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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 16

by Richard Houck

  Can we not simply own our property, without anybody taking from us? Is that really such a wild idea?

  The action of imposing or raising taxes is inherently identical to the threat of force. Suppose there is a local levy on the ballot, and Person A is in favor of the levy; suppose he votes in support of the increased or new tax. Person A has already decided he is willing to voluntarily pay the tax. Now suppose Person B does not want to pay the tax or knows the increase in property taxes will cause him financial hardship. He votes against the levy. If Person A is a member of the majority and Person B a member of the minority, then Group A is forcing its will on Group B. If the members of Group B do not want to pay or cannot pay the new tax, the government will force them, under the threat of incarceration or violence, to pay or to be put in prison. “Owing” money to the government is one of only two instances in America for which a man can be jailed for debt.

  We have been indoctrinated into believing that democracy is the “will of the people,” and further brainwashed to think that this “will of the people” is somehow just or legitimate or moral. There is no moral or logical principle that can justify forcing people to give up the money they have earned by trading their time and labor, merely so as to satisfy the majority. People can argue it is for the common good all they want: it is still illegitimate.

  Initializing force for taxation is morally bankrupt and logically invalid. The only possible argument one can make is to appeal to the “common good” or the collective, as the Left has always done. It is exactly what the Bolsheviks did (Bolshevik derives from the Russian word meaning “of the majority”), and it is the same appeal Liberals give today for increasing the amount of taxes they collect. The Left always appeals one way or another to a collective totalitarianism, hiding the truth under pretty names. Not too long ago in human history, using mob rule and the authority of the State to impose one’s will on others in order to gain access to their resources was seen as an act of war. Now we call it “democracy.”

  If people want to volunteer more money for a cause, I welcome them to do so. But they have no grounds to say what somebody else’s “fair share” might be.

  Every government agency is totally exempt from any sort of bottom line or budget. Enormous amounts of money are wasted, without anybody ever being held accountable for the costs, or even asked to justify their existence as an entity. We the people fund the defense of dozens of other nations, many of which belong to the First World and enjoy higher standards of living than the citizens of the United States. Our total amount of foreign and economic aid should be zero — no more and no less.

  Enemies Foreign — but Mostly Domestic

  The Marshall Plan, created in 1948 to help rebuild Europe after the second World War, was meant to end in 1953. Yet here we are in 2017, annually doling out more money than it took to help rebuilt Europe after the most devastating event in human history.

  Foreign political lobbying is so prevalent that the Foreign Agents Registration Act requires foreign agents to register with the government and to disclose their intent. There are over 1,700 lobbyists, representing over 100 nations, who give US politicians money — and who knows what else.154 155 I find it hard to believe, impossible actually, that even one of those nations has the best interest of the American people at the forefront of their agenda. I sincerely doubt that foreign nations and entities are interested in bribing our politicians to further benefit us, the American people. How this is legal in any way, how it is not considered a blatant act of treason, is far beyond me.

  We have unsafe bridges, Third World airports, and crumbling roads; the programs for our veterans, disabled, mentally retarded, homeless, and elderly all lack funding; there are serious mental health and addiction issues which go unaddressed — all while we burn trillions in the Middle East and spread our tax dollars across the globe. Beyond atrocious.

  Small business owners get possibly the worst abuse of all when it comes to taxation. States that have some type of gross receipt tax require businesses to pay taxes on their sales, whether or not there was any profit.156 Not only is sales tax collected from the buyer, but the business must also pay taxes on those sales separately from sales tax — and again, regardless of profit. The owner of a business might be working for years until a profit is made, before he can pay himself, and all the while he must still pay the state. This practice is one of the most egregious in all of our sordid taxation schemes. The government is punishing people for trying their hand at starting a new business, for employing others, for trying to make their community a little nicer, for having the audacity to work for themselves. The government taxes employees on their earnings, the business owner pays an additional payroll tax, and on top of that, a gross sales tax, even when no profit is made, even during times of losses. Call it what you will: this is theft by any reasonable definition.

  You should not have to constantly vote to keep your rights and property from being robbed. Such a thing should never even be up for a vote. But democracy is what happens when 51 percent of the people decide to eat the other 49 percent. With more and more people each year being imported into the country and destined, most of them, to go on the dole, it is no mystery that the politicians who promise more handouts are going to benefit. This is the slow path to communism. Instead of a violent revolution, you just keep importing those who will vote for the State, and keep giving more and more people welfare benefits, while the workers have to keep slaving away to provide for them. People arrive en masse to our nation, individuals with no connection to the people or heritage of those who built this nation. Over 50 percent of them are put immediately on welfare; they pay no taxes, contribute nothing to our society, raise the crime rate — and are given the same vote as the rest of us. This is a hostile invasion, a coup, wearing the mask of democracy. This is not the democracy of a serious nation; it is the debased democracy of a banana republic.

