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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 15

by Richard Houck

  Not that long ago there was a proposal in Texas to change the disposal practices for aborted children. I read the comments on the news articles, and watched the absolute outrage by the Left on social media. Liberals were almost as irate about this proposal as they were about Trump’s election. They labeled the Texas proposal as “hate-filled,” “misogynistic,” and “sexist.”

  What was this new law that so powerfully called down the Liberal ire? It stipulated that instead of disposing of the children’s bodies in a bin alongside other “medical waste,” the remains were to be buried or cremated, as at a proper funeral.143 The Left went off the deep end, claiming this law was being used to financially burden those seeking to commit infanticide.

  I thought about the comments I was reading, the total lack of empathy they revealed for children that just had their heads separated from their bodies. I thought about all the animals I had rescued, cared for, and eventually had to bury when they passed away. I buried every single one, and I did so properly. I’ve even buried dead animals I found near my house that had been hit by cars. I thought about that gut-wrenching feeling as I read through the reactions to the new Texas law. No compassion to be found in these hearts of darkness. They saw this Texas law as nothing but a massive infringement upon “human rights.” They were entirely outraged that they might be required to provide a burial for a human that once lived inside of them.

  And it was at that moment I realized Liberals would never be like us. They are not of the same lineage. They are demented, they are sick, they are insidious in everything they believe. They are mentally ill beyond any doubt.

  These truths are slowly becoming axiomatic to me.

  Manifestations of the Liberal illness: Infanticide

  When the issue of infanticide comes up, I often hear Liberals howling that abortion “is Constitutional.” That is ironic. Liberals don’t seem to care a whole lot for the Constitution when it comes to freedom of speech or arms. They rarely appeal to the Constitution’s provisions on limited government. They rarely appeal to the Constitution at all, for that matter. Which is very telling; the only sort of moral standards the Janus-faced Left believe in, are double standards.

  When one brings the facts against them — reminding them, for instance, that abortions due to rape or health concerns account for less than 10 percent of the million children murdered annually — Liberals often become furious. Heaven forbid they might reconsider their view. Liberals pretend it is entirely normal to kill your own child; anybody who disagrees with this idea is misogynistic.

  They manipulate our language, calling a baby a fetus, murder a medical procedure, and the decision to commit murder a choice. Liberals play the victim card ad nauseam here, claiming that their “rights” will be trampled on if abortion is even so much as curtailed. They mouth the idea that pro-life supporters are somehow bigoted, close-minded, Hell-bent on control, when in truth they desperately want the “right” to control the life and death of another human being. A sense of innate moral superiority abounds here as well; the Left really believes that it is moral to agitate for the freedom to murder innocent children. That speaks for itself.

  All symptoms can be seen from Cluster I. In Cluster II symptom 6, 7, and 8, are apparent.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose to advance their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize they own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projections of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also as playing the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often placing the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.


  Highway Robbery

  If I came to your house tonight with a group of my heavily armed friends and demanded that you give me a portion of your weekly paycheck, as well as an annual payment based on how much your house is worth, what might you call that? And supposing you did not capitulate, and I come back with my buddies, to present you with a few options (because, as mentioned previously, I’m a sporting chap): you can either pay up, you can come with me to prison (while I sell your house and belongings to raise the money you owe me), or you can try to resist (in which case we shoot you and take your stuff anyway) — well? Is there any other name for this than theft and extortion?

  Now suppose me and my friends all get together and “vote” to take your money, and we claim that because we are the majority, you must obey. Does might suddenly make right here? Of course not. It would still be theft, and still be wrong. Or if I and my friends created some institution, some agency, which says you must give us your money — does this magically justify everything?

  Yet that is almost exactly how United States taxation operates. Any involuntary taxation immediately violates the non-aggression principle. It is nothing more than extortion, and the IRS is nothing more than a group of State-sponsored thugs. The constant demands for more social programs, bigger government, and higher taxes, forms a perennial platform for the Left. Liberals are constantly in favor of exerting their will upon the rest of us by means of the State, and having violence brought upon us if we do not concede.

  Taxes weren’t always what they are today. Until 1913, we were burdened neither with the Revenue Act nor the Federal Reserve. Both were introduced by Democrat Congressmen, and signed into law by Democrat Woodrow Wilson.

