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Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s not about caring.”

  “It’s not? Could have fooled me. When people around you are worried, they ask personal, invasive questions. You should try it from time to time. You might learn something. You’re good to pick up Junior?”

  “Of course. I can take him out for ice cream, right?”

  “You can take him out for whatever he wants. Be warned, he’s a very determined kid.”

  “Will do. Have a good day.”

  “You too. Thanks, Easton.” Liam hung up, and Easton smiled as he put the phone down.

  Junior’s school let out at three-thirty. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to get over there. Quickly closing all of his files and shutting down his computer, he packed everything away and headed out of his office.

  Axton, Karson, and Romeo were talking over one of the files he recognized from Paul. He’d opted not to be part of any of the business dealings with Paul for many reasons. One of them was related to Carla. He was aware of the other man’s love of Carla, and he’d been the one to fuck her and lose her.

  “I’ve got to take off. I’m going to go and pick up my son from school.”

  “You need one of us to come with you?” Romeo asked.

  “I can handle the drive. Thanks.”

  He left them alone with their business and climbed onto the elevator. Within minutes he was sitting behind the wheel of his car, his palms sweaty, but he drove out, and took the time to arrive at his son’s school.

  Music blasted out of the stereo, and as he parked he saw he had over fifteen minutes to spare.

  He turned the ignition off and just sat waiting, staring at the school where his son was taught.

  His son.

  Easton still couldn’t get his head around the fact he had a son. He’d missed so much, and he was determined to make this work, one way or another.

  Time seemed to slow down so much that by the time the bell rang, his nerves were shot. He’d always had some kind of buffer with Junior. Either Liam or Scar, but now, he didn’t have anyone.

  This was all on him.

  Junior appeared with a couple of friends. He shook hands with them in some kind of special shake, and then headed his way at a run.

  “Hey, Dad,” Junior said, climbing behind the wheel.

  “Hey, yourself.” He was going to shoot himself in the head. There was a time he considered himself cool, and right now, he wasn’t proving it to anyone.

  Junior laughed and climbed in the car.

  “You knew I was picking you up?”

  “Yep, my other dad sent me a text message.”

  “Your other dad.” Liam, of course. Easton started up the car and waited as several cars were already waiting to pull out.

  “I hope it doesn’t upset you I call Liam dad as well. I love you both.”

  “Junior, we’re all adults here. Honestly, I don’t mind. I think I’d find it a bit disrespectful if you stopped calling Liam dad just because I was here. He’s taken care of you and your mom for a long time.”

  “Yeah, he really helped. I know my mom was terrified when she said there was a man who wanted to marry her. She wanted me to meet him first and get to know him before she made that kind of commitment.”

  “And you were happy with him, clearly,” Easton said, laughing. “You’re a smart kid. Smarter than I was at your age.”

  “What were you like at eleven?” Junior asked.

  “Stupid. I never learned a lesson, and I was always getting into trouble and being punished for it.” He didn’t wish to taint his time with his son with memories of his past. They weren’t good memories. “Anyway, enough about me. How about some ice cream?” he asked.

  “Sorbet would be good. I don’t eat ice cream anymore.”

  “Oh, right, the vegan thing. I’m good with some sorbet.”

  Junior nodded and patted his hand against the door, humming to himself.

  Easton had run out of things to say. This couldn’t be happening to him on the first chance he got with his son.

  “How was school?”


  “What is your favorite class?”

  “Computers, but I love science as well. What was your favorite?”

  “I … erm, I didn’t have one. I guess I hated them all.” He cringed at his response.

  Finally pulling out of the spot, he took them toward an ice cream place that served sorbet and ice cream.

  Silence once again filled the car.

  He glanced over at Junior to see his son looking out of the window.

  “Your friends seemed cool.”

  “Yeah, they love my other dad as well. I think it’s why they’re hanging out with me. They’re a couple of nerds.”

  “Oh,” Easton said. “Well, you know you don’t have to hang out with them if they make you uncomfortable.”

  “I know. It’s cool. They’re fine with me, but I know they’d like an invite to my house. They won’t be getting one.”

  “Why not?”

  “One, they’re not really my friends, and two, privacy. My other dad showed me how important and valuable privacy is, and I’m not going to disrespect him for a couple of friends who are only using me.”

  “You’re a strong kid, Junior.”

  “I know. My mom told me I was her little fighter.”

  “Your mom’s great.” His own mother had been a waste of space. So long as she had drink and pills, she didn’t care what happened. The oblivion from life was what she sought and she finally had it. “So, how do you like being called ‘Junior’?” Easton groaned. “You know what, ignore me.”

  “What is it?” Junior asked.

  “I’m trying here, and I’m falling flat. I honestly don’t know what to say to you, and I want to get to know you.”

  “We’re doing good, aren’t we?” Junior asked. “It’s all new.”

  “Just so you know, you can ask me anything and I will answer, to a point.”

  “Okay. Do you love my mom?” Junior asked.

  “Wow, you really don’t like waiting, do you?”

  “I’m curious.”

  “Can we get back to my question?” he asked. It was by far a safer kind of question.

