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Hadliegh's Desire (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 2)

Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  I look at Psycho and I can’t stop the tears that spill over. Never did I think that our family would do this for us. Psycho stands up and makes his way over to Renegade and pulls him in for a hug. I can see him saying something to him that is just between the brothers. Turning to Callie, I see her tears as she smiles and I reach over to pull her into a hug.

  “Thank you so much,” I tell her.

  “You two deserve it,” she says. “It was honestly all Renegade’s idea. We just had to make sure that we kept it from you.”

  I look over at my brother-in-law and smile at him. I’m not sure where we’re going right now and I don’t really care. We have been so busy with everything going on that it seems as if Psycho and I were missing each other and only falling into bed when we were too exhausted to do more than grab a few hours of sleep. Now, we get to spend a week alone with our son so that we can get back to where we were before everything that’s been going on.

  “Can you keep an eye on, Cass?” I ask Callie so only she can hear.

  “Absolutely. When she’s not working at Anarchy Ink, she’s going to start watching the kids for us. Bear wants to help her get back to the woman that she was for Hawk and Chains so we’re giving her every single opportunity to get out and away from the clubhouse. In a sense, it gives her a bit of freedom because she’ll be earning her own money and the knowledge that she’s got the entire club behind her,” Callie tells me, sitting back in her seat as my husband takes his seat next to me again.

  “Bright Eyes, we don’t have long before we’ll have to leave. Apparently, they all packed bags for us already, but we do have to get to the airport,” Psycho tells me before planting a kiss on my cheek.

  “Okay. Where are we going?” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  “We’re goin’ to a small town in New York. I guess Renegade has already let everyone know what time we have to leave so they’ve moved the timetable of the reception up,” he answers me.

  We’ve had our meal and now Psycho has just led me to the dance floor for our dance. Tangled Up In You begins to play. This is the song we danced to before he asked me to marry him, so he figured it would be our song from now on since we played our other one as I walked down the aisle. About halfway through the song, I nod to Callie and Bear so they can join us. Soon, more couples begin to fill the makeshift dance floor. Cass is the only one sitting at the table as Chains and Hawk talk about something off to the side of everyone. I’m not sure what the hell their problem is, but one of them should have her out here with them.

  Finally, Hawk walks over to her and a smile lights up her face. Along with a slight blush. Chains walks over and leads Corrinth onto the dance floor right next to Hawk and Cass. They’re all laughing and talking as the four of them dance by one another. It’s not long before Hawk and Chains are switching partners. Cass looks so happy today, and I’m glad that we could give that to her. I’m happy that she trusted me enough the first real day we met to bring the club in to help her get away from an abusive fucker like her ex.

  After the dance is over with, Psycho leads me over to the cake so that we can cut it before leaving. Corrinth makes sure that we each have our piece as she steps back out of the way. Psycho smiles bigger than I’ve ever seen him before smashing his slice of cake in my face. It’s only fair that I get him back. So, I start on his forehead and smear the cake over his entire face. Yeah, I may have gotten him a little worse than what he did considering I only have cake on my nose and chin. But, he deserves it.

  Everyone surrounding us laughs at the two of us. Psycho grabs another small piece and makes sure that my face looks just as good as his does. We turn to face the crowd because I know there will be pictures of this being taken by our friends. Smiles light up our faces. Today is one of the best days of my life. The absolute best day was the day that Axle was born and Psycho was by my side as he came screaming into the world.

  “The groom and bride have a plane to catch. So, before they take off, let’s have all the single ladies gather around to catch the bouquet,” the DJ announces.

  I stand just on the far side of the bridal party’s table, after quickly cleaning cake off of me, and look behind me as the small group of women gather together in anticipation. Looking forward, I fling my arms backward and let the flowers fly. As soon as they leave my hands, I turn around to see Cass standing at the back of the pack. Before the flowers hit the ground, she opens her hands up as they land in them. I can’t believe she’s the one that caught them, but it makes me happy she did.

