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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 43

by Eli Lowe

  “Both of you are already discharged, you know?” Jenny said at last.

  “Okay. We are coming.” I said, but they all kept standing there with no intention to leave us alone, even for just a second.

  Agh, what a pain in the ass.

  “Summer, I need to talk to you. It is important.” Kaith said suddenly, but this time it seemed that he was in no mood to joke anymore, as his face became stern and very serious. What did he want to tell Summer?

  “Yes. Let's go.” She sprung up in an instant, pulling herself back from my hold even before I could realise what just happened and ran out of the room in a flash of a second, pulling Jenny by her wrist along with her.

  “What the hell. Summer. Wait. You stop there, right now.” I shouted behind her back but it seemed that my efforts went all in vain, cause by then, she was nowhere near the room to listen to my words anymore. And I was left absolutely stupefied, right at my place.

  “See you then.” With that, Kaith rushed out of the room as well to follow them both, while Markus stayed back with me, so that he could coax me when I was left all abandoned by my own mate.


  I sighed.

  “Kazan! We need to go too.” Markus said after some while, causing me to look up at him only to find that he was worrying the hell out of him for some reason that I did not know yet.

  “What is it, Markus?” I asked just before I got out of the bed and went to put on a shirt that someone might have brought here before.

  “Well, you should have guessed. What else was left to happen after last night? We took down an entire army that Benjamin had sent to kill you, was not that enough reason for him to go all crazy to know what exactly happened?

  After taking both of you to the hospital last night, both of us went back to the spot, asking Jenny to stay here to look after you both when we were gone. Cause, we just could not let Benjamin figure out that easily that you are still alive. So, Kaith and I took care of all the bodies overnight, so that not a single trace could be found. And the storm helped us as well last night, to wash each and every trace of the blood bath at the very place.

  That means, Benjamin is furious right now, cause the army that he sent last night did not return at all and most of all no one was left to inform him about what exactly happened, as he did not get to hear the news of your death yet.

  So, what else do you expect?

  Something huge is about to happen next, if I am not wrong. And we must be prepared to face the worst.” Whatever Markus just said made sense, but it did not worry me at all cause everything was happening exactly how I wanted it to be.

  Let him become miserable.

  I wanted Benjamin to feel the horror of the moment.

  I wanted him to act in impulse.

  Sooner the better.

  “Is it what Kaith wanted to tell Summer a while ago?” I asked, cause that was the only thing which worried me. The only thing I wanted, was to keep Summer out of all this mess.

  “I do not know.” That was what Markus had to say. And neither I was intended to ask him any questions further, when I already have much more important things to do now.

  “You go back to your pack right now. I need you to do something for me as soon as possible. Do you get that? Do just what I ask you to do, carefully.” With that, I told Markus all about what exactly he needed to do right now, only to stay prepared for what was coming in any time soon.

  On our way out, I saw that Summer already left along with Jenny and Kaith. So, without wasting any more time we left the hospital as well and Markus went straight to his pack after dropping me at the Blood Bay.

  Episode 71

  Summer's P.O.V

  I was standing in the alpha's office once again, which once belonged to my dad and which supposed to be mine as well. But now, it is not the case. Cause the authority of an alpha was snatched by the one who never had the right to be called an alpha of our Lunar High Pack.

  Everything around me in the office was in mess right now. The desk in front of me was lying in a poor condition, as if a storm passed by, destroying every little object which was there before. Papers, files, all those books that my father used to treasure, and other things were lying on the floor here and there with no care at all. The beautiful window curtains which were once in a perfectly good condition were now totally ripped and was dangling from the broken curtain rods. The wooden chair, where my dad used to sit years ago was already broken and lying on the floor in a miserable condition.

  Just by one single glimpse, I can clearly guess what could be the reason behind all those. My blood boiled, seeing such sight before my eyes but I chose to stay quiet for now. I wanted to rip his body apart who had dared to do such a thing to my dad's office, but thinking that I was going to get the opportunity very soon, I pretty much forced myself to stay calm, for the time being, at least.

  I was standing in the office alone for now, and was waiting for Benjamin, cause I heard that he was looking for me, madly.

  Soon, I heard loud footsteps outside the closed door and then it stopped. The door opened with a loud bang in no time, and in the next moment, Benjamin stormed in the room without caring much about my presence.

  He really seemed furious right now. Or else, what was I expecting?

  He also might have realised that the time is not so far when he will see his end with his own eyes.

  Cause the war has started long ago, even before he had realised.

  “I was told that you were looking for me, alpha.” I asked at last, but this time my voice held not a single trace of fear.

  He was standing near the window facing outside until now, but after hearing me Benjamin turned around sharply with a terrifying scowl on his face and banged on the table with the utmost rage.

  At last, I got to see his face after quite some while, which pleased my heart without any doubt. Cause he seemed frustrated, scared, enraged and helpless at the same time. And I realised that he was looking exactly like the one who has already been defeated. His eyes were absolutely red in anger while his hands were already balled up into fists, but he appeared just like an insect to me right now, whom I was going to smash under my feet in any time soon.

