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Healthy Scratch

Page 28

by Robyn M Ryan

  “You okay, babe?”

  She leaned forward and dipped her head below her knees. She vaguely heard Dave’s voice and tried to nod, telling herself she would not faint. After a few moments, the darkness receded. She felt him beside her, his arm holding her against him. She slowly raised her head and looked at him.

  “Not the time for a panic attack,” she tried to joke in a raspy voice.

  He pressed a bottle of water into her hand and guided it toward her mouth. “Take a sip, squirt.” As she drank the water, Lauren felt calm replacing the panic. The strong arm that held her against Dave’s side would squash anyone’s fears. She leaned into his rock-solid, comforting body, reminding herself that it wasn’t a dream.

  “I’m all right, Marty. Just a bit overwhelmed for a second.”

  She watched his eyes as he brushed her hair away from her face. “And not at the thought of Cam flirting with Cassie.” He smiled slightly. “You don’t need to do this, Lauren. I can handle it.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll do my part. Just so you stay close.”

  He chuckled. “Does glued to your side work for you?”

  “Literally, yes.” She ran her hand against his suit jacket and pretended to adjust his tie.

  “We have a receptive, friendly audience. Remember? Friends, teammates, season ticket holders—you know most of the people.”

  “I know that up here.” She pointed toward her head.

  “Everyone is here to listen to your message, babe.”

  “Our message,” she corrected, taking another deep breath.

  “Squirt, we’ll go out there side-by-side. If you need back-up at any point, I’ll jump in. Just so long as you do the same for me when I’m speaking.”

  Lauren smiled softly. “We’ll knock it out of the park, partner.”

  “Score a hat trick,” he countered with a grin.

  She reached to kiss his cheek, careful not to leave a hint of lipstick. She lightly rubbed the skin. “I just hope we help someone.”


  Neither expected the packed ballroom—many, many more people than expected—when Dave and Lauren walked hand-in-hand to the center of the stage. The Suns’ assistant general manager Robert Chapman introduced them and the program the Suns organization had committed to support.

  “Thank you both, Lauren and Dave, for helping us launch this initiative to raise awareness of the toxic wave of cyber-bullying that targets the entire population—children through adults. No one’s immune, especially if you have an online presence. The damage caused by this type of ‘anonymous’ bullying cannot be measured, but we’ve all heard the tragic consequences of bullying—and, unfortunately, our children and teens are especially vulnerable. The Suns are partnering with school counselors, churches, civic groups, and community organizations to shine the spotlight on this epidemic. We’re very thankful that two members of our Suns family chose to break the silence on this topic—from personal experience.” He pretended to cover the mic with his hand. “You have a very receptive audience. You’re among friends, so just tell us your story.”

  Dave squeezed Lauren’s hand as they stepped to the podium. “We’ve got this, babe,” he whispered in her ear. Once the program began, Lauren’s case of nerves evaporated, and she fell into the familiar role of seminar leader. Her eyes swept the crowd as she spoke, the nonverbal feedback supportive and encouraging. The lights prevented her from seeing individual faces, but she felt her friends’ presence.

  They presented their experiences in a straight-forward manner, often changing who spoke. No matter how much Lauren relaxed, she never released Dave’s hand. He squeezed it when he knew she described incidents that triggered deep emotions.

  When Dave brought the presentation to a close, reemphasizing the issues they’d discussed, he added a challenge to fellow athletes in all sports. “Let’s pledge not to use another athlete’s family to get under a player’s skin. We call it ‘chirping,’” he added to the non-athletes in the audience. “Loved ones are off-limits—you can’t control what’s said to you, but you sure as hell can control what comes from your own mouth. If the Suns adopt zero tolerance in the area, maybe we can encourage others to do the same.”

  This challenge brought his teammates to their feet, clapping in a show of support, followed by the coaches, front office staff, upper management, and ultimately the entire audience. Lauren’s vision blurred as she looked from the audience to Dave, realizing she still clutched his hand.

