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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 35

by Eli Lowe

  “And what is that? What else did he do?” I grabbed his shirt and started lifting him up in the air, causing him to struggle for a little bit of air. But he chose to speak only to keep him alive, even when he was struggling with his words,

  “It...It was him who...who killed the alpha and luna of the Blood Bay Pack as well.”

  Episode 57

  Kazan's P.O.V

  “What did you just say?” A deep ferocious voice came from behind, causing me to feel a sudden chill down the spine.

  My hands loosened the grip on the vicious rogue without much of my consciousness as his struggling body fell down on the ground once again, from where I was holding him up till now, only to fall on his own pool of blood and scream in the utmost pain that I had offered him during my little interrogation.

  But I guess it was now my turn to give answers to certain someone. I have never imagined that I would be revealing all about the bitter past to him in such a way. Actually, I have never thought of saying anything to him ever. Cause I never wanted him to lose his sleep as well, like what happened to me since everything happened just before my eyes.

  I knew the consequences of telling someone about what happened that day, very well. So how could I let him know about all these bitter realities, ever? I wanted him to stay safe always. I wished a worry-free life for him which I had always lacked very much during that time...even now.

  But it seems that I would be no longer able to hide the past from him anymore, when he probably heard what I was talking to this rogue.

  How could I be so careless, that I did not realise when Markus came to stand behind me?

  Now, what should I do?

  How was I going to calm him down when he gets to know the truth about that day when mom and dad died.

  Yes, he only knows that it was a tragic rogue attack which caused our mom and dad' death, as this kind of rogue attacks were not anything abnormal in our wold of werewolves. But little did he know that the past was twisted by a few people. Some of them hid the real cause of the death of the alpha and luna of the Blood Bay pack because they wanted to keep us safe by avoiding a battle at that time when we were really young to understand what exactly was happening and also when there was no one to take the responsibility of the pack as an alpha, cause I was not of the age back then.

  Whereas some manipulated the truth according to their own way which indeed helped them to hide their nasty sins only to proceed with another one.

  But not anymore. It was time to get justice now.

  So, the question is how am I going to tell Markus? And that too after all those years when he was totally oblivious of the cruel reality.

  I hesitated for some moment to turn around, cause I knew that it was going to be hard for me to face his questing eyes right at this moment, even when I was so very aware of the fact that, there was nothing which could save me now from the queries of Markus, who was really becoming anxious to know the truth.

  So, though reluctantly, I had to turn around only to get caught with those eyes which were now fuming in anger.

  “Markus! What are you doing here?” I asked cautiously, even when my mind was in no state to stay calm. I was impatient to make the sinners pay, but it seemed he was more impatient than me.

  Without answering my questions, he went straight to the rogue and lifted him up once again by his collar, caring less about his screams due to utter pain. His almost limp body once again started to struggle within Markus's inevitable clench, but it was not that easy.

  “I asked, what did you just say? Who killed our mom and dad? Say it again.” Markus's horrible growl did not fail to shake the whole room while the other captivated rogues were now terrified to death. And their leader?

  Well, his condition was the poorest, as his fears increased even more, seeing us, the twin brothers standing in front of him as his doom, today.

  “Benjamin.” Just when the brute just managed to say the name, Markus did not wait at all to throw him with such tremendous strength that the rogue went flying and hit the iron rods of the cell without any mercy.

  I guess it was not enough satisfying for Markus, as he took his steps forward in no time, only to grab the rogue once again. And I realised that it was time, when I should stop him, cause he was not in his right mind.

  “That's enough, Markus.” I shouted but that was not at all enough to change his mind about killing the rogue right here right this instant.

  “Did you not hear what he just said, Kazan. He doe not deserve to live. And I will kill him for sure.” Markus screamed anxiously and was about to continue what he was doing, just when I came in between only to drag the rogue into his cell once again and locked it up carefully.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Seeing me doing something against his will, Markus growled ever so ferociously, declaring how annoyed he was for my such action.

  “We need to talk for now. Come with me.” I pulled Markus along with me and went outside of the house without waiting for any other seconds.

  “Now we are out. Would you care to tell me what exactly is happening? What the hell do you know about mom and dad's death?” He pulled back his hands and made both of us stop.

  I was well aware that I needed to tell him now, but I just could not figure out where I should start.

  The wind howled around us. The leaves of the trees kept murmuring as if nature was also afraid to hear the bitter reality what I was about to tell Markus.

  “Well, it was not the rogue attacks back then which killed mom and dad as you heard before. In fact, it was not the rogues at all. As you heard now, very clearly, that Benjamin was the one who killed them.” I started at last, even though I was still afraid, thinking if I was dragging Markus in danger knowingly or not.

  “Alpha Benjamin from Lunar High Pack? Summer's uncle? Is he you are talking about?” He queried impatiently.

  “Yes.” I could not even say any further, as Markus was already at the verge of losing his rightful mind.

