Home Run

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Home Run Page 8

by Cole Bates

  Fuck. If I say no this is only going to get worse. Maybe if I go I can do something to stop them. “Fine, I’ll be down in a minute.” My stomach was burning again and I felt like I was going to vomit. I grabbed my wallet and keys and went down and out the front door. Once I got outside Scott said,

  “I thought you were grounded?”

  “I am, they’re already gone to the play.”

  “Cool, let’s go.”

  I followed him to Lance’s car, the whole way telling myself that I should just turn around and go home. I shouldn’t do this. I need to find my balls and tell them this is not okay and I’m not taking any part in it. I got into the car, there were three other guys in the backseat. Everyone was all psyched up about this and instead of telling them what total bullshit it was, I acted like I was too. God, I hate myself sometimes.

  When we got to the auditorium Lance parked on the street. Scott who has suddenly somehow become the “leader” of the group, told me to wait in the car and they’d scope things out and see if they could get me in without Dad and Linda knowing I was there. As soon as they were gone I got out of the car and jogged up toward the front door. I was both surprised and relieved to hear the school security officer telling them that they were banned from the production.

  “Why is that?” I heard Scott ask.

  “You’ll have to take that up with the drama teacher Mr. Lane because that request came from him.”

  “My father is an attorney. I don’t think this is legal.”

  I heard the security officer chuckle and say, “Good for you and Daddy. Go check that with him then and get back to me. Until I see a court injunction, you’re not getting in here.”

  Scott started to say something else because he’s just that stupid. I heard Lance tell him, “Come on man, this isn’t worth it. Think about the game next week.” I jogged back over to the car with a smile on my face. I got in and waited but just as they made it to the parking lot I saw Scott’s bright green t-shirt make a hard left into the alley that ran behind the PC. When the other guys noticed they followed him. Shit! I jumped out of the car and jogged back over. I went into the alleyway and saw them slipping into the back door where the back of the stage was. Apparently, it was open for the drama club people to come in and out of. I went over and stuck my head inside. I didn’t see anything other than a curtain so I slipped inside. I walked over toward the edge of the curtain and peeked around it. I could see Scott and the other guys looking at something on the other side of the curtain they were behind. There were like three layers of curtains and I had no idea what was going on until suddenly I heard the sound system blare out a score of music and I heard the audience applaud loudly as Mr. Lane got on the mike and made the introductions. He was introducing the actors before the play began which meant in a few minutes no one would be backstage.

  I watched until apparently, Mr. Lane had announced the last name. Simultaneously Scott slipped around the curtain. He was gone for several long minutes and then I heard Mr. Lane say, “Let’s get this play started.” The audience roared again and Scott ran back. Seconds later they were all pushing past me and running back out into the alleyway. I followed them as they ran all the way to the car. They were all laughing as we got back into the car. Lance had gotten back into the driver’s seat so I slid in the back seat.

  “What happened in there? What did you do?”

  “We have to get back in there so we can film it,” Scott said to Lance, completely ignoring me.

  “Film what? What did you do?”

  “I don’t know how we’ll get past Barney at the front door.”

  “Will someone tell me what you did?”

  “We fixed Penny’s costume,” Lance said.

  “Fixed it how?”

  “So while he’s in the middle of one of his scenes it will become more…revealing.”


  “Look.” Scott interrupted me. He was pointing toward the PC. We all looked where he was pointing and I saw the side door open and a lady came out.

  “The bathrooms are right there!” Matt, one of the guys in the back with me said.

  “Yeah, so that door is unlocked,” Scott said, smugly.

  “Let’s go,” Lance said. “Let’s do this.”

  “Guys if you get caught going through that door…”

  “Jesus Christ Reed when did you become such a whiner. Have you been living with Pretty Penny too long?”

  “I just don’t want to see you guys get benched or kicked off the team for something stupid like this.”

  “Stop being a nervous Nellie! Come on guys, let’s go.” They all got out so I did too. Scott looked at me and said, “I thought you couldn’t go in.”

