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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

Page 17

by Erin Osborne

  With nothing more for me to do, I ride my bike to the clubhouse so I can shower and get ready. Renegade, Smokey, and Bear are standing at the bar talking when I walk in. They immediately get quiet and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

  “What’s up, guys?” I ask, taking the shot Smokey holds out for me.

  “Nothin’. What are you doin’ here?” Bear answers, a weird look on his face.

  “Tell someone that might actually believe it because it’s not me. What’s goin’ on? Is it somethin’ with Vulture?” I ask, looking back and forth between the men standing before me.

  “You’ll find out later. It’s nothin’ bad, we promise,” Renegade answers, downing his shot and slamming his glass on the counter. “Let’s get ready so we can get you married. You know that I’m walkin’ your ol’ lady down the aisle?”

  “I do. She mentioned it last night before Callie, Cass, and Trin dragged her away from me. I can’t believe they wouldn’t let me sleep in the fuckin’ house with her,” I mutter, walking toward my room while the guys laugh their asses off at me. “Can’t wait till it’s the rest of you fuckers!”

  “I’m already married,” Bear says, sobering up before passing me in the hall.

  “Yeah. But I hope that every kid you have is another fuckin’ girl,” I say, a smile lighting up my face.

  “You asshole,” he says, grabbing at his chest as if I mortally wounded him. “I can’t believe you’d wish that on me.”

  Renegade and Smokey are laughing hysterically behind us as we all make our way to our rooms. Smokey is marrying us, Renegade is walking Hadliegh down the aisle, while Bear is my best man. Grave and Chains are the only other two members of the wedding.

  We tried to figure out how we could get Hawk up there too, but there wasn’t a way he could be up there with Cass and everything be even. So, he’s going to sit this one out. Axle and Jazz are the ring bearer and flower girl. Bentley will carry him down the aisle.

  After I get out of the shower, I get dressed in the new blue jeans, my boots, a black long-sleeved shirt, and my cut. I brush my hair and make sure I have everything I’ll need for the day. The rings we picked out are in my pocket until I get there and hand them over to Trin. She’s helping the kids down the aisle so she’ll hold the rings on the way down and then hand them over.

  Renegade, Bear, and Smokey are standing out in the common room waiting for me to get done. As soon as I walk up to them, the front door is flung open and there stands Phoebe. She’s our little sister and is supposed to be at college right now. We sent her away to college so no one would associate her with us and try to use her against Renegade or myself.

  “The fuck you doin’ here?” Renegade asks, stalking toward her.

  “I can’t do it, John. I’ve tried to fit in and pass all my classes and I can’t,” she says, wrapping her arms around him. “Please, let me come home. I’ll do what you say and stay where you tell me to. I just can’t be that far away from my family anymore.”

  “Fuck!” he bellows out before pulling her in for a big hug.

  I make my way over to my brother and sister. It’s weird to see her here when we sent her away to protect her. Mom didn’t like our decision, but she agreed to it if only to protect Phoebe. Wrapping my sister in my arms, I’m reminded of the day she left us.

  Tears were in all of our eyes as Mom and Phoebe got in the car after we loaded everything of hers up and loaded it into one of the SUVs the club had. Phoebe hated us so much, but in her own way, she understood where we were coming from. She knew that we were trying to ensure that none of our rivals knew about her so they couldn’t get to her.

  That’s why she was never really allowed around the clubhouse and why most of the club members don’t even realize we have a sister. The only one in the family that she talks to is mom and that’s only a few times a month. In a way, we did completely cut her off. But we wanted better for her and didn’t want her to have to constantly be looking over her shoulder.

  When it comes to Phoebe, we want her to find the guy with the nine to five job. A boring guy that isn’t going out on runs or risking jail time on a regular basis, and she wouldn’t have to sit at home worrying if he’s going to come back to her. In reality, Renegade and I want her to find a man that’s the complete opposite of us and how we live our lives.

  “Mom know your back?” I ask once I pull back from her.