  “Why did you not tell me before? How come you knew everything from the very beginning but I did not? Did I have no right to know the truth about who exactly killed mom and dad? The killer always roamed around before our eyes but we could do nothing? Why did you choose to keep me in the dark, Kazan? Why?” I clearly saw how desperate he was becoming to make the one pay who was the reason for our great loss.

  “How could I? When I knew how hard it was to live each day of life, with the horror of reality. Every night, sleep turns into nightmares, and when it happens you will be afraid to sleep ever again. You can not even tell others, cause if you do he will also be taken away from you ever so cruelly. And that was why I never dared to tell you after Jacob. Yes, I once told him everything and asked for help desperately. Now, look. Where is he? Nowhere.

  So, tell me how could I tell you, when I suffered all of these alone for a really long time, since the day mom and dad were murdered.” I did not realise that I was already shaking during all this time when I had to go back to the past again. It seemed that the horrible reality did not stop from having such an impact on me, even when I grew up and became an Alpha.

  Seeing me reacting in such a furious way, Markus did not say anything for a while, as he stopped being anxious and was standing a bit calm, in front of my eyes.

  And then, he chose to say again,

  “How did you know that it was Benjamin? How did you guess that it was not the rogues as it was portrayed years ago?” His voice was enough to know that he was no longer enraged but extremely concerned for something or maybe someone.

  But whatever he just asked made me scared all over again. I shivered in utter rage as well as fear, recalling the sight before my eyes which happened so many years ago. But I must not stay quiet now, when the whole universe wanted me to tell him each and every single thing about the past. He deserves to know.

  “Cause, I was there.” For the time being, I managed to say that much only. But it seemed that Markus had no intention to stop in between.

  “What? What did you say?” He enquired once again, ever so desperately, keeping his concerned eyes fixed on me, while his hands came forward to hold me tight by my arms...maybe to stop me from trembling.

  “Yes. I was there. I saw how our mom and dad got killed that day, but I could not do anything, Markus. I was so afraid and I was frozen due to complete shock. I could not come out of the place where I was hiding during our play, but if I did, I might have saved mom and dad in time. I just watched them die before my eyes. There was blood everywhere, Markus. I could not do anything.” Even before I could say further, I was pulled into a tight hug. I did not realise when the tears betrayed me and started to flow down on my cheeks due to the utmost rage and the thirst for killing the murderer with my own bare hands.

  But I should not lose control, at least not when I have come this far. I must not mess up my plans. It was just a few more time while I needed to stay calm so that I could make all of them pay for their sins.

  “I did not know that you were going through all this the whole time. I was not a good brother to you, Kazan. But I promise I will surely prove myself one. You should have told me about everything way before. Even though you could not tell me before, it is still not late. And you must know they were my mom and dad too. I am their blood as well just as you are. So, promise me that from now on we are on this together. And you will never hide anything from me anymore and you will never let yourself suffer alone. Promise me, Kazan. Would you do that?” I was absolutely stupefied after hearing him and seeing that he was not that weak-hearted as I am. He knows how to stay strong even after knowing the truth. Or was he merely trying to become one for the sake of me?

  How could he stay this calm?

  I wonder if he could do the same after knowing the rest?

  But for now, I could not say another word as I was still shaking in utter rage and just nodded him a yes as a promise.

  “Good. Now tell, if you saw that it was Benjamin then why did you not tell everyone back then?” Markus asked again after letting go of my arms.

  “I did not see his face back then, so I was not sure who he was. But eventually, I got to know that it was Benjamin.” I replied while my desire to kill that bastard was growing even more as I kept on remembering the past.

  “Still, even if you had reasons, you should have told me about all these at least, back then, Kazan, instead of keeping all the pain inside you always.” He said, but I just could not keep it only to me any more and I lost control.

  At last, I said out loud all those things before Markus, without thinking much about how it would affect him,

  “What should I have told you? That he raped our mom and killed both of mom and dad, even when I did not even know what exactly he did as I was too young to understand?

  Should I have told you that I saw how mom suffered before my eyes, when he was assaulting her however he wished?

  How could I have told you all these when I did not even know how to explain it to anyone?

  Only when I grew up, I realised what vicious sin he did back then for which I am going to make him suffer more than he deserves.”

  Episode 58

  Markus's P.O.V

  What the hell was he talking about?

  I just could not believe my own ears, just after I got to hear whatever Kazan said, a while ago. I felt my own blood which had now started to rush inside my veins with a tremendous speed, was even making my heart beat even faster than ever. As if my heart was beaten up with a thousand hammers with no mercy at all. The sudden chill which went down my spine did not fail to make me tremble, not in fear but a sudden urge to get my hands tainted with the crimson thick fluid of someone specific.

  I did not realise if Kazan was saying anything else afterwards or not, cause even if he was, not a single sound was coming to me as I was feeling inexplicably devastated right at this moment, that I was not at all able to concentrate on other things around me, clearly.

