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The Red Haze (The Webber and Ko Series Book 1)

Page 10

by D. M. Wicks

  Declan chuckled. "Whatever man. I am obviously doing something right because I got three numbers while you were unconscious. By the way, it's ten in the morning."

  "I slept the rest of the yesterday?"

  "Like I said, six hours under the knife."

  "Have they been able to get a hold of any of my family members?"

  Declan nodded. "Yeah, your sister is dropping by on her lunch break. Seems she gave your mom tickets for a cruise to the Bahamas. She knows how to give a Christmas present."

  "What? It's April isn't it?"

  Declan laughed. "Hah! You should see your face. It was for last Christmas."

  "Oh, that's right; I guess she did give her a present like that."

  "Apparently, your sister told your mom to turn off her cell phones and take a real vacation. Looks like your mom took her advice."

  "Guess so. It's probably best this way. I wouldn't want to worry them unnecessarily."

  Declan frowned. "Unnecessarily, huh. You're stupid."

  "I thought we already agreed on that."

  "Sorry, I just wanted to point it out again so you didn't forget it."

  "I'm still leaving now though. So, give me back the papers."

  "What the hell, Oda? Does nearly losing your arm mean nothing to you?"

  "No, but finishing the case means more. Besides, my sister would make me go home with her and then proceed to lock me in her apartment until my arm is completely healed. I can't afford to do that."

  "The hell you can't!"

  "Declan, be reasonable."

  "Reasonable my ass."

  "We have a job to do."

  "Your job is to heal up. I'll finish the case."

  "It's my case too."

  "You're just the secretary, remember!""

  "Don't start with that shit again."

  A security guard and a male nurse came in at that moment. "Is everything okay in her gentleman?"

  Declan turned to the two men and held up his badge. "Yes, I'm a private detective. I'm just trying to talk some sense into my partner."

  The security guard answered. "That's fine and all, but you're disturbing the other patients. If you could lower your voices it would be appreciated."

  We both nodded and they left. The two men left the room but the security guard stood next to it. Declan turned back to me. "End of discussion, Oda. You're staying here. I'll finish the case by myself."

  He stood up and began walking away, still holding my discharge papers. "At least talk to Faye again."

  He paused and turned back. "That nurse that attacked you, she told me everything went red all of a sudden. She didn't even remember attacking you, just feeling ravenous."

  Then he walked away ignoring my calls. I jumped out of bed and cringed when my arm hurt. He wasn't going to leave me here twirling my thumbs. This was my case as much as it was his. He had no right to take me off of it, even if I was technically only his secretary. That was beside the point. I was his partner whether he liked it or not and I wasn't going to give up.

  I walked back over to the bed and slipped my boots back on. If he didn't want my help he wasn't going to get it. I'd just go to Lieutenant Faye. She would work with me. I walked past the security guard, giving him a slight nod that he returned, and then I found the front desk. "Excuse me. Can I have the discharge papers, please? My nurse seems to have forgotten about me."

  "I'm sorry, sir. Here they are. Sometimes the nurses get busy."

  "It's fine. Here, I finished."

  She took the papers and glanced at them. "Okay, Mr. Ko, you can get your things from the security locker.”

  "Have a safe drive home."


  I walked out of the hospital a free man and breathed in the fresh air. I took my phone out of the bag. I needed to call Faye. Glancing around the car park I realized one very important fact from the night before. Where was my car?



  As soon as Declan left the hospital he hailed a taxi and called Faye. She told him she couldn't meet with him until she went off the clock, but that she would meet him at his office in the evening. He then told the taxi driver where to take him. As they drove he had a nagging feeling that something wasn't right. It had been bugging him since he woke that morning. He moved so that he could see the cars behind the taxi from the side door mirror. He saw a yellow Prius following closely behind them. Declan sat back and thought back to this morning.