  “No. I stopped by the diner to find that it’s closed,” she answers, looking between Renegade and I to find out what’s going on.

  “Little sis, there’s a lot you don’t know. Our brother here is gettin’ married today. That’s why the diner’s closed up. She’s helpin’ put the final touches on everythin’ and watchin’ Axle for Remington and Hadliegh,” Renegade answers for me.

  “What the fuck? I didn’t even know you were involved with anyone, Psycho,” she answers, using my road name for the first time ever. “And who the hell is Axle?”

  “Well, Axle would be your nephew. It’s not that we didn’t want to tell you, we’ve just been dealin’ with a lot. Hadliegh doesn’t even know about you if that’s any consolation,” I tell her, hoping she’ll know we truly didn’t want to keep this from her.

  “What? I knew you guys wanted to protect me, but it’s like you’ve completely wiped me out of the fucking family. Is that what you’re doing?” she asks, tears forming in her eyes.

  “It’s not like that at all. We know that the less we communicate with you, the less likely anyone will connect that you’re our baby sister. We wanted you with us, but I won’t take the chance that you’re hurt or worse,” Renegade answers. “Now, let’s head over to Bear and Callie’s house so that we can let mom know you’re home and then we’ll introduce you to Axle and Hadliegh.”

  Phoebe nods her head and lets Renegade lead her from the clubhouse. She follows us the short distance to Bear’s house in her car. As soon as we get there, mom runs out to see us only to stop dead in her tracks when Phoebe gets out of her car. With Axle in her arms, she ushers us all inside in case anyone we don’t want watching is lurking around the area. Once we’re inside, Axle is thrust in my arms as my mom wraps her only daughter in one of the biggest hugs I’ve ever seen. Tears are shed and everyone leaves the four of us alone while we have a family reunion.

  “What are you doin’ here?” mom finally asks, pulling back from her daughter to take a good look at her.

  “I can’t be there anymore, Mom. I hate it and I don’t want to be away from my family anymore. Look at everything I’ve already missed out on,” she tells us all as she turns to face me and looks at her nephew for the first time. “He’s so adorable.”

  Axle is dressed similar to me. He’s got a bib on over his shirt and little boots on his feet. Mom brushed the little bit of hair he has covering his head. I hold him out for Phoebe to take so she can hold her nephew.

  Once again, tears fill her eyes as she takes him in her arms and snuggles him close to her body. She’s visibly shaking as her head remains buried against my son. Mom is taking pictures of the moment so she can capture it forever.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I’VE BEEN PAMPERED and made pretty all day long. Callie and the girls came over last night and took me from the house until they knew that Psycho left for the night. He went over to Bear’s house because Callie was staying with me. The guys were gonna have a boys night while the girls and I watched sappy movies and had a few drinks. I think I ate my weight in junk food last night too.

  At the same time, I’ve been counting down the hours until I get to marry the love of my life. Yeah, we’ve had some bumps along the way, but I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson has made me happier than I ever imagined I’d be in my life. He’s given me an amazing little boy that lights up my life and he’s given me himself. Psycho has accepted my independence, my sass, and my ability to hold a grudge. I made him wait for months upon months before I let him in enough
to thaw my heart again.

  “You ready to go?” Callie asks, walking in our room as she fiddles with my dress a little more.

  “I’m more than ready to go,” I tell her, letting my excitement burst forward.

  “Okay. The car’s here and we’re ready to go,” she says, laughing at my exuberance.

  Callie and I make our way downstairs to see Foxy, Rusty, and Cass waiting for us. Unfortunately, Foxy won’t be in the wedding party. She didn’t want to stand up in front of everyone while Psycho and I get married. So, she’s been here helping us all get ready. I can’t thank her enough for the help she’s been. It’s been one less thing I’ve had to worry about with her anticipating every single need we had and making sure that we had it.

