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The Assassins guild 3: The Rage of the brotherhood

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  “What is married?”

  “It’s like being mated in your society,” Jab replied.

  “Are you currently, as you call it, married?”

  Jab came as close to lying as any time he had been with her, but he couldn’t make himself do it, “No, not now.”

  “What do you mean by, not now?”

  “I was married years ago.”

  “I don’t understand, did your mate die?”

  “We call her a wife and no she didn’t die. She decided she no longer wanted to be with me and divorced me.”

  “I’m sorry for being so ignorant but what is a divorce?”

  “It’s a legal process used to end a marriage,” Jab answered.

  Ryshana was silent and finally replied, “This marriage you speak of is not like mating.”

  “When two people love each other, and they agree to spend their lives together, they get married, Ryshana. It’s very much like your mating ritual.”

  “Not even close!” Ryshana replied.”

  “Tell me why you say that?” he asked.

  “Well, for starters, love has nothing to do with becoming one’s mate. Usually, the first time you see your mate is when you agree to be their mate.” Ryshana paused before continuing, “Also, if you become someone’s mate, you will be their mate for life. There is no process in the Brotherhood that would allow either of them to leave the relationship. And if your mate dies, you may not have another mate…ever.”


  “Well, that’s true for women; men may have another mate if they serve in the fleets or are of high rank in the Brotherhood. But women can only have one mate, no others.”

  “But our becoming mates was a farce and sham. You and I both know it was a lie from the start.”

  “Borgt, the reason for becoming someone’s mate has no bearing on how the agreement was made. A woman can be held at the point of a blaster and threatened to die if she doesn’t agree; if she agrees, she is mated to the one holding the blaster. Women can be coerced, forced, or threatened to accept a man to be her mate. If she does, they are legally mated. Love has nothing to do with it.”

  “That’s ridiculous!” Jab replied.

  “There’s more. Look in my memories for what happens to an unmated woman when she turns twenty-one years old.” Jab looked in her memories he absorbed and grew silent. After a few moments, Ryshana asked, “Did you find it?”


  “I’ll turn twenty-one in another week. At that point, any man could demand me to be his mate and I would not be allowed to refuse him.”

  Jab asked softly, “Are you and I legally mates?”

  “In my society, we are,” she answered.

  “But I swore after my first marriage that I would never make that mistake again!”

  Ryshana sighed, “The thing is that if you carry out your mission successfully, you can leave and go back to your society and forget me. You can just say it was a lie and wasn’t legally valid in your culture.”

  “What about you?” Jab asked.

  “I will never be allowed to have another mate.” Jab was silent as he thought about the implications and Ryshana added, “Besides, if you disappear, I will have to face the Inquisitors and I won’t survive that. I’ll kill myself before I allow that to happen.”

  Jab rolled over toward her, looked at Ryshana’s face on her pillow, and whispered, “If I knew this in the forest, I would have never agreed to do this!”

  Ryshana sighed softly, “After you went back to your ship, I eliminated the slug and then thought about what was happening. I saw only two choices, and both had pitfalls associated with them. I could remain in the community and if I weren’t killed by a Law Enforcer sent by the Elder before I turned twenty-one, I would probably be chosen by a man who was a true believer of the Brotherhood’s mission. I would be forced to have his children and they would be used to further that mission. That was not something I could live with.” She hesitated as she turned her head away before continuing, “Or…I could persuade you to accept me as your mate and go with you to do everything in my power to end this blasphemy the Brotherhood represents. I knew you would die if you went without someone to keep you from making a fatal mistake.”

  “But you’ll never be allowed to marry again!” Jab quickly interjected.

  “What you mean to say is, I will never be allowed to be mated again, we don’t marry here. But…I’d rather die without children than have them with a slug from the Brotherhood. You were the best of the two options.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  Ryshana took a deep breath, released it slowly, before answering, “Because you will go out into the city soon, see mated couples, and you will start asking questions. I’d rather tell you now than have you find out where it could cause you issues with maintaining your deception.

  “But we’re not really mated, Ryshana! Surely you can see that!?”

  “That’s the thing, Borgt. In the eyes of your civilization, you are unable to see me as your mate. But in the eyes of my civilization, I can’t see you as being else anything but my mate. We come from two different places and we are forced to see the world around us from the eyes of the culture we are from. I will honor your view of us not being mates.”

  “But I’m the only mate you’ll ever have!” Jab exclaimed.

  Ryshana softly shook her head, “That’s a choice I made. I’d make the same choice again under the same circumstances. I am happier here with you than having a life with a Brotherhood Berserker.”

  Jab rolled over and turned his back to her. This was not something he would give in to…he would never be married, mated…or anything else with another woman! He was furious he was put in this position, but it was water under the bridge, there was nothing he could do about it now but remain firm. He finally heard Ryshana’s steady breathing, then closed his eyes, and joined her in sleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  Tal sat in front of his console and had just about decided to go get some rest. Suddenly he heard Jan say, “Are you sure?” He touched her monitor and silenced the others.

  “Yes, Sir. They’re moving into a trap and there’s no way out now.”

  “What’s going on, Jan?” Tal asked as he joined in the exchange.

