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The Chalet

Page 9

by Tara Sue Me

  A small part of me balked, a natural reaction I assumed for a person being told to go stand naked in front of a window. Of course I knew that no one could possibly see me, but my heart still raced as I moved off the bed and toward the edge of the room. I heard him walk into the bathroom and the sound of running water. It was several minutes before he returned.

  “Hands above your head,” he commanded. “And press yourself against the glass.”

  The glass was cold as I placed my hands above me and I pressed my forehead against it hoping to help alleviate some of the heat I felt. Looking out the window I only saw white: the snow falling, the mountains around us, and the drifts below. In the distance, I caught glimpses of the village and in the far distance, the towering Matterhorn.

  I was so caught up in the beauty of the scenery, I didn’t realize he’d come behind me until I felt the slap of a flogger against my butt.

  “Look at you,” he said, his voice low and deep. “All spread out against the window.” The flogger struck again. “Just think of all those people down below and what they would think if they could see you.” The flogger struck my upper thigh. “Naked.” It hit again. “Turned on by being flogged.”

  He continued his low murmurings, and as the blows of the flogger grew harder and harder, I found myself getting lost in a sea of white. The snow swirled around me, somehow tying together the sharp slap of the flogger and the sweetness of his fingers, touching me just so.

  All the while, his voice was my anchor. He kept up a constant low murmuring, allowing me to focus on him while surrendering my body to the sensations he created. For that time, he was my lifeline as I floated in a swirl of pleasure.

  The flogger was soft against my back and harder along my thighs. It danced seductively between my legs. And all the while he caressed me with his voice. It seemed like no time at all before the blows became slow and soft.

  “Green,” I said. He couldn’t stop. It’d been too long since I’d had this feeling, I needed more. “Green, please.”

  “I don’t think so, my lovely. You’ve had enough for now.”

  “Please,” I whined.

  “Later,” he said. “Right now you’re not in a place to make a sound decision.”

  I begged to differ, but as he slowed the flogger, his fingers picked up their speed. I ground my hips greedily against his hand. “You’re right, Master. This is much better,” I panted.

  He laughed. “I still haven’t given you permission to come.”

  “Oops.” I stilled my hips.

  His body pressed along the back of mine. “Maybe soon. Maybe I’ll fuck you against the window.”

  I knew if I said anything, I’d just beg and he’d already warned me about the begging. So instead, I bit the inside of my cheeks and stifled my moan.

  “Would you like that, my dirty girl?”

  “Yes, Master. So much.”

  I heard the flogger drop to the ground. “Brace yourself.”

  It was all the warning I got because in the next second, he was sliding into me. I moaned as he entered me completely.

  “Feels so good,” he said, his hands coming to rest beside mine on the window. “I wish there were people outside. So they could watch me fuck you.”

  I pressed my cheek to the window and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of having him inside me. My breasts were hitting the window with each of his thrusts into me. The chill of the glass intensified the heat he was creating within my body. I balled my hands into fists as he pounded deeper and harder and faster.

  “Please,” I whispered again when I felt I was at my breaking point. “Master.”

  He slipped a hand between us and teased my clit. “Going to come against the window with my dick inside you?”

  Oh, god. Was this a test? His hips rocked and I lifted myself up on my toes to allow for his penetration. “If it pleases you, Master.”

  “Oh, it pleases me, Abigail.” He said with a thrust. “Come when you wish.”

  I lasted for only seconds before my climax claimed my body and I came in one long wave after another. He stiffened behind me and covered my body with his own as his release followed.

  Afterward, we were both quiet and still.

  “Thank you, Master,” I finally murmured.

  He scooped me gently up in his arms and carried me to the bed. “Bitte schön, my lovely.”

  I sighed and curled up next to him. He stroked my hair and pressed kisses to the back of my neck. “Didn’t realize how much I missed that,” I said.

  “Neither did I.”

  Usually after a play session, I was tired and would have slept in his arms for an hour or so. Today, for some reason, I felt energized. I rolled over to face him and propped myself up on an elbow. “Can we talk for a few minutes, Master?”

  A soft smile covered his face. “Of course.”

  “You said you didn’t know how much you’d miss it. What’s the longest you’ve gone without playing?” I knew it hadn’t been the month we’d just had. Maybe it was the time we’d been apart.

