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The Assassins guild 3: The Rage of the brotherhood

Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  She took the soap off an indentation in the back of the shower, took a small cloth, and began washing herself. She put the soap on a small shelf of the front wall to wash her feet and legs and noticed several containers. She took one down and read, ‘hair cleaner’. The other container read ‘hair lotion’. She didn’t need to use the regular soap to clean her hair. She put the container back and bent down to scrub the dirt from the forest off her feet and legs. She smiled slightly; most of the dirt had come from her physical activity killing the Law Enforcer; the thought brought a slight smile to her face. She finished just as Borgt entered the bathroom.

  The room was steamy, and the clear shower door was fogged up. Borgt reached in the pocket of his shorts, put the items in his palm that was in the pocket, and took them off, before opening the shower door. He stood in the door and held up a tablet in his fingers. He opened his mouth and Ryshana nodded. She opened her mouth and he put the tablet on her tongue. She placed her head in the stream of water and collected enough to swallow it. She looked back to him and saw something else in his hand she didn’t recognize. He opened his mouth and she cocked her head to one side. He closed his mouth and opened it more forcefully. She opened her mouth and he placed the clear item on her tongue. She took some more water into her mouth and swallowed it.

  Borgt backed into the shower and moved close to her before turning around and kept his eyes trained on her face. He took his index finger and put it next to her good eye and then moved it to his lips. Ryshana nodded, he wanted her to keep her eye on his mouth. Suddenly, she heard, “Can you hear me clearly?” Her eyes flew wide open; his lips hadn’t moved. She almost screamed but Jab put his hand over her mouth as she heard, “Calm down! The thing you just swallowed is a device that will allow us to communicate without being heard or detected. Nod if you understand.” Ryshana lowered her head slightly and kept her eye on Borgt’s mouth. “I initially decided not to use it but after discovering that we won’t have total privacy here; I believe I need you to have it.” Borgt paused and continued to stare directly into her face, before he continued. “I need you to learn how to use it.” Ryshana nodded again. “First of all, anything you say in your normal voice will not be detected by the device.” He lowered his eyebrows slightly and she nodded again. “You see that I am not moving my lips and you are not hearing me with your ears.” Ryshana’s eyes closed slightly as she tried to absorb what he was saying, and then she opened them before nodding again. “What you think you’re hearing is being fed directly to the language center in your brain by your neural system. To speak, you must say the words inside your mouth and throat as quietly as possible, try it.”

  Ryshana focused and said, “Do you hear me?”

  Jab heard, “ooo yo r e.”

  He shook his head and lowered his eyes closer to hers. “If you need to part your lips slightly do it. Now say the words silently.” Ryshana’s eyes narrowed. “Say the words with the lowest volume possible. Say them like you wouldn’t want anyone with their ear against your lips to be able to hear them.”

  Ryshana focused and whispered, “Can you hear me?”

  Jab smiled and nodded, “Perfectly! Once you grow accustomed to doing this, you won’t even need to use any volume at all. The subvocal module will pick up the words automatically from the way you move the muscles in your throat, vocal chords, and tongue.”

  “Why were you considering not giving it to me?” Ryshana asked.

  Jab paused before answering, “Because it can’t be removed and the only way to prevent it being discovered, if you are cut open, is to have it self-destruct before you die and that would kill you.”

  “So, now I have a way to kill myself in the event the Brotherhood Inquisitor questions me, right?” Jab nodded. “You don’t need to worry about me allowing it to be found!”

  Jab stared into her eyes and then asked, “Do you want to die?”

  “No. but I do want to make a difference in making them pay for how they treated my family.”

  Jab nodded slightly, before continuing, “There are some things you need to know about using the module. First, if you want to turn it on, simply whisper the word, ‘Activate’. You’ll feel it vibrate slightly, and then you whisper ‘Jab’. It means throwing a short punch.”

  “I know what it means.”

  “If you want to turn it off, whisper, ‘deactivate’.”

