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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 42

by Eli Lowe

  I could not help anymore and let the tears flow down from my eyes till the last drop, while I kept regretting about last night when I did not hesitate to say all those cruel words to Kazan, willingly.

  The air around me started to feel a bit stuffy while I could see nothing else except throne who was now lying in front of me. I did not at all realise when the room became absolutely silent all of sudden and when the rest of the people who were here a while ago, were now gone somewhere, leaving the two of us alone for the time being.

  All I know that in the next moment, I carefully pushed Kazan a little bit to the other side of the bed only to make space for me to fit in. And then without being able to hold on to the sudden wish to hug him tightly, I climbed on the bed slowly, making sure that none of my movements could bother Kazan in any kind of way.

  I lied down just beside him and did not waste any time to pull him close to me, wrapping my arms around his body as much as I could.

  His face was so close to mine, but still, he felt so distant from me right now. I could not help but lift up my hand only to put it on his cheek and kept caressing him slowly and softly.

  “You know what, Kazan. I had a dream. It was the most beautiful dream that I have ever seen. Do you want to know what I saw?” I whispered, keeping my hopes high, thinking that he might ask me in return, revealing the fact that he was all awake. But it did not happen.

  I did not mind though, cause I knew very well that if not now, he will have to wake up later, for me, for his pup, for us.

  You will do that, right Kazan?


  Even though he was not going to ask me, I was going to tell him anyway,

  “I saw you. No, I mean, I saw all of us. And you know what, we were four. You, me, this little one and there was another one on the way. Can you ever imagine?” I said, even though I knew that I was not going to get any answers back, this time as well.

  “And you know, where we were? We were at the most beautiful sea beach ever. But unfortunately, I do not know what was the place exactly.

  I saw the most amazing sunrise with you.

  Kazan? Will you do that with me after you recover fully? I want to see the sunrise with you, not just in my dreams but also in the reality. Will you promise me, that you would take me one day? “ I asked, but still I got no reply as usual. My heart kept sinking but no matter what, I was not at all intended to stop trying, never ever.

  I must not lose hope.

  The beeping sound of the machines overtook the treacherous silence in the room in no time. There was still no change in Kazan's unconscious state, neither did he showed any sign of any kind of movement even when so much time had passed already.

  And I kept going on. I wanted to tell him all of it what I saw in my dream.

  “What if, this little one inside me right now, turns out to be a boy? Will you love him the same way as you would if it were a girl?

  Cause in my dreams, I saw a quite little boy, with the same ocean blue eyes like you. Not only the eyes, in fact, he was the tiny little version of my Kazan. Cause he had the same hair just like you do, his skin was the same as yours, his nose, his lips, his chin and everything were exactly like you but much cuter than yours. Except for his cheeks. His cheeks were totally chubby, you know. I wonder if you used to look the same when you were a kid, Kazan.” Even though my eyes were still covered with tears, I could not help but laugh, remembering the most beautiful and precious dream that I had ever dreamt of.

  I moved even closer to Kazan unconsciously, so that I could feel his warmth cause I needed him to hold me desperately, even when I knew that was not going to happen any soon.

  I did not realise, when exactly I dozed off to sleep all of a sudden. Cause the last I remember, I was still telling Kazan all about my dream.

  The afternoon sun rays crept into the room through the glass window and woke me up.

  I opened my eyes, but only to find that I was now completely entangled with those huge and sturdy arms and legs which were holding me close to the warm chest just behind my back.


  What happened?

  Did he....?

  Just when I was about to call his name out, to see if what I was thinking is right or know if he woke up finally or everything was just another dream, his arms pulled me back even closer to his body while he rubbed his head on my neck, declaring the fact that he was now very awake.

  I could not say anything for quite some while, even though I was dying to talk to him before. But somehow, after realising that he was now all aware to listen, to talk or to do whatever he wants, I just could not gather enough courage to face him right away.

  I kept lying there quietly, while again I could not help crying, but this time I was happy that was now absolutely alright.

  His warm breaths kept fanning on my skin along with his soft moans while he made sure to touch me everywhere with his lips, on my neck, my shoulder, my ears every now and then.

  I felt one of his hands moved down a bit and pulled up the shirt that I was wearing right now, while his other hand roamed freely on my belly as much as it wished.

  My heart started racing all of a sudden just when I heard his voice just beside my ears, and I clearly heard him saying,

  “I love you both.”

  I did not mean to but tears fell down from my eyes once again, while I moved my hand to touch his arms unconsciously which was still busy caressing my belly till now.

  But he stopped.

  And in no time, Kazan flipped me back so that I could face him right at this instant, but it seemed quite hard for me as all those tears which were flooding my eyes, blurred my vision already.

  So, without waiting for any other moment, I buried my head into his chest and burst into tears at last.

  Cause I was barely holding myself all this while, but seeing Kazan just before my eyes, I could not do so anymore.

