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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 51

by Eli Lowe

  Moreover, I am not going to allow this criminal Benjamin, such an easy death, as it will never be the right kind of justice to any of us.

  So, I needed to stop Markus from approaching this brute's already tattered and broken body any further, just when I saw that Markus was coming forward with his big steps only to start a whole new storm on this vicious Benjamin to make him realise that he should not have dared to say any of this whatever he just said. It was not that he had any other options to choose from, but still, he did the grave mistake, for sure.

  And I will let him know that by myself, in no time from this moment.

  I lifted up one of my hand and blocked Markus from coming to another step ahead of where he was standing, but my eyes never bothered to leave Benjamin's side, not even for the slightest second as I had been already started killing this murderer Benjamin in my head for a million times now and also in the million ways possible.

  “You know what? You might have not felt any kind of regret back then for all the great sins you had committed in the past, but you will start to regret from this moment on.

  Cause we, the sons of the former alpha and the luna of the Blood Bay pack, whom you have killed ever so treacherously, will definitely make sure that you pay for each and every single crime that you had committed.” As soon as I said, Benjamin started to realise his current situation bit by bit and came back to reality in no time, once again, where his life was at out hands and he had left with nothing better to do than get immensely terrified, assuming what we were going to do with him in the next second. But there was indeed no sign of regrets in those nasty eyes of the murderer Benjamin, except the fear of getting tortured.

  Seeing him, still so indifferent, my blood boiled but it was no time to get anxious over nothing when our prey was just before our eyes and was in an absolute pathetic condition that there was no doubt that he will never be able to get away from our clutches ever again.

  “But, Kazan, he just called our mom and dad with bad names and insulted them by his nasty mouth. What do you think we should do to him for this? What kind of punishment will make do with what he just did?” Markus's frightening deep voice sounded menacing to all our ears, but for Benjamin, it was just a hint of his upcoming doom, which he can not avoid, no matter how badly he wanted to.

  “If his tongue dared to say bad about our mom and dad, then I have to make sure that this nasty tongue of him remembers this day, each time whenever he will be thinking of using bad words at anyone in later times from this second onward.” Just when I said and took a step ahead to grab Benjamin by his nape, a dark shadow came down to him in no time, allowing him to foresee whatever was coming next, so that he could tremble in the utmost fear, anticipating himself going through the deathly and the painful torture, and that too being alive and well conscious.

  “Please!!!...” That was what Benjamin could spell out in a lower and shaking voice as his last words, just before I stretched my hand only to put it into his nasty mouth and grabbed his tongue brutally and in no time I ripped off his vicious tongue from his throat with a forceful yet quick move, only to throw it aside to jump on the cold hard floor for a few times before it became still once and for all.

  The floor then started to get covered up by the whole new and fresh blood once again, as Benjamin had already started to cough the dark crimson coloured liquid without any mercy, just when he fell on the floor with a bone-chilling deadly scream due to the utmost pain he felt when I pulled his tongue out of his body, without any mercy.

  Yes, Benjamin just does not deserve to get anyone's mercy.

  Somehow in the next moment, he managed to crawl back with his already limp body and leaned on the wall, to get away from us for the slightest second, at least. But that was not going to happen at all.

  Seeing him like this, Markus and my desire to see Benjamin in even more pain, increased further.

  “Oh, now I remember. He did not just use wrong words for our mom and dad, but he also dared to touch our mom in the most insulting way, with those two nasty hands. What should we do with that, Markus?” I said right away, without bothering to give Benjamin a break to deal with the recent pain that I had just bestowed him with.

  “Well, in that case, I think that those two arms should not be there attached to his body anymore. What if he dares to do the same thing with someone else in the future?” Markus scoffed before Benjamin, who's eyes had already started to roll back to the back of his skull with the unbearable pain he was in currently, even when we were not sure if Markus's words fell on his ears or not. Cause he did not show any different kind of expression of getting scared, which was supposed to eat him, as soon as Markus said those words.

  But little did we care.

  Cause, without bothering to wait and see what Benjamin was thinking to do next, Markus moved in the flash of a second and lifted up his blood-stained body to strangle in the middle of the air, just before he threw Benjamin aside to fall on the ground miserably.

  “Did you touch mom, with this hand? With all these fingers? Or you touched her with the other hand? You know what, you do not have to bother yourself to answer that. As if you could do that now.


  I want you to say goodbye to both of your arms now, or you might now find any better time than right now.” Markus said, causing Benjamin to shiver in horror once again, but unfortunately, he could do nothing.

  He could not even beg for mercy this time.

  And before my eyes, Markus took care of his each finger on his both hands one by one first, by ripping them off or smashing them under his brutal kick turning the boned into complete dust and earned the deadly screams from Benjamin as a reward for himself.

  And only after Markus was done with the fingers, he started beating up Benjamin and kept throwing him here and there inside the prison wall making his already deformed body hit the hard surface of the wall, ceiling, the floor and everywhere else, until Markus was ensured enough that his arms were all ready to fall off, at last.

