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The Assassins guild 3: The Rage of the brotherhood

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  “You are relieved of your current position and will report to the Creation Building’s fourth floor to relieve a guard there. You will assume his work schedule and that will become your permanent assignment. Further, you will contact Central Assignment and have them send a replacement for your former assignment.”

  “Thank you!”

  “Do a good job.”

  “You can count on it!”

  Borgt raised his head to the remaining eight guards, still standing at attention and he glared at them for a moment, before asking, “Do I have to explain the important points of the lesson you’ve witnessed today?”

  “NO! SENIOR LAW ENFORCER!” they all replied at once.

  Borgt turned and started pointing at four guards of the eight guards, “You will go to the first floor, you will go to the second, you the third, and you to the fourth. You will explain to the guards on those floors what occurred today and make sure they understand the importance of the lesson. You will continue moving up the floors until you arrive here.” Tal looked at the other guards, “You will then take their places and go to the floors above here making sure every guard knows what not to do. Once every floor is done, you will remain on duty and do it again when the next shift arrives. Once that task is completed, you may leave until your next assigned shift. Any questions?”

  “What about the third-shift?

  Borgt immediately turned to the guard who asked the question with a smile, “You are promoted one level for your concern that this be done correctly. You will greet the third shift when they arrive on this floor and give them their instructions. You may then leave and get some rest.”

  “Thank you, Senior Law Enforcer.”

  “You deserve it. At least you aren’t dumb.”

  Borgt turned from the guards and headed toward his quarters; the inspections could wait until tomorrow.

  • • •

  Jab sat on a chair in the bedroom looking at his command pad and would occasionally raise his hand to rub his neck. He discovered every detection device in the room was operational. He called Ryshana in and said, “You need to change that dress, it’s dirty.” Ryshana looked down to examine her dress and didn’t see anything but shrugged and started lifting the dress as she walked out of the bedroom. Jab noticed the devices shut down in the bedroom. As he went to the kitchen, keeping his eyes away from Ryshana while she was changing, he detected that the devices were also shut down in the living area. About an hour later, he went back to the bedroom and found them back on.

  As the day passed, he continued to test the detection devices; he had Ryshana to go in the other room and choose a dress for the next card game and try it on to make sure it still fit properly. She tilted her head and frowned slightly but stayed in role and carried out his instructions. Throughout the day, the devices shutdown sporadically…until that evening. He looked up at Ryshana and said, “You should take your bath now.” Jab could see she was starting to get frustrated, but she began lifting her dress as she headed toward the bathroom. The devices did not shut down in the bathroom and were still operational in the bedroom. He went in the bedroom and they were still operational. Jab sighed as he realized he was being forced to play a role he had avoided.

  Ryshana came out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. She had a towel wrapped around her head and looked over at Jab as he said, “I need to stretch my legs, are you up for a short walk?”

  “I just took a bath!”

  “It’s cool outside.”

  Ryshana knew something was up from his expression. She smiled, “I’ll get dressed.”

  • • •

  Jab was silent as they left the elevator and he remained silent as they walked slowly down the street. After a few minutes, he heard, “Module, what’s going on?”

  “I wanted to make sure I was right before I told you.”

  “Right about what?”

  “Every room in our new quarters have devices to spy on us.”

  “That’s nothing new.”

  “EVERY ROOM, RYSHANA!” Jab repeated with more force. Ryshana was not looking at him as they talked but he saw her face stiffen. I’ve checked them throughout the day and when you undressed, they shut down. However, this evening when you went to take a bath, they didn’t.”

  Ryshana stopped and smelled a flower as she asked, “What does that mean?”

  “Over the weeks, you’ve served many high-ranking clerics. I suspect most of them are watching us to get a glimpse of you; they shut down their devices when you start to undress. I believe the High Cleric doesn’t.”

  “That’s why you’ve had me taking off my dress so many times today.”

  “It is.”

  They walked hand in hand in silence for a while and Ryshana finally asked, “What does this mean?”

  “I can’t continue with my decision to not play the role of your mate.”


  “Ryshana, you’ve played your role perfectly, even though I know how difficult that has been at times. I’ve had the luxury of not violating my values but that is no longer a luxury we can afford; it could get both of us killed. I’m not willing to put you in danger to avoid being in role.”

  Ryshana was silent for a while before Jab turned to head back toward their building. “Module, you know that doesn’t offend me.”

  “I’ve known that from the start, Ryshana. This is something I must do and deal with it later.”

  There were several minutes of silence and Jab heard, “Well, you know what they say.”

  “What is that?” he asked.

  “If you can’t avoid it, sit back and enjoy it!” Jab tried not to smile but didn’t pull it off. Ryshana saw him shaking lightly and she stuck a finger in his ribs. He burst out laughing, “Stop that!” Jab chuckled and saw that once again, Ryshana saw what was happening and saved him from himself. A few moments later, Ryshana smiled and said, “So, they’re trying to get a good look at me?”


  “That’s OK with me.”

  Jab forced a neutral expression, “How can you say that?!”

  “You know how you’ve told me that seeing me caused you to experience a lot of pressure?”


