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The Red Haze (The Webber and Ko Series Book 1)

Page 11

by D. M. Wicks

"Sorry to add to it, but I need to ask you some questions."

  Garrett sighed, but moved to let Declan enter. "You're not a cop are you? Your badge looks different."

  Declan nodded and followed Garrett into the living room. "I'm a private detective with some investment in the case. I only need to clarify a few things. It won't take long."

  Garrett sat back down at the table where a steaming mug had been placed along with several textbooks. "Take a seat."

  "I'll stand."

  "Suit yourself. Do you want something to drink? I just made coffee."

  "I'm fine, thanks. If you don't mind, I'd like to begin."


  "You are William Archer's roommate, correct?"

  "Yes. That's right."

  "Can you walk me through what happened that day two nights ago?"

  "Sure. I guess. I woke up at the usual time because Will and I have a morning class together."

  "What time was that around?"

  "Well, the class is at nine. So sometime before then."

  "Go ahead."

  "After that class I have some free time to kill, but Will has back-to-back classes until around five-thirty or six at night. We were supposed to meet around seven-thirty at the café on campus, but he didn't show. I figured he forgot or something and I came back here looking for him, but he wasn't here either. I didn't start to worry until the police showed up the next day."

  "Why not?"

  "You know how it is. Sometimes a guy gets lucky and just disappears for a while, only showing up to classes and at the apartment to get food. Will did that sometimes."

  "Was he popular with women?"

  "Somewhat. He mostly just scratched the itch when he got it."

  "So he didn't like men?"

  "What? No, of course not. Not once did he ever talk about that sort of thing, but he never made any advances on me and we've been roommates for two years."

  Declan nodded. "Did you ever hear William talk about a man named Alan Dublouse?"

  "Who is that?"

  "Is that a no?"

  "No, he never said that name to me."

  Declan continued, "Nothing about class work?"

  "Wait! He did mention that he was working with this red eyes from his communications class. Said they had a group project. He ranted a bit about it because he hates group work. We've all had bad experiences with it. Never mentioned the name of his partner though, just that he freaked him out a bit."

  "How so?"

  "Will confided in me once that he felt like red eyes had this tendency to look at him like he was a rare done steak. It was just random drunk talk, but I could tell it was something that really bothered him. That's why he didn't like to work one-on-one with them, but when he complained to his instructor he was told that in the real world he would be working with people from all works of life."

  "That's a hard 'no'."

  "Yeah. He was kind of put out about it, but he needed the class credit to advance so he toughed it out."

  Declan felt his phone vibrating in his pants pocket, but ignored it in favor of asking another question. "Do you by any chance know what blood bank William donated to?"

  Garrett looked surprised by the change in subject and shook his head. "I think it was the one downtown. You know, the one that looks like an old, gothic church."

  Declan nodded, "Samuel Blake Donation Center?"

  "That sounds right."

  "Is there anything else you want to add to the record?"

  Garrett looked down into his mug and sighed. "I just can't see him offing himself like that. He didn't seem depressed at all and I liked to think we were pretty good friends. He was just a normal guy trying to navigate the real world. I guess he hit a dead end."

  “Alright lad, that’s all the questions for now.

  Okay, detective, I hope I was able to help."

  Declan made his way to the entrance and paused there. "Take it easy, kid, and get some sleep. Take my word that it will get better with each passing day."

  Garrett nodded and closed the door. Declan sighed and found the stairwell. He pulled out his cell phone only to curse when there was no reception. When he finally made it outside the sky was threatening rain. He dialed a number and waited.

  It rang three times before a disgruntled female voice answered. Declan grinned. "Lieutenant, I'm ready when you are." There was a pause. "Okay, I'll meet you there."


  When Ryan and John, dubbed military and Fabio respectfully, returned to Cato and relayed the message Declan gave to them, suffice to say she was a little peeved.

  "I give you one task and you somehow manage to fuck it up. Ryan, what the hell happened to your face?"

  Ryan winced and said, "He punched me, ma'am."