  “I suppose it would be when I dated Melanie.”

  “Right,” I said. I’d actually forgotten about her, the woman he’d tried to have a vanilla relationship with. It was shortly after breaking up with her that I interviewed to be his submissive.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “I just wondered if it surprised you when you played again? How much you missed it.”

  “It did,” he said. “I think that’s why I went against my gut feeling and invited Gwen to play.”

  “But that didn’t work out.” Gwen had been the opposite of Melanie and needed more pain than what he was willing to give.

  “Just because our needs within the power exchange didn’t align. It wasn’t that we didn’t both want the power exchange itself.”

  Not wanting to discuss another woman on our honeymoon, especially one he’d played with, I changed the subject. “So why were you surprised today?”

  “Probably because I’ve been enjoying our everyday time so much.” His eyes grew playful. “Especially since that month thing is over.”

  “So you’re so excited to have sex again, you’ll take it any way you can?” I teased.

  “Look who’s being sassy with my collar on,” he said with a smile.

  “So you’re so excited to have sex again, you’ll take it any way you can, Master?” Normally, I wouldn’t be so flippant while wearing his collar, but I felt so good and he was relaxed and easygoing.

  Quick as a cat, he had me flipped to my back and loomed over me. “I believe, Abigail, that collar means I can have all the sex I want, anytime I want. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  His expression was so intense, I bit back the smart remark I had dancing on my tongue and replied with a simple, “Of course, Master.”

  The intensity of his face didn’t change, but his eyes darkened with desire. “Damn straight,” he said, seconds before his lips crushed mine in a kiss so full of passion, I forgot what we’d been discussing.

  When he broke the kiss, he remained over me, his legs between mine and his hands on either side of my head. “Speaking of how long it’s been since we’ve played, how are you feeling?”

  At his question, I realized how sore I was, especially my backside and upper thighs. Now that my subspace high was wearing off, I was glad he didn’t listen to me when I’d spoken “green.” “Actually, I’m feeling a little sore, Master.”

  He nodded. “I think a long soak in the tub would work wonders on those achy spots.”

  A long soak in the tub would be even better if he joined me. Though I doubted how much it’d help my aches if he did.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said, rolling off the bed. “And no, I won’t be joining you in the tub. I think you’ve had enough for one day.”

  I stuck my bottom lip out.

  “It’s been a month, we need to ease back into it slowly,” he said. “While some people believe in hitting the ground running, I’ve found
all that’s good for is causing shin splints.”

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “Shin splints, Master? My shins are the least sore part of my body.”

  He gave my thigh a playful swat. “It was an analogy, you mouthy sub.”

  “You like me feisty.”

  “I like you, period.” He held out his hand. “Can you walk?”

  I scooted off the bed and took his hand. “I think so.”

  The master bathroom held a soaker tub big enough for both of us, but much to my chagrin, Nathaniel was serious about not getting in with me. He wrapped me in a soft robe and had me sit in the spacious room’s chaise longue while he prepared the water.

  Once it met his satisfaction, he had me stand and disrobe. I held on to him while I stepped into the water and sighed as I sank into the sweet-smelling bubbles.

  I cracked one eye open. “Sure you don’t want to join me?”

  “I want to join you, all right, but I’m not going to.” He twisted my hair up and pinned it on top of my head. “I’ll be right back.”

  I closed my eyes again and sank deeper. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He returned not long after, with a glass of ice water and two ibuprofen tablets. I popped the pills in my mouth and chased them down with the water, not realizing how thirsty I was until I’d drank half the glass.

  I looked up at his chuckle. “Sorry, Master, did you want some?” Frequently, we’d share one glass of wine, so I didn’t know if he’d intended to have some of the water.

  He took a washcloth and began washing my shoulders. “No, that’s all for you. I’ll get some later.”

  I drank the rest of the water and he took the glass. With strong solid hands, he washed my body, massaging my back and being extra gentle with my backside and thighs. As he worked my muscles, I began to feel the normal aftereffects of our play. I hoped I wouldn’t fall asleep in the tub.

  “Someone need a nap?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master, please,” I said, surprised at how groggy I sounded.

  “I just need you to stay awake long enough for me to dry you off.”

  He helped me out of the tub and he quickly dried me off and slipped me back into the robe. I tried to walk back into the bedroom, but he simply said, “No you don’t,” and carried me.