  “Sorry,” she whispered as she rubbed his reddened skin, choking back a giggle when he brushed her other hand aside and relinked their fingers. He raised his hand, indicating that they had more to say. After they took turns thanking all who’d helped to organize and support the event, Dave took the mic and stepped to the side of the podium, tugging Lauren beside him.

  She cocked her head to the side, trying to read his expression, but all she caught was a sparkle in his eyes and a crooked smile. She felt herself growing warm as Dave proudly praised her courage and willingness to tell her story. She blinked back tears as he continued to speak, trying not to react to his words. She looked down, hoping he’d stop before she lost control of her emotions. When she heard the word love, her eyes whipped toward him, seeing the smile he reserved only for her and a new, almost bronze shade in his brown eyes.

  She barely heard his whispered, “Please don’t kill me,” before he released her hand just long enough to pull a small box from his pocket. He grasped her hand again as his eyes locked with hers and he took a knee before her. Lauren tried to memorize his words as he pledged his love for her, shaking her head in disbelief when he asked her to spend the rest of their lives together, begin a new branch of their families. Then, as Lauren struggled to find her voice, he added. “Will you marry me, Ms. Gentry?”

  Lauren nodded furiously as she tugged him to his feet. She managed a hoarse, “Yes,” as her voice cracked, and she didn’t know if he heard her. His eyes flashed a hint of relief, and he slipped the most beautiful diamond ring Lauren could imagine onto her finger. When he kissed her hand, she moved toward him. Slipping one hand behind his neck, she pulled him toward her until she could gaze directly into his eyes. “I love you, Mr. Martin—yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Whistles and catcalls erupted as Dave swept her into his arms with a kiss that left no doubt in Lauren’s mind. She slipped her other arm around his neck and stepped up on tiptoes to respond to the kiss until she was positive he also had no doubts.


  Before the program concluded, Angela supplied specific areas for volunteers and fielded many questions from the audience. Backstage, Lauren leaned back against Dave’s chest, emotionally exhausted, yet filled with love and happiness she never imagined. She pulled away slightly so she could see his face.

  “You took my breath away, Marty. I tried to memorize what you said, but seeing you on your knee, the box in your hand, I couldn’t even talk.”

  A smile quirked the corners of his mouth. “I believe you made your point, Ms. Gentry. Once you started nodding your head, my heart started beating again.”

  “You knew I’d say yes!”

  “Um, never one hundred percent sure with you, squirt. You didn’t see my hands shaking when I pulled out the box?”

  Lauren shook her head as she turned to face him. “No, I heard you whisper something about not killing you.” She slipped her hands around his neck. “Not a single nanosecond of doubt. I would have shouted yes if I could have caught my breath. Do you need a do-over, Mr. Martin?”

  “And give you a chance to change your mind? Hell, no.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. All too soon, he pulled back and nodded past her shoulder as the program ended. “Rain check, babe? Angela will probably tell us to mingle and schmooze with the guests.”

  “A nice long rain check? Like for hours and hours?” She watched his eyes darken.

  “Babe, long enough to build an ark.”


  When Lauren and Dave joined the
audience in the ballroom, friends and attendees swept over them like a tsunami. Dave tried to keep Lauren close, but Caryn, Cassie, Terri, and Kelly swarmed around her, taking her to a less-crowded area of the ballroom. She looked over her shoulder with a smile and a shrug, then blew a kiss toward him.

  Dave had volunteered to answer media questions, and when he finished his teammates gathered, offering congratulations, high-fives, and compliments on the program.

  “You know we’re all in on this campaign?” Reese Eckstrom emphasized.

  “Thanks—that’s very much appreciated.” Dave clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder as his gaze tracked Lauren’s movement in the ballroom. The Suns’ wives continued to monopolize Lauren’s time. By the constant smiles and periodic laughter, he assumed wedding plans were the topic of the moment.

  “Set a date?” Andrew stopped beside him, offering a bottle of water.

