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His Unexpected Love

Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  “Okay, I’m ready.”

  I take Sapphire’s hand and my father takes my other arm. We walk slowly to the beach and I try to savor the excitement I’m feeling. I want to remember this forever. With my perfect family and my dream man waiting for me, I have no reason to be afraid. All my dreams are coming true.

  Jaxson smiles at me as I walk along the beach toward him. My heart feels so full. He looks so handsome in his shirt and suit pants, his longish surfer hair perfect in the salty air and hot sun. Somehow he looks even better than the day we met, even though he was perfect even then. I guess the more I fall in love with him, the more handsome he gets.

  He takes my hand as my father kisses my cheek to give me away. Sapphire wants to stay at my side so I let her. It feels right that she should be with us. After all, she brought us together, like the glue of our relationship. Even without her we’d still be together, but she made sure that we didn’t even have time to hesitate. She’s our biggest success and the one thing we will never, ever regret. A reminder of the night we consummated our love.

  Jaxson caresses my face gently in front of everyone and I blush. My big, strong man has a soft side when it comes to me, and I love it. It makes me feel safe, even when he’s not acting overprotective and like a wild animal. I know I bring out that side of him too, but these days, that side of him is confined to the bedroom where it belongs.

  “You look beautiful,” he says, and I blush again.

  “Thanks, baby. You look amazing too.”

  “Me too? Daddy,” Sapphire asks, making everyone laugh. Jaxson ducks down to kiss her head.

  “You look just like your Mommy, so you’re the most beautiful girls in the world,” he says. My heart flutters. Another thing I love about him, he’s an amazing Dad.

  It’s soon time for our vows. Jaxson clears his throat, looking a little shy for a moment.

  “Well...where do I begin? The past three years have been a wild ride. I never thought this day would come. I kept thinking I’d wake up and find out it was all a dream. I’ve never really felt like I deserve you, Stella, but here we are and you’re giving yourself to me. Even if I’m not worthy, you picked me.”

  I frown. I had no idea he had the same insecurities as me. How can he not feel good enough when he’s perfect? I guess maybe that’s what he’s always telling me he loves me...that he’s so in love even though he feels like he doesn’t deserve me. I squeeze his hand.

  “But like I said we’re here, and we’re about to make the biggest commitment of our lives. Other than having a child, perhaps. But I’m not scared. I always hear people talk about last minute nerves before their wedding, but when I woke up this morning, I knew that today I was getting everything I’ve wanted for for so long. Honey, I would’ve married you instantly three years ago when we met if you’d wanted. But being back here in the place where we met...well it feels kind of perfect, doesn’t it?”

  I’m smiling as I nod. He brushes his thumb over my hand.

  “Baby, I’m ready for it all. I’m ready for our life as a family. I’m ready for grumpy six am starts. I’m ready for growing old together. I’m ready for Sunday dinners with our families and rushed breakfasts before work. I’m ready for late nights just being together. I’m ready for all of the ups and downs of life. I can’t predict the future, but I know that whatever happens we’ll be side by side through it all. We’ve got this, baby. That’s why this doesn’t scare me at all. Because there’s no one I’d rather face the world with than you. You’ll always be the brightest star in my sky, Stella.”

  I have tears in my eyes as he finishes his speech. Everyone in the audience aww’s at his words and I realize that I’ve got a very tough act to follow. I take a deep breath and look into his eyes. He smiles at me and his dark eyes seem softer than usual.

  “Jaxson...we weren’t expected to work out. I think everyone thought we’d fall at the first hurdle. But we kept running side by side and we haven’t stopped running since. Life has come at us fast and sometimes I feel like there’s no time to come up for air. But standing here with you feels like I’m at the end of the race. Not because our journey is over, but because I’m winning gold. And now that we’ve got each other, to have and to hold...I want to slow down and appreciate what we have together. I want time to focus on us and our family and the marriage we’re going to have...because although I love our life, you and Sapphire are so much more important to me than anything else. You may think you're unworthy of me but that has never been the case. So my vow to you is that from this day forward, you will be my main focus for the rest of my life. Anything else can wait because love comes first.”