  “I can’t, but I can’t sit in this car either. I’m going to go watch from backstage.”

  Scott gave me a suspicious look but Lance and the others had already started toward the door. I watched them all go in through it and then I jogged back over to the alley and slipped in the back door. I went past the first two curtains and that was where the costumes and props were. There was a guy working the lights on one side of the stage and another one working the sound system on the other. Neither of them even looked up at me. Everyone else must have been onstage. I walked over and looked at the costumes. They were marked with scenes and names of the actors. I pulled out Alex’s. There was a suit and tie and two black robes and that was it. I checked them all out and I couldn’t find anything wrong with any of them. I was sweating and my hands were shaking as I realized that had to mean he was wearing the one they’d “fixed.” I went over to where the guy was working the sound system and started to look past the last curtain in my way.

  “Hey, you can’t go out there,” he whispered.

  “Is that an earpiece in Alex’s ear?”

  “Yeah. Who are you? What are you doing back here?”

  “Tell him his costume is going to fall apart.”


  “Can you talk to him in that thing?”


  “Tell him what I said. Now!” I used my intimidating voice and stance. The kid was only about five- five and a hundred pounds soaking wet. He reluctantly put the microphone hanging from his headset to his mouth and said,

  “Alex I’m sorry but there’s a crazy guy back here that says your costume is going to fall off.” I was watching Alex as the guy talked to him. He was a total professional and he continued with his line until he’d finished it. He seemed to be looking down at his robe, checking it when it happened. The girl in the bed opened her eyes and reached up as she said,

  “Father.” She took hold of his robe and as soon as she did, it came off in her hands. Alex was standing there with no shirt on and a pair of cut-off sweats. The audience was roaring with laughter and I had a feeling Scott’s phone wasn’t the only one shooting video. Poor Alex looked completely mortified. Whoever was working the curtain dropped it right away and Alex quickly made his way to the back of the stage. As soon as he saw me he stopped dead in his tracks. Then he looked at the guy with the headset and said,

  “Thanks for the warning.” The guy pointed at me.

  “I’m sorry, Alex.” He nodded and said,

  “I have to get back out there.” I watched in awe as he checked out one of the other robes before putting it on, took a deep breath and then looked around at his fellow players and said, “Let’s do this.” The kid has brass balls. He’s braver than me or any one of those dick-heads out there and although I didn’t have a right, I was so fucking proud of him I could bust.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When Sam told me that my costume was going to fall apart fear suddenly filled my chest. But I was mid-scene and there was nothing to be done about it. I should have worn a shirt, but it was so hot underneath the lights on the stage that I just couldn’t stand the thought of it. I knew that scene called for the Reverend’s daughter to grab his robe and I knew if it came off, I’d be standing there h
alf-naked…but the only way to stop it was by stopping the show and I couldn’t bring myself to do that. When it came off some of the people in the audience gasped and others laughed. I felt my face go hot and I knew my whole body was probably red with embarrassment. I stood in my spot until the lights and the curtain went down and then I scrambled backstage. I wasn’t actually surprised to see Ryan. He looked as mortified as I felt. He actually looked sick and when I thanked Sam for the warning I was hoping it would turn out to have come from Ryan. When Sam pointed at him I wanted to kiss him, but there were way too many people around for that. I just grabbed my new costume and got back on with the show. I tried not to even notice that Mr. Lane and some big security officer were throwing out Scott and Lance and two other guys from the baseball team as the show went on.

  As soon as final curtain took place I changed and went out front. Ryan was nowhere around and as badly as I wanted to talk to him, I had an obligation to stay at the after-party for at least as long as my Mom and Marty did since they were my ride. Nobody at the party mentioned the costume snafu but as soon as we headed out for the car Marty said, “What the hell happened up there?”

  I shrugged. “Who knows? I guess the costume wasn’t as sturdy as it should have been.”

