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Order (Blood Moon Covenant)

Page 25

by R L Medina

  “Valeria.” Drew’s voice cut through my thoughts.

  Elijah’s grip tightened on my wrist. His body stilled and I could tell right away he was fighting his wolf’s urge to keep me from the human.

  I turned to face Drew, offering him a weak smile. My eyes flickered to Elijah. I gave his large hand wrapped around me a pointed look.

  His lip curled, but he withdrew his hold.

  “Are you okay?” Drew’s gaze roamed over me, and the concern I saw written there made me flush.

  “I’m fine. Just going to find the healer.”

  Drew’s eyes shot to Elijah and back to me. “I want to come with you. Make sure you’re okay.”

  Elijah scowled at him. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Elijah,” I warned.

  His face softened and he looked away. We moved toward the corner of the room where Cruz and the other healers were tending to the injured. Drew and Elijah stood by my side.

  “We did it. We actually did it.” McKenzie’s voice rose above the noise.

  Everyone quieted and turned to her. She held up the signed paper and ran her fingers across the lettering. It shook in her grasp, the edges glowing a bright yellow.

  My eyes widened. Magic?

  “We still have a lot to figure out. As far as the rules we want to make. How the housing and food situation is going to be handled. There’s so much.” She shook her head as she spoke.

  “But there’s time for all that. Tonight, we celebrate.” The vampire prince smiled.

  His fangs stuck out making my inner wolf’s hackles rise. The declaration Prince Fane had made still hung in the air. The witch queen and the vampire prince—both of them, apparently. It was hard to wrap my head around.

  Unnatural. My wolf offered her opinion.

  Not our business, I reminded her.

  “Yes. We have good news. The barrier spell is broken. We—”

  An uproar of cheers and gasps cut off the queen’s words. I reeled at the confession. My gaze fell on Elijah. The barrier was open. Would he still stay?

  My wolf whimpered.

  McKenzie held up a hand and everyone shut up. Irritation filled me at how easily she commanded attention. Even after her public embarrassment she acted as if nothing had happened and the others followed her lead. What did she have that I didn’t?

  “We don’t know what’s out there or if it’s safe. So, we will be sending out a group to scout… and to guard it. We have to be careful about this. We also need to set up a meeting where we can all decide on the rules for the covenant.”

  “But I thought the rules were already made? What did everyone sign their name for?” a human spoke up.

  The queen glanced at her. “The signing was just to establish the covenant. To establish order. From there, we’ll have to come up with the rules we want our society to run on.”

  “How bout no more slavery,” another human growled.

  Others murmured their agreement.

  “Yes. We will go over all that, but not now. Right now, we should regroup. Everyone’s been through a lot. Everyone goes back to their… groups and you can discuss what you want to see in the rules and protocols. Then we’ll pick a day to meet.”

  I nodded along with the others.

  Diego was still alive, and he still had many on his side, but we were unified now, and there were more of us. We would keep the covenant. He would either have to accept defeat or we would have no choice but to lock him away.

  Or kill him, my wolf offered.

  I shuddered at the idea, though I’d come close to doing just that. I didn’t want it to come to murder, but my gut told me it wasn’t over. He would fight back.

  Cruz dipped his head in acknowledgment as I stepped in front of him for healing. With a pained smile, I shifted. The blanket fell from my shoulders.

  Pain hammered into me. A pitiful whine escaped me. I glanced up to find Elijah staring at me, his eyes turned to silver.

  I called to his wolf, but he didn’t come. Instead, Elijah landed a gentle hand on my head, his eyes shut. He was holding his wolf in. Sorrow filled me. Why wouldn’t he come?

  The healer worked quickly to lessen my pain. I curled myself on the cold floor and shut my eyes, letting my body do the rest of its healing. Voices drifted above me, and people moved around noisily. The room was too crowded, but the presence of my mate calmed me.

  When I woke up, I found myself back in human form and covered with a heavy blanket. I was in a bed and it was too dark to make out anything else. Was I in a guest room? My body tensed as I tried to sit up. The wolf part of me was still recovering.

