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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 17

by Richard Houck

  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

  A further attack on private property. Every dollar in an inheritance has already been taxed by the government, yet when anything is left to the next generation, the money or property involved is heavily taxed a second time. So much so that in many cases that the taxes force the inheritor to liquidate any assets in order to pay the impost.

  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

  Consider tax liens, civil forfeiture, confiscation of property, RICO laws — all of which have been wrongfully applied to law-abiding citizens.

  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

  The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. There are many books on the subject, from Ron Paul’s End The Fed to G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. Creating a central bank is not a free-market tenet, by any means, but a method to imbue the state with power. Paul Moritz Warburg was an early advocate for creating the current Federal Reserve. Warburg wrote many papers lobbying for a central bank, and also played a major role in drafting the Federal Reserve legislation. Warburg was born into a wealthy Jewish banking family which migrated to the US; upon his arrival, before he was even a US citizen, he began to work towards creating the Federal Reserve, and later served on the Federal Reserve Board.174

  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

  This one is a bit of a rabbit hole. There are a handful of companies, five or six, that own a tremendous share of the media, from TV, to movies, radio stations, magazines, newspapers, and news channels. It’s estimated that 90 percent of all media is owned by the same handful of corporations — hundreds of television stations, thousands of newspapers and magazines, movie studios, thousands of radio stations, even video game studios.175 Nearly everything Americans and Europeans read or watch passes through the filter of a few companies that bend the narrative in any way they deem appropriate.

  That itself is of course bad enough. What we learned this past election cycle causes this story to take a far grimmer turn. There was an unbelievable level of collusion between the Democratic Party and media outlets. Debate questions were exchanged before debates took place; emails between major news networks like CNN and the Democratic National Committee reveal debates on which questions were to be asked of DNC opponents.176 Many of the owners and high ranking members of the media cartel have been exposed as huge donors to the DNC, which itself is not shocking.177 Everyone has political affiliations and people make donations frequently. The issue arises when that bias then seeps into the sources from which Americans get their information. It is inconceivable that a news organization could provide an objective view of any issue, when it has become so clear the media is little more than the propaganda division of the international Left. When we see reporters asking permission from politicians to run certain stories, we have a bit of conflict of interest — assuming we are interested in the truth, not what they want us to believe.

  In regards to travel and regulation — consider the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.

  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

  Wildlife Services, a little-known department within the United States Department of Agriculture, routinely kills between one million and five million wild animals each and every year. Each year thousands of animals are unintentionally killed, including pets, gray wolves, black bears, foxes, bobcats, turtles, owls, swans, and eagles. Coyote pups and fox pups are killed inside their own dens, along with hibernating bears. The Wildlife Services uses some of the most inhumane and grotesque methods to kill, including strangulation snares, leg hold traps (in which the animal can suffer for days before finally passing away), body grip traps, and cyanide poisoning, which makes it impossible for the animal to absorb oxygen and slowly suffocates it to death. Many of the pups were entangled in barbed wire, and then clubbed to death. Others were burned alive inside the den. Coyote and fox skins are often sold for revenue. The justification for using hundreds of millions of our tax money to slaughter wildlife and raze land? In order to make way for the corporate farms of big agriculture. With the massive influx of over a million migrants into the US each year, the demand for food continues to rise. The profits for corporate farming continue to increase, and wildlife and wild lands are yet other victims of the great replacement scheme our government is running. This is all entirely unsustainable. It is nothing shy of criminal madness.178 179 180 181 182

  8. Equal liability of all to labor.

  Through redistribution via heavy taxation, we become individually liable to serve the collective. We work to serve the government and those who do not work. Further, the women’s “liberation” movement and modern feminism seek to ensure that all members of a family are in the workforce, and thus that all members of a family are paying taxes to the State.

  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.

  Much like in case of the media, a handful of food production companies are involved in producing an incredible percentage of the food we consume. Factory farming has replaced family farming, and Monsanto, once a manufacturer of Agent Orange, has considerable control over the seed market. Further, mass migration patterns of “re-settling” foreign Arabs and Africans into the heartland is a creeping normality.

