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Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  “Let me hear you come, Scarlett. I want to hear every single moan and gasp.”

  She didn’t know it was possible to come so soon after her first orgasm, but Liam’s skills brought out a second orgasm that was far stronger than the last.

  Liam silenced her cries, working her pussy, prolonging her pleasure until she couldn’t stand anymore.

  Only then, did he stand back and lick his fingers.

  “You can share Easton whenever I’m not around. I want to hear every single little detail. You can’t keep anything from me. I want to know how good it felt, what you did, and how you’re going to show me later just how much you had fun.” Liam kissed her hard. “How did your appointment go?”

  “You expect me to be able to think clearly?” she asked, laughing.

  Liam smirked. “I love to see you like this. Flushed, ready for sex. I could sink my dick inside you right now, and you’d be so wet, soft, and ready.”

  “You’re both going to be the death of me.”

  Liam kissed her. “Not the death, the life and love of you. I’m going to go and wash up. Dinner smells amazing.”

  He left, and she was alone, with no panties, shaking, and with a very wet pussy because of two men.

  How had her life gotten to this point?


  By the weekend, Junior had decided to go and stay at a friend’s house. It was the first time he’d done so in months. At first, Junior hadn’t wanted to go because of Easton. When Easton convinced him it was fine for him to go and have fun, Junior had looked so happy.

  The weekends without Junior were always rare, and Liam didn’t have a problem with their son. He loved how close they all were as a family, even before Easton’s arrival. This was their first weekend together without Junior’s presence, since he’d agreed to share Scarlett.

  Their sharing had moved at a much slower pace than Liam would have liked, but they also had to be careful with Junior.

  This weekend, such a glorious one, they no longer had to find an excuse for Easton to be in their room. They had the entire house to themselves, and that meant every single room was now available.

  Liam glanced out over the garden and saw Scarlett sunbathing outside. She wore a bikini, one he’d bought for her last year.

  She had on her sunglasses and was soaking up all the heat waves. She looked calm, happy, and Liam intended to keep them both very busy.

  Leaving the bedroom, he kept the windows open, and walked downstairs to find Easton standing in the doorway to the garden, watching.

  “You know you can go out there and offer to put some sunblock on her,” Liam said.

  Easton jumped, clearly lost in his own thoughts. “I didn’t hear you arrive.”

  “Clearly,” Liam said, laughing.

  “You find this funny.”

  “No. I find your nervousness endearing.”

  “How can you do it?” Easton asked.

  Liam took a deep breath. He didn’t want to waste this weekend with conflict, but maybe he and Easton could finally clear whatever bullshit was going on between them.

  “How can I do what exactly?” he asked.

  “Share her?” Easton stepped away from the door. “I don’t get it. She’s everything, and if I had her, I wouldn’t be sharing her.”

  “You do have her, and I don’t see you fighting to keep her.”

  This time Easton laughed, and it was verging on hysterical. “You think I don’t see what you’re doing here?” Easton asked. “I do. I know what you’re doing.”

  “What am I doing?”

  “I know you’re wealthy, and you like to take care of your own. You think I don’t know power when I see it? I try to steal her away, you’d tear my company and my friends apart, and not because of money either. There’s something about you.”

  Liam sighed. “You see, this is the problem you have. You’re too focused on what it is I’d do, to ask yourself why you’re not really fighting for her.”

  “I’ve just told you.”

  He shook his head. “No, like always you’ve given me a lame ass excuse. Your company. If your company meant so much to you, you wouldn’t be risking this kind of conversation to piss me off. I could snap up your company like that, but more importantly, I could end you.” He clicked his fingers. “When it comes to love, there is no common sense. We all act so fucking stupid for love. It’s why it’s so sought after and they make billions off it in movies. Love is what everyone craves, and when they have it, they’re so scared to lose it. The reason you’re not trying to take Scarlett, is because you don’t want to.” Easton snorted. “Because even though you wish to deny it and make up some fucked-up reason, you like to share her. You like her being between us.” Liam took a step closer. Easton didn’t move. “And there is a part of you that’s a little curious about me as well.”

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I do. Believe me, I do.” Liam smirked. “You think I don’t know desire when I see it? Yearning. Curiosity. For some time now, you’ve been a little curious about me, what it would feel like to kiss me.” Easton looked a little pale, but he wasn’t going to back down. “I best you’ve even wondered what it would be like to have all of the attention and focus on you.” Liam didn’t touch him, didn’t reach out, but he was so close.

  The shock on Easton’s face let him know he was spot on.

  “Did I interrupt something?” Scarlett asked.

  “No, I’m just letting Easton know the truth, and he clearly doesn’t understand.”

  “What did you hear?” Easton asked.

  He hadn’t lashed out or tried to take a step back. Liam considered that a plus.

  Clearly, he’d either shocked him into submission, or he’d gotten to the truth of the matter.

  Easton wanted him, but he didn’t know why or how much.

  “I heard enough.” Scarlett closed the door behind her. She’d taken off her sunglasses, and she had them closed in her fist. “Is it true? Do you want Liam and me to … be with you?”