  Something rustled at the end of the bed. I shot up.

  Our mate.

  I blew out my breath in relief. Elijah. I leaned forward to find him sprawled at the foot of my bed, a gentle snore coming from him.

  How long had he been watching over me? My heart warmed at his concern, but another part of me was still sour about the fight. The scene replayed in my mind. Why was it so easy for him to walk away?

  He is human. Sometimes humans are weak.

  But was that all it was? He let his fear control him? I wanted to trust him again, but, how could I? It wouldn’t matter anyway once he left Savannah. My chest tightened.

  Pushing away the thoughts, I lay back down and tried to sleep before morning came. Diego’s face followed me in my dreams, his wolf’s attack played on repeat. I saw it unfold over and over, and each time it felt as if I was dying again.

  When sunlight woke me, I sat up to find Elijah had gone. My wolf assured me he was still in the building and as much as I told myself it didn’t matter—it did.

  He was still there.

  A knock sounded on my door and I sprang to my feet to see who it was. I looked down and stopped, realizing I was still naked.

  “Hold on.” I turned to scan the room for clothes.

  Someone had left an outfit for me on the side table. Dressing quickly, I stretched and went for the door.

  Surprise filled me as I opened it to find Drew there. Not Elijah.

  His eyes took me in, and I couldn’t imagine what a mess I probably was.

  A small smile spread on his face. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better,” I croaked.

  “Here. I brought you some water.” He handed me a bottle.

  I took it and guzzled it down gratefully. Screwing the lid back on, I smiled. “Thanks. How is Becca?”

  Sorrow flickered in his eyes. “She’s… better. Quieter. I don’t know.”

  Pity filled me. I didn’t know what to say to that. The poor girl needed help. We all did after the trauma we’d been through. But who could help her?

  Drew shifted on his feet and changed the subject. “Are you hungry? I wanted to wait for you before I went down for breakfast.”

  My eyebrow arched. “Down for breakfast? What is this? A hotel?”

  He chuckled. “Everyone’s eating together. I think that’s a good sign, don’t you?”

  “I guess.”

  Drew’s eyes darted to the bed behind me and back to me. “Elijah wouldn’t let me check on you last night. Did he… never mind?” He shook his head. “Not my business.”

  I folded my arms across my chest and frowned at him. “What’s not your business?”

  He flushed and looked at the floor. “Nothing. I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re happy to have your alpha back. Your mate.”

  Yes. Our mate. Walk away, human.

  My cheeks flamed at my inner wolf’s words, thankful Drew couldn’t hear them. I bit my lip and shook my head. What was I supposed to say? Telling him it was complicated… a short laugh escaped me.

  It was way, way more than complicated.

  His brows knitted together. “What?”

  I sighed. “I am happy to have him back, but I don’t think he’s staying.”

  Drew’s eyes widened. “Not staying?”

  “Yeah. The barrier is open, and he told me before he was going to leave. Again.”<
br />
  “But why? Isn’t he still alpha? How can he just walk away?”

  Rubbing my arms, I glanced away. I didn’t know what to answer. It was the same question I had.

  “Hey.” Drew’s lowered voice brought my head up.

  His brown eyes met mine. “Like I said before. He’s an idiot to leave you.”

  My wolf growled, but his words made me flush. I looked past him and into the hall to make sure no one had heard him.

  He lingered near my door and we stood in awkward silence. What did he expect from me? It wasn’t like I was exactly available, but I did like him. I snorted at myself. I barely knew him and there were way more important things to focus on like my pack and the covenant. So, why couldn’t I just end it—whatever it was—and move on?

  “Drew, I—”

  Before I could finish, his mouth was on mine. My eyes bulged. Soft, pliant lips moved slowly, the sensation stirring a fire in my belly.

  My wolf raged in fury, eager to be unleashed. I shoved down her emotions. The last thing I wanted was her distress to reach Elijah’s wolf.