  The American Left has always operated by the same principles. It values mob rule alone, and the collective. The most recent manifestation of the Left’s philosophy is in wealth redistribution via income taxes and payroll taxes that favor the collective, once again, at the tremendous expense of individual freedoms. Business owners, even of small and medium-sized businesses, are being told by no less than the last president of the United States that they did not build their business themselves, so that taking more and more from them is justified.

  This country was founded on the principle that the individual is the master of his own destiny, that the individual would not later be beholden to feudalism or to some king. Yet Americans pay more in taxes now than the Revolutionaries paid who fought King George. Once upon a time in America, we went to war over far less than what is happening to us today.

  Many people still have this idea that we must continue down this dark path, or else the government and all worthy services will collapse. This is simply untrue, neither historically nor financially. Services like Medicare, providing assistance to the disabled, infrastructure, schools, military, roads, and certain other helpful welfare services can all be paid for by excise taxes, tariffs, and corporate taxes. The programs would all need to be redesigned, but it is entirely feasible. To begin with, if we cut all foreign aid, all foreign military aid, and any form of welfare to immigrants that have not been in the country at least thirty years, that would save enough money alone that we could reduce the federal income tax dramatically, effective immediately. About 90 percent of Middle Eastern migrants are on welfare — so let’s stop bringing them here and forcing Americans to pay for their housing, schooling, healthcare, and food.157

  With the money we would save through just a few simple changes, we could probably fund that free universal healthcare that the Liberals so desperately want. I would even be in favor, so long as it was done through voluntary taxation. I would be happy knowing that the money I pay in sales taxes is going to somebody who is in need. I would be more than happy. In fact, I would gladly pay a high
er sales tax, within reason, if that money went to help my fellow Americans. I am not willing however, to fund the entire planet through forced taxation. I am not willing to accept the fact that Americans should work the first three months of the year so that foreigners may extort their labor.

  The lying press loves to espouse the idea that foreign aid or welfare to migrants only accounts for a small percent of the total budget. They use this tactic to minimize the burden we must carry as Americans for the rest of the world, to which we owe nothing. And they are right: if you look at each individual line item in the budget, it does only account for a small percentage. But something funny happens when you start adding up all the frivolous spending and waste that the Left doesn’t bother to mention. It adds up. Tremendously.

  With over 50 percent of immigrant households on welfare, and over a million new migrations coming to the US annually, we are quite literally operating a global soup kitchen.158 159 That amounts to tens of millions of people we are paying to come here, to do nothing but steal our money. Between the welfare of foreign nations, military aid and interventions, endless wars, domestic welfare to migrants, and burdensome government institutions that provide zero benefit to the American people, we could easily cut federal spending nearly in half. Anybody who says otherwise has not looked at the data, or is simply lying to advance an agenda that does not have the interest of the American people in mind.

  There are endless cuts that could be made tonight, and that would provide Americans, the people paying these outrageous bills, a better quality of life tomorrow.

  In 2015, income taxes paid by individuals accounted for 47 percent of federal revenue or $1.48 trillion dollars.160 The Cato Institute conducted a budget analysis and found that $100 billion a year is given to corporate welfare, mostly in subsidies and grants.161 The endless War on Terror alone costs on average another $100 billion per year as of late.162 This number is historically low; a study by Brown University states that since September 2001, the US has spent over $5 trillion on wars, over $23,000 for each American taxpayer.163 A study done by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, found that mass migration to the United States, both legal and illegal, costs over $300 billion per year.164 Over $200 billion per year is paid on debt which we never should have had to begin with. Each year, we give away over $40 billion in direct aid to foreign nations.165 We contribute another $10 billion to that totally useless group of scoundrels known as the United Nations.166

  If we ended corporate welfare, ended the endless War on Terror, ended immigration entirely, and stopped giving money to foreign nations, we would save $550 billion dollars a year. That is a little over one third of the taxes collected from individual workers per year. If there were no national debt to pay interest on, then over half of taxes paid by individual workers could be cut. At $116 billion per year, illegal immigration costs each American household an average of $1,000 per year.167 Simply ending all migration, legal and illegal, would save each American household around $3,000 per year.

  Could you and your family use another $3,000 each year?

  We spend $600 billion a year on military spending. We have hundreds of military installations around the world, and there is no real way to know how much of that $600 billion benefits United States citizens who foot the bill.168 I would guess that not a lot of it does. US taxpayers are forced to fund the security of other people’s nations and borders, yet our government has utterly refused to secure our own. Our tax dollars went to help fund the construction of Israel’s and Mexico’s walls and security fences, yet everybody loses their mind when we want to build one ourselves!