  “I guess whenever Lauren wants.” He saw Andrew’s sympathetic smile. “You obviously know the drill, Chad.”

  “Just agree to everything she wants. And pray no family member hijacks her plans.”

  “Luckily, I don’t think we’ll have any issues there. How’s your new nanny working out?” Dave glanced at Lauren’s niece, on the outskirts of the group chatting with Camden.

  “Cassie? Caryn says she’s a huge help—does more than just watch the twins. I’m thankful Caryn stopped being so stubborn about hiring someone to help. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly before training camp.”

  “Not that long now. Playing for the Cup takes a chunk out of the off-season.” Dave shook his head. “We leave for our Greek Island cruise in a few days. Hey, if Cassie, Caryn, and you are here—who’s on baby duty?”

  “Tom and Katie. Cassie offered to stay with them, but Caryn said she needed to support Lauren.”

  “I agree. Did you see who she sat with—and now hovering around?” He nodded toward Cam and Cassie.

  Andrew groaned. “Don’t worry, Caryn will keep an eye on him. We’ll set up some house rules before leaving the twins alone with your future niece.”

  “I plan to chat with him.” Dave shook his head. “Lauren thinks he’s a good kid, not too concerned.”

  “Well, all I can say is that she hasn’t seen him when we’re on the road.” Andrew shook his head. “I’ll have a chat with the kid, also. I’m pretty sure Caryn will watch him like a hawk, anyway.”

  Dave lifted his bottle and tapped it against Andrew’s. “To drama-free days until training camp begins.”


  WHEN THEY RETURNED home several hours later, Lauren commented on the lights glowing in the interior. “I don’t remember leaving that many lights on.”

  Dave laughed as he pulled the car into the garage. “I’m not surprised, babe. Things were rather hectic, remember?”

  “Yeah, I was rather nervous.”

  He opened the car door and held out his hand. “Never noticed.”

  She looked at him expecting to see a teasing expression or even a smirk, but she recognized only love radiating from him. “Whether or not you admit it, you talked me off the ledge—again. It’s only because of you that I could speak to that audience.”

  “Let’s just say we’re an unstoppable team.” He took her hand as they entered the side door. “I don’t know about you, I’m famished.”

  “Oh…we should have picked something up, Marty. I don’t think there’s anything…” Lauren stopped as they entered the kitchen. Heavenly aromas filled the air, a bottle of wine and two glasses sat on the counter, and when Lauren looked around, she glimpsed the dining room table set for two. Dim lighting, flickering candles, and beautiful vases filled with flowers created the most romantic ambiance she could imagine. How did he…? “You also manage the impossible, Marty?”

  His smiled threatened to turn her into a puddle. “Not impossible, babe—just gotta know the right people.” He wrapped an arm around her and led her to a chair at the counter. “Glass of wine?”

  Speechless, Lauren could only nod as she watched Dave pour two glasses of wine and grab a small platter of cheese and fruit from the refrigerator. He set it on the counter and sat beside her, and then held up his wine glass. His brown eyes threatened to hypnotize Lauren, but she couldn’t look away. “My amazing, courageous, and stunning Energizer Bunny. I know how hard today was for you, but you scored that hat trick—I can’t tell you how proud I am. I promise to show you every day how much I love you.”

  Lauren fought the lump in her throat and blinked to keep tears from escaping. “I dreaded today and worried about it for weeks. But, every time I thought about canceling, I reminded myself that with you beside me—my amazing source of strength who taught me to trust love—we can do anything. Even stand in front of a packed ballroom and share the secrets about the life I’d hidden from everyone—including the person I love more than I believed possible. You’ve shown me that love is infinite…and can only grow stronger every day.” She sipped her wine with a small smile. “That’s what I wanted to say when you asked me to marry you—but the only thing I could manage was to nod my head like one of those bobbleheads.”