  Mom cleared her throat but she didn’t say anything. She knew me too well. She knew that I would have checked and double-checked everything long before I went on, and she was right. It just wasn’t worth it to me to point fingers. I was literally months away from being out of here and in New York City. We got into the car and as Marty was driving out of the parking lot he said, “What was going on with those kids getting thrown out? It was dark but I think those guys are on Ryan’s baseball team.”

  “I think they were just being too loud,” Mom said. I love her.

  When we got home Mom and Marty both told me what a good job I’d done before saying goodnight and going to bed. I grabbed a drink out of the fridge and went upstairs to my own room. As soon as I opened the door I saw Ryan. He was sitting on my bed but got to his feet as soon as I came in. “I’m sorry Alex. I tried everything I could think of to stop them and I tried to warn you…” I stopped his words by covering his mouth with my own. He was stiff at first, surprised. When I pulled back he looked at my face and said,

  “Why aren’t you mad?”

  “Because I’m not going to waste my time being angry. It will only hurt me, not them.”

  He nodded and said, “You’re so good. I want to be like you.”

  I smiled at him and put my hand on his face. “You have so much good in you, Ryan. I can see it. I can feel it. You just try and keep it hidden for some reason like it’s a bad thing. Tonight you showed some of that goodness when you tried to help me. At the party, you got into a fight trying to help me. That was your goodness showing. That day you drove me home and they gave you shit about it that was your goodness.” His eyes glistened as he said,

  “Thank you, but it’s buried deep and I have to dig for it. Yours is always right there, on the surface.”

  “Now that you know where yours is, you can just bring it out more often,” I told him.

  “I need you to know one more thing, when you heard me call Linda that name, I was really just trying to get out of going to the play and trying to convince them not to go. I don’t think that about your mom. I love her. She’s the closest thing to a mom I’ve ever had.” I covered his mouth with mine again, partly because I wanted to taste his lips again and partly because I just wanted him to stop talking. The surprised squeak that came out of him quickly became a long, deep moan that I swallowed. I was suddenly starving for any part of him that he would give me. I’d started this but suddenly Ryan’s hands were all over me and he was taking control. I could feel his hard muscles tensing underneath his shirt and I couldn’t wait to touch them, but he was busy pulling my shirt up and after he broke the kiss to pull it over my head, he bent down and sucked one of my sensitive nipples into his mouth. He had one hand on my back holding me up as he licked around the outside of the hard nipple and then reached down with his other hand and let it slide down inside my sweatpants. I shivered all over when his big, warm hand gripped my throbbing hard cock. I moaned, probably too loudly as he began to stroke it while he nibbled on my nipples and then began to suck and bite his way down my stomach. He used the hand that was on my back to jerk down my pants and within seconds my cock was in his mouth. I felt things explode inside my head as he used his tongue to lick from the tip to the base and back up again as his soft lips held onto me like a vice. It felt so good and turned me on so much that I honestly felt like my heart was going to explode.

  I put my hands in his hair and whispered his name as he brought another hand down and began to stroke my balls with it. Then he took one finger and slid it all the way across my perineum until he reached my virgin ass. I jumped when he first touched it. He stopped and looked up at me. He looked so hot with my cock in his mouth that it was just a miracle I didn’t come right then and there. I nodded so he knew he wasn’t hurting me and he continued his exploration. The more he probed and the faster and harder he sucked, the closer I got to exploding. I didn’t want to come yet. I wanted this to last. I pulled back and climbed up on the bed. I wanted to feel him, all of him. I didn’t want a quickie tonight. I wanted to make love to him.