  “To fuck him, Scarlett. To show him all the attention,” Liam said.

  “No, this is messed up,” Easton said.

  Scarlett closed the distance, putting a finger against his lips. “You don’t have to deny what you want. We’re all adults here. Remember, privacy is key, and we won’t share any details.”

  Easton chest rose and fell as he took deep breaths. He looked close to having a panic attack. Liam waited, but he didn’t back away.


  The word was whispered, almost in defeat, and then Easton shook his head, and was about to take a step back. The pain, the broken man before him, it broke Liam’s heart, and he wasn’t going to let him get away.

  Grabbing his face, Liam pulled him close and slammed his lips down on his.

  This wasn’t how he’d imagined their first kiss going, but it was enough to start.

  At first, Easton was tense in his arms, not moving, shocked. Liam didn’t stop. He kissed him hard and deep, and after a few seconds, Easton shyly responded.

  His touch was unsure, nervous, and so sexy.

  Moving him back, Liam pressed him against the wall, aware of Scarlett right beside them, waiting.

  Breaking from the kiss, he stared at Easton, who had his eyes closed.

  His lips looked a little swollen.

  Finally, he opened his eyes, and the heat shining back at him replaced whatever fear he must be feeling.

  “Isn’t it your turn to kiss me?” he asked, turning to look at Scarlett.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Easton had never kissed a man before.

  He’d never craved a man’s touch.

  He’d never wanted another man near him.

  Liam was so different in everything.

  Not only did he want him, but he didn’t want the kiss to stop. His lips, they tingled, and something felt so incredibly right and good.

  One glance at Scar, and he wanted her.
br />   “Kiss me,” he said.

  She stepped toward him, only a few steps. Liam gave them enough room for her to fit between them. His love of this woman, it hadn’t diminished in the years they’d been apart. It had only gotten stronger, and now, he didn’t have to hide it.

  She ran her hands up his chest to wrap around his neck. When her lips touched his, he sank his fingers into her hair, holding her head, as he kissed her.

  Liam stroked his fingers through his hair, trailing down his back. The touch was intimate, sexy, and it helped to reassure Easton.

  Breaking from the kiss, he looked at both of them, unsure.

  “I don’t know what I want anymore,” he said. “I’ve never been with a man. I’m so sorry, Scar.”

  “Why are you sorry?” she asked. “You think I don’t want to see this? You and Liam together.” She ran her hands up and down his chest, smiling. “I think it’s going to be so sexy watching the two of you, and I’ll get to join in as well. This isn’t about just us, Easton. This is about you as well. You’re not here out of some obligation, are you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then why can’t we do this?” she asked, smiling. “Have a weekend where today is all about you, and tomorrow, is all about him.” She reached out, putting a hand on Liam’s chest.

  Between them, she was the buffer, the one to bind them together.

  “I’m game. Especially if I get my own day.”

  Scar chuckled. “You’re already thinking of all the dirty things you can make us do.”

  “At least until Junior comes home.”

  “Until Junior,” she said, turning back to Easton. “What do you think?”

  “One day of being in charge. Of having the two of you devoted to me?”

  “Yes. So long as it doesn’t involve hurting ourselves or each other,” Liam said.

  “I wouldn’t do that,” Easton said. “I have no wish to cause pain to anyone.”

  “Yeah, well, it needs to be warned about. You can’t go around trusting everyone, believe me,” Liam said.

  Easton stared at the other man, wondering what exactly that meant. He would find out, someway.

  He wanted to know all of Liam’s secrets. Not to bring the man down, just to be there for him. Did Liam have anyone who took care of him? Who watched out for him? Easton had a feeling for a long time, Liam spent most of his life taking care of others, and even though he admired that, he wanted to be the one to take care of him, to offer some comfort back.

  “Do you want to do this?” she asked.

  “We won’t force you, Liam said.

  “Yes, I want to do this.” He stroked Scar’s cheek and turned to look at Liam. “I don’t know what this is. I don’t get it. I’ve never been attracted to any other men in my life. I’ve always been with women.” He looked toward Scar. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not going to. We couldn’t expect our time apart to be celibate. Not with the way we ended things.” She kissed him.

  “We can all learn together,” Liam said. “I won’t push you, Easton. Whatever you want to do, it’s all on you. Not me. You’re in charge, until tomorrow, or the stroke of midnight.” Liam winked at him, and he laughed.

  “Then we’re at your mercy,” Easton said.

  “What would you like?” Scar asked.

  “I’d like Liam to kiss me again.” He touched his lips. “I need to know something.”

  Scar stepped to the side, and Liam stood in front of him.

  His heart pounded, and his cock was so painfully hard. He’d never been in this position before.

  “Liam’s a good kisser,” Scar said. “No one would ever be able to resist him.”

  He couldn’t look away, and as Liam pressed his body against him, Easton felt the evidence of Liam’s arousal.

  “You feel what you do to me? What you and Scarlett do to me?” Liam asked.