  Yes, I was feeling the divine happiness, seeing him in such a miserable state, right at this moment.

  “What did you do, Summer?” He shouted ferociously but it sounded like the helpless scream of a wounded fellow, to my ears.

  “What? What do you mean? I have done nothing?” I replied, pretending to be absolutely clueless about whatever he was going to say. Cause, I knew very well that this time he had no idea what was happening without much of his awareness.

  “Yes, exactly, Summer. You have done nothing when you should be.” With that, he banged the table with his palm once again, attempting to scare me with his rage, but this time nothing like this was going to happen, cause I am no more the little child he used to know.

  “What do you mean?” I looked straight into his eyes, and waited for him to say the very thing that caused him such a blow to his mind.

  “Did you not say that you will take care of the Blood Bay Pack, soon? And I do not have to worry about it anymore. Then why I am still having problems regarding the very same pack that you are supposed to take down?” His vicious growl shook the entire office room, ensuring me the fact very clearly that I was going on the right track this time. Cause, Benjamin was about to explode out of rage and that was what I was looking forward the most.

  “Yes, that was what I needed to talk to you about, first. But what happened? Did the pack cause us any trouble, again?” I queried, taking Benjamin absolutely off-guard. He might have never planned to tell me what he had done in the darkness of last night. But due to such rage and fear of being exposed, he might have forgotten about the fact that he needed to keep it to himself only. And now, when he realised that he had already done a grave mistake, there was no going back for him, except coming up with another lie.

  Okay, let's see.
br />   What he had got to say to me about it, making sure that he must cover-up all his crimes.

  But, as far as I know him, I had already guessed what he was going to say.

  “Yes, last night. Last night, our pack got some fake news about rogues in our territory. And..and when I sent my army to protect our ground, all of them got killed or maybe got kidnapped in just one night, cause...cause, no one returned since last night and there was not a single trace of my people, no matter how much I tried to find them. So, you tell me. What could it be? How could I tolerate such a treacherous back-stabbing act of the Blood Bay pack on our Lunar High?” Just what I had guessed. Benjamin made up another lie without much of his knowledge that I knew exactly what happened last night...I knew each and every bit of his crime, this time. Even though I did not get to know, anyone could tell so easily that he was lying, cause he was stammering quite a lot while saying about last night. Sweats were already coming up on his forehead without much of his consciousness. And my eyes did not fail to see how he was looking away while trying to come up with a good and believable lie.

  But little did he know that I was watching him the whole time precisely.

  Was he afraid that he might get busted this time? And he had no one by his side as a bait, to run away?

  Yes, that must be it.

  Game is about to begin, Benjamin.

  “If that is the case, then today...we will take the rest of our army to the Blood Bay pack today and will take down each and every single head along with their alpha, until my blades got tainted with the blood of the last member of the pack.” I declared with a stern voice, attempting to please Benjamin with my words for now at least. And by looking at him, it seemed that he was relying on me this time, cause the vicious smirk on his face reappeared which was not going to last long, as I will make sure of that.

  “Yes, that was what I was expecting from you, Summer. We must remove the name of the Blood Bay Pack from the pages of history and today is the perfect time to do so.” His menacing voice did not fail to make me realise that he was surely going to run away if he sees that something was about to go wrong. And today I was not going to let it happen. Benjamin just can not get out of my hand that easily, now.

  “And as an alpha of our Lunar High, I am expecting your presence, uncle Benjamin, cause even though I will be leading the army, there is no one better than you who knows how to win a battle, right uncle Benjamin?” I uttered right after, cause I did not want to lose him out of my sight now, or who knows the rat might run away into its hole, saving his tail.

  “Yes, I will be there.” That was what uncle Benjamin had to say after I made such a comment. He might be thinking how he just got trapped in his own words, with no option to escape.

  Only if you knew that much worse is going to happen with you at any time soon. Till then, enjoy your powers and your freedom as much as you could.

  “Then, I will be leaving now. I have to get ready for the battle, and it would be great if you give out an order to the rest of the army of our Lunar High, to stay prepared. We have a war coming up next.” I said after some time, interrupting Benjamin in the middle of his thoughts. Even though he got disturbed completely, he knew very well that now he just can not afford to get angry with me or else the consequences would not be any good, at least when he had no one to hide behind, except me.

  “Yes.” He replied shortly and with that, I came out of the office at last.

  All this while, when I was still in there, it was like something kept suffocating me. The air in the office, was bothering me the whole time with no reason at all. Maybe I was feeling like such due to the sudden anxiety, seeing that I was about to get the long-desired revenge at last after so many years.


  Without giving it another thought, I went straight out of the pack-house only to walk towards my home.

  Today will be the day when all our destiny is going to be written all over again. There is no turning back now when I had already come this far and I must not stop until I could make the sinner pay for all those sins, before every one of our kind. Today will be a day that everyone is going to remember for the rest of their lives.