  “Well, if I can make them uncomfortable, then I’ll do what I can to make it worse. They can’t do anything about it and I’ll find pleasure in making them uncomfortable.” Jab pursed his lips as he realized modesty wasn’t an issue with Ryshana.

  They arrived back at their quarters and, later that evening, their lives underwent a remarkable change.

  • • •

  The evening’s card game was being held in the High Cleric’s quarters for the first time. Borgt stood at ease beside the door and saw high members of the clergy he had not seen before were present. Ryshana was serving them like the champion she was, and he decided that some major decisions were going to be made at this game. The game began and suddenly the door opened and one of the Cleric’s assistants came rushing in, “High Cleric! An electronic device has been detected.”

  Jab knew he was in big trouble. He could not move out of his position to turn off the micro recorder; it would only draw attention to it. The High Cleric stood up, “Where is it!?”

  The assistant moved into the room holding a device in his hands. He suddenly spun around toward Jab and announced, “It is on him, High Cleric.” The assistant moved the device to Borgt’s chest and the beeping sound increased in volume.

  The High Cleric asked in a menacing tone, “Care to explain this, Senior Law Enforcer.”

  Borgt reached up and unbuttoned the flap over his front pocket, turning off the micro recorder as he reached into the pocket and took out his command pad. He held it out to the scanner and it beeped louder. “High Cleric, this is my command pad I use to direct the guards under my command.”

  The High Cleric was glaring at Jab and one of the new clerics said, “I was once a Senior Law Enforcer.” Everyone in the room turned to him, including the ass
istant. “I used one of those pads and I became heavily dependent on it. I wouldn’t go anywhere without it and never felt comfortable when I left it behind.”

  The High Cleric turned to him, “Is that pad standard issue for a Senior Law Enforcer?”

  “It is.”

  The High Cleric turned back to Jab and smiled, “Put it away, I wouldn’t want you to feel anxious without it.” The attendee’s laughed as the High Cleric sat back down and motioned the assistant to leave. Jab put the pad in his pocket and turned the micro recorder back on. The recorder had never been detected before. But this was the High Cleric’s quarters and the volume of devices scanning the room had to be huge and they must be the Brotherhood’s state of the art electronics. The assistant didn’t come back in and Borgt breathed a slight sigh of relief.

  The items discussed during the card game were serious. The Brotherhood was going on a major assault against the aliens attacking them on the other side of the black hole. The plans were discussed in detail and Jab recorded it all. The game finally ended and for the first time Ryshana said, “Tonight was hard; I’m beat.”

  “We can go to sleep early,” Jab replied.

  Ryshana turned to him, “I’m not that beat!” Jab smiled and held her hand as they left in the transport for their building.

  • • •

  Jab contacted his immediate commander the next morning, while Ryshana was taking a shower. “What is it?!”

  “Commander, I would like to request two days off.”


  “I’d like to take my mate back to her community to pick up some personal items she left there.”

  The commander looked at his computer screen and saw that Borgt had not taken any time off in more than a year. He’d received nothing but glowing reports on the new Senior and he turned back to him, “Permission granted. When will you be leaving?”

  “Commander, I want to finish my shift today and make sure everything is going smoothly before I leave. I’ll take a ship and go this evening.”

  “It will be late when you arrive.”

  “We’ll be fine; my mate still has quarters there.”

  The Commander grimaced, “They can’t be much of a place to live.”

  Borgt smiled, “It will remind me to appreciate what I have, Commander.” The Commander returned his smile and ended the contact.

  • • •

  That evening, Jab walked through the door and went directly to the bedroom. He pulled the backpack out of the closet and took it back into the living room. Ryshana saw him carrying it and her eyes widened. Jab threw it to her, “Pack as much of your clothing as you can squeeze into this.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re taking a short trip,” Jab responded.”


  Jab smiled, “It’s a surprise.” Jab paused and asked, “Why do you keep that bag?”

  Ryshana thought furiously then raised a shoulder, “It was the last thing my mother made for me before she died of cancer. It’s special.”

  Jab shrugged, “Put as many things as you can in it. We’re not taking any more baggage.”

  “Yes, my mate.”

  Ryshana folded six dresses carefully and then rolled them up. She managed to shove some night ware in on top of them and then closed it. Jab looked around and then went to the door. He opened it and Ryshana followed him to the elevator. She anticipated moving down but the elevator rose at high speed and buckled her knees. She caught herself and saw they were going to the roof.

  They stepped out and were challenged by two guards, “Who are you!” Jab stepped out of the elevator right behind her and the guards came to attention, “Sorry, we didn’t see you.”

  “You responded quickly; good job. Please log that I’m taking a ship out and will be back in two days.”

  “Yes, Senior Law Enforcer.”

  Jab led her to a ship that was in the same parking spot they arrived at more than four-months earlier. They boarded, and Jab went directly to the controls. He closed the entry port and began activating the systems. He raised his hand and shut down the hidden audio recorder. Ryshana sat in the chair beside him and wondered what was going on. Jab lifted the ship and rose high above the city. He turned and headed away from their tall skyscraper. “Where are we going?” Ryshana asked.

