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His Unexpected Love

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  Stella’s eyes widen. “Oh, Jaxson...that’s so sweet.”

  “You’re my world, Stella,” I say. “I want to protect you from everything that’s bad. And if we have a baby coming, then I’ll protect our child too. The world can be harsh, we’ve learned that recently, but I’ll get us through it all. I know you’re going to miss your father, but it’s his loss. If he doesn’t want to be a part of your life then I’ll just have to fill the gap he’s left behind. I’ll give you the love and the life you deserve. I’ll give you a home. I’ll give you holidays and parties and theatre and art...anything you need to build the life you’ve always dreamed of living. I know we don’t need it when we’re together...but I want you to have everything and more.”

  Stella squeezes my hand. “You already gave me everything by being mine.”

  “But we don’t belong to one another properly yet,” I growl. “Not until we make it official. I want to stand up in front of my friends and family and tell them how much you mean to me. I want the world to know that you’re mine and I’m yours. Sure, some people will balk at seeing us together. They’ll only look at us from the outside and won’t understand what we share. They’ll see the age difference between us and judge us. But we’ll be happy and that's all that matters. In fact, I don’t give a damn what other people think. What we share is special, and I know it will last a lifetime. That’s why I have to ask you this”

  Stella’s eyes widen as she realizes what I’m about to ask. I pull a ring from my pocket. I’ve been carrying it around for years, waiting for the perfect woman to give it to. Made of diamonds, it shines just like her eyes do in the sunlight. I take a deep breath.

  “You’re mine,” I growl possessively. “And I want to prove it by putting a ring on my finger and promising you forever. Baby...will you marry me?”

  “Yes! Of course I will,” she squeals. She doesn’t even hesitate for a moment. I slide the ring onto her finger and it fits so perfect, like it was made with her in mind. I lean in and kiss her hard, joy filling my heart as our bodies press together. Finally, I’ve got the kind of love I’ve been waiting for for so long. Finally, the happiness I deserve is in my reach. Finally, Stella is mine.

  Our kiss is hot and passionate and says everything we haven’t had a chance to say to one another yet. My hands explore her sexy body and I find myself undressing her. I can’t help myself. My sexy fiancé has been clothed for far too long. Now, I’m going to fuck her right here on this beach and worship her body. I want our engagement to be a moment she never forgets. Anyone could come by and see us here, but I don’t care. I want the world to know she’s mine.

  “I love you,” I growl as I push my cock inside her. She moans in delight as I go deep inside her pussy.

  “I love you too,” she whispers. “I want you, Jaxson.”

  I kiss her lips. “And I’ll give you anything you want.”




  Tonight should be one of the best nights of my life. And it is, in so many ways. But something important is missing.

  As Jaxson and I greet our friends and family arriving for our engagement party, I’m looking for the one guest in particular. The one person I want to turn up more than anything.

  My Mom showed up an hour ago, but they split up a long time ago. They stay in touch and are friendly with one another, but I doubt she knows about what happened on our vacation. I doubt she knows that he’s not speaking to me.

  Jaxson squeezes me close to him. “He’ll be here,” he says firmly. “I’m sure of it.”

  “He cut me off, Jaxson. If he wanted to be here, surely he’d be here by now.”

  “He said that in anger, baby. I don’t think he’d ever miss this for the world. His little girl is getting married and having a baby, he won’t want to miss that.”

  It’s official now. We’re going to be parents whether my father likes it or not. I rest my head against Jaxson’s shoulder and grumpily allow him to keep greeting the guests for us. I suddenly don’t have the energy for this party. The only reason I wanted this big fuss in the first place was to show my father that I’m not backing down. I’m going to marry Jaxson no matter what. I’ve already started dreamily planning our future together, even though we’re only coming up to our one month anniversary. It doesn’t feel real, but it is.

  But this perfect scenario still has one flaw. Without my father here, it’s not complete and never will be. Who will walk me down the aisle at my dream wedding? Who will help me raise my child as a grandfather figure? Who will be my dad if mine doesn’t want to show up anymore?

  I know that in theory I don’t need him. The world keeps turning. Jaxson is willing to give me everything I need. But losing your father over who you fell in love with is an awful feeling. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I just want him back in my life.

  All of the guests seem to be here now. Everyone else is having a good time and making the most of the free bar, but I’m still standing by the door, sober and heartbroken. Jaxson kisses the top of my head.

  “I’m sorry. I really thought he’d come. I called him and left a voicemail.”

  “You did?” I say in surprise. Jaxson insists he’d do anything for me, but he’s kept his distance a little from the issue between my father and me, despite my encouragement for him to try and fix things too. It’s all because he knows that my father isn’t his biggest fan, and honestly, the feeling is mutual on Jaxson’s end. Why should he care for my father given their history? But I see now he really would do anything for me, including fix things with my dad.

  “You were right all along,” Jaxson says. “We were in a childish feud. Yes, I felt even more bitter because he was standing in the way of you and me but he’s not anymore. I know you’re mine no matter what. I might have my own reasons not to get along with him...but I want to bury that hatchet. He’s going to be family soon and I don’t want any bad blood. So I called him and left him a message where I told him what you mean to me. I told him that I’ll take care of you for as long as I live, and that I love you. I don’t know if he listened to it...but if he did and he still didn’t come, then I don’t know what else we can do.”