  “Why would I want to turn it off?”

  Jab shrugged, “We might find ourselves in an area with powerful scanners. I don’t think the module would be seen but there’s no sense in taking the risk.” Ryshana nodded. “Also, never, ever, look at me when you’re using it.”

  “Why not?”

  You know we’re being watched. If you turn to me and say something over the module and I turn to you…”

  “Then an observer will see it and wonder why?”

  “Exactly. If you want to use it, look away, or stand up and start doing something else. Give no evidence you’re communicating with me!” Ryshana nodded. “Further, if you hear me, do not look at me. Train yourself to look away or show no reaction.” Ryshana nodded, “I’m deadly serious about this, Ryshana! It’s a natural reaction to turn to one that’s speaking to you and you’re going to have to learn how to fight that behavior.”

  Ryshana’s eyes closed slightly and then she asked, “How will I know if you’re using the module. It seems to sound exactly like your normal voice?”

  Jab realized she was right, he could make the same mistake. He thought about it and answered, “Say the word module before anything you say over it.”

  “Module, like this?”

  Jab chuckled, “Module, exactly like that. You only need to use it to start a conversation, we’ll know anything that follows is coming from the subvocalizer.”

  “Why not use that word instead?”

  “Too long and too many syllables.”


  “Now, I will be in Borgt’s mind from now on while we’re in these quarters. And you must stay in your role as well. Assume we are being watched or listened to at all times, understand?”


  Jab turned around and yelled, “WOMAN, SCRUB MY BACK!” Ryshana jerked and reached for the soap. “Module, that was for anyone listening in, you don’t need to do it.”

  “I don’t mind.” She began washing his back as Jab took the hair cleaner and put some in his hair. He used his fingers to rub in it and washed it out when he finished. He looked over his shoulder, as he put the bottle back on the shelf, “When I get out, take the hair cleaner and wash your hair as many times as you need for the water to come out without a dark color. You have dried blood in your hair and on the side of your face where you were injured. Wash gently and don’t hurt yourself, understand?”

  “I do.”

  “After the water turns clear, take the hair lotion and work it through your hair. That might take some time with your hair being so long, but it will repair some of the damage the sun has caused. Try to avoid getting the lotion on the cuts on your face.” Ryshana nodded. “Did you hear me?”

  “Oh! Sorry, I nodded. I understand.”

  Jab backed up slightly and rinsed the soap off his back. He opened the shower door, took a towel off the wall rack next to the door, and stepped out, he kept his back to her the entire time. He dried himself off and put his shorts back on. Ryshana watched him and saw he was clearly avoiding looking at her body. He went to the mirror over the sink and pulled on it to open it, and she saw a cabinet behind the mirror filled with small boxes and bottles. She turned and started washing her hair. It took five times before the water didn’t hit the shower floor with rust color in it. It took her five more minutes to work the lotion through her long hair.

  She finally rinsed the lotion out and turned off the water and squeezed her hair out, it felt incredible! It was soft and had a shine that had disappeared in her teens. Jab heard her turn the water off and backed up to the wall rack and handed a towel through the show
er door. He kept his back turned as she took the towel and started drying off. He went back to the cabinet and took several items out of it.

  Ryshana dried herself off and wrapped the towel around her chest, under her arms, and tucked in in between her breasts. She stepped out and Borgt said, “Sit down on the…the…what do you call that thing?”

  Ryshana smiled, “The disposer.”

  He lowered the lid and said, “Sit down. I want to see if I can do something about your injury.” She sat down, and Jab glanced at her seeing the towel around her. He took a bottle off the counter and went to a knee in front of her. He put his hand on her chin and turned her face slightly. He twisted the top off the bottle and Ryshana saw him out of the corner of her right eye, as he lifted the top. It had a stem attached to it with a tiny brush on the end. He took the brush and gently rubbed one of the four cuts on her face with it. The Law Enforcer’s armored glove had left four cuts where his knuckles hit her. He dipped the brush again and continued to rub the liquid on each of the remaining cuts. He stared at her face and said, “Module, this is pretty good stuff. Not quite as good as what we use…but it’s close.”