  Drew tasted like coffee and cream and instead of releasing me, he deepened the kiss and I moved with him, returning it.

  I called our mate. My wolf’s smug voice echoed in my mind.

  What? I shook my head as her words registered. Elijah. My hand flew up between Drew and I, and I stepped back.

  His eyes were still hooded, and his lips looked flushed. Heat spread up my neck. This was a dangerous game. Before anything could happen—anything else—I needed to talk to Elijah. To set things right?

  “What’s wrong? What is it?” Drew’s eyebrows furrowed in concern.

  “You should go. If Elijah—”

  “I thought you said it was over with him. That he was leaving again?” He scowled.

  I glanced around the hall, worried any moment my alpha would be bounding down it. My eyes met Drew’s.

  “That’s not what I said. It’s just… even if he does go, I’m not sure this is a good idea right now. My pack needs me, and with the new covenant and everything, it’s better if I just focus on that.”

  Drew’s jaw hardened. Guilt needled me. Why did I let him kiss me?

  “I’m sorry, Drew. I do… like you. I do, it’s just complicated.” I winced as the words tumbled out of me.

  He sighed. “I know. I’m sorry. I don’t want to make things more difficult for you. Just know… I’m here. I’m not leaving.”

  My cheeks flamed at his intensity. Footsteps sounded, and I turned to see Elijah standing at the end of the hall.

  His fists were clenched, and his eyes narrowed on us. Drew stiffened beside me. I moved toward Elijah, worried his wolf would lash out.

  “Elijah. We were just heading down to eat with everyone.”

  He glanced at me and the hurt I saw flickering in his dark eyes made me flinch.

  I paused and turned to Drew. “We’ll meet you downstairs.”

  Drew frowned and looked from me to Elijah but nodded and walked away. Elijah’s stare bore a hole into my back. I steeled myself before turning to face him.

  “It was just a kiss, Elijah.”

  A low growl escaped him. His eyes flashed silver and his nostrils flared. He stormed after Drew, but I blocked his path.

  “Don’t.” I laid my hand on his chest. “You said you wanted to leave. You don’t get to be the jealous boyfriend now.”

  He met my gaze and I could see the emotions warring on his face—anger, regret, and sorrow. The sight of my strong alpha so broken made my heart twist.

  “Do you want me to go?” His question pierced me.

  “How can you ask me that? I never wanted you to leave in the first place, Elijah, but I’m not going to stop you. You have to make the choice. Are you staying or leaving?”

  Elijah flinched and looked away. His silence cut through me like a knife, the rejection more than I could bare. Recovering quickly, I sucked in a breath and started to walk away.

  My heart pounded as I went. Wasn’t he going to try to stop me? I fought the urge to look back. Tears threatened to spill. Blinking them away, I pushed myself forward. As much as I wanted him to stay, I didn’t want him there out of obligation—because of the bond.

  You can’t stop the bond. My wolf’s wounded tone filled me with guilt.

  It was too complicated, and I didn’t have the energy to deal with it. There were other concerns. Queen McKenzie was right. Even with the barrier open and covenant signed, there was still a lot of work left to do. The curse was still in effect and if we didn’t find a way to stop it, my bonding wouldn’t matter anyway—we’d all be dead.

  A shudder ran through me at the thought. I pushed away grim images and Elijah’s shattered face. Whatever his decision was, I had to be strong. I was still alpha.

  He won’t leave. He’s our mate.

  I didn’t argue with my wolf, but I didn’t have her confidence. The old Elijah would never have left me, but the curse, the new world, had changed all of us.



  The sun was setting, and the view over the balcony was beautiful. Beneath me, the city was quiet as if holding its breath. We were still recovering from everything we’d endured. I could hardly believe our success myself. We’d actually broken the barrier and signed the covenant.

  Though victory didn’t come without a steep price. Kohl’s look of betrayal flashed in my mind. I’d lost my best friend possibly forever, and it hurt just as bad as I knew it would and yet…

  I couldn’t bring myself to regret kissing Ryn as selfish of me as it was. My chest tightened as I imagined what the rest of the coven thought of me now. What would my parents have thought? Mel?

