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The Chalet

Page 8

by Tara Sue Me

  It wasn’t my place to speak out of turn when I had his collar on, so I remained still and silent. He studied me for several long seconds and then turned.

  I waited as he walked over to a short couch and sat down. It was then I noticed the tube sitting on the cushion beside him and I gulped.

  “Come across my lap,” he said. “I’m going to spend some time reacquainting myself with your ass.”

  He didn’t often have me over his knees, knowing it wasn’t one of my favorite positions to be in. I had a feeling I was in for a long day.

  “How long has it been since I’ve spanked you?” he asked when I’d situated myself.

  “I don’t know, Master. Maybe five weeks?”

  “About thirty-five days.” He started rubbing my backside. “That sounds about right.”

  He continued with his rubbing, every once and awhile dipping a finger between my legs, checking to see if I was wet. I was, of course, and every time he checked, he’d bring his finger to my mouth for me to clean.

  “I’ve spanked you for your pleasure and I’ve spanked you for your disobedience.” His hands got rougher. “Today I spank you because it pleases me to do so. It’s been thirty-five days, so I’m going to spank you thirty-five times. Fifteen with my hand, fifteen with the paddle, and five with the leather strap. I won’t make you count.”

  Apparently, he considered the rubbing a warm up, because when his hand came down upon my flesh for the first time, it definitely wasn’t a swat to prepare me. I grunted.

  “Your ass has gotten soft,” he said. “And it’s my job to toughen it back up.”

  The first fifteen were hard, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Especially since between swats, he’d play with my clit and drive me right to the edge of release. Even though he’d said I didn’t have to count, I did so anyway in my head and I breathed a sigh of relief when he finished the first set. But he didn’t pick up the paddle like I thought he would. Instead, I felt his slick fingers pressing against my anus.

  “Five weeks since I spanked you,” he said. “How long do you think it’s been since I’ve taken you here?”

  “Uh, two, mmm, two and a half months.”

  He hummed, pressing just inside with his finger. “And in those two and a half months how many times did you use a plug?”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


  “None, Master.”

  “None? Did it not occur to you that I’d take your ass this week?”

  I swallowed hard and told the truth. “It must have slipped my mind.”

  He removed his finger. “I’m fucking your ass today whether it slipped your mind or not. And since you’re not prepared, I’ll have to prepare you my way.”

  I wasn’t so sure I wanted to know what his way was.

  “You brought this on yourself,” he said as a large plug pressed against my tight opening and I flinched. “This is actually smaller than I am and I used plenty of lube. Bear down, take it, and be thankful I’m using it first and not just shoving my cock up your ass.”

  I relaxed as much as possible while he pushed the monstrous thing inside me. It stretched and burned going in, but he was right, it was better that he used the plug first. As much as I was gritting my teeth against the sharp pain, I knew it was nothing like what I’d be experiencing if I had to take him inside me first.

  I let out a sigh when it slid in all the way, surprised at how full I felt. Ten weeks had made a noticeable difference.

  “That’s it,” he said, slipping a hand between my legs and teasing me back into arousal. “Kneel beside the couch and think about how you should have prepared yourself.”

  I moved to my knees and into my waiting position while he walked off toward the direction of the bathroom. Water ran for a brief moment and in the silence that followed, I ran through all the opportunities I’d had to use a plug over the last ten weeks. It was true it had slipped my mind, and I knew it shouldn’t have.

  He came back into the bedroom and sat down on the couch, placing the paddle and strap beside him. “Look at me, Abigail.”

  I lifted my head.

  “Did you do some thinking?”

  “Yes, Master.”


  “And I had plenty of opportunity to use my plugs. To prepare myself for you. I’m sorry, Master.” It was the truth. In all my wedding and honeymoon preparations, I should have made sure I was adequately prepared. I almost added, “But I did wax,” then decided against it.

  “Apology accepted,” he said. “But since you didn’t prepare for the possibility of anal sex, I’m not going to allow you to orgasm as a result of it. When I take you, it’ll be for my pleasure only. Do you understand?”

  Damn it all. My orgasms stemming from anal sex were some of the most intense ones I had. “Yes, Master.”

  “I’m glad you see things my way. And just so we’re clear, if you do orgasm without my permission, it’ll be the last one you have for a long time. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.” He’d withheld orgasms from me before, so I knew he wasn’t joking, honeymoon or not.