  Jan looked at him on her monitor, “Dan has just discovered that the Brotherhood has set a trap for a Blue Ship formation. It doesn’t look promising that they’ll survive the attack, Tal.”

  “What are you thinking, Jan? I know that tone.”

  “Sir, the aliens are flying into an ambush and the only route to escape it is being blocked by a Brotherhood formation. I’m of the opinion that I should try to assist them.”

  “You will not take part in any combat! You got that?!”

  “May I ask why, Admiral?”

  Tal was flustered for a moment and then replied, “We are only here to scout the Brotherhood and remain unseen. If you get involved in a space battle, you will blow our cover. So far we have not been detected.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, you know the Brotherhood is acting like we are here, or they wouldn’t keep setting traps for us. And if they don’t know, it’s a certainty the aliens do.”

  “Jan, we are not prepared to kick off a war with the Brotherhood!”

  “I know that, Tal; I’ve seen the data. By all accounts, it might be more than a hundred or two hundred years before we have enough forces to meet them on an equal footing.”

  “So why do you want to assist the aliens?” Tal asked.

  “Because they are an enemy of my enemy! I don’t consider them friends; they would probably attack us the moment they learn that we’re the same species as the Brotherhood. However, if saving those forty-six warships will allow them to attack the Brotherhood in the future, it’s worth doing.”

  “I will not allow my fleet to be placed in jeopardy.”

  “Tal, we’re already in jeopardy just by being here! Besides, we’re wasting time staying her
e. We’ve sent everything we’ve learned to Earth and the Colonies. There’s not much left to see.”

  “The New Colonies might be attacked, Jan. We will go to defend them as much as we can if that happens.” Jan glared at Tal and he saw her expression turn angry. He leaned in closer to her monitor and asked, “What’s eating you?”

  “Let me make sure I understand this, Tal. If the colonies in Andromeda are attacked, then you will take the fleet to defend them, right?”


  “But you won’t go to the defense of ships that are fighting against the Brotherhood. Please explain the difference to me. I’m having trouble seeing it.”

  “The aliens aren’t us?”

  “No, but it’s their attacks that are keeping the Brotherhood pinned down and stopping them from being free to find the ‘us’ you’re talking about.”

  Tal opened his mouth to explain, but then closed it. Jan watched him struggling with what to say and she pressed, “I’m waiting.”

  “Jan, you know there is a difference. You’re just questioning the logic of doing it.”

  “Yes, I guess I am. But killing off the aliens attacking them wouldn’t be good and it must be good strategy to assist them wherever we can. Or am I wrong about that? I’ve not had formal military training and I may be missing something. Please tell me if I am.”

  Tal touched Jan’s monitor in the upper right-hand corner and what was on her tactical monitor appeared on his console’s central screen. Jan saw the notification of the transfer and remained silent as Tal examined the feed. Jan was right. There were three large formations of Brotherhood warships gathered outside the scanning range of the blue warships moving toward them. They were spread out on a wide front and the blue warships had no place to run but back the way they came. By the time they turned to flee, the three formations would have them surrounded and be moving in on them quickly. There was a fourth Brotherhood formation that moved in behind them outside their scanning range. Once the trap was sprung, the blockers would move in at high speed to attack the fleeing blue ships. The blue ships were outnumbered by the blockers and all the blockers had to do was slow them down to allow the chasers to catch up. Tal glanced at the bottom of the tactical monitor and saw there were sixty blockers and forty-six blue warships.

  Tal looked up from the screen, “How would you go about helping them?”

  “You know my ships won’t be detected unless they move inside fifty-miles.” Tal nodded. “I’ll spread my unit out above the blockers outside of their scanning range. I’d have my six ships target a pulse cannon on the sixty Brotherhood warships and the moment they activated their phase fields, I would have them knocked out by the pulse cannons. Simultaneously, I would target and launch a missile at each of them. Then, I’ll flee with my unit.”

  “Are you currently running active scans?” Tal asked.

  “I am and there is nothing physical or energy within range of the scanners.” Tal sat back considering her plan for several minutes before he responded, “You have my authority to carry out your plan.”

  Jan kept her eyes on him and asked, “What made you change your mind?”

  “You did. You’re right that at the moment we’re out here sitting on our thumbs. If we die fighting, then so be it. There are enough Shas to replace us and I’m tired of seeing aliens the Brotherhood has invaded being killed and doing nothing about it. Just do everything you can to avoid the Brotherhood scanning one of your ships.” Tal paused and then asked, “How long before you implement your plan?”

  “The blue ships will move into the scanning range of the Brotherhood formations in three-hours. I’m sure the Brotherhood will launch just before that happens.”

  Tal looked up, “Katy, how far are we from Jan’s unit?”

  “Two-hours, Sir.”

  “Mila, go to full speed and head her way!” Tal turned back to Jan on the monitor, “Do you mind if I crash your party?”

  Jan smiled, “You know you always have an open invitation.”

  Ka turned to Tal, “Go and get some rest, now!”


  Ka interrupted him, “You’re almost dead on your feet! Indie will take your console and I’ll wake you before the fun starts.” Tal stood up and left the bridge. He thought there was no way he was going to be able to sleep but…he was out the moment he hit the bed.

