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Blessed Moon: The King's Seer

Page 14

by L. S Bethel

  Shouts from the throne room started her as she walked by.

  “Get them back here now!” Serenity could hear Kang-Dae bellow. Jung-Soo Stood outside his face stoic as usual but there was concern in his stare. She could hear Kang-Dae yelling some more through the door, but she couldn't make out the words. Jung-Soo looked to her as if to say, ‘are you going to do something?’ But she turned and walked away. She refused to get involved. She saw the flash of disappointment in his eyes, but she continued, even as the need to intervene attempted to come forth. As far as she was concerned that was no longer her business.

  She locked herself in her study, pulling out her map. She crossed off another route. She’d been trying to find the best way to the lake. The more research she did the more she found not all the routes were very safe. A knock at the door had her yelling at the interrupter to leave her alone. Arezoo’s strong voice penetrated the door.

  “My Queen, I need to speak with you.” Releasing a frustrated sigh Serenity put the map away. She unlocked the door and moved aside to let Arezoo in. The other two stayed outside.

  “What is it?” Serenity asked.

  “I need to know what you are planning,” Arezoo stated bluntly. Serenity stiffened.


  “My Queen, you have been secretive. The King is not acting like himself. The two of you are not behaving as you once did.”

  Serenity stayed quiet. “That time when you were “ill” for days, you wouldn’t leave your room. It was after you were supposed to visit family. That was not meant to be a trip you expected to return from, was it?”

  Serenity shifted her weight looking down. “When I became captain of your guard, I decided to serve you. You are my Queen. Whatever you need of me, you can ask. I do not want you attempting whatever this is alone.”

  Serenity chewed on her bottom lip. She trusted Arezoo to protect her, but she didn’t know if she could trust her to let her go. If she took this chance, she could lose her opportunity, then again, maybe God was sending her a guardian angel.

  “I need to go home,” she stated. Arezoo gave no outward reaction.

  “What do you need me to do?”


  Satori was at the head, leading his men. He was far behind Amir, but he wouldn’t alter his pace. He didn’t want them to be an obvious target. He had begun to regret agreeing to this plan the moment he set out. He didn’t know why he’d listened to Kyril. To demand they leave early without warning as well. The man was incompetent.

  “Sir!” One of his men raced up to him a note in hand. “Word just came from the palace. We’re being ordered back by the king.” Satori’s brow furrowed. ‘Why would he order them back now when they were so close to their destination? Had Kyril sent them out without his knowledge?’ Incensed Saori ordered his men to turn around. He never should have trusted him.

  “Sir, what about Lord Amir, shouldn’t we tell him?” Satori stared down at the letter than to the north.

  “No.” Amir was another one who held the queen in such high regard. Let him complete her foolish demands. When it was over it would be Amir who had to answer to the King. Satori and his men set off for the palace without looking back.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Amir ordered his troop to keep watch along the river. This was their second stop on their route across the north. The people had been given word to make it to one of these destinations for provisions and food. A large group had come out. Much larger than the first. They had already given out more than half of what they had brought. People were disappointed by how little it was and many voiced that disappointment but there was nothing he could do. Amir made sure to ration what was left for the next stop. It was taking longer than it should have since Satori had never shown up. Amir should not have been surprised by his actions. He supposed he had given him too much credit in thinking he cared more for the people than his own ego. Knowing they had been stationed there too long Amir announced that they would be leaving soon. There were more shouts of disagreement, but Amir didn't entertain it. He couldn't make them accept that they were doing the best they could. The people were hungry and lived under constant fear of attack. A little food wasn't going to appease them so easily.

  “Enemy spotted!” The shout came from behind. By the time Amir looked his heart seized as a force of men in armor came through the trees. The people screamed and scrambled to run only for another group to come out from the other side and block their escape.

  “Protect the people!” Amir ordered his men. They were very clearly outnumbered, but he couldn't let the people die. He could at least give them a chance to escape. His men took position between the enemy and the civilians. “Give no mercy!” Amir shouted and his men shouted their agreement. The enemy charge and Amir braced for the impact.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The celebration looked to be going well. Many people had attended. If the Gi family was put out by those they considered beneath them being in attendance that was only icing to Serenity's petty cake. She wanted the people who were having a hard time to be included in the palace’s events. They deserved it as much as them. Maybe it would help them see those in the palace as people and not faceless dictators. She busied herself with mingling with the noble houses and commoners. Arezoo, Nasreen, and Gyrui were always by her side just in case.

  Amoli had returned just in time for the event which Serenity was glad for. Serenity made sure Amoli understood she was not on duty and should enjoy the celebration as her guests. Amoli had been very uncomfortable with the idea but became excited when they were dressing up. Serenity had a special dress made for her. Her eyes had lit up when she saw the formal 2-piece fuchsia gown with gold decals and a sheer matching robe. Serenity had fun making her up and doing her hair for a change. When they entered the hall, Serenity noticed Amoli’s eyes immediately searching for someone. Serenity hid her smile knowing exactly who that was. Deciding to help her friend out she led her through the crowd to search for him.