  Let us make clear what this means. For over 130 years after the birth of our nation, there was no permanent federal income tax. For over 130 years in our nation, most tax dollars collected came from excise taxes and tariffs. As they should be, and as our Constitution intended. Before the federal income tax was instituted in 1913, America still had roads, railroads, subways, ports, bridges, schools, colleges, and the armed forces. Despite the commonplace argument to the contrary, none of these things depends on income tax, and income tax was never meant to pay for them, as more than a century of our history demonstrates. Once the federal income tax was instituted, the government was able to spend our money with reckless abandon.144

  The income tax and Federal Reserve were the first major attacks on US citizens’ money. The next came with the abandonment of a gold-backed currency, and the switch to a worthless fiat currency — another affront brought against the American people by Franklin Roosevelt.

  With the gold standard gone, the Federal Reserve operational, and the federal income tax in place, there was no longer any limit to the expansion of the federal government. It could print money as it pleased, and raise taxes to fund any effort, no matter how insane or unpopular. Not only could money be printed at will, but the money Americans earned and saved could also be devalued at will, as the only thing that ever makes it impossible to print money until it’s totally worthless is some sort of security-backed standard — gold or silver.

  The stories of post-World War I Germans in the Weimar Republic, who had to haul a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a cup of coffee, were a direct result of unchecked currency printing, the direct result of the exact system we employ today. And not only in the United States, but the world over. No country uses a security-backed currency anymore. Furthermore
, nearly every nation on Earth is overseen by a United Nations contrivance, the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The United Nations and the IMF are two massive entities paid for by the tax payers and filled with non-elected bureaucrats who are empowed to control our currency.145

  An ounce of gold 200 years ago would buy about the same amount of goods as an ounce of gold does today. What you can get for around $1,300 today, you could have gotten for $20 then. Interestingly enough, the same trend can be seen the world over. Despite the massive amount of inflation that has occurred, the US Dollar stays relatively steady against most other currencies throughout the world. If the US and England, for example, were not connected through an international body that most people are not even aware of, would it make any sense that after all these years, our Dollar and their Pound have stayed so similar in value? If any single nation had kept a security-backed currency, it would today have easily the most valuable currency in the world. And if everybody had security-backed currency, the currency markets would not be so easily manipulated to benefit a few, while the rest of us see our money devalued at 3 percent a year, every year, forever.146

  If you pick any year in United States history prior to the Revenue Act and the Federal Reserve Act, you’ll find that government spending was less than 3 percent of total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The only exception was a spike during the Civil War years, when spending rose to 13 percent GDP before dropping to 3 percent and below for the next forty years. Since the government was given the power to tax its citizens and to print money arbitrarily, spending has continually risen to the point that Federal spending alone makes up consistently over 20 percent of GDP. There is no longer any limiting factor to government growth.147

  Not only is the income tax and lack of security backed currency a recipe for unchecked governmental growth, these innovations also fundamentally changed the relation of powers between the government and its people. The government, in America, was intended to serve the people, not the other way around.

  Feudalist USA

  The United States was created in part so that the King could not take our land or merely rent us our own land back to us through a feudalist system. Our great Revolution was also a rebellion against the burdens of unnecessary taxation and its stifling effect on freedom. We now live in a state of both unnecessary taxation and rampant feudalism.

  If you live in a state that has property taxes, I have some bad news; you’re living under feudalism. Thanks to property taxes, Americans never own their own homes. It does not matter if your house has been paid off for five generations. It does not matter if you saved the money for each and every piece of lumber and hammered each nail into it yourself. If you stop paying property taxes, the State can legally seize your land. If you refuse to leave, they will send men with guns to remove you. And if you resist them, you will be shot dead or thrown into prison, while the State sells your land and house to the highest bidder. In what diseased imagination does this system represent freedom or ownership? Under no circumstance, by no measure, no vote, no emergency, should it be even remotely comprehensible in America to force people to pay rent on their own land and homes. There is no single moral or logical claim that can be made in validation of property taxes. It means nothing other than charging indefinite rent on a people that is supposed to be free of feudalism.148 In the “land of the free,” we have been reduced to serfs in our own homeland.

  For example, the US has an average property tax rate of 1.21 percent; on a home valued at $200,000, the property taxes are about $2,400 a year. The average for all of America is $3,300 each year in property taxes.149 Using the average rate on a $200,000 house, if you had a thirty-year mortgage, at the end of thirty years you will have paid $72,000 in taxes, more than enough money to pay off the house in around half the time on a thirty year loan, if you were applying the tax payments to principal. It is bad enough that we carry this burden to begin with, but it never ends. Long after the house is paid off, long after the house has been passed on to the kids, the taxes remain. The house could be in the family for generations: fail to pay the rent, and you’re out on the street. No different than if you were renting a studio in Brooklyn and didn’t pay up to the local slum lord.