  “I love you, baby,” Jaxson says and leans in to kiss me. We’re probably not meant to kiss before the end of the ceremony, but screw it. Jaxson and I are used to breaking all the rules. Everyone applauds for us and we stay locked together. This is how I always want to feel. And I know with Jaxson, I won’t ever feel bad again.

  The wedding ceremony ends in a flash. Our friends and family toss flower petals at us as we walk down the sandy aisle as man and wife. We return to the hotel and party for hours, lost in the thrill of it all. We barely have a moment to breathe, but we don’t leave each other’s side all night long.

  And then all too soon, the party is winding down and the guests are heading to bed. We give Sapphire a final cuddle and then head to our suite, we’ve got an early start for our honeymoon. I’m tipsy on expensive champagne, but Jaxson doesn’t seem like he’s ready for bed yet. As we’re finally alone in our room, he grabs me by my waist and kisses me. I laugh.

  “We have to be up early tomorrow,” I say, though I’m not really protesting the kiss one bit. He kisses my neck with a low growl.

  “You think I’m not going to fuck my beautiful wife on my wedding night?” he growls in my ear, sending a shiver up my spine. “I’m going to keep you up all night long, baby. We can sleep tomorrow...tonight, I want to be deep inside you.”

  “I like the sound of that,” I whisper. “Jaxson?”


  “Let’s make another baby.”

  He growls at me in delight. “I like your thinking. It’s about time Sapphy got a sibling.”

  He hitches my wedding dress up without another word. And finds me soaking wet and ready for his big cock. I’ll never ever get bored of the way it feels when he’s inside me. And now, as we make love on our wedding night, it feels even better than usual.

  This is the marriage I signed up for. Loving each other more and more every day, still wanting each other’s bodies as much as we did when we met, and making a path to follow together.

  Jaxson has given me all of that and more.




  “Alright kids, are we ready to go see your Mom?”

  “No!” all of the kids shout in unison from upstairs. I sigh affectionately, shaking my head.

  “Let me guess Sapphire, you haven’t picked an outfit. Maeve, you’re running behind on a project that’s due tomorrow...and Jack, you still haven’t taken a shower.”

  “I showered!” Jack insists. “I had one this morning.”

  “That was before you played soccer and got mud all over you! Come on, kids, this is your mom’s big night. Maeve, I’ll help you with your project when we get home. Sapphire, don’t wear something too fancy and upstage your Mom. I want you all by the door in ten minutes! Jack, I’m picking out an outfit for you while you take a shower, now.”

  The house is in chaos. Tonight is the opening of Stella’s new exhibition in an upscale New York gallery and I promised I’d get the kids there by seven. Part of the fun of parenting our precious babies is knowing they’re absolute nightmares. Maeve is the creative one, she takes after her Mom, but she’s always behind on school work leaving us to stay up until midnight doing homework some nights. Jack, her twin brother, is a sports star already at the age of nine, but he’s also messy and scruffy and
never does as he’s told. Our eldest daughter, Sapphire, is a fashionista, already pursuing a dream of being an Instagram star, but she always wants to be the centre of attention.

  And yet we love our kids with all our hearts, flaws and all. Even if they make us late wherever we go, they’re still little angels in our eyes. To be honest, it’s usually easier to get them to fall in line when Stella is around. She’s such a good Mom and they listen to her more than me...but on her big night tonight, it’s my turn to pick up the slack. Plus, with our fourth baby on the way, I want her to be able to put up her feet as much as possible.

  By some miracle, I manage to get the kids to the door fifteen minutes before seven. Jack looks a little disheveled, Sapphire is overdressed to the max and Maeve insists on wearing sneakers, but I know that Stella will love seeing them this way. She doesn’t mind that they’re never picture perfect, always dressed ‘wrong’ for events and always clashing with one another. She sees them the way I do, perfect because they’re ours, and I couldn’t agree more.