  So, without any hesitation, or any kind of mercy, Markus ripped both of Benjamin's arms apart with his bare hands ever so ruthlessly, letting his body fall down on the ground with another loud thud which was not at all enough to surpass the outrageous cry of Benjamin, right at the moment.

  By the time, the dungeon was filled with only the strong smell of rich iron from all the blood that had already created a lake of crimson, down on the floor, while the earth-shaking screams were already resonating through out the entire place, giving rise to some horrible sight to watch here, in the darkness of the cold dungeon.

  And as I kept watching Benjamin suffer, I realised how my heart started to feel at ease bit by bit with each passing second, but there was more left to do, and Benjamin had to get treated for some more times, as I could clearly see that he was not going to die anytime soon, even when he had to go through all this until now, declaring the fact that he could easily go with another few rounds, without even doing much effort.

  “Kazan! How could we forget the most important thing? That he not only talked ill or touched mom in a bad way, but he also dared to rape our mom before he killed both our mom and dad without any mercy. So, what kind of punishment can you think of, Kazan, that could match up with the crime that he had committed in the past?” Markus asked loudly, letting Benjamin hear our conversation intentionally, so that the fear in his eyes could soothe all the pain in our hearts.

  Indeed, Benjamin heard, and did not stop trembling at all.

  But now the pathetic thing was that, he could not even scream in utmost terror, neither he could beg for mercy, with both of hands together, cause now his tongue, as well as his arms, were lying on some different corners of this room, ruthlessly.

  “I have the perfect one in my mind.” With that, I stepped forward at last and passed by Markus only to go to the spot where Benjamin was lying helplessly, and took out the dagger once again, causing Benjamin to widen his eyes as much as he could for now, when his eyes were a
lready swollen and blood clotted.

  “Markus, I have always wondered one thing. Our hair grows when it falls off our scalp, even nails grow if we cut it. But what if we cut someone's dick? Will it grow back too?” Just when I uttered, I cared the least to give others some time to digest the words what I had just said, and chopped off Benjamin's manhood within seconds, letting him feel the deadly pain, but made sure he stays alive. Cause he had to live in such condition for years and years from now on.

  As he needs to know how it feels to spend the precious years of one's life as a hostage and being imprisoned in-between the four walls.

  I just can not even explain how great I was feeling after seeing that from now on Benjamin had to live a life of a mere insect.

  It felt like, finally, we could get justice for our mom and dad. Even though nothing that we had done, could bring them back in our lives once again, just like before, still it felt like we made their murderer pay a good price, this time.

  “Let's go. The is enough for today.” Markus said and came to stand by my side, while I was still sitting on the ground with the blood-stained dagger in my hand and was lost in trance.

  Markus's voice pulled me back to reality once again, and only then I realised that the whole dungeon was now fallen all silent, cause there was not a single scream coming out of Benjamin's throat right at this moment, as he was lying unconscious before our eyes.

  “Is he dead?” I asked Markus anxiously, cause if Benjamin does this soon, it would be an act mercy to his sinful soul.

  “No. He is not. He is just unconscious now.” Markus's words eased my heard entirely, and I got up from the floor at last, cause we hand no reason to stay at this dungeon any more.

  “Good then.

  I am going out. You can ask someone to take care of him, if you want.” With that, I rushed out of the place to go back to my pack, without bothering to wait for Markus.

  For some time, I could not think of anything else, except for the only feeling that I kept indulged in since I had returned from the dungeon of the Lunar High. A strange feeling kept my mind busy all the time, as if I have finally achieved one of my goals in life and only by that I found myself getting free bit by bit from some of the burdens that were always there in my heart from a very young age.

  As if a huge rock had been moved from my chest unconsciously.

  I did not know about what Markus had felt back there in the dungeon, but for me, I was not at all disappointed seeing Benjamin in that helpless condition after ages.

  Just as I wished.


  After I got back to my room, I felt a sudden rush to clear myself up as my body was still stinking with the smell of the nasty blood of that vicious Benjamin, while my clothes were tainted in the thick crimson coloured liquid at here and there. Even though his blood on me was appearing quite satisfying to my heart for a bit, still I needed to wash them off as I am not a complete savage yet.

  So, without further ado, I jumped in the shower, letting the water wash my entire body as fast as possible.

  Cause, after this shower, I needed to be somewhere else, to stay by the side of someone important.

  Yes, my Summer was still at the hospital and was still waiting for Jenny to wake up. And that was why I must go to her as fast as I could. So, I did not waste any more time to went out of the pack-house in the next moment when I was all dressed up after the short shower, and started my bike once again only to head straight towards the pack-hospital, where everyone else was.

  In no time, I reached there and parked my bike outside the pack-hospital and rushed inside, to find others and also to see if Jenny woke up or not.

  But as soon as their long faces came to my vision, I realised that the time had not come yet, I guess.

  We need to have more patience this time.

  After all, Jenny had gone through a fatal injury, so there is no wonder that she is taking time to recover.