  "Aren't you supposed to be good at fighting? And quit with the ma'am thing, it makes me feel old. Call me Cato like the rest of the Crew."

  Ryan smiled, and then winced again. "He was a better fighter than me, plain and simple."

  Cato sighed. "You two are new to the family so I'll let this slide, but if you want to move up the ranks of cleaners and eventually gain a title in the house you'll need to do better work. Got it?"

  Both Ryan and John nodded. Cato said, "Good. You two are dismissed. Go get ready; we have another run to make. Some guy is blackmailing one of ours. We need to clean up the mess before someone kills someone."

  John said, "Alright, we will get ready." The two of them left the room.

  Once they left Jack looked up from his glass and smiled. "Good old Declan Webber. He never fails to entertain."

  Cato turned to him, "You know the guy?"

  Jack took a sip of the whiskey. "Sure."

  Cato waited, but when nothing followed she asked, "Who is he?"

  "Just some lonely detective I suppose. He can't do any real harm. Usually his antics only hinder, but never stop. I believe what he said though, the part about him coming after us."

  "But we shouldn't be worried?"

  Jack shook his head. "I didn't say that. He can cause a real ruckus, especially if he teams up with that police lieutenant. Faye I think her name was. They could be a nuisance if left unattended."

  "Should we keep looking for the girlfriend? I don't like leaving any loose ends," Cato said.

  Jack chuckled. "There you go again, worrying over nothing. That girl can't hurt us. If Declan got a hold of her then we don't need to worry. He will have wiped her from the history books. It will be like she never existed. She won't be coming after us anytime soon, not like she could anyway. No, I only suggested sending someone to take care of her because, like you, I don't like leaving loose ends."

  Cato sat in the seat across from him and let out a whoosh of air. Jack took another drink and let the silence descend. For a long while nothing was said as the two of them stared off into space. Cato was worrying her bottom lip, her side swiped bangs falling into her eyes. She shook them away and turned back to Jack. "I'd like to meet them, Declan and the lieutenant. I want to see what I'm up against."

  "Then go ahead, I guarantee you won't be disappointed. I don't know about Faye, but Declan is an interesting guy."

  Cato smiled. "That's the first time I've heard you refer to someone as being interesting. Usually people bore you."

  "Most people are predictable. Declan, on the other hand, is everything but. I guess you could say he is somewhat of a conundrum."

  "I'll decide how interesting he is for myself when I see him."

  "I guess you could get someone to watch them and their movements. I suggest doing that anyway. They have announced themselves as enemies so it would be in our best interest to monitor them. We will decide later whether they should be terminated or not. Both of them have connections that would make trouble should they suddenly disappear. I especially don't want to be dealing with Declan's connection. That would be troublesome."

  Cato nodded and stood. "I'll get eyes on them now then. I'll show up somewhere, but one step ahead just to let them know t
hat they will always be slacking behind us."

  Jack laughed. "You always were a bit poetic. I approve. Go have your fun. Then return here to focus on our real task."

  Cato's demeanor suddenly turned serious. "I haven't forgotten. Dealing with the Red Haze is always on my mind. Have your resources found anything out yet?"

  He shook his head and shrugged. "Not as yet. Now that we have competition I'll request that they increase their speed. I'd hate for the police to get ahead and use it to their advantage. That would be more than troublesome; it would be disastrous."

  "I'll leave you to it then. When I come back I'll be focused."

  "Good. I'll be waiting. Have fun."

  Cato nodded and left the room. Jack sighed then emptied his glass. Sometimes he wished he was younger. It was hard keeping up with everyone, not to mention technology. He had ushered and supervised countless custodians into ranks of the house. His power and sway in the house was unlimited. He knew all there was to know about its secrets and he couldn't even find out what was making his kind go crazy and kill people in a bout of uncontrollable hunger. Red eyes were supposed to have been civilized over the decades, but in the end their hunger always won out. It made him both ashamed and glad, ashamed that they lacked control and glad that they kept in some way to the natural instincts given to them at their creation.

