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Blessed Moon: The King's Seer

Page 15

by L. S Bethel

  “These were found in the inner city.” Kang-Dae tossed the offensive thing to the ground.

  “The Queen is not going to apologize. I want everyone caught with those brought straight to me,” Kang-Dae ordered.

  “Yes, my King, but what shall we do about the North?” Kang-Dae contemplated looking at the ground before raising his gaze once more.

  “We're not prepared for a full war right now, but we have enough men to organize an evacuation. We can get as many people out as we can to bring them further inland. I'll need the northern lords to help.”

  “Of course, my King.”

  “We will begin as soon as we can gather the men.”


  Kang-Dae stormed through the palace. He left everyone in the throne room unable to stand the sight of any of them anymore. If he didn’t, he feared he would kill one of them. Seeing how quickly the people could turn against Serenity after all she tried to do infuriated him. He’d been rightfully angry hearing about what she’d done behind his back, but he understood her reasoning. She wanted to help the people. His anger at her came from his own fears of how the people would react and it was disheartening to know he was right.

  “My King,” a soft voice call to him. Jae-Hwa was approaching, as always dressed in her best. Surprisingly she wasn't with any other ladies of the court or even her attendees which was rare. There was only her personal guard who trailed far behind her. He was going to keep walking, not caring to even pretend to be polite, but she stood in front of him effectively blocking his path.

  “My King, how are you?”

  “Fine.” He tried to walk again but she moved to stop him again.

  “Forgive my candor, but you seem as though you carry a great weight upon your shoulders. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you smile. It saddens me to see you this way.”

  He wanted to shout he didn't care. Her concern was not what he wanted. “If you would like, you can visit with me anytime. Maybe I can help,” She spoke innocently enough but the look in her eyes promised different things. The idea of even touching her put him off. He didn't want her or anyone else but his wife even if she didn't want him.

  “No.” He pushed past this time only to feel her hand boldly on his arm. “My King, I only want what is best for you and our country. It’s clear that you no longer hold the queen’s affections. A crumbling marriage brings forth a crumbling kingdom. If you are rethinking your match-,” he snatched his hand away, outraged not just at her, but the possible truth in her words. ‘Everyone could see it,’ he thought. ‘Her affections for me have left her. Now she gives them all to Jung-Soo.’ He thought back to the other night, how he'd attempted to touch her shoulder as she slept, only for her to recoil from him. Even in her slumber, she wanted nothing to do with him. Every day she showed how little she cared for him, but he couldn’t stop wanting her. Maybe she had enchanted him.

  “My King,” Jae-Hwa’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. “I know it may be hard for you to, see the truth. But it’s better that you see it now before any more damage is done.”

  Kang-Dae shut his eyes, trying to hold back his anger. “Get away from me,” he spoke slowly.

  “Please my King,” Jae-Hwa begged grabbing his arm once more, holding it tightly in her dainty hands.

  “Everyone sees it, how much you care. Can you honestly say she feels the same, even now?” Kang-Dae’s temper flared. “I have you loved since I came here. The day I arrived you were there.”

  9 years ago

  Jae-Hwa couldn’t control her racing heart as the carriage slowed to a stop. Not only would she be reuniting with her father after so many years apart, but she would be meeting the prince as well. Her father told her so many great things about the prince in his letters, describing him as a brave up and coming warrior and confident young man. He told her all about his early success in battle and his mischievous antics around the castle which amused the Queen and frustrated the King.