  NPR ran a propaganda piece about foreign aid titled, “Guess How Much Of Uncle Sam’s Money Goes To Foreign Aid. Guess Again!”169 In the article they not only called Americans ignorant for overestimating the money we spend on foreign aid, but they then went on say that, considering how much money the United States has, we are not very generous at all. Considering that the people have not yet tarred and feathered every public official for subjecting us to such oppressive taxation, I would like to think we are an incredibly generous — and forgiving — lot.

  If Liberals want to feed hungry people, that’s noble enough, but I suggest they do it in the same way that Catholics and Christians do it all over the US and the world: namely, by collecting donations, opening soup kitchens and food pantries, and doing all of this without taking money they did not earn. Study after study shows religious conservatives are the most generous group of people when it comes to charitable giving. They help those in need, and they do it the proper way.170

  Liberals themselves never help anybody. The create laws and vote for taxes that force one group to help another group. That is called extortion. The pathological altruism exhibited by Liberals is little more than a way flattering themselves and feigning moral superiority.

  The current policy of taxing the hardest-working to subsidize the people who contribute the least to society is not sustainable. It is morally corrupt, and devoid of any reason. Taking money from responsible working families and giving it to corporations, foreign nations, migrants, and those who refuse to work, does nothing but create slaves out of honest, hard-working people. It creates a bizarre upside-down clown-democracy, in which those that contribute the least, can rule over those who contribute the most.

  Welfare use in America has continued to increase since the War on Poverty started.171 In my research for this book I came across a political idea originating with Liberal professors at Columbia, called the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The Cloward-Piven Strategy is simply socialism by other means. The idea is to end poverty by putting so many people on welfare that the welfare system becomes unsustainable and collapses. Then you take the income from the working class, and give it to those on welfare through a guaranteed basic income. Importing millions of migrants that are mostly on welfare, creating policies that send more jobs overseas, and promoting the destruction of the family unit, thus causing more mothers and children to be on welfare, all seem to be playing into this strategy. I wonder if Liberals who are in favor of a socialist “utopia,” ever stop to consider what happens when those being taxed and those producing goods decide it’s no longer worth it? I wonder if they ever stop to look at how every socialist wealth-redistribution program ever instated has worked out? Do they bother to see how the Venezuela bread lines are doing? Do they not care that the people of Venezuela have been eating their own pets and zoo animals to keep from starving, thanks to socialist ideals?172 I wonder — have they stopped to consider what will happen when Atlas finally shrugs?

  Socialism and its many offshoots have only ever appealed to the dredges of society. It is a scheme for losers and is absolutely anti-Western in nature. It is designed to pull the best members of a society down to the same trash heap as the ones who refuse to contribute.

  If people still desire to help other nations, I think that’s laudable and decent of them. I would suggest they start non-profits, raise money for their cause, and donate the money to those nations. But to create a tax and federal spending scheme that forces Americans to fund war efforts and infrastructure on the other side of the world, when we could desperately use that money back home, is unreasonable and unjust. Through buying our corrupt Congress members like the whores they are, the rest of the world has effectively enslaved the American people. I believe it’s high time to break the chains.

  Those who have enslaved us, stripped our rights to ownership, and taken control over our nation’s money supply, could have never done so in one generation. It would have caused a revolution like no land has ever seen. Instead, they added a little bit each year, until today, we suddenly discover that we have no rights to our own property or even to our own labor. The first step was a low tax on the wealthiest, then the establishment of a central bank, then our removal from a gold standard. Then increased taxes on income, property, and goods. They carried all this out, even while assuring us that it has to be this way, that it i
s “our fair share.”

  We have been seized by a small international clique that auctions off our labor to the highest bidder. Enough is enough.

  10 Planks of Communism

  We have fallen far from our original freedom. Compare Marx’s vision of a Communist State in 1848 to modern day America.

  In The Communist Manifesto, Marx outlines a list of principles that when enacted, will work together towards the creation of a socialist state by stripping away personal ownership of property, rights to ownership, and liberty. Going through the list written in 1848 and comparing Marxist policies to in the policies of contemporary America, it becomes rather clear that our once free nation has been seized by hostile and destructive forces. 173

  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

  We have no private ownership of land in the United States. Because of property taxes, which must be paid indefinitely, we are only a few months away from being forcibly removed from our homes, despite “owning” them. It does not matter if the home and land has been in the family for generations. If you do not pay property taxes, you’re on the street.

  What becomes of the property taxes we pay? They go to “public purposes,” of course.

  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

  When the Federal Income Tax was imposed permanently in 1913, the taxes originally only applied to the highest earners, those with incomes equivalent of around $400,000 dollars today, adjusted for inflation. The tax rates were comparatively low, just 1 percent to 7 percent. Today, we have heavy graduated income taxes, where even small and moderate earners have their income confiscated before they so much as see it. The Marxists slogan, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is implicit throughout our subverted government.


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