  “Very good.” He patted his lap. “Now come back here so I can continue with your spanking torment.”

  Torment was a good word for what he did. My backside was only the tiniest bit sore from the first spanking, so he resumed his rubbing torture. And again he kept me right on the edge of pleasure by teasing my clit and stroking my needy flesh.

  “No need to count,” he said, right before bringing the paddle down the first time.

  With the plug in place, I felt all kinds of full as it was. Add in his seeking fingers and the paddle that brought just enough pain to be pleasurable and before long I was squirming on his lap.

  “That’s a lot of wiggling for a forgetful submissive who won’t be coming anytime soon,” he said, halfway through the set of fifteen. “If you were smart, you’d be still.”

  He was right, there was no use in trying to get more friction where I needed it, since it’d be a while before he allowed me to climax. I didn’t even want to think about what would happen if I came without permission.

  “Sorry, Master.” I planted my feet firmly on the floor and held on tightly to his calves.

  “Seven more,” he said, smacking downward so the paddle landed directly over the plug. It shifted deeper into me and I felt my hips rock against his thigh.

  So good. It felt so good.

  I closed my eyes as the last six fell. He set the paddle down and ran a finger between my legs.

  “Such a wicked girl,” he said. “So aroused after her spanking. I think we may start each day of our honeymoon with a spanking. What do you think?”

  Was he really asking me that? How would that work since I wouldn’t be wearing his collar every day? He didn’t expect me to wear it for the next two weeks, did he?

  “We’ll have to have this discussion a little later,” he said. “Now isn’t the right time. For now, be very still. I’m going to remove the plug.”

  The damn thing was just as uncomfortable being removed as it had been going in. I think I may have cut off the blood circulation to his ankles at one point, I grabbed his leg so tightly.

  When it was out, I lay panting across his lap with him stroking my hair. “Good job, my lovely. Next time you’ll make sure you prepare yourself, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.” Damn straight I would.

  “Five more to go,” he said. “I think I’ll let you choose how you’ll get them. You can either stay over my knees and suck my cock in thanks after or you can bend across the bed, but I’ll spank your pussy with the strap for the last two.”

  Six months ago, I wouldn’t even have considered it. Spank me there? With a strap? No, thank you! But he’d spent time working me gradually and now, while it hurt initially, the sharp wave of pleasure made it worthwhile. So it was tempting . . .

  “I’ll stay across your knees, Master,” I answered.

  “Very well,” he said. “Kneel on
the floor and tell me why.”

  It was, I swear, his new favorite thing to do, asking me to tell him why. I’d questioned him on it when he first started. His response was that it gave him insight into how and what I was thinking and also helped him know what I did and didn’t like.

  I slipped from his lap and knelt by his feet. Since he asked for a reply, I knew he wanted me to look at him while I answered.

  “I don’t like being over your knees, but I love having you in my mouth, so based on those two items alone, it’s a wash.”

  He nodded. “Thoughts on option two?”

  “You know I prefer to be over the bed, and I’ve come to like it when you take a strap to me that way.”

  “Yes,” he said. “That’s why I thought you’d go for the second option.”

  “But,” I continued. “You also told me not to come before you gave permission or else I wouldn’t come for a long time.”

  “Ah, I see.” He stroked my hair. “You were afraid you might come from the strap?”

  I nodded.

  “Wise decision,” he said. “Well thought-out with all options considered. And you did an excellent job of explaining your thought process to me. I think we’ve both made a lot of progress during the last few months.”

  It always made me feel warm all over when I pleased him. “I think so, too, Master.”

  He picked up the strap. “Come here and let’s finish that spanking.”

  While I used to be frightened of the strap, as long as he wasn’t using it for punishment, I wasn’t anymore. I’d learned he knew how to wield it to bring pain-laced pleasure as well as plain pain. I went back across his lap knowing only pleasure awaited me.

  I was correct. The last five strokes, when combined with his expert fingers, brought the sharp pleasure I craved. I was panting with need when he finished the last one.

  He kept me on his lap for a few minutes, rubbing a soothing cream over my sore flesh and telling me how much he enjoyed me and how he’d missed this time between us. When he finally told me to thank him with my mouth, I ached to have him in me in any way possible.