  Jae-Hwa kept going over all her lessons in her head. Her father had made it clear that when she was there, she should carry herself as a perfect woman of nobility and grace. The carriage door opened, and she stepped out into her new home. The size and majesty of it almost overwhelmed her. It was more beautiful than she’d imagined. A man stood waiting in front of her. “Your father has asked me to show you where you will be residing” Though she was disappointed her father wasn’t there to receive her, she hid it well beneath a smile she’d perfected when she was 13. “Thank you.” The man led her and her servants through the grounds. It was a lot to take in. She feared she’d get lost if she ever ventured out alone. The sound of cheering and loud chatter drew her attention. She turned to her left to see a group of men cheering as they watched two men fight in the grass. At first, Jae-Hwa feared something was wrong, but realized, from the smiles and merriment of the men around them, that this must be a sport of some sort. The men held onto one another trying to make the other fall. She couldn’t see their faces, but the taller one appeared to be winning. Jae-Hwa’s pace slowed when the taller one finally brought the shorter one down. The men cheered as the taller one stood. Jae-Hwa was shocked by how young he looked. With a victorious smile, he raised his arms triumphantly. He was handsome, very handsome. His shoulder-length hair was all mussed and wild. The young man helped his opponent up. He had a more serious look on his face, but he didn’t seem upset over his loss. The taller one threw his arm over his shoulder and laughed. The sound made her smile. Suddenly he turned her way, and she couldn’t move. At that moment she knew he was the prince, the future king, and her future husband. He smiled right at her and she felt her cheeks go red. Shyly she turned away to flustered to do anything else as she rushed to keep up with the attendant.

  Jae-Hwa had kept that smile in her heart all these years. Even today the memory of it brought her the same elation as she had back then.

  “I always knew we were meant to rule together as one.”

  “I have no memory of that day,” Kang-Dae responded coldly trying to pull away, but Jae-Hwa held onto him. “I know she has you confused, but I can help you. And once we are married the people will thrive once more-,” Kang-Dae threw her off. Jae-Hwa lost her footing and fell. Her man raced over to help her.

  “9 years ago, 5 years ago or 1, it doesn’t matter. I’ve felt the same thing for you then as I do now. Nothing. Same thing I’ve felt for the dozens of ladies I’ve smiled at.”

  Jae-Hwa’s sight began to blur as the tears appeared. “There has never been one moment that I considered you to be anything more to me. At most you had my respect as a lady, but seeing you this way, throwing yourself at a married man. I don’t even have that for you.” Jae-Hwa’s chin trembled. “Understand this, Lady Gi, no matter what happens between me and my wife, I will never regard you as anything more than a pitiful tool of your father. I pray one day you will find a will of your own.” The King cast her one last pitying look before walking away, to find the only woman who had his affection.

  Jae-Hwa sat on the ground unable to do more than cry, as the King walked off leaving her shamed and heartbroken.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Jung-Soo hunted Serenity down. He was becoming tired of being involved in their marriage but once more he found himself intervening. How tragic that his new habit involved fixing the damaged relationship of his best friend and the woman he had fallen for. He found her in the practice room, sparring with her guard. He paused, momentarily stunned by her progress. While Arezoo was the obvious superior fighter Serenity was doing surprisingly well for having only been training for such a short time. As he watched, he could see the determination in her. She had a focus that was admirable but worrying all the same. Snapping out of his thoughts he moved forward.

  “Wait outside,” he announced to her guard. All the women looked at him. They then looked to their Queen unsure whether to follow his command or not. Serenity looked at him and he could tell she was upset that he had interrupted their session and probably wanted
to tell the women to ignore him. Fortunately for him, she didn't fight him and told them to wait outside. Once they were gone, she continued to practice with her staff attempting to ignore him, but he knew she was listening. “You need to do something.”

  “I am doing something, you're just interrupting me,” She snarked swinging her staff around.

  “How long are you going to let this continue?”

  “He's a grown man and a King. He could do whatever he wants.”

  She still had not looked his way. He knew it was her way of staying detached. Tired of the game he yanked the staff from her hand. She glowered at him, but he had the attention he wanted.

  “What happened?”


  “Do not lie. If your petty arguments cause the fall of the kingdom, I'll kill both of you. What happened?” She stood silently fuming. He could tell she wanted to say something but there was a hint of distrust in her expression which bothered him. Since when had she had that look with him?