  Psycho drags a chair to the middle of the dance floor and crooks his finger toward me. I make my way to him as the DJ calls for the single men to gather around while Psycho bends down before me. He dips his head under my dress so that he can get the garter off of my thigh and toss it to someone.

  I squirm in my seat as he runs his tongue up my leg and one hand definitely goes farther than the garter. His fingers brush my wet panties as his tongue makes contact with the garment he needs to remove. I feel his teeth scrape against my bare thigh as he pulls the garter down my leg and he finally removes his fingers from my pussy.

  Psycho grins at me and stands up. He faces the men as he flings the garter into the crowd of men. Chains ends up catching the garter. His eyes immediately turn to Cass and I see her give him a shy smile. The two meet us at the chair I’ve just vacated, and Cass sits down in front of Chains. He kneels down and slowly slides the garter up her leg as we all watch. I can tell they’re having a private moment amidst the crowd of wedding guests. The only thing that would make it better was if Hawk was up here with them.

  So, I turn my head to him and give him a slight nod. He smiles before walking up behind Cass and setting a hand on her shoulder. I grab my phone off the table and quickly snap a few pictures for her.

  “Alright you two, it’s time to go,” Corrinth says, walking over to us as she hands Psycho his son. “I love you both, and I hope you have a great time.”

  Corrinth gives us all a kiss before our closest friends come up to send us away. Renegade will tell us his goodbye at the airport since he’s driving us there. Once I’m in the SUV, I look back at my friends and family to wave goodbye with a huge smile on my face.

  This group of people is what makes our life the best it absolutely can be. I’m so grateful these men rescued us, and Callie wanted me to stay here with her. Not only do I have my own family now, but there are so many extended members I don’t know what to do most of the time. This is what life is meant to be, right here, at this moment.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  WE’VE BEEN IN New York for a few hours and I’m already so much more relaxed than I was at home. Psycho and I have been spread so thin, and this is exactly what we needed. Axle was perfect on the plane and slept almost the entire flight. The only problem we had was when it was time to feed him. Psycho didn’t want me nursing him on the plane but we really had no other option. So, I grabbed a blanket and covered myself as he blocked the aisle and I got Axle settled.

  Once we landed, Renegade had a car ready to pick us up and take us to the small house he rented for us. It’s on the shore of Seneca Lake and is absolutely stunning. The house sits back from the lake and has a wraparound porch on it. There are a few chairs and a swing already set up so we can sit out there and enjoy the weather.

  Walking in the house, we walk into a foyer that leads directly to the living room. The floor plan past the living room is open. It has a kitchen, dining room, and a hallway off to the side of the dining room. In the foyer, there’s a staircase leading up to the second floor.

  Psycho leads me up there and we see a master room along with one other small bedroom. There’s a playpen already set up, and I lay Axle down before Psycho leads me into the master bedroom. Directly in the middle of the room is a King size bed. There are two doors in the room and I choose the door that’s already open. Walking in, I see a huge soaker tub and a separate shower. The shower is regular size,
but I’m drawn toward the tub.

  “Why don’t you soak and relax while Axle’s sleepin’?” Psycho asks, while I still stare at the tub.

  “Why don’t you join me,” I say, turning to face him and beginning to take my dress off.

  We didn’t have time to get changed before we were whisked away from the reception. Sliding the straps down my arms, I slowly pull my arms from them as I keep my eyes trained on my husband. After untying the ribbon around my waist, I let the dress fall and pool at my feet. Psycho is on the move as he takes in the matching white lace bra and panty set I’ve been wearing all day.

  “You are so beautiful, my wife,” he says, running his hand down my arm while wrapping his other one around my body and pulling me into him.

  Psycho kisses me and unhooks my bra before pulling it down my arms. He doesn’t pull away from me until he’s ready to turn the water on in the tub and makes sure that it’s the right temperature before we get in. I’m left breathless as I remain rooted to my spot, just watching him. Once he’s sure that the water is not going to burn us, Psycho turns and begins to undress himself. My mouth waters in anticipation as I see every new inch of skin he bares to me.