  “I love it. It makes sense. You’re Easton, I’m Easton.” Junior chuckled. “We won’t keep getting confused.”


  “Are you going to answer mine?” he asked.

  “Yes. It’s only fair.” It didn’t make it any less comfortable for him though. “So, loving your mother. Yes, I love your mother.” So true on every single level. No matter how he’d pushed her away when they were younger, he’d done so to protect her. Especially after what happened to Carla. If his father could do that to a woman who he cared about but didn’t love, what could he do to a woman he actually loved? “It’s complicated.”

  “You love my mom and so does Liam.”

  “Your mom’s a lucky woman.” Now he didn’t know if he was saying that because she had Liam’s love or not.

  His head was so fucked up right now, and he couldn’t think straight.

  Fortunately, their private conversation came to a close as they arrived at the ice cream and sorbet parlor.

  It was busy, but they were able to get a couple of seats.

  Rather than order one scoop of every single flavor, Junior took his time, and ordered only two flavors, and they took a seat in the available booth in the corner.

  “You know I wouldn’t have minded if you got every single flavor to try.”

  “Nah, it would have been wasteful, and besides, Mom will be annoyed if I don’t eat dinner.”

  “You’re a good kid.”

  “We’ll get to come again, right? You’re not going to stop coming around, are you?”

  “You want to come here again with me?”

  “Only if you want to?” Junior nibbled his lip, looking a tad nervous. “You do want to, right?”

  “Yeah, I’d love to take you out for ice cream and sorbet.” Easton s
miled. He couldn’t help it.

  In the car, he truly thought he sucked and he probably did with his questions and complete lack of knowing what to say or do, but Junior still wanted to go with him.

  Today had been a win for him, and he was going to remember it for a long time to come.


  Scarlett stood at the stove cooking a vegetable pasta dish. She’d sautéed the onions and had added the garlic when Easton and Junior arrived. Her son rushed to hug her, told her he had no homework, which she already knew, and took off to go shower and get ready for dinner.

  As Junior left, Easton entered the kitchen.

  “Something smells amazing.”

  “Just a vegetable pasta. How was your time with him?” she asked.

  “It was really good.”

  She laughed. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

  “It’s me, remember. I had no idea what to say to him half the time. I’ve never had a son. I wasn’t there for him to grow up. I was … I don’t know. I wasn’t anything like him. My father wasn’t a good man.”

  She turned down the stove and pushed it toward the back to stop it cooking. This dish was so fast to cook she had to wait until Liam arrived. Wiping her hands on the cloth on the counter, she tilted her head back to look at him.

  “I heard what he’d done. I’m so sorry,” she said. “Did he hurt you?”

  Easton rubbed the back of his head, looking a touch uncomfortable. “He did, but I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She held her hands up. “That’s fine. You’re not alone.” He had the Four Kings as well, but she wanted to extend her hand of friendship. “I know you had your friends as well. I just wanted you to know I’m here for you, and I care.”

  Easton moved toward her, taking her hand, kissing her knuckles.

  “Be careful, I’ve got raw garlic.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not a vampire.”

  She chuckled. “Are you okay?” She hated to see him look so lost.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I will be. I’ve got you, Junior, and even Liam. Plus, I’ve got my guys, you know. Axton, Karson, and Romeo. We have a troubled friendship at times, but I know they’ve got my back for me.”

  There was something he wasn’t saying, and she didn’t want to call him on it in case it made him upset.

  “And now you’ve got us as well.” She placed her hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. “Our son’s a good kid, Easton. You don’t have to try with him to get him to talk to you. Honestly, he adores you. Loves you. You’re his father.”

  “I know. You’ve raised him well. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother.”

  The tension between them grew. She had no idea if Easton felt this connection between the two of them or if it was all her.

  Glancing at his lips, she wanted him to kiss her, but it was so wrong. Liam wasn’t here. She didn’t know the boundaries her husband wanted, but not only that, did Liam want to kiss Easton as well?

  She’d seen the attraction for Liam, and she understood it. Easton had been her greatest pleasure and at one time, her biggest mistake. He’d made her afraid to trust for so long, but now, she wanted it all. She wanted to be with him, have this second chance, even if it did mean breaking her heart in the process. She’d do it.

  Easton pressed her up against the counter, and she didn’t complain. Staring up into his eyes, she waited.

  He leaned in close, and as his lips were near to hers, she pulled back.

  “We can’t.”

  “Why not?”


  “He said we could share you. Junior’s not around, and we’re alone.”

  “Not quite alone, but I’ve got no problem with the two of you kissing,” Liam said, drawing both of their attention.

  Easton didn’t let her go but looked behind him.

  She stared at her husband and waited for him to speak. She saw he liked coming home to Easton touching her.

  The fire in his eyes a clear indication of just how much he liked coming home to the two of them.

  “Where’s Junior?”

  “In his room getting ready for dinner.”

  “We know that means he won’t come down unless we shout for him,” Liam said. “Easton, kiss her.”

  Easton turned toward her, and she gave him her full attention.

  He tilted her head back, and he wasn’t in any rush. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and pressed forward. She sucked on it, watching him gasp as she did.

  Suddenly, he slammed his lips down on hers.