  “I want this, and more than that, I want you to want this,” he said.

  “I do,” Easton said.

  Scar took his hand; she was so close.

  When Liam kissed him, Scar was there, grounding him.

  Easton was terrified, aroused, curious, desperate, hungry, wanting more. So much more.

  Liam slid his tongue across his lips, and Easton moaned, opening his mouth for him to plunder inside. When he did, Easton let go of Scar’s hand and cupped Liam’s face, deepening the kiss. Wanting more from him.

  There was a hunger inside him that had awakened, and now he needed these two more than anything.

  “We’ve got you, Easton,” Scar said. “You don’t ever have to be alone again.”

  He didn’t know how long he would have these two, but he would hold them for as long as possible.

  “Let’s take this to the bedroom,” he said.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Liam took the lead, picking Scar up on his way past. Easton followed behind them. His excitement grew with every single passing step. He wanted this more than anything.

  His dick was so hard, and he wanted Liam as much as he did Scar. Again, where the fuck was this need coming from? No man had ever appealed to him in his life, and yet, here he was, craving Liam’s hands on his body.

  They entered their room, and Liam dropped Scar on the bed. She gave a quick bounce, a laugh, and her gaze moved to his. “You want to join me?” she asked.

  “No, I want Liam to undress me and you to get naked so I can watch.”

  Scar knelt on the bed. The bikini didn’t exactly hide anything, but he wanted her open, exposed, and ready to take his cock when he was ready.

  “Are you going to order me?” Liam asked. His brow raised, hands on his hips. He looked formidable, but Easton saw the clear outline of his dick pressed against his pants. Liam wasn’t a small man, and from the times he’d seen Liam with Scar, the man was packing some serious length.

  Now, he didn’t want to just look at Liam. Easton wanted to touch.

  “Undress me, Mr. Knight.”

  “I like you all commanding,” Liam said, approaching him.

  Easton expected him to be rough, but again, he was surprised. Liam didn’t need to be rushed to do something he wanted.

  Slowly, he ran his hands up his chest, and one by one, opened up the buttons on his shirt.

  He stared into Liam’s blue eyes, hypnotized by the sharpness of them as he pushed the shirt off his body.

  Liam stroked his fingers down across his chest, and Scar moaned.

  Staring across the room, he saw she was still in her bikini, but she was biting her lip, rubbing herself between her thighs.

  “You like what you see?” Easton asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I? You both are so handsome.”

  “Just handsome?” Liam asked.

  “You’re both so much more than that,” she said.

  “Didn’t he tell you to get naked?”

  “I’m the one doing the ordering. Get naked, Scar. Let’s see your body. It belongs to both of us.” It felt so good saying those words.

  She did belong to both of them.

  The bikini bra was the first to go, those glorious fat tits of hers spilling out. They were more than a handful, and by the end of the night, he wanted them swinging in front of his face as he fucked her hard.

  Liam took his attention away for a split second to sink to his knees. Seeing the powerful man kneeling before him had Easton’s stomach twisting. It didn’t feel right to see him like this, and yet, as he loosened his belt, it was exactly what he needed without even realizing it.

  As Scar pushed her bikini bottoms down, Liam released Easton’s aching dick. It was so hard it was at the point of pain.

  He watched Liam wrap his fingers around the length, working up and down. The tip was already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum.


  “Do you like that?” Liam asked.


  “I can make it feel even better.”

sp; Easton didn’t know how he could do that, but he wasn’t about to argue with the man.

  Liam’s lips went over the tip of his cock, and Easton cried out.

  Looking over at Scar, she sat on the edge of the bed, watching.

  “Spread your legs. Play with your pussy as you watch your husband suck my dick.”

  The pleasure was so intense.

  Liam wasn’t playing around. The man knew what he was doing, and Easton felt close to coming. He’d been with his share of women, and not since he was a young virgin boy had he come so quickly.

  He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything, even Carla, to try to keep his orgasm from spilling out of the tip.

  Nothing worked.

  Liam took him to the back of his throat, and as the man gagged, he reached behind him, stroking over his anus, and it was all just too much for Easton.

  Against his own wishes, he came and did so hard, spilling his cum deep into Liam’s throat.

  The man before him wasn’t disgusted. He swallowed his cum down, moaning as he did. Easton didn’t think he’d ever be sane again as he collapsed against the wall.

  “Now, I think it’s only fair I go and pleasure our woman,” Liam said, licking his lips clean of the creamy cum.

  Easton nodded. He’d wanted to be the one to make Scar come but for now, he would settle with watching her with Liam.

  Finding the will to move, he walked over to Scar, and as Liam licked and sucked at her pussy, Easton cupped her face, turning her toward him, pressing his lips to hers, capturing every moan and scream Liam evoked.

  These were all his.

  Scar belonged to him, just as he was hers. He wasn’t sure yet what this all meant with Liam, but he was willing to give this a shot.

  As Scar came, he broke away from the kiss to watch. She shook in his arms until Liam finally let her go. He sat back with her cum on his chin.


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