  I caress his cheek, feeling my heart ready to burst with love for him. “Thank you for trying.”

  “I’d do anything for you, Stella,” he growls, pulling me in for a kiss. For a moment, I lose myself in our kiss and forget my problems. A moment of pure bliss where it's just me and him together.

  And then it shatters.


  I’d recognize that voice anywhere. I turn around and see him standing nervously in the doorway.



  I can’t decide if I’m happy or angry that he’s here. He doesn’t deserve to just show up here and make Stella feel bad again, but I have no idea what his intentions are. Is he here just to reiterate to us that he disapproves? Or is he here to make amends?

  He looks at me and Stella and I can see that he’s uncomfortable. Is it because he embarrassed himself with the way he acted back at the hotel, or does he still find our relationship hard to swallow? I guess it could be both. But we’re all adults here. I can’t understand why he can’t just let it go and embrace this.

  “What are you doing here, Dad?” Stella asks. She crosses her arms defensively. “If you’re here to try and talk me out of this, then you may as well leave now. I’m finally happy.”

  “I know,” Sam says gently. “I know, Stella. I’m not trying to ruin your day. I just wanted to come here and apologize.”

  “Really?” Stella says. She sounds a little unsure whether she believes him. “Well, say your piece, Dad.”

  He shifts uncomfortably where he stands. “I don’t know what true love is. I never found it. Your mother and I...we cared about each other once, but it was never meant to last. I never regretted our divorce. But I can see now how my lack of experience has set me u
p for failure when it comes to spotting something real...something like what you two have.”

  I raise my eyebrows. It sounds like he’s given this some thought.

  He chews his lip as he looks at Stella. “You told me you loved Jaxson and I thought you were being ridiculous. But when I got the invitation to your engagement party...I knew you were serious. My daughter would never rush into something she’s unsure about...and nothing’s changed. You’re still my little girl. So if you think this is the right choice for you, then I have to agree. I know it’s going to take time for us all to forget how things went down in Thailand...I know I upset you both with my actions. But...I was hoping to put those things behind us and start over. Because I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not on speaking terms with my only daughter. I want to support you through everything. I might not fully understand this thing that you two are building together...but you have my blessing.” He pauses. “Not that you need or want it.”

  Stella steps forward and takes her father’s hand. “Dad, I do want your blessing. Your opinion means everything to me. I was so crushed when you left us at the hotel. I thought I’d never see you again. We’ve always been so close...the idea of losing you was almost too much to bear. Why didn’t you call me back?”

  He sighs. “I thought it was better that we spoke in person...and I didn’t know how to find you. I also needed some time to gather my thoughts. I’m sorry it took so long, darling. I hope we can make amends.”

  She smiles sadly. “We can. It might take me some time to get over what happened, but we’re going to be fine, Daddy. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, darling.”

  They hug for the longest time and I stand back, letting them have their moment. I’m not fully sold on this apologetic act, but for her sake, I’ll buy into it if I have to. To be honest, it was always about more than what he said. It was the things he didn’t say...all the years of bad blood he caused for us...all the years of resentment when I did nothing wrong. But we’re going to be family now so I need to get over that. Even if I didn’t get the apology I deserve, for her I’d do anything.

  Their hug ends and Stella returns to my side, clutching my arm. It makes me smile to see her so happy. I really thought her engagement party was going to be ruined by Sam, but I’m glad it wasn’t. She deserves to have the time of her life tonight.

  Sam clears his throat. “Stella...I’d like a moment alone with Jaxson, if you don’t mind. We have some things to discuss.”

  Stella looks at me and I nod. She smiles at her father. “Sure, Dad. I’m going to say hi to Mom.”

  She walks off and I feel my body clench with tension. I have no idea what Sam wants with me, but I’m ready for anything. The last time we were together he tried to attack me so I don’t have high hopes for this conversation, not really.

  But Sam puts a hand on my shoulder and offers me the smallest of smiles. “Jaxson, I can see how happy you’ve made my daughter. And I thank you for that. But I also want to say I’m sorry...for everything. For years, I regretted turning down your offer to work together. I was angry that I’d been left behind. I was jealous of you and everything you had. And then seeing you again...those old feelings just resurfaced. I saw the way you looked at Stella and knew you loved her, and in my mind she was just another thing you were going to be able to have that I wouldn’t. I thought you were going to take her from my life.”

  “Why would you think that?” I ask him, and he sighs.

  “Because I thought that if I was angry, you must’ve been too...I thought you’d find some way to turn her against me. But over the past few weeks, I’ve come to my senses. I know now that you never wanted to take her just wanted to love her. You’d do anything for her, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes,” I growl. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I was never going to let you stand in my way. She’s everything.”