  I watched while Ryan stripped off his own clothes. It was like watching the most beautiful and the sexiest package in the world being unwrapped. He’s so freaking hot that looking at him at that moment made me wonder how in hell I’d managed to live with him for over a year without attacking him. I laid down on my back and Ryan climbed on top of me. He kissed me again and at the same time he lined our cocks up so they were touching and he moved his hips seductively while his tongue probed my mouth, grinding his hard cock into mine. I felt him reach over to the nightstand and then suddenly he remembered that we weren’t in his room. He broke the kiss and looked at me questionably. With a smile, I reached under my mattress and pulled out the tube of lube I kept there. He chuckled. He had to know I hid it there to keep my mom from seeing it. Who wants their mother to know they’re beating off in their room? Ryan took the lube from my hand and flipped it open. He squeezed some out onto his palm and then he reached down between us and he used that hand to coat both mine and his cocks at once. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming out in pleasure. His touch felt so damned good.

  He kissed me again, long and deep and sexy and then he pulled his face up and looked at me and said, “I’m not going to regret this tomorrow Alex, not this time. I want you so badly I can taste it.”

  I smiled at him. That was good to hear because it had occurred to me that he might. Either way, I wasn’t stopping it from happening. “I want you even more than that,” I told him with a wink. He grinned back at me and then with one arm and no effort he flipped me over on my stomach. He used his slippery hand to spread my cheeks and then I nearly jumped off the bed when I felt his hot tongue enter me. He moved it in and out of me over and over and while he was doing that he reached underneath me and took hold of my aching cock and he began pumping it in time with the thrusts of his tongue. I had to fist the sheet and bite down on the pillow to keep from making too much noise. When he let go of my cock and raised his body up off the bed I knew this was it. I’d only done this once and that guy was a whole lot smaller than Ryan so I was a little nervous. I realized in seconds that I shouldn’t have been. He uses his fingers first, making sure I was coated on the inside with lube and opened up for him. He put in one and then two and finally three. As he thrust them in and out I wiggled and writhed underneath him and moaned and cursed with ecstasy into the pillow. Then I felt him pull the out and finally line that beautiful cock up with my entrance. I held my breath as he entered me and for just a second there was a brief flash of pain, but Ran was still moving gently. He reached underneath me and pulled me up so I was practically sitting straight up on his lap and he just held me there and kissed my neck and my ears
and my throat until I got used to his size. When neither of us could take it a minute longer he reached around and took my cock into his hand and he started moving his hips and his hand at the same time, in rhythm with each other. It was the most incredible feeling and if I ever had to use words to describe it, I don’t think I could. I honestly felt that if I died right then and there I could do it with a smile on my face.

  The faster he moved and the harder he pumped and thrust, the harder I had to bite down on my lip to keep my grunts and groans from carrying downstairs and waking up the parents. “Oh Jesus Ryan,” I whispered in a raspy voice. “I’m going to come so hard.”

  He licked my ear and then pressed his lips into it and said, “Come for me baby. I’m going to come to. Come for me, Alex.” The sound of his sexy voice and the heat of his breath and the feelings in every other part of my body combined and I hit the peak of that orgasm and flung myself over the edge. I was in a free fall state as I came and came and came. Ryan didn’t let go of me until every last drop was spent and then he put his big hands on my waist, gently nudged me forward onto my knees and pumped his big cock into me and out of me over and over until I heard him let out a big grunt. His body went hard all over and I felt the warmth of his come. He kept moving, but more slowly until he was finished and then we both collapsed down onto the bed tangled up in each other. He put his arms around me and pulled my back into his chest. Then he put his lips on my neck and kissed me up to my ear again and whispered, “Thank you.”

  I chuckled. “No problem. I knew I could turn you.” I felt his body shake as he laughed.

  “You think you’re just that hot, huh?”

  “Yep. All it took was shaking my ass in your direction for a year and boom! Another convert.”

  He laughed again and then he pulled me in tighter and said, “You know what? If you want to believe I was ever straight and you changed me then that’s okay with me. I think I might love you, Alex.”

  I felt a burning hot pain in the center of my chest and I realized after a minute that it was my heart, exploding. “I think I might love you too Ryan.” I fell asleep in his arms that night and true to his word, he never acted like he regretted it.


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