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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 50

by Eli Lowe

  But, I decided to let her be.

  “Good morning to you too, little one.” I rubbed and kissed on her belly in the next moment, and got down from the bed, in no time.

  Cause now we had a lot of things to do.

  “I want to shower.” Summer said from behind, all of a sudden.

  “Yes, I am going in too. Then come with me.” I uttered and was about to go to the bathroom, just when a pillow came flying to my way from the back and hit me.

  I knew was that for and I could not help chuckling.

  Anyway, I went in to take a shower and after I was done, I left the bathroom for Summer to use, without making any trouble for Summer early in the morning.

  In the meantime, I dressed myself up as fast as I could and asked someone to bring us breakfast here in my room.

  “I want to go to the hospital first.” Summer said all of a sudden after she was done with showering and dressing up.

  “I know. I will take you there first.” I replied, while there was something else I was wondering about right at that moment.

  About all those things what Markus told me last night.

  “Summer. I wanted to know if I could see Benjamin today? Markus told me last night, exactly what you two did to him. I was wondering if I could get him back to my cages today, cause I have unfinished business with him too.” I asked even when I did not know what would be her answers.

  “Yes. He is all yours. Do whatever you want to do with him. But make sure that he does not get to die this soon and also that he does not escape, at any cost.” Summer replied with a stern voice, but I felt good to hear whatever she just said.


  There was a knock on my door soon, as my people brought us breakfast in no time, and left us right after.

  “Have some first.” I said, but it seemed that I did not have to bother myself at all, cause even before I could finish my words, Summer sat down and started to eat, declaring the fact that she was so very hungry. After all, she has a stomach of two now.

  And knowing that it is my pup, I knew that it will not be satisfied with any less food.

  At this moment, I could not help smiling, showing how proud I was of her.

  After we were done with breakfast, I dropped Summer at the hospital first, just as I promised earlier, and then went straight to the Lunar High Pack without bothering to wait any further.

  “Where is Benjamin?” I asked a man who was near, as soon as I arrived at the pack.

  “At the dungeon.” Seeing that it was me, he did not hesitate to inform me of the whereabouts of Benjamin anymore, as he seemed sure that I was one of the last few persons who would want to set free someone like Benjamin.

  And that was the fact, indeed.

  “Show me the way, then.” I asked him right away, and he did not at all complaint and started to walk ahead of me towards where that vicious rapist, as well as the murderer, was being caged.

  He led me through the narrow passage that went straight down the underground area of the pack-house, where the atmosphere was absolutely bone-chilling and ideal for keeping the hostages only to suffer for the rest of their lives.

  The man lit up the flame torch at some point where the passage was becoming darker, and then again started to walk forward on the corridor, showing me the way where Benjamin was.

  And I knew very well that we were on the right track, cause from the way I could smell the fresh blood which was filling the air, without any mercy.

  And at last, at the end of the corridor, that man stopped with the ignited torch in his hand and waited for me.

  “He is inside.” The man said.

  “Okay, you can go now. I will take it from here.” With that, I took the torch from him and watched him getting out of my sight in no time.

  I looked around and found out that all the doors of the dungeon here in the Lunar High Pack we're made of solid iron, which could easily prevent anyone from breaking out of this place, no matter how much effort that one means to put in.


  Without caring about anything else around me right now, I unlocked the door carefully and went in.

  I found out that there was another cell inside guarded by the iron rods, preventing the captive to attack the one who was entering into the room, anyhow.

  I must say that the dungeon of the Lunar High was indeed made with a very careful mind.

  So, without much delay, I put the torch on the wall holder, letting the dark room fill with the little bit of light for now.

  And under the slightest amount of light, I clearly saw the one who was lying on the cold floor inside the prison.

  Episode 82

  Kazan's P.O.V

  “It is good to see you again, Alpha Benjamin. I can see, that you have pretty much recovered already, huh?” I sneered in my mind just when I decided to let him know that I had personally come here to visit him, so that I could see the tremendous fear in those eyes, just when he gets back enough of his senses to realise that the course of punishment for his sins is about to resume once again at any time soon.

  And, I was right.

  Cause just when my voice fell into his ears, he trembled in fear and tried to crawl back, attempting to go away from someone like me, as far as he could, until his back hit the cold wall of the prison behind him. Yes, his efforts were all futile, as he was already kept as the hostage and had nowhere to escape from these closed prison walls all around him.

  And just when he realised his current situation, it seemed like he had already foreseen his own death in a later time.

  I must say that I have never felt this happy and satisfied seeing someone's ruin before my eyes.

  But today, I was extremely happy. Definitely.

  I laughed with all my might without bothering to hold back the cruel sounds of my laughter which was resonating throughout the whole place making the atmosphere even more frightening to the one who was now shivering in terror, and without caring to stop I kept going on as long as I wanted until my heart gets the ultimate satisfaction. But it seemed that my inhuman laughter was not helping that murderer Benjamin, at all, as his eyes were telling me how terrified he was becoming with each passing seconds.