  “I know. She’s my everything too. I guess we have that in common, at least,” Sam says. His grip tightens on my shoulder. “I was an idiot. I lost the best friend I ever had once...and now he’s marrying my daughter. I want to rebuild the friendship we had. I want to be on the same side, not facing off with one another all the time. What do you think, Jaxson? Can I have a second chance?”

  It’s more like a third or fourth or fifth chance. But I already know I’ll forgive him. I’m still frustrated, but it’ll pass. And if he’s serious about fixing this then we will. We’ll build bridges and promise not to set fire to them. For as long as I keep loving his daughter, which will be forever, then he will be fine with me. And for as long as that’s the case, I’ll never have a problem with Sam.

  I reach out my hand for him to shake. He looks relieved as he takes it, his palm a little sweaty as we do. He’s clearly nervous, maybe even intimidated by me, but it’s a good sign. At least it means he’s being sincere. At least he’s ready to put the past behind us.

  Because right now, I’m ready to build my future with Stella.




  There aren’t many days in the world that can be considered perfect. There’s always something going wrong somewhere. But today, I feel lucky enough to be preparing for my wedding day on the beach where I met Jaxson, and it feels like the most perfect day ever.

  We waited patiently for this day, deciding that we wanted our daughter, Sapphire, to be a part of the wedding. She was born with my blue eyes and Jaxson thought it was the perfect name for our blue eyed baby. Now, she’s dressed in an adorable white dress, her dark curls falling around her shoulders as she prepares to be my flower girl. It absolutely feels worth the wait, even though I’ve been itching for this day to come for years now.

  I can’t believe how the past few years have panned out. In that time, I finished my art degree, started selling my paintings and all while being a full time Mom at the same time. While still finding time to spend with my incredible man, making love each and every evening, spending time as a family and supporting each other. Jaxson is often busy with work and I devote a lot of my time to Sapphire and my art, but we still have plenty of time to devote to one another.

  Even after all this time, our love is still as strong as it was the day we fell in love. We still dote on one another and make each other laugh and look at one another with lust in our eyes. In fact, we can barely keep our hands off one another most of the time. Tonight will be no exception. After the wedding, we will head to an exclusive hotel close by. My Dad will be taking care of Sapphire for the next two weeks as well while we travel around Thailand on a dream honeymoon. I’ll miss my baby girl, but it’ll be so perfect to get time alone with Jaxson. Being a mother makes it a lot harder to get private time, after all. Still, I know I’ll be so excited to get home to her and spend a few days just cuddling her close.

  But before all that, we have today to face. I’m nervous in a strange way. It’s mostly the fact that I have to get up in front of everyone and say my vows. Jaxson doesn’t seem worried about it, but he’s much more confident than I am. Still, it’s going to be nice to put into words exactly how we feel about each other. Our bodies often do the talking when we’re expressing how we feel for each other, and he tells me he loves me every single day, but I know his vows are going to be deeper than that. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say.

  “Pretty hair, mama” Sapphire tells me. I pull her onto my lap with a smile as my stylist finishes up with my hair. It’s braided down my back and topped with a crown made of blue flowers. I have to admit, I’ve never felt this beautiful.

  “Thanks, baby. Your hair looks pretty too. Look, we’re matching!”

  She grins at me and my heart feels full. She’s just the sweetest kid in the world. I know someday she’ll grow up and we’ll go through the moody teenager faze where she won’t need me so much, but I love her so much that I don’t even care. In fact, seeing her now only makes me think about how much I want to have more k

  But I guess the wedding should come first!

  Dad arrives in the hotel room to walk me down to the beach. His eyes fill up with tears when he sees me in my dress. Since we’re marrying on the beach, I kept my dress simple, not wanting the hassle of a train in the sand. It brushes my ankles and is made of white silk. But when I look in the mirror, I feel like a queen.

  “Stella, you look beautiful,” he tells me, kissing my cheek. “Jaxson is going to be beside himself.”

  “He doesn’t even know what to expect. I wouldn’t let him see the dress before today. It’s bad luck.”

  Dad smiles. “You don’t believe that, you know luck is on your side. You’ve found the one. Nothing is going to break you two apart.”

  “I sure hope not,” I say. I do worry about it sometimes. Sometimes, I’ll watch Jaxson while he’s sleeping, or glimpse him in his expensive work suits, or just catch him smiling, and I feel like he’s too good for me. He could've had anyone and I always wonder if he’s regretted choosing me. There are more beautiful women out there, smarter women, more talented how did an amazing man like him end up with me?

  Dad pats my arm. “Having last minute nerves?”

  “No, I’m just wondering how he came to choose me.”

  “That’s simple. Because you’re the best.”

  I laugh. “You have to say that, you’re my Dad.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m only going to say this once. You’re beautiful, you’re kind, you’re intelligent, and any man would be lucky to have you. Stop acting like he’s lowering to your level. He’s the one punching above his weight.” He kisses the top of my head. “No more doubting yourself, okay?”

  It’s not that simple, of course, but I do feel better. He’s right. Whatever reason Jaxson has for wanting to marry me, it was his choice. He wants to be here as much as I do. He’s standing on the beach right now waiting for me. Why should I keep him waiting any longer.


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