  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

  Public schools and universities, were once places of freedom, creativity, and critical thinking. Now, they are indoctrination camps in which we are taught to never question authority, taught to think what they want us to think, taught how to conform socially and intellectually, by getting a job, consuming, paying debt, obeying the statue quo. And all along the way, they call this freedom.

  Welcome to Bolshevik USA.

  Marx, for all his faults, did make fair points about the abolition of child labor, and his theory of social alienation is rather keen. I personally struggle to find fault with Marx’s view of late-stage capitalism. However, I do not agree that the solution to the failures of late-stage capitalism is to usher in an era of socialism and eventual communism. My primary divergence, in my short-lived Marxist agreement, is over his view of private property and class, and his theory of how society should progress out of late-stage capitalism.

  There is this idea that because the US has a semblance of “private ownership” we must be living in a truly free society. It is true you can “own” a business, and when people think of Marxist or egalitarian economic models, they often think of state ownership — but is it really all that different? Why would the state decide to operate your factory when instead you can “own” your factory, pay the state sales tax, payroll tax, property tax, income tax, gross sales tax, inventory tax, permit and licensing fees, and have the privilege of working seventy-five hour weeks to ensure the business is a success? The state receives all the benefits of “owning” the factory, and in an open-border egalitarian state like the US, the wealth is transferred all the same.

  The current economic system of global capitalism does nothing but emphatically foster an even more Left-wing structure. Capitalism, at least in its current incarnation, is globalist, not nationalist; it is anti-protectionist, anti-environment, and anti-isolationist. Massive corporations want open borders to allow for more consumers and cheap laborers, they want trade deals that allow them to seek the lowest possible human labor even if it means destroying local economies, they want to be able to use the cheapest materials and cheapest ma
nufacturing processes despite harming animals and nature, and the capitalist approach to war manufacturing creates an environment in which there is a tremendous amount of money to be made in the armed conflict of nations. Instead of having a policy of ensuring that the best interest of our people comes before the market, we have the market dictating policy, which is inevitable when you have a consequentialist ethical theory that sees economic outcomes as a viable way of organizing a society. We have a system in which capital uses the nation for its own ends, instead of the nation using capital to best serve the people.

  Julius Evola says it all:183

  This subversive character is found both in Marxism and in its apparent nemesis, modern capitalism. Thus, it is absurd and deplorable for those who pretend to represent the political ‘Right’ to fail to leave the dark and small circle that is determined by the demonic power of the economy — a circle including capitalism, Marxism, and all the intermediate economic degrees.

  This should be firmly upheld by those who today are taking a stand against the forces of the Left. Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the center of which is constituted of technology, science, production, ‘productivity,’ and ‘consumption.’ And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence — then we are not even close to what is essential, even though new theories, beyond Marxism and capitalism, might be formulated.

  The starting point should be, instead, a firm rejection of the principle formulated by Marxism, which summarizes the entire subversion at work today: The economy is our destiny. We must declare in an uncompromising way that in a normal civilization the economy and economic interests — understood as the satisfaction of material needs and their more or less artificial appendices — have always played, and always will play, a subordinated function. We must also uphold that beyond the economic sphere an order of higher political, spiritual, and heroic values has to emerge, an order that neither knows nor tolerates merely economic classes and does not know the division between ‘capitalists’ and ‘proletarians’; an order solely in terms of which are to be defined the things worth living and dying for. We must also uphold the need for a true hierarchy and for different dignities, with a higher function of power installed at the top, namely the imperium.

  — Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins

  Manifestations of the Liberal illness: Taxation

  The entire foundation of any sort of socialism is theft. The idea of forcing people to give you money, for any reason, under direct threat of prison or death, is morally corrupt. Taxation is indeed worse than theft: it is servitude and slavery.

  Liberals continually support and vote for larger governments, with larger spending, meaning more theft. The Left feels it has a moral duty to steal our money to fund its pet projects, and when taxes are cut to their programs, Liberals cry out as if we have personally stolen their money. Which is exactly what those programs have done to working Americans. Self-hatred is seen in the Liberal willingness to submit to foreigners, to give away lands and money to them. The problem is that not all of us want our money, land, and future to be given away. At some point, we are going to come to an impasse. These irreconcilable ideals can only coexist in one nation for so long.