  Humans didn't have any idea what they were doing when they created that pill. Their impatience and intelligence were to blame for the creation of vampires. He wouldn't be surprised if the Red Haze had something to do with them. Maybe they were trying to right an age-old wrong. It wouldn't be the first attempt, but it certainly would be their best to date. Jack stood and walked over to the bar in the corner of the kitchen. He poured himself another glass of whiskey and looked out the window in the living room when he went back to the couch. He really was getting too old for this. Maybe he should think about retiring. He lifted his glass to the ceiling—"To a deserved retirement!"—and drained it.


  A group of college girls giggled as they walked past Declan. He flashed a grin as he followed Jenny, the dorm mother. He turned back to her only to see her try to hide her blush by looking ahead.

  "So, lass, what do you know about this Elizabeth Wharton?"

  "Um... Just that she suddenly transferred in two days ago."

  "Is she human?"

  "I think so. I don't really know because I don't share any classes with her. The only reason I know that she transferred is because one of her roommates is a friend of mine."

  "Did your friend not mention her eye color?"

  "Maybe, but I don't remember." Jenny flushed again. "I kind of ignore her most of the time. She is always ranting while I'm doing my homework so I only catch enough of what she says to make her believe that I'm paying attention."

  "Oh, it's that way is it? That's alright then."

  They stopped in front of a room and Jenny knocked. A red eyed woman answered a moment later. Declan flashed his badge, "I'm Detective Webber. Are you Elizabeth Wharton?"

  She nodded. "Please, call me Liz. Can I help you?"

  "I need to ask you a few questions. Can I come in?"

  Jenny turned to Declan. "Um... Usually boys aren't allowed in the girls’ dorms."

  Declan's eyebrow twitched when she said 'boys', but he held back a scowl. He hadn't been called a boy in decades. "I promise I'll be on my best behavior. Besides, it will only take a moment."

  "I still don't really..."

  Elizabeth cut her off. "I'll take responsibility for it. Don't worry about it. You can come in, detective."

  She moved to let him in, but Declan paused and turned, flashing a smile at Jenny who blushed cherry red. "Thanks, lass, for being my guide. I own you one."

  Elizabeth closed the door and led Declan to the television room where she took a seat on one of the couches. "So, how may I help you, detective?"

  "Are you aware that your boyfriend, Alan Dublouse, is a suspect in a murder case?"

  She nodded. "I am. He called me and was quite frazzled over the entire thing, but it was my understanding that it was a suicide and not a murder."

  "Excuse me, I misspoke."

  Elizabeth furrowed her brow. "Oh. Okay. I should think that is an important fact to get straight."

  "How long have you and Alan been dating?"

  "A few weeks."

  "I heard you only transferred here a couple of days ago."

  "We met through a mutual friend. As a matter of fact, that's the reason I came to this school, to be closer to him."

  "Did you know a man named William Archer?"

  Elizabeth scowled as she raised her voice. "That stalker! Personally he freaked me out, always trying to hang out with my boyfriend."

  "So you've met him then?"

  "A few times."

  "Do you get blood from the same place as your boyfriend?"

  She frowned. "Why?"

  "I'm just curious."

  Elizabeth sighed. "I don't see how it's important, but yeah, I do. I go to the Samuel Blake Donation Center."

  Declan nodded and walked over to her. "Well, that's all the questions I have for you for now. I'll let you know if I need anything else. Here's my card. Contact me if anything comes up."

  She smiled and stood, taking the card. "Are you sure that's all, detective? There's nothing else you need to know?"

  He walked over to the door and opened it. "I'm sure. Thank you for your time, Liz."

  "Okay, if you're sure."

  Declan closed the door and left the girls’ dorms with a sour taste in his mouth. Sometimes vampires disgusted him and sometimes he really hated his job. Now it was time to meet up with someone who he could at least tolerate on a good day. The lieutenant always had a way of getting under his skin, after all.