  He backed up slightly and stared at her face. His expression changed to a frown as he added, “It’s not good enough; you still might have scars.” He reached into the pocket of his shorts and took out a small clear bottle. He took a cap off it and said, “Close your eyes.” Ryshana complied and she felt a cool spray on the side of her face. There was a pause before she felt the spray on her injured eye. She kept her eyes closed and a short time later she heard, “Open your eyes.”

  She opened her eyes and was able to see out of both eyes. She still had a swollen eyelid, but it was open enough for her to see.” Jab reached over and opened a drawer in the vanity. He took out a hand mirror and held it up to her. The cuts were gone like they never existed. Her swelling in her left-eye was still there but most of it was gone. She still had a huge bruise on her cheek, jaw, and chin but it wasn’t as blue. “I’m going to heal the rest of it over the next few days. I want you to put a patch over your eye to prevent anyone seeing the changes I’ve done for a while.” He took a hair brush out of the drawer and an adhesive patch off the counter and handed it to her, “You can put the patch on your eye after you brush the tangles out of your hair. Meet me in the bed room when you finish.” She nodded, and Jab walked out of the bathroom.

  Ryshana stood up and began running the brush through her hair. She was amazed at how easy the tangles were removed; it normally took her hours to make that happen. Her hair looked dark after so many years of working in the hot sun and black soil. Now it was close to its normal color. It was a deep cochineal color when she was young but had faded to almost black as she grew older. It still appeared black, but the light was reflecting off it with hints of scarlet. This was another miracle! She walked over to the cabinet as she stroked her hair with the brush and looked at the bottles and boxes inside it.

  • • •

  Jab went to the bedroom and tried to decide how to hide the backpack. If it were found…there would be two immediate executions. He thought about leaving it under the bed, but his quarters were cleaned three-times a week. If the cleaners were thorough, and he had no doubt they would be punished if they weren’t, then it might be discovered there. He went to the floor and looked under the bed; it was spotless. He scratched his chin as he walked over to the closet. He pushed his uniforms aside and looked in the corner. There was a metal box on the floor and he wondered what it was. He unsnapped the latched and looked inside. In the bottom of the box were two indentations that matched the sole of his boots. He looked at the boots that he wore in the forest and saw they were scuffed up and still had dirt on the laces. He picked them up, put them in the box, and latched it shut. He immediately heard a soft humming sound and when he put his hand on the box, he felt a small vibration. A minute later, the sound stopped. He took his boots out and his head went back; they were shined brilliantly, and they looked brand new. Now this was an invention! He put the boots beside the others and looked in the other corner of his closet, only to find a slightly larger box. He opened it but didn’t immediately recognize the shape. He went into Borgt’s memories and smiled. He took the helmet he wore in the forest off the upper shelf and placed it in the box. A minute later, it came out shining. This said more about the compulsive nature of this society than anything he had seen so far. He stepped out of the closet and saw the lock on the door. Ummm. He looked in Borgt’s memories again and saw that the closet was forbidden for anyone to enter but him. He opened the doors and placed the backpack behind the helmets. There was just enough room for it and he looked around before turning invisible. He put his hand on the backpack and it disappeared. He shoved it behind the helmets and stepped back. Good! He reappeared and closed the doors knowing he didn’t have to lock it; no cleaner would go into that space!

  He went to the bed and sat down. Suddenly he remembered that he had told Ryshana to come to the bedroom after brushing her hair; she certainly had enough time to finish. He stood up and headed to the bathroom. He went in and found Ryshana sitting on the disposer with her head in her hands, “WHAT’S WRONG!”

  She kept her head in her hands and said, “You didn’t say module!”

  “That’s because I didn’t use it!”

  Ryshana raised her head and Jab was shocked by the expression he saw on her face. He had never seen the degree of rage, anger, and torment on anyone’s face in his life. “Module, what’s going on?!”