  Jab turned to her, “Back to your community.” Ryshana’s eyes flew wide open and Jab put the back pack in his lap. She was terrified, and she flinched as he began taking her clothes out and handing them to her.

  Suddenly, she understood. “Module, you’ve completed your mission.” Jab nodded and continued to hand her things she had packed. Ryshana’s eyes moistened as she placed the clothes beside her chair and wiped her eyes. She looked out of the viewport, bit her lip, and fought breaking down; he was leaving her.

  The ship moved away from the bright glow of the city and Ryshana saw the stars appear overhead. She kept her eyes on them and wondered how something could be so beautiful at such a sad time. “Module, may I ask you a personal question,” she heard.

  Ryshana turned to Jab, “Yes.”

  “Knowing everything that’s happened, would you have still decided to go with me to the city now that my mission is over?” Jab asked in a soft voice.


  “Why?” Ryshana was silent and Jab prodded her again, “Why?!”

  Ryshana lowered her head, “Being with you has been the happiest time of my life. I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”

  “Ryshana, you sound like you’re in love with me or something.”

  She closed her eyes and replied so softly he could barely hear her, “I am.”

  Jab opened a sealed pocket on front of the back pack and pulled out a tiny grey outfit. It was only large enough to fit a doll. He tossed it to Ryshana and said, “Put this on.” She pulled her head back, and held it up trying to figure out how, when Jab added, “Use your hands to stretch it out. The one I’m wearing was the same size when I first put it on.”

  Ryshana sat down on the floor and began stretching out the small outfit.

  • • •

  Finally, she thought she had it stretched out enough and she took off her dress. She put her feet in the outfit and struggling to pull it up over her waist. “Why do you want me to wear this?” she asked with frustration in her voice.

  Jab turned to her, “Because that’s the only thing that will get you through the thorns and briars to my ship. You are coming with me!” Ryshana jumped up so fast she stumbled and would have fallen but she managed to grab his neck and pull herself into his lap. She began covering his face with kisses everywhere she could put her lips. Jab pulled her more securely into his lap and reached for her chin. He kissed her, and she could feel it down to her toes. He had not kissed her like this before. He broke the kiss and looked into Ryshana’s eyes, “I don’t know when it happened, probably long before I realized it. But somewhere along the way, I fell in love with you, too. Do you love me, Ryshana?” Ryshana nodded gently. “Then you and I meet the requirements.”

  Ryshana’s head tilted slightly, “What requirements?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Ryshana’s arms went around his neck and she pulled herself against him, “YES, YES, YES!!”

  Jab said softly in her ear, “I understand what mating another means now; there is no confusion any more. Before we leave your planet, will you agree to be my mate?” Ryshana moved back to look into his eyes. Jab continued, “I know that this means forever, and that’s what I want.”

  “I will accept you as my mate,” she answered. He held her tightly and then said, “You need to get that outfit on.”

  Ryshana slipped back to the floor and continued to struggle with it. He put the ship on autopilot to assist her in getting her chest covered and then her arms into the long sleeves. She stood up looking at the oddly stretched outfit and then it began shrinking until it fit her body like a second skin. She looked down at herself and looked up, “Th
is doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”

  “The clerics would probably have to turn off their monitors,” Jab quipped. Ryshana laughed and went back to her chair and gazed at him with loving eyes. He looked at her and said, “My real name is…”

  “Jab,” Ryshana interrupted. His eyes narrowed and Ryshana smiled, “It’s the word that activates my module. I figured it had to be your name.”

  Jab shook his head slowly, “I thought when I first met you that your having been raised in primitive conditions meant you weren’t going to be that smart. I’ve learned many times since that you are probably far smarter than me.”

  “I get by,” she responded. Jab started laughing and she asked, “What’s so funny?”

  “You didn’t deny it.”

  “Well, you did make some dumb blunders. I’m sure when we go to your civilization, I’ll be the one that blunders.”

  Jab returned his focus to the controls, “I’m not so sure about that.” He flew toward the community and said, “I’ve been struggling with how I want to leave.”

  “Oh? I thought you were going to leave on your ship.”

  Jab’s lips pursed, “That’s not what I mean. How would you like to see that pompous Elder get his due?”

  “I’d love it!”

  “If I make sure we leave a track to my ship, then they will know that I was an alien. That should get a lot of Brotherhood leaders executed.”

  “What’s the other choice, Jab?”

  “I leave without leaving any clues.”

  Ryshana’s eyes closed slightly, as she thought for a couple of minutes, and then she said, “The second choice is the better one.”


  “Because they know you’ve listened in on their plans and will change them if you take the first choice. Plus, the Elder is a consummate idiot and the High Cleric isn’t much better. They might be replaced by someone more dangerous.”

  Jab snickered, “You’re right; I should have seen it.” He took the backpack and pulled the lining apart. He took out a long box and opened it. He removed a transparent weapon and snapped two small cylinders into the stock. Jab landed the small ship next to the forest’s edge and Ryshana knew everyone in the community was huddled in fear expecting a Law Enforcer to come and punish one of them. The Community Leader dressed as soon as he heard the rumble of the ship’s thrusters and waited for something that never came.


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