  She walked straight past Kang-Dae who was being bombarded with the many lords and ladies of the land. That was perfect for her, she didn’t have to have an excuse to stay away. Her attempts to keep things as if nothing were wrong were practically impossible. Every time she had to fake a smile or laugh, she wanted to strangle him. She thought it easier just avoiding him altogether. Lady Gi was giving her the stink eye from across the crowd, but she could care less. She had way bigger issues than one woman’s jealousy. Not to mention, at this point, she wanted to tell the woman the title and King were up for grabs as far as she was concerned. Once she found her opening, she would be leaving both behind.

  Kang-Dae politely answered questions, listened to bad attempts at jokes, and repeatedly declined requests for frivolous things he had no interest in. He just wanted the night to be over. Not that he had anything to look forward to afterward. He would find no solace from Serenity. What he had at first dismissed as overexcitement in her new role, he now began to think was something else. Now he suspected she was purposely finding reasons to avoid him. He thought maybe it was just her still trying to cope with her loss but now he wasn't so sure. He wanted to spend time with her to help her through it, but she seemed determined not to. If they did speak, it was only to argue.

  They hadn’t even arrived at the celebration together. She’d left earlier in the day claiming she wanted to help Amoli get ready. When she did arrive, he hoped she’d at least take a moment to join him but was instantly disheartened when she had walked past him. He lost sight of her after Lord Pei had pulled him aside. His eyes searched around for her and he finally spotted her with Amoli conversing with someone. She was laughing. The sight lightened his heart. Despite the tension between them he still liked to see her happy. As the person shifted, he saw that it was Jung-Soo they were talking to. He appeared to be the one making her smile. It should have made him happy, but a trace of bitterness began to form once again. She looked so genuine. He realized that was what had been missing the p
ast few days with her. Sincerity. She had been putting on a false persona with him, but with Jung-Soo she seemed completely unburdened. He could feel his face fall.

  “My King,” Lady Gi approached him. He didn't take his eyes off Serenity and Jung-Soo. “This was such a wonderful event. I hoped you would thank the Queen for me.” He gave her a distracted yes. She continued seeming oblivious to his darkening mood.

  “She worked very hard. I was worried she'd worked too hard honestly. I was glad she had the captain of the guard to help her.” He looked at her then.

  “He did?”

  “Oh yes. The lady said he was very eager to keep her from being overwhelmed. He is such a dedicated man,” She said with a sly smile. Kang-Dae looked back at the two, missing the mischievous glint in Jae-Hwa’s eyes as she watched him. Kang-Dae couldn't stop staring at them now. He noticed how relaxed she seemed and how uncharacteristically open Jung-Soo was. Yoon’s words suddenly came back to him about their unique relationship. Just how unique was it?

  Laughter and music filled the room but Kang-Dae wasn’t affected by any of it. His mind was being haunted by unwanted thoughts. Lord Pei was speaking to him, but he was not listening, just wordlessly nodding every so often to feign interest. Kyril was suddenly at his side encouraging the older lord to give his “brilliant” suggestions to Satori. Lord Pei seemed a bit disappointed but agreed. Kyril turned to face Kang-Dae. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at him. Kang-Dae felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny. Suddenly, Kyril put an arm around his shoulder and began leading him away.

  “My King do not force yourself. You don’t have to stay. Your presence has been noted, you should go, rest.” Kyril’s suggestion was tempting but he couldn’t leave. As if reading his mind Kyril continued, “The queen has her guard with her, and no one will dare touch her with so many in attendance. Besides Jung-Soo will not leave her side.” Just hearing his name sparked something deep and dark inside him.

  “No,” he said sharply. Kyril looked taken back by his tone. Kang-Dae cleared his throat. “I will stay,” he told him. Kyril’s worried expression deepened but he conceded to Kang-Dae’s wishes. “Well, let us go watch the performers in the courtyard.” Kang-Dae wasn’t very interested until Kyril mentioned Serenity had already headed that way. Agreeing, the two walked outside together.

  The people awed at the different performers. The firebreather was the most popular having drawn dozens over to him. The woman performing her dance with the silk scarves had drawn several of the men’s attention. In the back, a shadow puppet show had begun intriguing all the children in attendance, many of whom were the one’s Serenity had regularly gone out to meet on her excursions outside the palace. Watching the different classes of people intermingle and enjoy the night had started to lighten Kang-Dae’s mood.

  “My King, this way, you don’t want to miss this,” Kyril assured him. They walked over to a small stage. A man and woman were performing a scene. The woman’s face was caked in make-up and her clothes were ill-fitting. The man kept fumbling over his words and looking out to the audience. “This troop is one of the worst in the city.” Kang-Dae made a face.

  “Then why would I want to see it?”