  He could vaguely recall a vehicle like that from the morning, but it was probably a coincidence. To be on the safe side, he told the driver to drop him a block from the office and climbed out onto the pavement. He pulled out his mp3 player and put the headphones in without turning on the music. No sooner had the taxi driven off than the Prius pulled into a spot in front of Declan and two red eyes climbed out. One had a Fabio haircut while the other's was more military.

  Military called out, "Hey, we need to ask you a few questions."

  Declan continued to walk, pretending not to have heard them. Fabio reached out and tried to grab him, but he ducked and donkey kicked Fabio in the crotch. He grunted while his partner chuckled, "Ryan, are you okay, man?"

  "Just … get … him," he managed to gasp out.

  Declan stopped and waited for the other to attack him. Military took the initiative and threw a sudden jab out, hitting Declan in the chin, fazing him, but Declan quickly recovered in time to throw his arms up in defence. Military didn't hold back and pressed his advantage, throwing a barrage of punches and finishing it off with a kick to the gut. Declan grunted and fell to his knees. He looked up to see Ryan was back on his feet and standing over him. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

  Declan grinned. "At least I'm not a pussy like you."

  Ryan frowned and dragged Declan to his feet keeping a firm grip on his arm.

  "Come on, John, help me get him to the car. Don't want to cause a scene."

  Declan laughed. "Too late for that. Someone has probably called the cops."

  Ryan grunted and looked around at the few pedestrians taking pictures with their cell phones, while others were talking into them. "Doesn't matter. They won't find us once we hit the road."

  "Why is that?"

  "We have a disguise."

  "You mean the fucking yellow Prius with tinted windows? Sorry to break it to you, guys, but that's about as conspicuous as a giraffe in a herd of rhinos. Besides, I don't know how you two are going to fit me in the car with your inflated egos taking up most of the room, seriously."

  "Hey, Ryan, this guy thinks he's funny."

  Declan answered in his Irish lilt. "That's because I bloody well am."

  The two men threw him in the back seat and Ryan sat next to him and said, "Laugh it up, big guy. When we are done with you the only thing coming out of your mouth will be blood."

  "Oh, is that so? I'll make you eat those words."

  "I doubt it. Take us for a ride, John. I think the detective has some things he wants to tell us."

  John merged into the traffic and Ryan turned to him. "Tell us where the girl is."

  Declan adjusted his jaw. It still hurt. "What girl?"

  Ryan turned his body and punched Declan in the face shaking the car in the process. Declan could taste blood in his mouth, but shook it off.

  Ryan sat back down then continued, "Jeramy's girlfriend."

  "Oh, that girl."

  Ryan waited and John looked back at them in the mirror, but Declan continued to stare blankly at them. "Well, are you going to tell me or do I need to persuade you?"

  Declan grinned and made a sweeping motion with his hand. "Persuade away."

  Ryan frowned and turned again so he had more room to maneuver, but when he threw a punch Declan caught it and, wrapping their arms together, punched back. He continued to punch until Ryan had a dazed look on his face. John yelled out, but Declan went in for the kill and busted Ryan's nose spraying blood all over the back seat and onto his already blood stained suit. Declan turned to John wh
o couldn't pull the car over without causing an accident and said, "Go back to your boss and tell them not to fuck with me. The girl isn't important so leave her alone. And one more thing."


  "Tell them, I'm coming for them." And with that Declan opened the car door and jumped out when they stopped at a red light. He dodged through honking horns and made it safely to the sidewalk. Brushing his jacket off, he glanced around and realized that, luckily, they hadn't gone far. He was only three blocks away from his office. So he walked.

  When he finally reached his office, to his great annoyance, Faye's car was already in the parking lot, which meant she had been waiting, leading him to the conclusion that she was going to be cranky. He took his time climbing the stairs, but was surprised when he didn't see her waiting in the hallway. He walked up to the office and listened. Anger burned his gut and he threw the door open. "What the fuck, Ko? I told you to stay in the hospital!"