  “Why? Why? Why did you do that? Why did you have to scare me to death? You are the worst, Kazan. I hate you. I hate you the most.” I kept repeating, while letting my tears flow down with no intention to stop. I even struggled to breathe but still, I went on with my quite unclear words and kept complaining about how bad he was to me.

  But he did not protest as he held me tightly closed to his chest all the while and let me cry as much as I wanted.

  “I got scared too. I thought I was going to lose both of you. What else could I have done, Summer?” Kazan talked to me at last, and I was like already started to melt right into his arms.

  “We both are fine.” I barely said, as my voice became completely hoarse due to crying for long.

  “I know.” With that, he pulled me back from his chest and planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Oh! How much I craved for all these kisses from Kazan.

  And now when I was finally getting those, I was turning into a deeper shade of red with each passing second, with no reason at all.

  “I love you.” He said while he moved the stray hairs from my face and tucked them behind my eats with his fingers. His thumbs wiped all my tears away without any effort, whereas his warm gaze did not stop giving me goosebumps all of a sudden.

  And at last, I felt his lips on mine which soon started to go deeper and deeper only to savour the last bit of pleasure for now.

  There was no doubt that I was indeed desperate to feel him this way. So, I moved my arms and pulled him even closer, while shoving my tongue inside his mouth only to move along with the rhythm of his tongue like some insane.

  Even though we both were struggling to breathe in-between our kiss, neither of us were willing to let go of each other this soon.

  Yes, I wanted him badly.

  I pulled his hairs with one of my hand unconsciously which made him deepen the kiss even more than before. His lips kept sucking and nipping on mine whereas I was already feeling his hands roaming behind my back aimlessly, only to touch me in every way possible.

  “Kazan...!!!” I moaned his name w
hile I broke the kiss at last as we both became completely out of breaths.

  “Hmm?” He rested his forehead on mine and was still panting, whereas my condition was no different. But, there was something which I needed to say now, or else who knows I might never get the time ever.

  “I love you.” I buried my head right into his chest once again, as I did not want him to see how red my cheeks were becoming right at this moment.

  “I know.” He replied.

  I looked up to see what exactly he just meant, but I had never imagined to see him the same way as I saw him in my dream just for once. His cheeks were covered with the crimson hue as well, while his blue eyes were fixed on mine. And then he said, freaking the hell out of me at last,

  “Not just four, but we will make a home with so many pups of our own.

  Will you marry me, Summer?”

  Episode 70

  Kazan's P.O.V


  Finally, I asked Summer to marry me. I was afraid that I was not going to make it this time. I was afraid that in this life, I might have to leave this world even before I could make a sweet home with the one I love the most and all our adorable pups. I thought that the dream that I once saw with my eyes open, might never come true in this life and I have to return empty-handed.

  But no, nothing like that happened.

  Rather someone did not let anything like that happen to us. Cause when I was sleeping with no idea if I would wake up in the next moment or not or whether I would ever wake up or not, I clearly remember something happened.


  Even though I could not see anything, neither I could hear, except the absolutely quiet and dark void all around me for the time being, I heard a familiar voice all of a sudden that travelled to me through the vastness after fighting against all the odds in the world.

  In no time, I started to hear the desperate howls at the back of my mind, as if someone was calling for me helplessly, as if someone needed me the most. And after listening to the desperate call, strangely I was becoming more and more impatient with each passing moment. The sudden calmness that I found myself in a while ago, was now gone completely, and the only thing my mind kept telling me that I must go back...I must go back to the one who was looking for me ever so eagerly.

  Soon, the darkness disappeared and in the bring light, I saw a pitch-black, huge and fluffy wolf was standing just before my eyes, facing me.

  Was that me?

  I could not tell for some time. But after a few moments, I clearly felt how something came out right through me and I saw another wolf just like the previous one.

  Now I know, who was that?

  Cause, before when I first saw the huge black wolf, I failed to notice the enticing olive green eyes which seemed the most familiar to me.

  I knew very well to whom it belonged. I was totally aware of how fast my heart races when those eyes see me each and every time. Yes, my body and my soul could think of only one name right now after seeing the wolf before my eyes.


  My mate, my love.

  And after my wolf came out, I did not fail to see how happy and crazy she reacted. As if she got a life in her body, after getting to meet with my wolf.

  Seeing both my wolf and her together, I have never felt this much jealous before and that too with no one but myself. I wanted to hold her in my arms as well, I wanted to get in touch with the warmth that her body holds for me only, I wanted to run my hands with that soft fur on her body too. In no time, I wanted to do so many things to her all at once that I can not even explain. I wanted to hug her, I wanted to kiss for a lot and lots of times.

  But strangely I could not move, I did not know why.

  Both of my wolf and hers, kept entangling with each other while showing the utmost affection just before my eyes, while I was standing right at my place completely unable to move, even when the desire to find my mate in my arms kept intensifying with each passing second.