  “It doesn't matter.”

  “If it is affecting him this way, it matters,” countered Jung-Soo.

  “I have nothing to do with that,” she shrugged.

  “Talk to him.” She turned to walk away but he stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Serenity,” he said sincerely. She turned her head defiantly but not before Jung-Soo saw the pain within her eyes. “Tell me.”

  She looked as though she wanted to cry. The door opened and Kang-Dae appeared. His gaze immediately landed on the both of them, looking at the intimate way Jung-Soo was touching her. Without a word, Kang-Dae stormed over and pulled Jung-Soo away from her so hard he almost fell. They both stared at him.

  “It's always you,” he sneered at Jung-Soo. Not understanding his statement or his hostility Jung-Soo could only stare. Kang-Dae took a threatening step toward him but Jung-Soo stood his ground preparing himself for whatever came. “You're just like them. Using me to get what is mine.”

  “I don't know what you mean,” Jung-Soo replied honestly.

  “I should have left you in the street,” Kang-Dae spat. The words like a dagger in Jung-Soo’s heart. This was not the Kang-Dae he knew.

  “Get out of my sight.” Jung-Soo didn't move. He glanced at Serenity. He did not want to leave her alone with him while he was in such a state. “Now you disobey me?” He asked taking another step forward. “Maybe you wish to be King as well. Shall we fight for the honor?”

  Jung-Soo lowered his head not out of fear but hopefully to de-escalate the situation. “You will not take what is mine,” Kang-Dae growled taking another step only to be stopped. Jung-Soo looked up to see Serenity pulling him back. He spun around so aggressively Jung-Soo feared he would hurt her, so he quickly put himself between them. This action appeared to infuriate him more because he let out a growl and threw Jung-Soo to the ground. Serenity let out a loud gasp. Kang-Dae stood over him. There was genuine hatred in his stare that Jung-Soo could not understand. Kang-Dae stepped to him once more, this time it was Serenity who threw herself in front of him.

  “Stop it! What's the matter with you?!” Kang-Dae stare left Jung-Soo and turned to her. The was anger still there but it was accompanied by longing as well.

  “Come,” he demanded. Jung-Soo stood up quickly to intervene once more only for Serenity to stop him.

  “It's fine,” she said but there was an uncertainty in her voice. His heart clenched as Kang-Dae grabbed her by her hand and pulled her out of the room.

  Serenity barely kept up with his fast pace as he continued pulling her through the halls. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she was scared of him. He barely resembled the man she fell for.

  “My King, My King!” Amir called out stopping Kang-Dae’s march to her relief.

  “What?!” he snapped stopping Amir in his tracks. He lowered his eyes before reporting they received word that Katsuo himself has been seen in the marshlands. Kang-Dae slowly released her arm and she stepped away. “Gather everyone to the hall.” Amir bowed and ran off. Kang-Dae turned to her, now that the anger was gone there was remorse in his eyes, but Serenity wanted nothing to do with it or him. Turning on her heels she walked away. That night she slept in her old room.


  She dreamed was trapped in darkness. There was no trace of light anywhere. She kept moving hoping, at some point she’d reach the end. She could hear the sound of rushing water. She ran toward it knowing it could lead her to her destination. Then a low whistle sounded, and something struck her. Serenity didn’t know what it was, but it pushed her back. She was hit again and again getting weaker with every hit. In the darkens she heard the screams of her comrades as they too were hit. She tried hard to stay standing, but she was hit once more, this time in the head. Her neck snapped back, and she fell backward.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  “It’s a trap,” Jung-Soo concluded.

  “We don’t know that for sure,” spoke Yu.

  “Are you doubting our Queen?” Jung-Soo asked, voice low. Kang-Dae hated how offended he was on Serenity’s behalf.

  “Of course not. But it is possible the vision may not be what she thinks it is. After all, there have been, missteps in the past,” Yu said.