  Axle spent last night with Corrinth, and I can’t wait to lay eyes on my son. I’ve never spent the night away from him, and I don’t really like it. If we’ve gone to the clubhouse, he’s been there with one of the girls until we go to bed. On the rare chance we go out, I’m always back home with him. The only time I was separated from him was when the Snake’s had me. That wasn’t my fault, or choice, though. Last night, I said that I would keep him with us, but Callie and Corrinth refused and so he went with grandma for the night.

  The drive is short from our house to Callie’s. I stare out the window as the girls talk and laugh. I’m getting nervous and excited, and want to be alone for a minute. That’s not going to happen though when I’m surrounded by these girls and from the second we get out of the car and into Callie’s house, I’ll be surrounded by people.

  As the car comes to a stop, the girls get out before Renegade leans in the car to help me out. He takes me in as I stand before him. My hair is half up with the rest falling in soft curls down my back. The dress I chose is simple. It’s got spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline that flows down to my feet. On the top of the dress, there’s black lace covering my chest down to the black ribbon around my waist. Callie did my make-up soft and barely noticeable except for my eyes which she did a little darker than normal.

  “You look amazin’! Psycho is gonna flip his shit when he sees you,” Renegade says, pulling me in for a hug. “There’s someone here that you need to meet before we head out.”

  “Okay. Who?” I ask, wondering who is here today that I haven’t met before.

  “Our sister came home,” he says nonchalantly.

  “You have a sister?” I ask, wondering why I’ve never heard of a sister before.

  “Yeah. It’s a long story, one that Psycho will fill you in on. For now, let’s get inside before he sees you. Phoebe’s waitin’ to meet you,” he says, leading me inside the house.

  I let Renegade lead me into the house. As soon as we get through the door, I see Corrinth and a young girl that looks more like Renegade than Psycho. She’s got long dirty blond hair with blue eyes. There are already tears in her eyes as she takes me in wearing my wedding dress.

  “Phoebe, I’d like you to meet Hadliegh. Hadliegh, this is our sister Phoebe,” Renegade says, watching to see what we’re gonna do.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Phoebe says, walking up and wrapping me in a big hug.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” I say, wrapping my arms around her. “You’re staying for the wedding?”

  “If it’s okay with you, I’d love to be here for you and my brother,” she answers, pulling back a bit to see what I think.

  “I’d love to have you here,” I tell her honestly.

  Phoebe walks outside with Corrinth. Renegade stays inside with us while we wait for the music to announce us walking down the aisle. I’m getting impatient. Right now, I want to be standing next to my man, becoming his wife.

  My nerves are settling the closer we get to the time for the ceremony to take place. But, I have just the thing to help me settle the rest of the nerves; I grab my rag off the back of the stool where Callie laid it for me. No one other than her knew that I’d be wearing this over my dress. Renegade smiles at me and nods his head in approval.

  Finally, I see Callie, Cass, and Rusty heading to the back of the house to make their way out the back door. Renegade walks over next to me and I place my arm in his as the music changes to In Case You Didn’t Know by Brett Young. A lone tear slips from my eyes as I try to hold them back.

  Psycho walked in the bedroom one night when I had this song playing. He walked up behind me and turned me to face him. We danced in our room to this song while he sang the words to me. I play it all the time now.

  I look straight ahead once Renegade and I are through the backdoors of the house and see Psycho watching me with a smile on his face. A matching smile breaks out on mine as our family and friends stand as I make my way to him. At one point, I guess I must be rushing because Renegade chuckles before telling me to slow down a bit. A few guests chuckle at my obvious attempt to get to Psycho while saying screw it to wedding protocol.

  I’m finally at his side while Renegade keeps my hand on his arm until Smokey asks who gives me away. “Satan’s Anarchy and I do,” he replies as another tear slips from my eyes.

  I try to listen to the words that Smokey is saying, but I’m lost in Psycho’s eyes. We’re staring at one another and I can’t say that he’s hearing a single word being said right now either. I’m proven right when Bear nudges him from behind so that he can say his vows.