  I was asleep before he laid me on the bed.

  Chapter Nine


  While she slept, I sat in the bedroom and made plans for the next day. She would still be wearing my collar, but instead of staying inside and playing all day, I thought it’d be a good idea to be outside some.

  Most of the time, our weekends were spent at the estate. I enjoyed that time, but wanted to be out and about more in public while she wore my collar. We had ventured out a few times during the wedding planning, but nothing extensive. Switzerland was the perfect place for both of us to grow more comfortable sharing our collared time with others.

  I made a few calls to arrange everything and then checked on her again. She was still sleeping, so I headed into the bathroom to take a shower. While washing off, I replayed the day’s events in my mind. I loved that she’d been more playful. When she felt comfortable around someone, I noticed she became more fun-loving.

  It wasn’t, I decided, that she didn’t feel comfortable with me. We shared plenty of laughs during the week. Ever so slowly that side of her was coming out more and more on the weekends as well.

  She was just starting to stir when I made it back into the bedroom. I checked the clock and found it was just about dinner time. I thought about heading down to the village to eat, but decided against it since we’d be out tomorrow. Quiet dinner in, then.

  She rolled over to her back and grimaced slightly. “Did I oversleep, Master?”

  I brushed her forehead. “There’s no such thing when you’re recovering from a scene. You can go back to sleep if you’d like.”

  “No, I think I’d better not.” She stretched her arms above her head. “Don’t want to be awake all night.”


  “If you’re awake with me, Master, that’s one thing, but I don’t want to be tossing and turning in bed.”

  We’d agreed weeks ago that for our honeymoon, no matter how frequently she wore my collar, all nights would be spent in bed together. I didn’t mind that she still used the submissive bedroom at times during the weekend, but this was our honeymoon and I’d be damned if she was sleeping separate from me.

  “Point taken,” I said. “Are you hungry? I can get dinner together.”

  All at once she became fully awake and swung her legs over the side of the bed. “No, Master. Let me serve you.”

  On a regular weekend, she did serve me by preparing meals. I wasn’t opposed to it while we were here, but she was coming off of a scene and it had been a while since we’d played. I studied her.

  “I don’t mind,” I said. “If you’re still tired and sore.”

  She slid from the bed and came to her knees before me. “Please, Master. Let me serve you tonight. I promise I’m not overly tired or sore and I truly wish for the honor of serving you this way.”

  My chest swelled with emotion. Whatever had I done to deserve such a woman in my life? Especially to have her as my submissive and wife.

  “If you’re certain, Abigail.”

  Her head tipped up. “Very certain, Master.”

  I nodded. “I think we should have dinner in the living room, by the fire. You will join me.”

  Joy covered her face and she hopped to her feet. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Oh, Abigail,” I called as she headed to the door. When she turned back, I added, “The robe stays here.”


  After breakfast the next morning, we took a taxi to the slopes I’d looked into the previous day. The terrain here perfect for cross-country skiing.

  “Cross-country in the literal sense,” I told her as we started out.

  “Really, Master?” she asked, adding the Master after verifying there was no one nearby to hear.

  “Yes,” I said, starting off. “We’re going to Italy.”

  Her laughter followed behind me.

  For the next few hours we skied, enjoying the scenery and the company. While Abby wasn’t the most athletic person, she enjoyed skiing and we’d trained together in the gym for months before the wedding.

  Not long after noon, we came to a stop in a little clearing.

  “Welcome to Italy,” I said.

  Her breathing was just a bit heavier than normal, but at my words a smile broke across her face. “We’re in Italy, Master?”

  “Yes.” I slipped off the backpack I’d brought and unzipped it. “Makes me feel like a spy.”

  “Makes me feel like I’m living The Sound of Music.”

  I took out two wineglasses and handed her one. “Except you’re not a nun.”

  “Thank goodness.”

  I smiled and poured us wine. “Can you imagine?”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  “To us,” I said, lifting my glass.

  “To us,” she repeated, lifting her glass and clinking it against mine.

  We took a sip of our wine and I thought about how perfect the day was. Both of us together, married, skiing across borders, and simply enjoying the day. Especially with her wearing my collar.

  I inhaled the crisp wintery scent. “Just about perfect, wouldn’t you say?”


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