  Tears burned my eyes as I imagined what my sister would have said.

  Movement caught my attention, and I turned to see Ryn in the doorway. I tensed. Glancing behind him, I didn’t see anyone else. Voices drifted from downstairs and I was pretty sure Kohl was still holed up in his room. Still hurt—still angry.

  “May I join you?” Ryn’s words were gentle and unsure.

  My heart raced at his presence.

  “Sure.” I shrugged a shoulder.

  He swept a curl out of his face and moved toward me. I looked past him, worry crawling over my skin. Us being alone together was risky. Especially with the other witches downstairs, but I didn’t want him to leave.

  I didn’t want to be alone.

  “Are you alright, Kenzie?” he asked.

  Concern was written on his handsome face. I looked over the balcony and stared at the tops of the buildings.

  “I’m fine.”

  Ryn stood beside me at the rail. “Are you certain?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I’m just… recovering. After everything.”

  He gripped the metal, eyes scanning the city below. “Yes. It was a lot. I’m sure my brother will be back. The covenant won’t stop him from causing trouble.”

  I sighed. “I figured as much. We have other things to worry about than Fane though.”

  Ryn’s smoldering eyes roamed over me and I fought the urge to blush. How was it that he could level me so with just a glance? It wasn’t fair.

  “Whatever it is, I’m here to help.”

  “The curse. We still have to figure out a way to reverse it or end it. Even with the barriers open, there’s no guarantee that I can harness enough magic to…”

  He grabbed my hands, making me pause.

  “We’ll figure it out. Together.”

  Heat rushed through me. Together. I hated how the word made me shiver. There wasn’t supposed to be a together for us. He was the vampire king, and I was queen of the witches. Something I had to keep reminding myself of.

  Yet, here we were. Guilt filled me. If it weren’t for the curse, we would never have become allies. Kohl would still be my best friend. As horrible as it was, I couldn’t help the sliver of sadness that wormed its way inside me at the thought of never knowing Ryn—knowing the real him.

/>   What was happening to me?

  “I think we should celebrate. Hold a ball or something. To celebrate the signing of the covenant. This is a big deal for Savannah.” His words shook me from my thoughts.

  My eyebrows shot up. “A ball?”

  He smiled sheepishly. “What? It’s still a thing.”

  I bit back a laugh. “No. It’s definitely not. Maybe like a party or something, but fancy gowns and stuff? No.”

  A frown marred his perfect face. “But I like all the fancy stuff.” His eyes lit with excitement, “We could have a masked ball.”

  I gaped at him. He liked balls? The notorious prince of darkness? The more he spoke about it, the more I could picture him on the dance floor, moving gracefully. He could definitely pull off a tux, I’d give him that.

  “What do you think?” His question snapped me back to the present.

  “About a ball?”

  He nodded, “Masked ball, yes.”

  I didn’t have the heart to tell him no, but the absurdity of it made me shake my head. How could he expect everyone to dress up and dance like everything was fine? Like we weren’t all cursed on the edge of death and living in a world gone to hell?

  The covenant was only the first step. We had a lot more work ahead of us.

  “Uh… maybe? Let’s worry about the curse first.”

  Seeming satisfied with this, he smiled and glanced away. He had a dreamy look in his eyes, and I wondered if he was still picturing the old timey balls he’d been to before. Had there been anyone special in his past? Fane’s words came to me.


  My face warmed. What the hell did I care? I dismissed the thoughts and drew myself taller. It didn’t matter. Everything I did now would determine everyone’s future, and there was simply no time for any more games. The clock was ticking.

  “We will have order now.” Ryn’s voice snapped me to attention.

  I scoffed. “Yeah. We’ll see.”

  Order. What did that even mean? More responsibility. More work. I sighed.

  Ryn turned to me and sighed. “I know you probably think the worst of Fane, but he’s not… completely unchangeable.”


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