  “We’re not here to watch them, we’re here to watch that,” Kyril pointed to Yoon who glowering in the corner. Kang-Dae felt a genuine smile fill his face.

  “I suppose you had a hand in this.”

  Kyril brought his thumb and index finger close together making him laugh. His attention was brought back to the bumbling couple on stage. The man was wailing as the woman flounced around in a ridiculous amount of jewelry.

  “What is this?” Kang-Dae said with a cringe.

  “It’s an old play, and the only one they know,” Kyril chuckled. “About a duke who thinks he’s lucky enough to find the perfect wife. He was so mesmerized by her beauty he didn’t notice all the misfortune she caused him and everything he was losing until he was left with nothing.”

  “I thought it might be a reminder of the trouble you avoided by not marrying Lady Gi,” Kyril joked.

  Kang-Dae smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. The story before him was starting to feel familiar and not because of Jae-Hwa. His eyes searched across the courtyard finding Serenity once more, still with Jung-Soo. They were watching a balancing act. Serenity’s eyes were wide and her mouth hung open in awe. Her beauty was captivating, and a dark feeling formed in him. His eyes turned back to the stage. People laughed as the man foolishly offered his wife a priceless gem which she snatched from his hands happily.

  How often had people warned him about Serenity? How often had he dismissed them because he’d convinced himself they were the foolish ones, that she was harmless, that she needed his protection? He thought back to his life before that fateful day when he’d stumbled upon her at the lake. His life had not been perfect by any means, but he didn’t recall going through this much heartache, this much trouble. Suddenly the laughter around him felt louder. Only they weren’t laughing at the fool on stage, they were laughing at him.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Serenity was practically running to the healing room not caring how she looked. Her guard kept formation around her as she moved and poor Amoli did her best to keep up. By the time Serenity entered the room, Kang-Dae, Kyril, and Satori, we're already there standing over the prone man on the bed. They looked up at her as she answered. Serenity's hands flew to her mouth at the sight of a bloody and bruised Amir. “Is he?”

  “He's still alive my Queen,” Kyril answered, feeling her with immense relief.

  “What happened? How did they know they were there?” She asked.

  “We do not know my Queen. They were outnumbered and ill-prepared to face a force of that magnitude. Many of his men that ventured out with him did not return. There are reports that there were some civilian casualties as well.” Serenity felt her stomach turn. Her eyes drifted to Satori.

  “Where were you?!” She demanded. For the first time ever, he looked ashamed as he lowered his gaze. “You were supposed to be there with him. if you had, maybe we wouldn't have lost so many!”

  Satori was uncharacteristically silent, keeping his head down.

  “Do not place your guilt on him,” the hard voice of Kang-Dae sliced through the room shocking everyone.

  “What?” She turned to him with a frown.

  “I told you the shipment should not go on. I warned you it was too big of a risk and you purposely ignored me. This is the result. You share just as much blame in what happened.”

  Serenity was struck silent. What could she say? Yes, Satori’s action may have cost lives, but her decision definitely did. Those people, those soldiers, they would still be alive had she not attempted this in the first place. Tears she’d held back for Amir flowed freely for her grief and guilt.

  “My Queen,” Kyril spoke walking over to her. “Let me escort you back. There’s nothing more you can do here.” Unable to do anything but obey she allowed Kyril to lead her away. Once they reached the hall, Kyril spoke. “Do not worry. I will speak to him, tell him this was my doing. You should not blame yourself. Sometimes no matter how much we plan, things cannot be accounted for. We will pay Katsuo back 100-fold for this,” Kyril promised but Serenity was too focused on the lives lost. How stupid was she? She had been playing at this queen thing. It was easy to hand out food and keep nobles satisfied. She had forgotten that her decisions could cost people their lives. Today was a horrible wake up call. The sooner she left the better. She was no Queen. Just two more weeks and she could leave all this behind.

  Chapter Forty

  Both the council and the nobleman and women of the court sat before Kang-Dae in the throne room. Serenity had not come which Kang-Dae was grateful for. She shouldn't be here for this.

  “My King, the people are rightfully upset. They were promised protection and now things are worse for them.”

  “I understand their anger. It was an unfortunate event, and we are doing our best to remedy

  “With respect, my King, do not think there is much to be done. With the occupancy in the North, any moves we make to help, will lead to war, a war we still are not prepared for.”

  “What do you suggest?” Kang-Dae asked.

  “Perhaps if the Queen were to make a statement of apology-,”


  Kang-Dae’s sudden shout made the men flinch. “My King, it's been rumored that the Queen had been the one to sanction this mission, therefore its failure-,” The lord started.

  “Its failure is due to Katsuo’s plotting and nothing more,” interjected Kang-Dae.

  “My King I wouldn't dare say such a thing,” the man backpedaled. He looked over to his men who put something in his hand. The lord unrolled a scroll and showed it to Kang-Dae. He jumped out of his chair and snatched it up. It was a crude drawing of Serenity that featured the words “unworthy” above.


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