  Yes, exactly what I wanted to see.

  I wanted him to feel the horror of getting killed, just like he made my parents look like years and years ago.


  In fact, I wanted him to see even more scared than that, and only then my heart could be at ease.

  “L-leave me.. I...I am begging you. Let me go.” He was barely speaking out those words, using all his might, after how was his condition last night, as I had heard from Markus last night.

  I must say, my Summer and this Kaith have their quite own ways to take their revenge, a brutal one for sure, and I can not deny that I was feeling great imagining the sight.

  And it is good too that Benjamin could heal fast, which makes it easier for me to turn him into a piece of meat once again, without having to wait for a few more days.

  “Too bad, that you have healed faster than I have imagined. You know what Benjamin? For someone like us, the capability to heal fast is kind of a blessing. But I can see that it turns out to be a curse for you only, as this ability of yours is going to cost you a lot.


  You are the real unfortunate one, aren't you?” I said ruthlessly, even when I clearly see how his whole body was losing the last bit of courage and was trembling without any intention to stop, until I step forward to help him a bit with that.

  “Please.” That was what he could say only, as the horror in his eyes was absolutely making him out of breath and even preventing him to say any other words further.

  “Umm, Benjamin? Have I said that you are looking good today?

  At first, when I did not see you just a while ago, I was really unhappy, thinking that I might not get to recognise your pretty face anymore. But it seems that I had no reason at all to worry about that, cause you are still looking like the vicious
murderer, who had raped my mother and killed her without any mercy, and did not spare my father as well, years ago.

  So, tell me.

  What kind of punishment do you think will fit for the crime that you had committed without any regret?


  What should I do with you?” As I kept saying, I did not even realise when exactly I came forward and opened the door of the prison only to stand before him. As I was involved remembering the vicious memories of my past, that this brat had left for me to deal with, even when I was a kid back then.

  I let my anger grow without even doing anything, as the only thought of the name Benjamin, was enough to make me furious at any time, at any kind of circumstances.

  As I kept going ahead, I saw how Benjamin kept flinching back, and even so, I had no intention to stop, until a familiar voice resonated in the chilled air of the dungeon all of a sudden, in no time, prompting me to pause for a moment from whatever I was intending to do.

  “Not I, you should say we. What we should do with this brute.” As soon as I heard the words, I looked back only to find that Markus was standing there leaning against the opposite wall outside the prison cell.

  I must say that he has the perfect sense of timing as he made an entry at the right moment, when it is getting even more fun to watch Benjamin beyond terrified.

  And after Benjamin realised that Markus came too, even when he was having trouble to deal with me alone till now, he could not be more scared.

  I liked that.

  I very much liked seeing this murderer getting more and more frightened only by our presence here in the dungeon.

  I wonder what he will look like when we will be done taking out our deep-seated aggression on him just in a while for now.

  Without wasting much time, Markus came inside the prison cell and stood by my side facing that prick who was now lying on the hard and cold ground of the dungeon, without any of our mercy.

  “Forgive me..please.” Benjamin even tried to put his already broken hands together to beg us his life. And I can not deny the fact that the sight eased my heart a bit, for sure.

  But not enough to make me stop.

  In fact, I knew that Markus was feeling no different than me.

  Cause in the next moment, his terrible growl shook the whole place, making Benjamin almost dead in the utmost fear.

  “Forgiveness? Are you asking us to forgive you, when you had never shown any to anyone ever in your life?

  And now, you are being greedy enough to ask us for forgiveness, when you are the last one on the entire earth who deserves to be forgiven?” Just when Markus said, he stepped ahead and pulled up Benjamin from the ground, by grabbing him by his neck and slammed him into the hard wall just beside him, and threw his body to the side, for me to catch.

  “Are you now hoping that we would show you some mercy, when you had shown none to any of those whom you had killed ever so brutally in the past? You had not even shown any mercy before touching my mother, before raping her before her own son, before killing her in front of her own mate. You had not even shown mercy when you were describing my father how exactly you raped and killed my mother with your own nasty hands, before you had killed my dad too.

  So, why the hell do you think that you deserve our mercy?” I roared ferociously without much of my awareness, as I was already feeling the beastly urge to rip him apart and chew him alive. But I just could not afford to bless him with an easy death.

  I threw him up with all my strength, letting him hit the ceiling badly which gave rise to a vicious noise, shaking the place for the slightest moment, and then I pushed his body down on the floor, slamming his head on the ground ever so brutally.

  Blood started to flow out of his heat in no time, making a pool underneath his body.

  But, it was no time to stop now.

  We have just begun.

  Markus came forward for his turn and lifted him up from the floor without much effort, even when his body had already started to become limp.