  I tried hard to free myself from whatever was holding me behind to go to her, but it seemed that all my strength was of no use here, where I was right now. Nowhere.

  But, strangely, as time kept passing by, I started to feel that it was not just something that kept me caged right at my spot, but it was someone who was holding me tightly and carefully all this time.

  All the sparks and tingles which were barely noticeable before, started to feel more intense all over my body and the hold was becoming more and more pleasurable for me with each passing moment. Somehow, I did not want to break free anymore.

  Soon, I did not fail to realise that the feeling was the most familiar to me, when Summer happens to be around, cause my heart never stops racing and this time I was feeling no different.

  Was she holding me all this while?

  My question stayed unanswered, but I started to hear her voice in no time. Her voice appeared an enchanting call for my soul, and I kept drowning in them. Bit by bit, the absolute void and every other thing got replaced and there she was. I saw Summer in my arms and was lying just beside me.

  I looked around a bit, making sure that I do not aware her that I was already awake. I found out that we were already in the hospital, as if I was expecting to be somewhere else.


  But I had never expected that Summer would come to me. Maybe, I was a fool that I could not see how she felt for me always. Maybe, I was the one for whom she changed in such a way. And this time, when I am already given another chance, I will surely make everything alright, without a fail. I promise.

  So, without letting her know that I woke up already, I kept listening to all those things that she had to say until she fell asleep at last.

  Today, I got to hear about a dream that will become true one day for sure, cause I will definitely make that happen, no matter what.

  Summer, stay with me forever.

  I will make you mine, completely.

  ****end of flashback****

  “Summer, will you marry me?” I asked again, seeing that she did not answer at the first time. Her beautiful olive green eyes which were still flooded with the tears, just kept looking deep into mine, as if they were trying to look for something that I did not know yet.

  Seeing her cry, my heart sank and suddenly I was feeling angry with myself, realising that I was the reason behind her tears.

  I wanted her to be happy, but in the end, I ended up being the reason for her grief and how can I accept that?

  “Summer...” I leaned in to say sorry to her once again. No matter how many times I have to ask her for forgiveness, I was ready to do everything for her. But, all of a sudden, I heard her once again,

  “No.” Her cheeks were red, and so were her eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed while she was pouting all this while, before my eyes.

  Does she know how tempting she is looking right now? If she kept on looking like this, I might end up eating her right here right now.

  But, did she just say 'no'?

  “What?” I asked as I just could not get why she said that?

  “I said, I will never marry you.” She said, pouting.

  And I was completely stupefied.


  What kind of situation is this, right now?

  Why does not she want to marry me?

  Does she not love me anymore.

  But she did say that she loves me though, then why?

  What did I do now?

  I got scared all of a sudden, finding myself just got rejected by my own mate. What about our pup which will be born in another few months and also what about all those pups that we will be making in later times?

  How can she reject my proposal that easily?

  I frowned, unconsciously.

  “No, you have to. You are mine, only mine. Even if you do not agree to marry me, you are my wife, my luna and the mother of all our pups that we will have later.” I hovered over her in an instant due to a sudden impulse, caging Summer underneath my body, cause I was re
ally freaked out this time.

  “No.” She kept sulking, while her pout was making me even hungrier with each passing time.

  And at last, I could not hold myself any longer, and crashed my lips right onto her pouted lips, shoving my tongue inside her mouth only to make her respond to my hungry kiss with her tongue as well. I sucked her lips until it got swollen and red. Summer did not stop me either as she enjoyed our kiss too. Then why she does not want to marry me?

  Does she like seeing me miserable this much?

  Is she teasing me right now?

  Well, then, let me do the same until those sweet lips of yours say a 'yes' to my proposal.

  My frustrated hands slid right into her shirt and grabbed her soft breast in no time, earning a soft and soothing moan for myself as I sign of my victory. I kept fondling her softest and sensitive part of her body, making sure that I touch her everywhere until she says yes. And I was about to succeed in no time, if not those intruders decided to come in the room right at this moment, when we were already in the middle of something to fix a deal between us, me and Summer.


  Just when I realised that Kaith and Markus were coming in the room, I came down from her and pulled her into my chest, as I did not want others to see how Summer was looking right now with her all blushed skin. Cause, that look is always only for me and no one else.

  “How are you doing, Kazan?” Markus asked showing his teeth and Kaith just stood beside him with Jenny by his side.

  “You guys really have the perfect sense of timing.” I greeted my teeth, recalling that I clearly asked Markus not to interrupt when he came to check on us before, when Summer was sleeping a while ago. And now here he was with the others.

  I kept holding Summer tightly in a hug and she did not bother to break free from my hold either and kept her face buried into my chest all this while.

  “Or what? Were you planning to stay here forever, Kazan?” Kaith said this time, while Jenny did not stop giggling, not even for a moment. Is it that funny?


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