  His kiss was hard, brutal, and so damn needy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as he nipped at her lips, and she opened them. He plundered his tongue into her mouth, and she met him, deepening the kiss, very much aware of Liam, who had moved closer.

  He didn’t touch her though. He touched Easton, putting his hands on his shoulders.

  “She loves it when you grip her hair and give it a little tug. She doesn’t want pain but to know who she belongs to, and we both know, she belongs to us, and will always do so.”

  Easton sank his fingers into her hair, gripping the locks and giving them a tug, making her moan as he held her in place, kissing her still.

  He broke from the kiss, and those lips trailed a path across her cheek to her neck, sucking on her pulse. She couldn’t think as he bit down. Not too hard, but enough to make her ache in all the right places.

  “Cup her pussy. I bet she’s wet for you right now.”

  Easton slid a hand between her thighs. Today she’d opted for a dress and it wasn’t a revealing one, but feeling Easton’s body against hers, she had no doubt it could certainly be mistaken as one.

  He cupped her, and she hated her panties for getting in the way. The only touch she wanted was from his fingers. The need curled deep inside her. He pushed the material out of the way, and he touched her clit.

  He slid between her slit, moving down to find just how wet she was.

  Liam lifted up her dress, and she glanced down to see Easton’s hand on the inside of her panties.

  To her, it was so very erotic.

  When he sank down to his knees, she looked at Liam. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I want to,” Easton said. “I’ve spent all day thinking about how good this pussy could taste, and I’m going to have a taste.”

  “What about Junior?” she asked.

  Liam took a step back. “Now I’m on guard. You can have as much fun as you’d like. I’ve got you both. Remember that.”

  She gasped as Easton tore off her panties and stuffed them in his pocket. Next, his tongue slid between her thighs. She gripped the counter, hoping to hold herself up as he sucked and licked at her clit.

  He spread her thighs open, and she took it in turns to watch Liam and Easton. Both men were incredible, and she didn’t know how she’d gotten this lucky with having either man in her life.

  Easton bit down on her clit, sliding three fingers inside her. He pulled them out, only to push them back, stroking over her anus. His other hand, he fucked her with, using two fingers to start, stretching her out to three. One of his fingers pushed against the puckered hole of her anus, and she gasped, sinking her teeth into her lip to contain the pleasure.

  “Does it feel good?” Liam asked.


  “Do you wish it was his cock in your pussy or your ass?”

  “I wish it was both of you,” she said. “I don’t want to choose between either of you.”

  Easton bit down on her clit. The sudden pain was almost too much, but he soothed it out with his tongue. She was so close, and she couldn’t believe how fast she’d gotten to the edge.

  Her orgasm hit hard, fast, and she wasn’t able to contain the cry of pleasure she released as she came.

  If she didn’t have a grip on the counter, she would have fallen, but she also had Easton’s hands on her body, doing the most dirty and wonderful things.

  He brought her down from
the peak and stood.

  “That was what I’ve been wanting all day.”

  Easton pressed a kiss to her lips, and she smelled her cum on his face.

  “I’m going to go and wash up for dinner.” Easton left the kitchen. He stopped next to Liam, and she watched the exchange.

  Neither of them spoke, but she saw something flicker between them before Easton finally turned and left the room.

  “You want him, don’t you?” she asked.

  She didn’t even know where the question had come from. It slipped off her lips with ease, and she watched as Liam, raised brow, smiled.

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “No. Don’t hurt him. He’s been through a lot.” She didn’t know everything Easton had gone through, but she also remembered the man from her past, and he’d have never ended up in rehab.

  There were a lot of things in his life plaguing him, and she didn’t want it to be her or Liam to be one of the causes of upset in his life.

  “I’ve told you. I’ve got no desire to hurt him.” Liam moved closer to her.

  She pushed down her skirt, and he tutted.

  “You don’t need to cover yourself for me. You know I love to see every single part of you.” Liam grabbed the edge of her dress, pulling it most of the way up her body, exposing her pussy to him.

  She gasped as he cupped her in much the same way Easton had.

  “You loved having him on your pussy, didn’t you?”

  One of his fingers slid inside her, and she couldn’t look away.

  “Do you wish he was here right now?” she asked.

  “Touching you.” With her free hand, she cupped him through his pants. She felt how hard he was, and she smiled. “Does it turn you on, Liam, to want Easton?”

  “You know it does. I’d love to have both of you naked, at my mercy, wanting me to fuck you both.” He slammed two fingers inside her, and she cried out, needing more.

  She couldn’t believe how aroused she was still.

  Easton had made her come, and with how Liam was touching her, he clearly wanted to as well.

  There’s no way she was going to be able to survive these two men, and yet, as he stroked her clit with his thumb, she knew she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  She’d fallen in love with Liam gradually. With Easton, she still remembered the way he’d made her feel all those years ago. The pain of his rejection was nothing more than a memory as he only served to highlight her own need for him. Easton had done everything he could to protect her, and rather than go and find him, to let him know what they’d created together, she’d left him alone. She didn’t like the guilt as she questioned her past actions. She’d acted like a child. At least now, she had the chance to make it up to Easton.


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