  Dave laughed as he grabbed her and lifted her onto his lap. “I heard you loud and clear, Ms. Gentry.” He picked up a chocolate-dipped strawberry and held it to her lips. The sweetness of the chocolate blended with the slightly tart strawberry caused an involuntary moan, and Lauren returned the favor by selecting one for Dave.

  His eyes gleamed as she offered it to him. “Chocolate and strawberries—never thought of that combination as an aphrodisiac.” Lauren trembled slightly as he ran his fingers along her arm. “How about we move this to a more relaxing location?”

  “You know I’ll follow you anywhere, Mr. Martin.” She took the tray as he picked up the wine bottle and two glasses, and then followed him to the spa tub. More candlelight awaited them, and Lauren caught the smoldering look that grew in his eyes. She set the fruit tray on a table, then reached for the wine bottle and glasses. “If you’ll excuse me one minute, I’ll join you in the tub.”


  Much later that night, they lay facing each other in bed. Dave brushed his palm along Lauren’s hair and pulled the covers higher around her when he saw her shiver. “Did you and your wedding planners decide on a date for our nuptials?”

  “No, I can tell you about a hundred ideas for wedding themes that I don’t even want to think about.”

  “What do you want? Do you have a dream wedding?”

  He watched as Lauren’s eyes as she thought. “I never got into the Disney princess thing. I know what I don’t want—a huge production out of our control.”

  “Like Andrew and Caryn’s Montreal wedding?”

  Lauren rolled her eyes at the memory. “Yep. There are a lot of things about that weekend I’d rather forget. But, as everyone piled on themes and ideas, one thought kept popping into my head.”

  “What’s that?” Dave tucked strands of auburn hair behind her ear.

  “Promise you won’t laugh.”

  “Cross my heart.”

  “Promise you’ll tell me if you hate it.”

  “Hope to die…Spit it out, Lauren. If I remember the next line of that rhyme correctly, I’m not saying it.”

  “What would you think about eloping?” He saw her green eyes hesitantly meet his.

  “We can start there. Just don’t say Vegas with Elvis presiding in a drive-through chapel.” He pretended to flinch as she swatted his hand away from her face.

  “I never mentioned ‘tacky,’ Smarty-Marty.”

  “Okay, I’ll shut up. Tell me your idea.”

  “We leave for Barcelona in four days.” Dave nodded when she looked at him.

  “What if we get married on the boat? Or in Barcelona? Or even Greece or Paris?”

  He saw the green eyes sparkle with excitement. “So, you’re thinking a totally secret elopement. No one knows until it’s too late to object?”

  Lauren giggled. “That thought never cros
sed my mind, Marty. I was just thinking you and me, someplace incredibly romantic…Aren’t ship captains allowed to marry people?”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.” Dave shrugged with a smile. “You thinking about recruiting an elderly couple to be our witnesses?”

  “Honorary grandparents. That’s a great idea.” A frown crossed her face. “But you’d want your parents and brother and sisters there. I didn’t even think about that.”

  “We could work around that, babe. I’m not in favor of them coming along on the cruise.” He tapped her shoulder so Lauren would look at him. “We could plan a destination wedding. If not in Barcelona, then maybe in one port on the cruise. Guests go enjoy themselves, we sail away on the ship.”

  “That’s not much notice, though.” Lauren bit her bottom lip.

  “That’s a perk of a destination wedding. Not that many guests actually come.”

  “Some will feel they need to come, especially if the airfare’s not an issue.” She sighed and shook her head. “That’s more complicated than planning a wedding. Stupid idea.”

  Dave thought for a moment. Sure, having my family at the wedding means a lot. But Lauren may not want her mother or sister to come. Too much too soon. I get that. “Think about this, squirt. We leave on the trip, say nothing about a wedding—or say you’ll plan when we get back. Then, we get carried away with the beauty and romance, get married and tell everybody when we’re home.” He saw a smile hint at the corners of her mouth. “We can plan a huge celebration—before training camp—and everyone’s invited. We can rent a ballroom, blocks of rooms, and then no hassle deciding who stays where.”


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