  “Hadliegh, I knew from the second I saw you, you were gonna change my damn world. I love that you can be feisty, a smart ass, sweet, carin’, and the best mom I’ve ever seen. You’re the light to my dark and the air that I need to breathe. Hadliegh, I can’t wait to begin the rest of our lives together as one. Thank you for everythin’ you’ve given me already and for what’s to come,” Psycho says, a tear slipping free as Smokey tells me that it’s my turn.

  “Psycho, you piss me off more than anything sometimes. But I love you more than you piss me off,” I begin to the laughter of the guests. “You have given me a beautiful son and the space that I need when I need it. I know that you’ll always come for me and make sure that Axle and I are protected beyond anything I’ve ever imagined. I can’t wait for the day that we add to our family and to see how much of an amazing dad you are to each one of our children. You’re the strength I lean on when I need it and the one that will always hold me up when I can’t stand on my own.”

  I watch as a tear slips down Psycho’s cheek and let it go until it falls from his chin and lands on the ground between us. Smokey turns to him and asks him for the rings. Once he has them from Bear and hands them over to his friend, we carry on with the last bit of the ceremony. Finally, I hear the words that I’ve been waiting for since I walked through the doors.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. Psycho, you may kiss your bride,” Smokey says, folding his hands in front of him.

  Psycho leans into me, placing his hands on either side of my face before kissing me. He plants a gentle kiss on my lips but that’s just not going to work for me. I trace his bottom lip with my tongue until he opens his mouth and deepens the kiss. I’m bent backward in a dip as he continues kissing me until I feel like there’s no breath left to breathe. We finally stand back up and break apart as I try to suck in some much-needed air.

  “I love you, wife,” Psycho says so only I can hear him.

  “I love you more, husband,” I respond to him.

  We walk back down the aisle and make our way to the tent that’s been set up for the reception. It’s better than I imagined it would turn out. Hanging from the top of the tent are small white lights. There are tables and chairs set up toward the back of tent so that there was room for the cake, a small dance floor, and a table covered with presents. At the front of the tables is a long one for the wedding party.

  Psycho leads me out of the tent so that our guests can enter before we get announced by the DJ that was hired for our day. While we’re waiting, the photographer takes pictures and then my husband and I get a minute to ourselves before going back in for the next few hours. He lea
ds me away from the tent a little bit before stopping and looking at me.

  “You look stunnin’,” he tells me, placing a kiss on my lips before pulling back. “I can’t wait to get you all alone and see what you’re wearin’ under that dress. By the way, thank you for wearin’ your rag today. I wasn’t expectin’ you to do that.”

  “Of course, I would. Your cut and my rag are a part of our lives. There’s no way in hell either one of us was going to be standing up there, starting our married life together without them on,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around him as Renegade lets us know that it’s time to head in the tent.

  Walking up behind Callie and Bear, we stop and wait for our turn. We’re all walking in the side of the tent so that it’s a straight line to the table. The groomsmen will be sitting on one side while the bride’s maids will be sitting on the opposite side. Yeah, we could have let the couples sit together, but since Hawk isn’t at the table, we decided to have them sit this way. He’s at the table closest to ours though.

  “Now, I’d like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson for the first time,” the DJ says, making sure that my husband’s road name is included. I’m sure it’s a first for him, but he’s taken everything we’ve thrown at him in stride.

  Psycho leads me into the tent to claps and hollering from our friends and family. We take our seats as Renegade stands up and calls for everyone to be silent. I look at Psycho to see what’s going on, but he just shrugs his shoulders at me in response. As I look at the rest of the members of the wedding party, I see smiles on their faces so they must know what’s going on right now.

  “I’d like to be the first to congratulate my brother and sister-in-law. Hadliegh, welcome to the family, sweetheart. I’m so glad that you two found one another and have found a way to leave the past where it belongs and build a life together. Now, I know that neither one of you were plannin’ on takin’ time off for a honeymoon or anythin’ like that. So, we’ve all put money in for you to take a week away, with Axle. We want you to get away from everythin’ and spend a week together as a family,” Renegade says, raising his beer before sitting down.


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