.

  My chin lifted. It was a kiss. Nothing more. It didn’t mean anything.

  Kohl didn’t meet my eyes. His anger stung worse than the others. I swallowed hard. There was nothing I could say to make things better.

  The truth was out.

  “Get out, Fane.” I strode forward.

  He bowed and flashed me a smile before disappearing in a flurry.

  “Are we seriously going to let him walk away? Just like that? His name isn’t in the covenant. Doesn’t that mean he can do whatever the hell he wants?” Drew’s voice broke the silence.

  No one answered him.

  Fane was a traitor. Ryn’s signature wouldn’t matter now. Not unless he took his place as King.

  I turned to Kohl. Anguish flashed in his eyes, but his face was a mask of calm.

  He didn’t look at me.

  Guilt flooded me, but I couldn’t change what I’d done,

  I cleared my throat. “Are the others okay?”

  Kohl stared at Ryn. Ryn returned the silent glare.


  He turned to me, the look of betrayal on his face like a punch to my gut. “Yes.”

  All eyes were on us, but no one spoke.

  “Is there anything else? Kenzie?”

  My heart twisted at the sound of my nickname and the sorrow in his eyes. He wanted an explanation for what I’d done, but I had none.

  I wrapped my arms around myself and averted my gaze. How could he expect me to talk about something I didn’t even understand myself?

  He stiffened, reading my silence as an answer. Then he walked away. I knew in that moment, I’d broken our friendship beyond repair. There was no going back now.

  Whispers echoed around us. I could feel all their eyes on me. Their judging, harsh eyes.

  They think you are weak…

  Kohl disappeared into the crowd and I followed. He stepped outside and stood on the front porch, hands gripping the rails. Diego’s army had fled and now only Ryn’s vampires milled about.


  His shoulders stiffened. “Yes, My Queen?”

  Shame and guilt crashed into me at the pain in his voice. Why didn’t he turn and look at me?

  “I… it was only a kiss.”

  “What you do is your own business.”

  Warmth flooded my face. “I haven’t done anything, Kohl. Kohl, look at me.”

  He flinched. “I can’t. Please, Kenzie. I can’t.” His voice was barely more than a whisper.

  My heart twisted. I’d done this to him. To my best friend. I swallowed the lump in my throat, wishing I could rewind time and stop myself. I didn’t want to lose Kohl.

  “Why him?”

  His question cut me. Which one, I wanted to say, but stopped myself.

  “I don’t know. I think I was compelled.”

  Kohl whipped toward me, his eyes studying me. “Compelled?”

  I hated the hopefulness in his voice. My mind was screaming at me to just go with it, but I couldn’t. He was my best friend. He would see through the lie.

  “Maybe.” I looked away.

  He issued a harsh laugh. “Right.”

  “It was a mistake. It’s never going to happen again.”

  “May I go now?” His voice hardened.

  I cringed. He was shielding himself from me, erecting a barrier to protect his wounded heart.

  Tears filled my eyes. “Kohl. This changes nothing.”

  He sucked in a breath, my eyes tracking the movement as he squared his shoulders back. “What do you want me to say, Kenzie?”

  “That we’re okay. That you forgive me. That you don’t h
ate me for this.”

  Slowly, he turned and the anguish I saw in his hazel eyes struck me like lightening.

  “Hate you? I have loved you since you walked into Miss Evan’s fifth grade class with your fake rose tattoo and that girly giggle.”

  My fists clenched by my side. A numbness filled me as he stared, that hopeful look on his face. My heart pounded against my ribs. He’d said it. He’d never spoke it out loud before.

  Say something. Tell him you love him. But I didn’t love him. Not like that.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted instead.

  Immediately, I wished I’d lied. His face crumpled and before I could take back my words, the stony mask was back.

  “No reason to apologize, My Queen. You’ve made your feelings clear.”

  “Kohl, no. I do care about you. You know that. You’re my best—”

  “Don’t, Kenzie. Don’t say it. Please.” His eyes clenched shut.

  The pain I saw written on his face made me pause. There was nothing else I could say. I wrapped my arms around myself and watched as he marched back inside.

  Blinking away the tears, I sucked in a long breath and followed. Maybe in time, he would forgive me.



  I scanned the room. There were so many of us. All the humans they’d enslaved and the witches and wolves who hadn’t submitted to Diego were freed. The ones who were still alive that was. My chest tightened as I watched a group of humans embrace each other with joyful sobs.

  A loud sigh escaped me. It was done.

  “Come. We need to get your wolf to Cruz.” Elijah’s tone was stern.

  I frowned at him, still hurt by his cowardice, but I let him lead me away. The wound was already starting to heal and though it hurt like hell, it was worth it.

  Words my father taught me echoed in my mind. Most risks worth taking are painful, Val. If it were easy, everyone would do it and it wouldn’t be a risk.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat at the memory. Diego’s insults were still fresh in my mind as well. Was he right? Would Dad have been ashamed of me siding with humans after what they’d done to us?

  The fact that the alpha wolf’s words made me question my choices and question my own father’s feelings toward me made me want to stab him all over again.


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