  I turned to where my partner stood, barley restraining his rage, at the door. Faye intercepted him when he came for me. "Now, Declan, let me…"

  He cut her off. "What the hell, lieutenant? How can you condone this behavior? He should be in the hospital, resting."

  Faye planted herself in between us, stopping his progression. "Let me finish!"

  Declan glared down at her. "Go on, I'd like to hear you talk your way out of this one."

  "He's working with me on my case…"

  Declan interrupted. "That's even worse!"

  "Declan, hear me out!"

  He turned his glare to me and held my gaze. "Like I was saying, I'm only letting him do the desk part of the job. He will act as my home base, so to speak."

  Declan turned back to Faye. "What happens when they find your home base and take it out? I just got jumped on my way here. I told you these guys don't fuck around. They won't hesitate to take either of you down."

  I finally noticed the bruise forming on his chin and the haggard look about him. "They jumped you? In broad daylight?"

  Declan grinned, showing off his bloody teeth. "Yeah, but I taught them a lesson. Don't fuck with me or I'll fuck back."

  Faye said, "Jesus, Declan, are you crazy?"

  Declan looked down. "What do you mean?"

  "You should have called the police or something."

  Declan looked astonished, and then laughed a full belly laugh. After a moment I joined in. Only Faye stood with her hands on her hips looking annoyed. "What the hell is so goddamn funny?"

  Declan fell to one knee holding his stomach and continued to laugh with a grimace on his face. I, on the other hand, was laughing in great gasps from the pain in my shoulder. "Jesus, just look at the two of you. You're a mess. Declan, sit on the couch and let me look you over and for Christ’s sake stop laughing before you two hurt yourselves."

  Declan stood and was guided over to the couch while I took a seat across from him. It took a moment, but we both eventually calmed down. Faye was poking him in the stomach. When she landed on a soft spot and felt around it he groaned. "Hah, found it! I don't think you broke a rib. It feels fine. Probably just sore. You will definitely have a bruise there though."

  "Good to know, doctor."

  "Hey, I'm just trying to help you."

  "Sure. You can start by driving Oda back to the hospital."

  I flushed in irritation. "Why won't you let it go, Declan? I said I'm fine. Blue eyes heal a lot faster than humans. I'll be back to normal in a day or two."

  He snorted. "That's not what the doctor said."

  "Human doctors aren't as good with my anatomy as they think. There is a lot they don't know about us."

  "Oh, yeah, like what? That you’re all idiots?"

  "Fuck you, Declan!"

  Faye stood up. "That's enough! You two will stop fighting like a couple of kids. Declan, Oda is a grown ass man. If he says he is fine, then I believe him. Oda, respect the fact that your partner cares about you and doesn't want to see you die on the job. Now, both of you apologize to one another."

  The room was silent. When neither of us took the initiative she frowned and said, "Now!"

  I looked up and sneered, "I'm sorry I'm such an idiot."

  Declan looked up with a glare. "I'm sorry I'm such an asshole."

  Faye sighed and shook her head. "That's good enough I guess. So, let’s get to work. Declan what did you decide to do? Are you going to help me or are you going to stick to your earlier decision?"

  "I'll help, but I want to make some things clear. I'm not doing this for either of you. I'm doing it for my own peace of mind. If either of you died it would make me look bad, so I'm going to make sure the threats are terminated."

  Faye nodded. "Good enough. I'll also make it clear that I'm not taking on the entire Crew. I just want to find the real killers of my cases. By the way, Oda filled me in on how your case crosses with mine. This Jeramy guy seemed to have gotten the ball rolling. I'd like to be the one to make sure it lands us the jackpot."

  "I want to find out what the Red Haze is as well as find Jeramy Alcott's killer," I said and Faye smiled.

  "Good, we are all on the same page. I'll show you the USB. It tells me the killers for my other cases, but I guess the most recent, with a guy named Alan Dublouse, happened afterwards. I need to prove that he did it, but it seems the Crew member named Cato took care of his clean up. I was pulled off the case before I got the chance to question the girlfriend and the roommate. I want Declan to question them for me. Oda, you should go through my records and try to find out anything you can that links the red eyes to the Red Haze; any common factors will do. I'm going to make some calls. I want to meet with one of these Crew members, while they are in their natural habitat."