  “Summer. What happened?” As soon as I approached my mate, I could not help but ask, as I just could not see her losing hope like this bit by bit. So, I wanted to be her strength, even when I knew very well that she was not at all going to accept the fact that she very much needed a shoulder to cry on as well, in such a situation.

  Never mind,

  Staying with her was enough right now.

  “Yesterday you said that she will wake up soon, but she is still in a coma, Kazan. I do not know what to do. And Kaith is already acting miserable, as Jenny had not seen any sign of recovery yet. I just can not see two of my friends suffering like this for me, Kazan. Just tell me what to do. Please!” Summer's words were enough for me to know, how much helpless she was feeling right now.

  In fact, she was not the only one in such a state, cause everyone else was the same.

  We all were just counting times for Jenny to wake up.

  Cause, she must not suffer any further for someone like Benjamin.

  “Do not worry. Everything will be alright.” Just when I said those words to coax Summer for a bit, a desperate howl came to all our ears from behind the closed door, and none of us needed to guess who it was.

  Cause, we all were certain that it was no one but Kaith.

  And his howls were like declaring how relieved he got at last as he was indeed flooding with the ultimate joy, for which he was longing for so many hours now.

  Yes, none of us needed to be told that a miracle happened at last.

  Cause, Kaith's howls were declaring ever so loudly that Jenny was awake now, at last.

  Episode 84

  ****Few months later****

  Summer's P.O.V

  My eyes were still heavy in sleep but the morning sunlight was making it quite hard for me to continue my nap, as it crept in my room silently as soon as the night passed, announcing that the big day had arrived at last.

  But I was not at all willing to wake up this soon, at least not when, I kept having hard times to sleep properly at night lately.

  Yes, this pup inside me had started to give me troubles already.


  Well over the last few months, as the pup inside me kept growing up, I started changing in a lot of ways. I can barely fight now, as my belly had gotten huge and swollen already, making it much difficult for me to even walk around without any help.

  I never realised before, that giving birth to a pup would cost me in such a way.



  Even though I was reluctant, I had to open my eyes to greet the morning sun.

  I tried to move right after to drag my lazy and heavy body to the bathroom but I could not get up from my bed as I thought I would do, easily.

  There were several reasons though.

  First, I needed to put a lot of effort to get up carefully with my huge belly now when I am pregnant.

  Second, I did not realise yet that a huge and heavy arm which was wrapped around my waist tightly, was holding me down on the bed, preventing me to move even for a little bit.

  Soon the soft snores started to fill my ears which were always there, it was just that I did not realise their presence until now.

  And by the sparks which were conquering my entire body without much of my awareness since when I did it know yet, announced the presence of the one and only person who could bring such sensation to my body with the slightest touch, without any effort.

  Yes, it did not take much time for me to realise that Kazan was sleeping soundly on my bed and was holding me from behind.

  But, the question is when did he come last night?

  Actually, this has become a usual thing now.

  I just do not understand how does he always manage to come to sleep with me each and every night, even when I asked him not to and even when I make sure that he could never get his way in my room, anyhow. But still, when I wake up the next morning, I always find him by my side, sleeping with me on my bed and holding me in his arms just like that.

  Yes, it is the same story now, for the last
few months.

  Kazan just does not know how to listen to my words, and he even dares to take advantage of my pregnant state while I could do nothing with this heavy body to protest him.

  Yes, my life has changed a lot over the past few months.

  Since when the darkest clouds had gone away from all our lives once and for all, we all learned to live a new life from then on.

  Although Jenny woke up that day and had recovered from her fatal injury, she still lost her ability to speak. But seeing Jenny alive and among us just like before once again was indeed something to rejoice for all of us, even for Kaith.

  Cause, if something worst happened that day, none of us could have accepted the loss of our dear friend Jenny.

  So, even though we could not bring back what we lost already, we have learned to live happily and cherish each and every single thing that we are left with, in all our lives.

  I will never deny that it was hard not to look back in times and regret for few things, but still, we eventually learned to accept the fact in the end.

  And about Benjamin, who was the one behind all our miseries, well, his days of suffering had begun already. Cause, he is still alive to endure all the tortures for the rest of his life.

  After we all were done dealing with him in our own ways, I handed him over to Jacob, the firmer Beta from the Blood Bay pack to do whatever he wished to do with him, knowing that he will never set him free, no matter what. And just what I had assumed. He locked him up in the dungeon and kept treating him in the same way Benjamin once did to him for years, and now he had got the chance to return the favour at last.

  And Jacob knows how to serve him right.

  On the other hand, Lunar High pack that means my pack became familiar with the truth and the conspiracy from the past and eventually they realised who was actually wrong and who was not. They even felt guilty for the fact that they have always misjudged me and that was why they never bothered to stop misbehaving with me, knowing the least that they were doing something wrong.

  When they realised that they were at fault too for believing Benjamin, the whole Lunar High pack came to me one day and asked for my forgiveness.


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