  I figured he wouldn’t finish in my mouth since he’d been so insistent about anal sex. As such, I took my time, undoing his pants and stripping him out of them. I palmed his balls and cupped him gently before ever so slowly taking him in my mouth.

  I swirled my tongue around his tip, mimicking the way he’d teased my clit. And when I deep throated him, he sucked in a breath. After that, he kept his hands in my hair, ensuring I didn’t take him too deeply. I assumed he was afraid if I deep throated him again, he might come.

  My suspicions were confirmed when, moments later, he pulled back and commanded me to bend across the bed.

  “Missed this ass,” he said, giving me a playful swat. “I’m never going two and a half months without taking it again. Hold yourself open.”

  I did as he asked, allowing him the room to prepare me. He’d brought the warming lube and I sighed as he spread it over and inside me.

  “Like that?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master. I’ve missed you taking me.”

  Unlike times past, he didn’t use his fingers first. As soon as he finished with the lube, his slick cock was pressing against me. I tensed my muscles.

  One of his fingers played with my clit. “Relax, my lovely.”

  “Sorry, Master.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, Master. Please don’t stop.”

  “I need you to relax. This might be for my pleasure, but I don’t want you hurt.”

  His subtle reminder that he was still looking out for my needs and was doing what was best for me was what I needed to hear to relax further.

  “There you go,” he said, holding my hips and pressing into me.

  His fingers slipped between my legs and he stroked me there as his tip passed inside me. He might have said this was for his pleasure only, but he was ensuring I got something out of it, even if that something wasn’t an orgasm.

  “Fuck, Abigail. You feel incredible.”

  I pushed my hips back toward him. “You don’t feel bad yourself, Master.”

  He chuckled and gave me a swat. “Don’t think flattery will get you an orgasm.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “Yes, you would.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  During our banter, he’d worked himself deeper, so with a final push and a coarsely spoken, “I know I’m right,” he was buried inside me.

  I bit the comforter as he pulled out and started a slow and torturous push and pull. Then he added his fingers back to my achy flesh and I started chanting.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  “Exactly,” he said.

  The feel of him inside me that way was exquisite in its pleasure. Anal sex always seemed so dark and forbidden, it never failed to turn me on. Though I tried not to, it wasn’t long before I was begging.

  “Please, Master, let me come.”


  I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from begging again and clasped the comforter in my fist. My eyes damn near rolled to the back of my head when his fingers started pumping into my pussy in time with the strokes of his cock in my ass.

  “Please,” I whined.

  “Stop begging or else I’ll pull out, gag you, and fuck you slowly for hours.”

  I didn’t doubt him, so instead of focusing on what he was doing to my body, I recited the alphabet backwards. In German.

  “Damn it, Abigail. If you’re going to speak in foreign languages at least say something interesting.”

  “Sorry, Master. I thought I was doing that in my head.”

  He thrust at an angle that made me squeal. “Well, you weren’t.”

  His breathing was getting choppy and his thrusts harder and faster. I hoped beyond hope that meant he was close. I knew I sure was. And I knew I couldn’t take much more.

  Mercifully, he slipped his fingers from me and grabbed my hips. He rocked into me a few more times before blessedly climaxing. I breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful I had been able to hold back my own release.

  He peppered kisses across my back, lightly stroking my arms before pulling us both up on the bed. He curled us up on our sides, spooning. His touch was gentle, all trace of teasing gone as if he knew how precariously close I was to orgasm.

  “Ist alles in Ordnung?” he asked and I laughed. He tightened his arms around me.

  “Yes, Meister, I’m okay.”

  “Meister? Mmm, I like that, too.” He pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “Still want to come?”

  “Yes,” I said and thought about my answer some more. “But interestingly enough, I’ll be okay if I don’t.”

  “Really? Explain.”

  I ran my fingers down the length of one of his arms and placed my hand over his. “Right here, right now, I’m completely content. I still feel the need to come, but it’s lost in the satisfaction I feel at knowing you’re pleased with me.”

  He kissed the back of my neck. “So pleased. I know that wasn’t easy.”

  No, it hadn’t been easy, but I’d done it for him and would do it again in a minute if he asked. He held me for a time and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of being in my Master’s arms.

  Eventually, he kissed the back of my neck again and gave my butt a slap. “Break time’s over. Go stand in front of a window.”


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