  Maybe I lost my right mind to think properly for a moment, as I just could not stop myself from thinking about a lot of possibilities for what I just got to know. Even though it was clear that whatever happened was not that simple to understand, still as if I was eager to find out the answers to my questions.

  How could I be so oblivious about the fact that Kazan was going through a traumatic experience since he was really young? Even now it was terrifying for me to think, then I must know how badly the past might have left an impact on him.

  I just could not decide for whom I should take the revenge?

  For my mom and dad, who were murdered by the vicious wolf, years ago, but still does not feel any kind of a shame to declare himself as the alpha?

  Or should I fight for my brother, from whom each and every possibility to have a good childhood life was snatched ever so brutally, leaving him no other choices than growing up before his time only to be burdened by all those responsibilities that an Alpha must carry fo the pack of their own, even when he had to live each day of his life being haunted by the trauma of whatever he got to witness at such a young age?

  Or should I fight for myself, who did not even get to know the truth behind the death of those tow people who were the most important in my life?

  I kept deciding a long list for which Benjamin has to pay now, if not I will make sure that he pays a great price for what he did to us.

  “If it was Benjamin who murdered mom and dad then what are you doing by captivating the mere rogues? It should be that brute, Benjamin, behind those bars. Your hands should be tainted by his nasty blood rather than some other trivial rogues', who are of no use to us.” I said at last, while trying to pull my mind back from all those thoughts which will give me pleasure in a later time for sure, when I will definitely capture that vicious Benjamin, not to kill at once but to torture him bit by bit which will keep him alive for sure but will make him experience the death through the pain each day, which I will bestow him with ever so gladly, without any mercy.

  “No, they are not useless at all. Cause there are more that you need to know. And I need them as the witness.” To my surprise, Kazan made yet another comment which again left me wondering about what else was there to know. Is it something worse than the previous one? I got scared.

  “What is it?” I asked that much only as I could not gather enough courage to question more.

  My throat went entirely dry in fear, expecting to get another shock. But I needed to know everything today.

  “It was not just we and our Blood Bay pack was the victim of Benjamin's vicious deeds but the Lunar High Pack as well. Two incidents which happened within a few years of the interval were always linked. And there is only one who was behind all our miseries for years...” Even before Kazan could finish his words, I completed his sentence with utter disgust.

  “Benjamin.” Without much of my consciousness, my hands were balled up into a fist while I was already shaking in the utmost anger just like Kazan a while ago.

  “Yes.” He nodded, keeping his head down while looking at the ground as if he had lost something there. But little did I know what was going in his mind right now.

  Soon, I started to remember one by one, all those words what I got to hear back at the dungeon. Due to the sudden rage, it might have skipped my mind for a moment, but now when Kazan said himself, I could clearly recall what that rogue said about the murder of the Alpha and the Luna of Lunar High Pack a few years ago.

  That means...that means the brute Benjamin was even responsible for killing Summer's mom and dad as well? How evil he is, I could not even think before.

  But the main question was if Summer knows the truth about his uncle or not?

  I could not think about what kind of situation we were in right now.

  “Are you planning to use the rogues as the witness?” I asked, without bothering to struggle myself further.

  “Yes.” Kazan replied as he was in no mood to explain further.

  “I was wondering if Summer knows ab
out his uncle or not? If not, then we must tell her. It might be dangerous for her to stay all alone in his pack when everyone is not so friendly with her back there. So, does she know?” Just when I asked, my eyes did not fail to see a sudden fear in Kazan's eyes as he, at last, cared to look up at me only to move his eyes back to their previous place in no time.

  “No. She does not need to know. Not at least now. It might bring her into more dangers.” Kazan said in his low voice which was clearly showing that there was more into his words than just what he said.

  “What is it, Kazan? Why are you avoiding the talk about Summer? What did you do to her? Why did she start to hate you that much all of a sudden, when it was me who she should hate? What did you do, Kazan?” I asked again, knowing that we must not let go of each other's side in this kind of situation. Cause if we do this time, and if anything bad happens like losing someone who is the dearest to us, and that too just because we wanted to take revenge for the ones who were long gone, we could never make anything right justly.

  But instead of answering me, he kept standing with his eyes down.

  “You do not need to know.” That was what he even dared to say such a crucial moment. But I am not letting him go without answering me this time, as I was so determined to make him speak.

  “I asked, what did you do to her?” I yelled, letting Kazan know how annoyed I was for his indifference.

  “I...I was drunk that night, and I could not think properly.

  All I could think was that I just found her after so many efforts, even after she tried to run away from me. You know I found her even before when I got to know that my mate was Summer. I used to meet her too in the dark, because she did not want to come out from there to stand before me, letting me know who she was actually. And I agreed to her just like a fool, cause for the first time in a long while I was feeling like I could be happy too...I could even speak my heart as well...I was finally feeling that my heart was whole at last. I just wanted to love her. But I never knew that it was a very wrong decision to agree with her to stay unknown to each other.


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