  Ryshana grabbed a white box on her lap and she tossed it to him, “READ IT!” Jab caught the box and turned it over. In bold print on the top was written, CANCER TREATMENT. He closed his eyes and then opened them to read the small print. “Any Brotherhood Warrior serving in the Holy Fleets will be barraged with high energy particles and atoms in space. This exposure can lead to you developing cancer cells in your body. If you see red or black areas appear on your skin or if you find a lump where there was none before, inject yourself with this injector and your cancer will be destroyed. Be sure to check yourself often!”

  Jab looked up at Ryshana and she snarled, “Read the date!” Jab looked under the small print and saw the expiration date…it had passed. Ryshana went to the counter and threw two more boxes at him. Jab picked them up and saw they were also expired. She sat down again, put her face in her hands, and sobbed, “My mother died a horrible death and they allowed these to expire! They could have sent them out to the communities before that happened, but they chose to ignore the ones dying of cancer doing hard labor to feed them! The largest cause of death in the community is cancer! I hate them so much!”

  Jab wanted to comfort her, there was no excuse for this. He stared at her and finally said, “Ryshana!” She looked up. “You can’t allow your feelings to take control of you like this.” She glared at him and then lowered her head, “Module, I know. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Ryshana, I’m serious!”

  “This is the last time I allow them to hurt me. I will stay in my role, I promise.”

  “Stay in here until you pull yourself together.” Jab turned and left. He went to the bedroom and crawled into bed. He began to really start having second thoughts about having brought her with him. She was raised in a brutal, violent society and she was dangerous. He saw the guard she killed in his mind and knew this was no shrinking violet; she had no issues with killing. Not that the guard didn’t deserve it, but she was vicious and brutal in what she did to him. She looked so soft and beautiful, but she was far from that inside.

  He saw the lights in the living room go out and the only light he saw through the open door was the small night light in the bathroom that automatically came on when the overhead lights were turned off. He saw her silhouette as she came through the door, she left the towel in the bathroom. He turned his back to her side of the bed and felt her crawl in. He hoped she wouldn’t speak and, after a few minutes, he closed his eyes. That’s when he heard, “Module, a
re you awake?”

  Jab hesitated and answered, “Yes.”

  “I’m sorry about losing my composure; it won’t happen again.”


  There was a couple of moments of silence before she asked, “Are you starting to regret you brought me with you?”

  Jab thought about lying but knew she was too smart to miss him doing it. “The thought has crossed my mind.”

  “I understand why, Borgt. I have learned discipline my entire life at having to be guarded in everything I say and how I react to Brotherhood edicts. I relaxed for a moment and it won’t happen again.” There was another moment of silence and then she asked, “May I ask you a personal question.”

  Uh-oh! Jab thought. He almost said no but knew that not openly communicating with her would only cause issues. “What?”

  “I’ve noticed you deliberately avoid looking at me when I’m undressed. Do you do that because of how ugly I am?”


  “Then why do you do it?”

  “Ryshana, it’s complicated.”

  “Please, try to explain it to me.” Jab was silent and Ryshana continued, “I assume that the women in your civilization are probably extraordinarily beautiful with all the modern inventions to make them pretty. I just figured that someone like me that’s only worked in the sun and is plain in my appearance would suffer by comparison. My injured face doesn’t help, and I do understand if you can’t bear to look at me.”

  “Ryshana, I heard those women that met us at your community say they were jealous of how much prettier you are than them.”

  “You can compare a rodent to a slug and it would be prettier than the slug. But that wouldn’t make it pretty,” Ryshana countered.

  Jab rolled his eyes, she was just as quick and smart as he believed. “Ryshana, not looking at you has nothing to do with your appearance.”

  “Then what?”

  “Ryshana!” Jab paused, sighed, and then continued in a softer tone, “We’re not married and looking at you when you’re not dressed is inappropriate behavior.”


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