  When we make it to the gallery, there are already potential buyers and art enthusiasts everywhere. Despite only painting part time, Stella has created an amazing collection over the past few years, and she’s risen to fame with Sapphire’s help. Sapphire got her set up on Instagram and now here we are, celebrating her art in her own exhibition. She grins when she sees us and greets us all with hugs and kisses.

  “My favorite guests,” she says with a smile. She’s always happiest around her family or her art. “You just missed Dad, he was here at opening time. But he says he can’t wait to see you kids tomorrow.”

  We have date night once a month where I whisk Stella off somewhere fancy and the kids hang out with their grandpa. Tomorrow, we’re going on a spa date and I can’t wait to spoil her rotten.

  “Maybe we can get your Dad to do some of Maeve’s massive stack of homework with her,” I tease, ruffling Maeve’s dark curls. She scowls.

  “I don’t want to do homework on a Friday night.”

  “Well you always leave it to the last minute, don’t you missy! One day you’ll learn,” Stella says, but she doesn’t sound stern or patronizing. We keep things light in our family. We don’t want to pressure the kids too much. They’ll find their paths themselves, and no doubt Maeve will be an artist, not an academic. She’s like her Mom that way.

  “Well, kids...take a look around!”

  Sapphire is already heading off on her own, taking pictures for her Instagram. The twins start a game of tag, earning some disapproving glares from the art dealers, but we don’t care much. Stella once pointed out that if they’re too snobby to deal with our kids then they don’t deserve her art, which is focussed on family and love anyway. Our kids are her muse, and the paintings come to life with the love she feels for them.

  “What do you think?” Stella asks me anxiously as we walk around together. I kiss her cheek.

  “Your best work yet.”

  “You say that every time.”

  “It’s true, I do. But I mean it every time, you just keep improving. You get older and wiser, my love and your art ages like a fine wine with you.”

  “Very poetic,” Stella says, rolling her eyes with a smile. Then sighs. “Sometimes I feel age coming at me so fast. I look at myself and I feel so frumpy and unattractive, that’s why I painted this one.”

  We stop in front of a painting that makes me frown. It’s a self portrait of Stella, but she looks old and withered in the picture. She’s only in her mid thirties and yet she sees herself as so much older. I put my arm around her waist.

  “You don’t look like that at all, in fact, you’ll never look like that. Not even if you live to be a hundred.”

  She smiles at me. “Are you saying my art is inaccurate? Is it bad?” she teases. I tsk.

  “Obviously not. I know that the idea is for it to be how you feel inside represented with a picture of your outside, but even so. You might be tired, but you’re not old at heart. We still have so many amazing years ahead of us.”

  “So you don’t see me as tired? Decrepit?”

  “Of course not,” I growl, kissing her cheek fiercely. “And like I said your art ages like a fine wine, and so do you. You’ll always be the most beautiful woman on this planet to me.”

  “Don’t tell Sapphy that. She still wants to be the only beautiful woman on Earth!”

  I laugh and we attract some stares, but then again, we always do. After thirteen years together, it’s becoming clearer that I’m much older than she is. Some people think that will be enough to break us apart one day, but I know differently. Our love is going to last forever. It lives on in our kids and it lives on in our hearts. No matter what happens, we’re never going to fall apart.

  We spend the evening roaming around the gallery. Some dealers want to buy art, but Stella tells them to get in contact another night. By nine o’clock, the kids are tired and we still have things to do at home, so we call it a night and head back to our penthouse apartment in the city. We’ve always said we’ll move to the suburbs when we’re old, but the kids love the city life and so we’re here for the time being.

  Stella makes us dinner while I get Jack in bed, Maeve’s homework finished and Sapphy to turn off her phone for the night. By the time we sit down to eat a light meal, it’s late, but it feels nice to eat in the dimmed lights of the kitchen together. I take her hand under the table.