  “Why? Why did you do that? How could you think of raping someone so easily? Answer me?” Markus screamed furiously, and threw him on the ground in an instant only to jump on his body and kept punching his already deformed face, which had already started to get stained with dark crimson coloured blood.

  Seeing that, Benjamin was still not answering, Markus handed him over to me to get satisfied with my turn with him, as much as I want.

  And as soon as he came to my hand, I did not beat him up this time. Instead, I made him sit on the ground comfortably, as I was planning to do something else to make him talk.

  Cause when we want him to answer.

  He must answer.

  He was in no such state to stay quiet as per his own wish.

  “You do not want to answer, right? Okay, you do not have to.” I said, keeping myself as calm as possible, but only of the span of a second.

  I took out the dagger from my pocket in the next moment, without wasting any more time.

  Yes, it was the very same one with which he had cut Jenny's neck yesterday, without any mercy.

  And I had collected it, cause I knew that I had to use it for something good. As in, something, pretty much like at this moment.

  I sneered, just like a devil, before I finally began.

  With the sharp tip of the dagger, I pierced the flesh underneath his nails on his fingers and twisted it until the moment the deathly screams of Benjamin came to my ears to ease me for a bit.

  Blood started to flow like a river as his bones and flesh got separated miserably, leaving him the pain which might have felt like death, but he did not die.

  Rather, I was not going to let him die this soon.

  “Are you feeling like you can answer us now? Or do you want me to go on?” I asked viciously, getting close to him only to show him my huge grin, cause his screams and his pain indeed satisfied me for the time being.

  Seeing, that he was not in any condition to say a word, I was about to proceed with my little act of confrontation, just when he spoke out in his broken voice.

  “N-No. Stop. I will say.” Benjamin said, even when his words were nowhere near clear and easily understandable.

  “We are all ears, then.” I uttered, and with that, I lifted up his body from the floor and threw him to fall in a corner of the prison cell, hitting the ground again, ever so brutally.

  “I-I used to love her back then when we were young, and she was my only friend. And when I had finally gathered enough courage to confess to her, she chose her mate over me, even when I was the one who was always by her side, in good and bad.

  She never considered my feelings even for once when she chose to marry her mate before my eyes, even if it means by stumping on my heart. She never cared.

  Not even for a little bit.

  But, I tried to forget her.

  I left the town for some years too.

  I tried to keep up with the pain that she had left me with, to suffer alone, remembering how she acted all cruel to me.

  And just when I thought that I was finally able to forget her after a few years, I decided to come back as I too needed to take the powers in my hand which I deserved. But, I was a fool to believe that she would let me live freely, after years. Cause she did not.

  Within days... Within just a few days when I had arrived back at my pack to start new, I saw her.

  She was showing off how happy she was with her mate and her pups.

  I could not believe that she had pups already.

  And seeing her happy, I just could not reject the enticement to snatch some of their happiness for me as well. After all, it was me who loved her first.

  But that bitch, shoved me out of her happy life once again, without feeling any mercy for me.

  So, I took the revenge that day.

  I did what felt good to me. Yes, that day, I had her finally, and fulfilled a dream from a long time.

  Yes, I even imagined her with me for so many years, then how could I h
ave let her go that easily when she was in my hands at last?

  I needed to quench my thirst, badly.

  But I had never thought that her so-called mate would come to her rescue to stop me, when I, at last, got the opportunity to have her for just once, while he got his way with her for all those years.

  How selfish he was.

  I once let him take my love away from me, then why could not he give me this one time?

  I had to kill him both.

  Yes, I had to.

  And I did exactly what I felt right.

  I let all my grudges out on them at last, and I was happy at last, after years.

  Did you hear that?

  After years.

  So, I do not regret it.” Benjamin said in his broken voice while he was still struggling to breathe properly. He even dared to sneer at us, justifying the horrible crime that he had committed in the past.

  Now I got to know how badly sick he was, since the beginning.

  It was very clear why someone like mom, who never let anyone retreat empty-handed whoever came to her for help, and who was known for her kindness as well, treated a friend in the worst possible way.

  Cause, Benjamin deserved to be treated so, not just by mom but by everyone else in his entire life.

  And just because mom was considerate enough not to banish someone like Benjamin who was once familiar to her, she had to pay such prices, which would never be acceptable, at any cost.

  Due to this, not only mom and dad had to suffer, but we did too. For years after years.

  That too for what?

  Only because of this sick Benjamin?

  Well, I know exactly how to treat his sickness now.

  Episode 83

  Kazan's P.O.V

  After hearing Benjamin, Markus was in no right mind to hold himself back any longer from beating the shit out of this brute. And by the look at his furious state right now, it seemed that he was not at all intended to stop even if he ends up killing the murderer of our mom and dad.

  And if that happens, it will not be more satisfying than what I have already planned for him to make him pay for his horrible deeds in the past.


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