  “See somethin’ you like, wife?” he asks, a cocky smirk covering his face as he undoes his jeans and lets them fall to the floor.

  His hard cock springs forward and I stick my tongue out to lick my bottom lip. Psycho pulls my panties down my legs and I step out of them before he grabs my hand and leads me to the tub. After we’re settled in the hot water, I reach behind me and grab onto his cock. A groan slips from his mouth as I stroke him up and down. He begins to kiss my upper back and shoulders as much as he can reach without moving me too much so I let go of him. It’s not long before he’s turning me around to face him. Without a word, he lifts me up and lines his cock up with my pussy. I slide down on him until I’m fully seated on his length.

  Psycho only gives me a minute to adjust to him before he reaches down to my hips and begins to guide my movements up and down on him. Once he’s sure that I’m going to keep moving at his pace, he takes his attention off of where we meet and pulls a hard nipple into his mouth. I dig my hands into his hair as I continue to move up and down his hard length. Faintly, I hear the water from the tub splashing over the side of the tub, but I couldn’t really give a shit about it when I have my husband inside me.

  While Psycho switches sides and pays my other tit, the same attention he just gave the first one, he reaches down between us and begins to rub circles on my clit. My pace falters for a second as I let the feelings take over. As soon as Psycho lets my boob pop free from his mouth, I place my hands on either side of his face and bring his mouth to mine. He immediately opens his mouth to give me entrance as our tongues duel and fight for control. I give it up to him and let him ravish my mouth while I begin to slide up and down his hard cock faster. My release is coiling in my body and I feel like I’m about to lose control when he pulls away from my mouth and begins to pepper kisses along my jaw and down to my neck. Once he’s at my neck, Psycho gently bites down to give me just enough pain that it throws me over the edge and my orgasm breaks loose.

  “Remington!” I yell out as my body tightens and begins to spasm around him.

  It doesn’t take long before Psycho is following me over the edge. He tangles his fingers into my hair and pulls my mouth to his as his body thrusts up into mine and he stills. I feel him pulsing in me and I’m thrown into another, smaller orgasm as he empties himself in my pussy.

  “Fuck, Hadliegh! It just gets better and better every fuckin’ time,” he says, as he pulls my sated body into his and begins to rub his hands up and down my back.

  I’m so relaxed that I could fall asleep right here in his arms. It doesn’t matter that we’re sitting in a tub of water, most of which is now on the floor. Before I can doze off, Psycho lifts me up to stand and helps me out of the tub before drying me off and leading to the bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out.

  I wake up and stretch in the morning, and realize Axle never got me up in the middle of the night. Just as I go to scramble out of bed to check on him, the overwhelming urge to be sick hits me. I barely get to the bathroom in time before I’m emptying my stomach. It’s not like I have a lot in there to get rid of because I haven’t eaten anything since the reception the day before. Psycho finds me in the bathroom, leaning my head on the wall next to the toilet as I wait to make sure I’m not going to be sick anymore.

  “Bright Eyes, what’s wrong?” he asks, walking over to me with Axle in his arms.

  “I don’t know. I went to jump out of bed because I realized Axle didn’t wake me up last night, and I barely made it in here,” I tell him, pushing off the wall and floor so I can brush my teeth and get ready for the day.

  “Are you feelin’ better now?” he asks, handing me a cool washcloth as I get finished brushing my teeth.

  “A little bit,” I answer as a thought occurs to me. “Psycho, there might be a problem.”

  “What?” he asks, confusion clouding his vision as he tries to think about what I mean.

  “I mean that we’ve been fucking without using any protection. I’m not on birth control and I told you that,” I tell him, looking at him as I take a wiggling and squirming Axle from his arms.