  Declan jerked his head up. "Have you lost your bloody mind?"

  "No. I'll just make it look like I'm asking standard questions for another case. One of them lives in the same building as a murder case Larry was working on. I'll just swipe it from him and do some of the door to doors. No one will suspect anything if I ask a few questions of a neighbor."

  "I'm going with you then."

  "You don't need to. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

  "Big girl, my ass. I have seventy pounds on you. You wouldn't even stand a chance if I decided to get serious and take you down."

  "Is that a threat, detective, or a challenge?"

  Declan grinned. "Why, lieutenant? Did that make you worried?"

  "No, I just wanted to know so when I kick your ass you won't be able to cry about it."

  "That's it. Right here. Right now." Declan stood and pushed the couch to the corner of the room. Faye dragged the low table from the center of the room over and placed it next to the counter where the coffee machine was.

  "You guys can't be serious?"

  Faye turned to me. "Oda, you're the referee. Make sure your partner doesn't try anything dirty."

  "It's my middle name, sweetheart. If you can't fight dirty you won't make it far in life."

  "Nothing to the face or hair," Faye said as she took her gun and holster off and laid them on Declan's desk.

  "Fine, then nothing to the crotch." He did the same but took his back up from his ankle. Faye nodded approvingly and took hers from her thigh. Declan snorted. "Typical."

  "Back at you. Every cop worth his badge knows the ankle takes too long to reach when in a crisis. Thighs have easier access."

  He grinned. "Thighs are always easy access for me."

  Faye laughed and got into a stance. Declan did the same. I sighed. "Fine, I can't believe I'm doing this."

  "Just do it, Oda," they said in unison.

  I held my hand up and glanced at the two of them before dropping my good hand and yelling, "Fight!"

  Declan charged her, going in low for a body hit. Faye jumped to the side and swiped her leg out to trip him, but he caught his balance. She took his moment of confusion to jump on his back and get him in a headlock. Declan struggled a moment before dr
opping to the ground, hard, knocking her hold loose enough for him to flip her over his head. He kept his hold on her arm and twisted it by the wrist. Faye cried out in pain, but kicked her foot out, hitting Declan in his left knee. He lost his balance.


  "Hah." Faye jumped up and, wrapping her knees around his neck, used her momentum to drag him to the ground in a crotch-lock. She tightened her legs and Declan grunted. They were held in that position for a few moments before Faye cried out and released her hold. Declan took her moment of pain to grab both of her arms and, placing his foot on her back, he pushed out. Faye cried out, her face bright red, and she gritted her teeth.

  "Say it, lieutenant, or I'll break them."

  "You wouldn't dare."

  He pushed down harder and I heard her arms pop.

  “Declan, let her go."

  "Not until she folds. Say it, Faye."

  There was a moment of stillness before Faye yelled, "Mercy!"

  Declan let go immediately and she wrapped her arms around her front. I walked over to her and noticed her quickly wipe tears away. I held my hand out to help her up and was surprised when she took it. I would have thought her pride would have been too wounded to accept help.

  Faye turned to Declan. "I still can't believe you bit me."

  Declan grinned. "I can do a whole lot more than that if I'm given some oil and a bed."

  "Jeez, is sex all you think about?"

  "Is crime all you think about?"

  "Touché. I guess you're coming with me then."

  Declan nodded and held out his hand; she took it and smiled. Declan said, "Guess so."

  Chapter Nine


  Declan knocked and the door opened. Garrett Dron stood in front of him looking a little worse for wear. He held up his badge. "Long night?"

  Garrett rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "You could say that. My roommate dies and the police suddenly start looking at me funny. Not to mention finals are coming up in a few weeks. Yeah, it's been a long night."


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