  "Oh, joy," he muttered as he felt the first few drops of rain.


  Faye knocked and a crew member answered. His hair was in disarray and his beard unkempt. It was apparent he had just woken despite it being two in the afternoon already.

  Faye flashed her badge. "Hello, Mr. Clocken, I'm Lieutenant Faye of the Dayton Police. I have a few follow up questions to ask regarding the murder of the Hallys, in apartment 41B."

  Declan shot his temporary partner a look of annoyance when she didn't even acknowledge his presence, but he decided to let her lead the way.

  Steve Clocken's eyes widened, but the lazy air about him remained. He yawned. "Do you want to come in or something?"

  Faye shook her head. "That won't be necessary. We can talk here."

  Steve shifted from foot to foot, settling in a hunched position with one hand in the waistband of his shorts and the other on his hip. He looked as if he dressed in a hurry, as his shirt was on inside out. "You know," he began, "I've already answered the police’s questions. I didn't know them that well. We only spoke a handful of times."

  Faye nodded. "I understand, Mr. Clocken, but I have to double check some things. Do you mind if I begin?"

  He threw a glance behind into the apartment as if remembering something before stepping out and closing the door. "Sure, as long as you can make it quick. I'm entertaining company, if you know what I mean."

  Faye pulled out a pen and notepad. "I'll make this as painless as possible. How well did you know the Hallys?"

  "Like I said earlier, I've only spoken to her a handful of times. She tended to keep to herself. On occasion we would bump into each other in the hallway and say a greeting or acknowledge one another; that's about it."

  Faye scribbled on the pad. Declan moved to look over her shoulder and had to hold back a chuckle when he saw that all she had written was, “Lazy bastard.”

  "Did you run into either of them last night around eight o'clock in the evening?"

  He shook his head.

  "Did you hear any yelling from her apartment?"

  He sighed. "Yeah, as a matter of fact I did. It was sometime around seven, I think. I heard some yelling, but I couldn
't make out anything that was said."

  Declan decided it was time he was noticed. "What is the Red Haze?"

  It was subtle, but Steve straightened slightly and his eyes were alert. He forced a chuckle. "What? Is that a video game or something? I've never heard of it."

  "Oh, but haven't you?" Declan continued. "Don't all your kind know about it? The Red Haze, that is."

  Declan poked a finger into Steve's chest, pushing him back. Steve frowned, "Watch it, man. I don't know what you’re talking about, but you're starting to piss me off."

  "Come on, Stevie. What are you afraid of, spilling the beans? We already know about your involvement in the whole thing. Just come clean and we might be able to help you."

  Steve turned to Faye. "Is this guy for real? Hey, I said I would answer some questions to help you guys, but this is ridiculous."

  Declan interrupted. "No, what's ridiculous is what you've been up to lately, little Stevie."

  Steve's cheeks flushed and he swatted the finger away. "Quit calling me that. My name is Steve."

  Declan moved closer, getting in his face. "I'll call you whatever I want, Stevie."

  Steve pushed him back and Faye tsked. "I'd say that was assaulting a police officer, wouldn't you, Declan?"

  Declan grinned. "I agree. Maybe we should take this guy down to the station. Ask him a few questions."

  "What the hell is this? I don't have to put up with this shit. I pay my taxes like the next guy. This is blatant harassment!"

  Declan reached out to grab his arm, but the apartment door suddenly opened and a red eyed woman stepped out. She was wearing jeans, a black turtleneck, and a leather jacket that accentuated her curves. Her hair was kept in a short, blonde bob with slanted bangs. She held herself with a regard that demanded attention which made Declan pause, holding his hand awkwardly in the space between him and Steve.

  When she spoke it was in a tone of annoyance. "Is there a problem here?"

  It was silent for a moment and no one seemed to want to break it. She looked from Faye to Declan and lastly to Steve. "Well, if there is no problem, Steve and I have somewhere to be. So if you'll excuse us."

  Faye interrupted. "Wait. Who are you?"


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