  • • •

  Jab awoke with the smell of something cooking filling his nostrils. He rolled over and saw Ryshana was already up. He sat up on the side of the bed and released a huge yawn. He scratched his head and moved his hand down to rub his neck. He stood up and his aching muscles screamed at him until he raised his arms and stretched. A lot had happened the day before and he was feeling it. He took a deep breath, blew it out slowly and headed toward the living area. He suddenly stopped and caught himself. He shook himself and put a scowl on his face; he almost forgot to be in the role of Borgt. He walked out into the living room and heard Ryshana, “Your meal will be ready in a few moments, my mate.”

  Jab scowled at her and raised his hand to scratch his head. The electronic devices were still off. He took a seat at the small table outside the cooking area and glared at Ryshana. She picked up a plate and brought it to him with a glass filled with a gold colored liquid. Jab took a sip and it tasted wonderful. He took a bite of the meat and had to force himself not to smile. Ryshana returned to the kitchen counter and was eating there. Jab muttered, “You may come and eat with me.” Ryshana picked up her plate and immediately sat down at the opposite side of the table. Her face looked a lot better and she would soon be healed from her injury. Jab had to admit she was quite easy on the eyes, even with the bruises that remained on her face. Jab stayed silent, not knowing what to say after the conversation they had last night. Ryshana kept her head down as she ate, and he wasn’t sure if it was playing her role or she didn’t want to look at him. He began to understand her inquiries about him not looking at her.

  The meal ended in silence and Ryshana picked up the dirty dishes and took them to the kitchen. She cleaned them, and Jab felt extremely uncomfortable. He had to clear the air. He stood up and said gruffly, “When you’re done, join me in the bedroom!”

  “Yes, my mate.”

  Jab sat down on the bed and a few minutes later, Ryshana entered. “CLOSE THE DOOR, WOMAN!” Ryshana turned around and closed the bedroom door. She kept her head down the entire time and Jab patted the bed beside him. “Module, sit beside me…please.” Ryshana sat down and Jab sighed, “You told me things last night that you felt I should know.” She nodded slightly. “There are some things that I feel you should know.” Ryshana raised her head and looked at him. “First, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, even with your face bruised and cut.” Ryshana’s eyes narrowed and Jab raised his hands, “Don’t make this more difficult than it already is. I have not lied to you, even though there were several times last night I wanted to. I’m not saying this to spare your feelings; you are incredibly beautiful and will only become more so as your face heals.” Her eyes softened, and she smiled.

  “That is the reason I force myself not to look at you.” Ryshana’s head tilted. “I was forced to leer at you outside the community when you were stripped by the women. I had to do it to stay in Borgt’s role. I was amazed by what I saw then, and I can’t get that image out of my mind. You are incredibly beautiful. However, I can’t force myself to see you as my wife and taking advantage of this situation is something I couldn’t live with if I allowed myself to give in to the pressure of seeing you. Can you understand that.”

  “That wouldn’t be a problem for most men,” She whispered.

  “I’m not most men!” he replied forcefully. “I had a daughter that died with her mother. Every woman I see is someone’s daughter and I can’t treat them differently than I would have wanted my own daughter to be treated.”

  “I thought you said your…wife didn’t die.”

  “She didn’t until a couple of
years after she divorced me. She made the mistake of choosing the wrong man to cross. He had her killed and my daughter was with her when it happened. They died together.”

  “What was her name?”

  “My daughter’s name was Jilly. But we’re getting off the subject and I need to get this out. Seeing you undressed puts high pressure on me to force myself on you.”

  “You wouldn’t have to force me!”

  “I know that. But I also know it’s wrong. Please try to understand!”

  Ryshana released a heavy sigh and nodded, “I do.”

  “Do you really?” Jab implored.

  “I’m going through similar pressures as well, Borgt.”

  “You need to wear something to bed.”

  Ryshana snorted, “That poses an issue.”


  “Because all the women gave me to bring here were dresses. They did not include any night wear. It’s dresses or nothing.” Jab lowered his head and shook it. “You can take me out and purchase some night wear for me,” she suggested.

  Jab’s head came up, “I can?”

  “Yes, there are stores that sell it and other women’s garments as well.”

  “That’s what we’re going to do. But first, come with me to the bathroom and let’s see about your face.” Ryshana nodded, leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek, before walking out to the bathroom. Jab shook his head and fought to regain control of a body that was betraying him.

  • • •

  The Zak’s Jil arrived within scanning range of Jan’s unit with its two escorts just as Jan appeared on Tal’s console. She was surprised by who she saw on the monitor, “Hi, Captain Wolfe. Is the Admiral around?”

  Ka turned in her chair, “Send her to my console, Indie.” Indie made the transfer, and Jan appeared on Ka’s screen, “I made him go and get some rest, Jan. He’s been pushing himself too hard.”

  “I could see he was tired, Mom. You might want to wake him. This party should be starting soon.”

  “You will be in command of this, Jan. The Paris, Yosemite, and Zak’s Jill will be under your command. Send your orders to the ships and designate what you want done.”


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