  I do not believe in property taxes whatsoever. Property taxes violate several tenants of our liberty, as well as the founding principles of this nation; they are forced upon us, and enforced through aggression. Our fellow citizens and the government at any level should have absolutely zero claim to another person’s property. Anything less than full ownership is unacceptable. But the sad truth of the matter is that, as Americans, we are never allowed to own property. The idea of private property ownership is clearly nothing but a fiction in our nation.

  Money is Time

  Suppose somebody earns $100,000 per year. How would their actual taxes look? Using average rates, a person making $100,000 per year will pay $18,000 in Federal taxes, $7,600 in Social Security and Medicare, $3,000 in state taxes, and $500 to local city taxes. Add in the $3,300 average rate for property taxes, and we are sitting at $32,000 and change. 32 percent of income gone — before a single item is purchased.

  The combined federal and state taxes on gasoline are about $.46 per gallon. Suppose somebody drives 2,000 miles a month, and that they average 23 miles to the gallon. That gives us eighty-seven gallons used a month, for a total of $40 in taxes per month, or about $480 annually. If another $2,000 is spent per month on taxable goods, taxed at a rate of 7 percent, that is another $1,680 annually.150

  $34,360 each year paid in taxes on earnings of $100,000.

  When we consider all of the hidden taxes that are included in the price of non-taxable items like food, the effective rate grows even more, as the same dollar is taxed many times, bringing the effective tax rate higher still. The average tax rate for all Americas is over 30 percent, and the average rate for most of Europe is even higher. The majority of the taxes being paid are not excise taxes, they are forced taxes. Which represents nearly one third of the hours we spend at work. From January to mid-April, we go to work, just to ensure the government can recklessly waste our money and time, with total abandon and zero accountability.

  Ironically enough, tax day also happens to be in mid-April. That’s a sick joke if I’ve ever heard one. We never get this time back. Ever.

  “One minute of time worth more than one ounce of gold.”

  — Fortune Cookie

  The majority of the taxes we pay as Americans are not voluntary. They were imposed on us. When people, especially Liberals, make the argument that taxation is constitutional, they are right, in the sense that the federal government always reserved the right to raise money through taxation. Which it did, prior to 1913, through voluntary excises taxes, tariffs, and bonds. In none of these cases were taxed extorted from people through the Internal Revenue Service.

  Before the Revenue Act was passed, the Constitution had to be amended. When the Revenue Act was passed in 1913, it originally only applied to those making $20,000 or above, and ranged from 1 percent to 7 percent. Less than 100 years later, the lowest federal income tax is a rate of 10 percent, reaching up to 40 percent.151 What was first paid by only a small number of people, at a very low rate, has turned into an oppressive burden carried by us all.

  We no longer own the rights to our own labor. Lockean natural law posits that a person’s body is something he owns; therefore anything he produces as a result of his labor is his property. Involuntary taxation in turn means we do not own our own labor, nor our own persons. Meaning we are slaves. As soon as we begin to produce anything with our time, we must immediately sacrifice a portion to the government. And why? So that the government may give billions of dollars to foreign governments, billions to migrants, both legal and illegal, and billions to waste.

  I would really love to know how the members of Congress think that giving over three billion dollars a year to Israel alone for Israeli defense is at all acceptable. That isn’t their money. It’s our
s. How many hours of work does that $3 billion represent each year for Americans?152 That’s time we could have been with our families and friends, enjoying a day off, or a hobby. Why has it been decided for us that our time as Americans is not worth as much as the dozens of nations that receive our tax dollars? Why do we spend $1 billion dollars a year on Egypt? $320 million on Mexico?153 That is our money. All to be given away to people that could not care any less about us. We are talking about theft on a scale the world has never known.

  Property taxes have been passed through local elections for things like school board levies and police levies. The consequence? Police departments across the nation have become militarized, utilizing the latest cars, trucks, motorcycles, helicopters, weapons, and whatever else tax money can buy. I really doubt the safety of my neighborhood would be hurt if the local police helicopter program was scaled down a bit.

  Police, fire, and schools no longer need to operate with a bottom line; they just continue to pass levies which permit them to expand indefinitely, all at the tax payers’ expense. People have a right to vote and make decisions, but I reject the idea that our fellow citizens should be able to have their will forced upon others. Even supposing a majority vote I do not view this type of mob rule as legitimate. If they want to vote for higher taxes on themselves alone, well and good. Police, fire, schools, and road repair, could all be funded with excise taxes or selling bonds.

  When local municipal institutions decide they need more money, they continually place their desired levy on local election ballots until eventually it passes. When one expires, another is right back on the ballot again. With no end in sight. Persistent mob rule is not the government style to which free folk should be subjected.


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