  “That had nothing to do with her visions,” Jung-Soo growled looking pointedly at Satori who had the decency to look away.

  “It’s not something we should take lightly,” Amir said.

  “It was more than a warning though. I think the sound of the river was a clue. It might be where a large portion of his army is,” Serenity theorized.

  “The only river close to the marshes is the Pen Nai. The only area large enough to hold a large army would be plains. We can be there in 3 days,” proposed Amir.

  “You’re still recovering Amir.” Serenity reminded him.

  Amir shook off her concern. “I am capable of leading my men, my Queen. I want the chance to take as many men from Katsuo as he has taken from us,” he said head high, a hard look on his young face.

  “Perhaps we should send a small troop to investigate the marshes as well. Jung-Soo and I could lead them,” Kyril offered. ‘Now even Kyril was beginning to doubt her,’ Kang-Dae noticed.

  “You could very well be going to your deaths,” Nasim spoke.

  “Why take the risk? Vision or not you know the information is questionable at best. We’ve never seen a single report about Katsuo himself appearing anywhere, now we suddenly know exactly where he is,” Serenity questioned. “How can we risk you and Jung-Soo’s lives on an unknown?” Kang-Dae’s hand fisted at his side hearing Jung-Soo’s name come out of her mouth.

  “My Queen,” Kyril began.

  “No, we're not doing that,” she stated.

  “That's not your decision,” Kang-Dae spoke coldly. Her eyes flashed to his, quickly filling with fury.

  “I thought it was both of ours,” she argued.

  “My Queen, this is the best way. If your vision is right, we will find out the truth of it. Trust in us. we will not let you down,” Kyril assured her.

  Kang-Dae considered everything that had been said.

  “I could go on my own, my Queen,” Kyril continued. Jung-Soo can stay behind.” Kang-Dae glanced over at Jung-Soo standing by his wife.

  “Jung-Soo will lead a small group to Sang. Move at night, off the roads. Report back what you see.” The look of utter disbelief and anger on her face almost made him take back his words but he did not.

  “No, he won't,” she spoke nostrils flaring.

  “My Queen, it's alright,” Jung-Soo tried to calm her an action which only infuriated him more.

  “No, it's not. This is a ridiculous and stupid risk that's not worth your life.”

  “Leave by nightfall,” Kang-Dae ordered. Jung-Soo bowed.

  “Then I'm going with you.” both Kang-Dae and Jung-Soo look up alarmed.

  “My Queen, you cannot,” Kyril said.

  “It's my vision so it's my responsibility. I should be the one to go.”

u will not!” Kang-Dae declared. Serenity didn't even look at him.

  “If he goes so do I,” she vowed. Face red, Kang-Dae called for his guards. Everyone in the room couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them.

  “Escort the queen to her chamber and keep her there,” he growled. The men did as they were told and went over to Serenity.

  Infuriated, she cursed at him. As she was led out of the room, she whispered something to Jung-Soo as she passed, which only intensified his aggravation.


  Jae-Hwa sat amongst her tattered dresses and scattered jewelry. The scissors in her hand rested as she stared blankly at the painting of her mother. After her humiliating attempt at the King, she’d returned to her room. The first thing she saw was the new dress her father had brought her hanging on the dressing partition. ‘Fit for a queen,’ her father said when he gave it to her. It was what he always said every time he gifted her with anything. Everything she had was fit for a queen, everything that she learned had been taught to her so she could be a queen, everything that she was, had been contingent on the fact that she would be queen. But she was not queen, and she never would be. The realization that her dream had only ever been that, broke something inside her. With an anguished cry, she grabbed her scissors from her vanity and tore at the offending gown, ripping it to shreds until it was nothing but a pile of scraps. When she was done, she targeted the rest of her gowns, unable to stand the sight of them anymore. She’d spent her life being molded into the perfect queen, what was she if not that?


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