  “Okay. Well, we’ll find somewhere to get a test and you’ll take it. If you need to, we’ll find a doctor here to check you over and make sure you can fly back home when the week is up,” he answers like I just told him the sky is blue and not dropped a possible bombshell.

  “How can you be so fucking calm right now?” I ask, my voice raising a little as I cuddle Axle to me. “Do you realize that we’ll have two babies under two. Hell, they’ll be just over a year apart.”

  “Hadliegh, if your pregnant, I don’t care. I want to be there for this pregnancy and help you through everythin’. I didn’t get to with Axle, and I’m not goin’ to be mad or upset if you are right now. I want you to be the mother to my children and who cares if they’re that close in age. That gives our kids a chance to be more than siblings— it gives them the chance to be friends too,” he answers, pulling me to his body and wrapping his arms around Axle and me.

  “Okay. Well, let me get dressed and something to eat before we head out for the day. Are we gonna go exploring some?” I ask, not giving into to the turmoil and trepidation of our possible situation bother me.

  “Yeah. Axle and I’ll wait downstairs for you. How about some toast and a bottle of juice?” he asks, trying to find me something that won’t upset my stomach even more.

  I nod my head and watch as the two leave the bedroom so I can get dressed on my own. As soon as I’m ready and I have everything we’ll need for Axle, I make my way downstairs to find them in the kitchen. Axle is sitting in a bouncy chair while Psycho is making my toast for me. He doesn’t put anything on it. I put just a little bit of butter on the toast and we head out for the day. Once we were dropped off last night, the driver let us know that his company would be bringing a car to use while we were here. All we had to do was drop it back off at the airport when we left.

  We head out for the day and begin to explore the town that we’re staying in. All along the road we’re traveling on are wineries and distilleries of some sort. I know Psycho will want to check the distilleries out before we head home. I see a few cases of alcohol being shipped home if he can make it happen and likes what he tastes. The three of us spend the day acting goofy and just relaxing. Psycho found a store and went in to buy a pregnancy test for me. Well, he ended up buying five of them because he didn’t know which one I’d prefer.

  For the rest of the day, we just walk or drive around and take in the town. There are so many stores to go in and look at, we end up making plans to come back throughout the week to make sure we hit all of them. Including the ice cream stand that I see. Yeah, I’m gonna want a sundae before we leave here.

  Chapter Thirty


BEEN HERE a week now, and Hadliegh is definitely pregnant. I can tell she’s not thrilled by the news and her morning sickness is sometimes out of control. I’m happier than ever though. This time, we’re not gonna be in two different towns where I can’t experience the pregnancy with her. I want to watch her body change as she carries our new son or daughter. I want to be there when she has weird cravings and run out in the middle of the night to get whatever she wants. Yeah, we may be crazy having two kids a little over a year apart but that’s the way things go sometimes.

  Today, we’re going to walk some gorge thing she saw and has been dying to walk. I told her today we would be able to walk it as long as it doesn’t rain. She even got up early as hell in case she gets sick and to get ready. By the time I walk downstairs to find her and Axle in the kitchen, Hadliegh’s practically vibrating with anticipation to go to this place. I smile before kissing her on the head and grabbing a cup of coffee.

  “If you watch Axle, I’ll run up and make sure that everything is packed so we can load up the car with our bags. We’re gonna be cutting it close to get to the airport, but I want to do this so bad,” she says, letting her excitement for the day shine bright.

  “Okay, Bright Eyes. But, I did that before I left the bedroom. Just do a walkthrough and make sure I didn’t forget anythin’,” I tell her, sitting down in her vacated chair and playing with Axle while we wait for her to do a walkthrough of the house.

  Within an hour, we’re ready to head out and I leave the keys where Renegade told me to before we leave the house. I pull into the packed parking lot of the gorge and we get out, making sure I have the baby carrier strapped to me so Hadliegh isn’t trying to walk with him on her up the paths and stairs. It was the only way I was gonna walk this thing with her.


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