  “You did so well tonight,” I say, and she smiles.

  “Thanks, baby.”

  “I’m so proud of you everyday. I hope you know that.”

  “It’s nice to hear,” she says with a blush. She touches her stomach where our baby is growing. “I think baby number four is going to inspire some more art but for now I want to rest.”

  “Then rest, baby,” I say. “Let me take care of you.”

  “You already take care of me.”

  “You know what I mean, put your feet up, stop working so hard, let me help more with the kids.”

  She smiles. “But I like that we look after the kids together. We always put in a team effort, it’s perfect. And besides, I like the chaos of it all. I know the kids are a lot to handle sometimes, but that’s okay. They’re kids. I don’t mind one bit. I hope baby four is just as crazy.”

  I laugh and lean in to kiss Stella. She’s always so bright and happy that I always feel the same. It occurs to me that before I met her, my life was so much darker. I never laughed or smiled as much as I do when I’m around her. Her shine has never dulled. She’s just perfect in every way.

  My love for her grows more and more with every passing minute. I kiss her harder and I feel my cock rise in my pants. Now that the kids are in bed, I can get my much needed Stella time. I wrap my arms around her waist but she pulls back a little.

  “I’m all gross from the exhibition, you don’t want me like this.”

  “I do. I always want you,” I growl. It’s true. I want her night and day, every day. I think about her body all the time. She’s always on my mind. She’s so sexy that it drives me crazy. I spent forty years alone so I guess I’m making up for lost time. Now that she’s mine, I want to make the most of my time with her.

  We continue kissing and I carry her upstairs to the second floor of our apartment. I take her to our room with our king sized bed. Our huge windows look out over the city. The perfect backdrop for where we make love every night.

  I undress her, kissing every inch of her body. I make her come twice with my tongue before I even lay her down to make love to her. With her perfect body underneath me, I’m in heaven. Our eyes meet, and I can see the intense love I have for her reflected in her eyes, as she gasps and moans beneath me. She’s still so tight around my cock, still so perfect, still so beautiful.

  “I love you, forever,” I growl, and I mean it. Nothing could ever make me love her less. My love for her only grows. I have the best wife in the whole world.

  And my life is the definition of perfect.

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  Book 1: Baby Lust

  Book 2: Veteran

  Book 3: Built

  Book 4: Bambino

  Book 5: Rescued

  Book 6: Leader

  Book 7: Professor

  Book 8: Burned

  Book 9: Worldly

  Book 10: Pistol

  Book 11: Policed

  Book 12: Driven

  Book 13: Lucky 13

  Book 14: Lumberjacked

  Book 15: Protector

  Book 16: Carpenter

  Book 17: Italian Stallion

  Book 18: Gardener

  Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin

  Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 21: Cocky CFO

  Book 22: Fireman’s Filthy 4th

  Book 23: Mechanic

  Book 24: SEAL’s Secret

  Book 25: Police, Pooch, and Smooch

  Book 26: Fireman’s Fake Fiancée

  Book 27: Billionaire’s Virgin Ballerina

  Book 28: Bitcoin Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 29: Veterans Day Daddy

  Book 30: Cowboy’s Christmas Carol

  Book 31: Police Officer’s Princess

  Book 32: Statham

  Book 33: Bodyguard

  Book 34: Greek God

  Book 35: Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter

  Book 36: Mountain Man

  Book 37: SEAL’s Justice

  Book 38: Royal Romance

  Book 39: Doctor Mountain Man’s Special Delivery

  Book 40: Crocodile Dan D

  Book 41: Mountain Man’s Secret Baby

  Book 42: Doctor Bad Boy’s Secret Baby

  Book 43: Cop’s Babysitter

  Book 44: Nanny for the Cop Next Door

  Book 45: Small Town SEAL’s Saving Grace


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