  The Left constantly lies and misdirects information about taxation and spending. Every program for which it advocates is justified by being only 0.5 percent to 2 percent of the budget. Apparently they believe nobody will catch on to how many 1 percent line items there are. They use the same tactic when proposing higher taxes, suggesting the new tax is only another $14 per month. When presented with the amount of spending on useless programs, like immigration, Liberals refuse to change or even adjust their views. To the Liberal, ideology reigns supreme, facts be damned.

  When advocating for lower taxes or program cuts, Liberals project by accusing others of the very acts they are guilty of, by suggesting that those in opposition to the welfare state or high taxation “hate poor people,” or the like. In reality, the Liberal policies from welfare to trade exacerbate poverty. The war on poverty started by Lyndon Johnson has cost taxpayers over twenty-two trillion dollars. This figure does not include Social Security or Medicare. Despite this stratospheric and ever-augmenting spending, poverty rates have remained nearly the same since 1970. However, the rate of single-parent families has increased tremendously.184 Despite their good intentions, the Liberals’ expansive welfare state has been a failure. And yet, in the teeth of the evidence, Liberals insist more government programs and spending is the solution.

  The issue of taxation faithfully highlights the symptoms of Liberalism. The underling principles however reveal a more severe neurosis. The desire to take something from another, by force, shows a propensity toward aggression, power, and righteousness. Those in support of involuntary taxation suffer from a far worse illness than Liberalism alone. I believe antisocial personality disorder is the more accurate diagnosis. Antisocial personality disorder is marked by the total disregard and violation of the rights of others. A person suffering from this disorder takes from and victimizes others with no remorse. Supporting the theft of hard working Americans under threat of prison or violence is diametrically opposed to the principles our nation was founded upon.

  Had income and property taxes been levied upon us overnight at their present rates, there would have been a violent and bloody revolution immediately following. The Liberal program was thus achieved incrementally, bit by bit over 100 years. Forced taxation has become a creeping normality. We are the metaphoric frogs sitting in hot water, who do not yet realize that we will eventually be boiled to death — and eaten.

  All symptoms of Cluster I are apparent. Symptoms 7, 8, 9, and 10, are seen from Cluster II.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose to advance their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize they own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projections of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also as playing the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often placing the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.


  White Privilege & Other Fables

  The Fountain of Privilege

  Racism has become a religion to the Left. “White privilege” has become the Original Sin, and the only way to absolve oneself and repent is through sufficient tithing of white guilt, and living a “virtuous” life of ethnomasochism.

  Leftist “intellectuals” inhabit a world in which there are no objective individual or cultural differences. When a discrepancy in outcomes between two groups is discovered, Liberals clamor to find the cause. Reasonable objective thinkers might suggest that shared cultural values, upbringing, work ethic, and biology
are responsible. Liberals, on the other hand, invent complex critical theories that accuse “whiteness” of being the root cause, not only of white success, but also of any other group’s lack of success. A quick internet search of “white privilege” will return thousands of results ranging from articles in mainstream media publications to academic journal publications, from interviews with professors to entire books written exclusively on this subject. University textbooks such as Rothenberg’s White Privilege are being used to teach entire courses dedicated to the subject.185

  The whole theory of whiteness and white privilege is predicated upon the idea that white people occupy all positions of power in government and business, and that they use this power to ensure that only whites can be successful, while keeping all other groups of people down a few rungs. Nearly every article from the sources that argue in favor of the existence of white privilege includes income information about white, black, and Hispanic households. They conveniently leave out Asians. This oversight is probably due to the fact that the data on Asians make so called white privilege look like the absurd joke that it is. 36 percent of whites hold a college degree, 23 percent of blacks, and 15 percent of Hispanics — while 53 percent of Asians have at least a bachelor’s degree. Asians also have household incomes around 10 percent higher than whites, the highest incomes of those four ethnic groups.186 Broken down even further by country of origin, we see the median income of many non-whites is much higher than that whites, with Indian citizens earning the most at over $100,000.187

  Asian citizens make up such a small percentage of the US prison population that they are typically listed under the “other” race in the data I collected. Asian citizens are of course under-represented in prison populations with respect to their general population.


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