  But still, one thing kept bothering me all the time. I could not stop asking myself one single question since I had decided to see this day, before. But, no matter how much I kept thinking, I just could not come up with any particular conclusion.


  I kept going back and forth in my mind with the idea if I should tell Kazan about what I was going to do or not. Should I at least aware him that the army of the Lunar High is going to attack his Blood Bay pack, even though I will definitely make sure that they do not get the time to start a fight.

  What should I do?

  Will he misunderstand me if I stand in front of him all of a sudden with the army of his rival pack?

  It was still easy to do before, but after last night... What if...what if he loses faith in me?

  Does not matter anymore.

  Cause now I can not back down.

  Even though I tried to reason with my mind about that matter, it seemed that I could not stop worrying about it the whole time.


  I reached home, at last, but only to find myself alone in the entire house once again.

  Cause when I went in, I found out that the house was absolutely quiet and empty as there was no Jacob, no Seth and neither there was Kaith.

  For the slightest second, everything that I have talked to Kaith this morning skipped my mind, causing my heart skip a beat due to a sudden fear, but soon I started to recall each and everything all at once.

  Episode 72

  Summer's P.O.V

  The Sun was about to go down at any time soon as the vast sky was already painted in a shade of orange and blue, declaring the near end of a whole day. There was no wind to accompany us at such time, as the entire surrounding became quite gloomy, as if the earth itself had stopped all of a sudden, only to witness a great disaster which was about to begin in no time.

  Unlike every other day, this evening appeared quite menacing to my eyes.

  My heart was already aware of what kind of grave danger I was going to involve myself in, as I was standing all alone in the middle of the deserted street, crossing the path of the certain one, whom I must stop tonight.

  The town felt extremely quiet right at this moment, as if each and every little thing was terrified as hell, even to make the slightest bit of noise.

  The trees around me were standing as motionless as ever, as if they too were waiting ever so patiently to witness something horrible which might be responsible for the doom of me or someone else.

  But, it was certain, that someone will suffer tonight at any cost.

  Even though my heart trembled in some kind of fear, thinking about the one who was growing up inside me now, as it was always my responsibility to keep my pup safe and sound from any kind of danger, but now I was not sure if I could do that or not. I was totally losing my mind, thinking that what if I fail to protect the most precious one to me at such a situation where I was not at all sure if I could even get out of such a disaster without any harm or not.

  But, I have no other options left. I just can not back down, forgetting each and everything that had brought me to stand right here today, with no mercy at all. I just can not forgive the one who caused all the miseries of my life.

  Cause, today is the day of justice.

  And today I will write my own destiny once again, for sure.


  I found my house completely empty when I reached there after meeting with uncle Benjamin this morning. All though for the slightest moment, I totally forgot about what I had asked Kaith to do on my way back from the hospital earlier this morning, it did not take much time for me to get relieved, finding that everything was going on the exact way as I wanted.

  Yes, earlier when I ran out of Kazan's cabin in a hurry, Kaith informed me all about what happened last night
and also what kind of impact it left on others while I was still unconscious.

  Even though it was quite obvious, but still I became a bit worried when I heard that Benjamin was going all crazy, realising that his men just disappeared in the thin air over one single night, leaving not a single trace behind about there whereabouts.

  If the disappearance of his men was enough to make him this much furious, then I was really concerned, thinking what would he do if he gets to know that they were all killed and that too by the four of us. And most of all I was also there to stand against his army whom he had sent to kill Kazan, so that I could save him rather than what I had assured him about what exactly I would do with Kazan and his pack.

  Yes, if he gets to know all this or even if he gets the slightest bit of a hint, all my plans might go all in vain. And I just could not afford to do that.

  And so, when Kaith told me that Benjamin was looking for me like crazy, I got scared once again, thinking that what would happen next if he accidentally ends up going to my house in order to find me.

  Cause if he decides to give a visit to my place, he would certainly find Jacob who was now staying at my house. And if that happens, there will be nothing left for me to come up with in order to take the revenge for all the losses that he had caused me since a really long time.

  No, Jacob must not get caught in Benjamin's hands once again and that too from nowhere but my house only. That just can not happen. Not now...when we are already this close.

  So, that was why, I asked Kaith to take him some other place which will be safe for him to hide for the time being, until it is time for Jacob to come forth.

  But it was just that we just could not afford to keep him at our pack anymore, let alone the fact that I can not even think of keeping Jacob at my place or Kaith's, cause it would be really foolish thing to do in such a critical moment.

  And finding us in a really difficult situation, Jenny, who was listening to our conversation carefully till now without any kind of interruption, offered her help all of a sudden. Yes, she asked us to take Jacob to her place which was not at all a bad idea though, cause if Kaith takes Jacob at Jenny's place, it would be absolutely impossible for Benjamin to even find out what exactly was happening behind his back, when Jenny does not belong to our Lunar High pack at all.


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