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His Perfect Mate [Nehalem Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 12

by AJ Jarrett

  “Then it’s a good thing that Casper’s already agreed to it.” Jake grinned.

  They sat and talked until Carl yawned so wide his jaw popped. Jake told him to get some sleep and they could talk more in the morning. Carl tucked his hands under his chin and lay staring at Jake until his eyes drifted shut. He couldn’t believe that this sweet man was his.

  * * * *

  A few days had past and Carl was up and moving around. Jake borrowed Seth’s Jeep and went into town and bought his mate and Casper some new clothes. They planned to head back to Nehalem the next day and Jake wanted Carl and Casper to have some things of their own.

  Jake was happy to see his mate smile and joke around with his brother and the others. He seemed like a different person. Jake had to guess being free of Tobias had to be a major relief for both the brothers. Just hearing them talk above a whisper was music to Jake’s ears.

  As he pulled up Seth’s drive, Carl stood outside leaning against a tree. A flirty smile graced his pink lips and Jake groaned at the sight. He was happy to see his mate being so open with his affection but Jake didn’t want to push Carl too far too soon. He wanted his mate, no doubt about it, but Jake still thought Carl needed more time to heal.

  “You want to go for a walk?” Carl asked as he got out of the Jeep.

  Carl’s head tilted to the side and his hair fanned across his pale face. The sun bounced off his light-blue eyes and Jake felt trapped by his mate’s beauty.

  “I should really get these bags inside.” Jake’s voice cracked as he spoke. His cock start to thicken and he snatched up one of the bags to cover his growing bulge.

  “Oh come on.” Carl had a little hop to his step as he walked toward him. “We haven’t had any time alone. It’d be good for us.” Carl batted his eyelashes innocently up at him. “Please.”

  Jake cursed under his breath and tossed the bag back into the Jeep. “Okay, but not too far. You’re still recovering.”

  Carl’s lower lip stuck out in a pout. “You’re no fun.” He started to giggle. “Now let’s go.” Carl grabbed his hand and led him to the beaten-down path that ran through the trees behind Seth’s cabin.

  Carl walked a step ahead of him and Jake didn’t mind lagging behind him. It gave him the perfect view of Carl’s little bubble-shaped ass. The things he longed to do to it. First he’d start out kissing it, massaging the firm globes apart to make way for his tongue, then once his mate was nice and prepared he’d enter his warm body, making them become one.

  Jake looked around the property, looking for a spot that just might be fitting for a little sexy time.

  You’re such an animal. You know that? His conscience snapped at him. Your mate deserves only the best and a romp in the woods is so not the place to make Carl feel special.

  Jake let his head hang down toward his chest. He had to get his mind off of how cute his mate was and how much he wanted to be with him. The thoughts running through his mind made him feel like he was no better than Tobias. Jake didn’t have a clue if Carl realized he was flirting with him. His mate could very well just be being nice.

  “We’re here!” Carl sang out the words.

  Jake stumbled to a stop, running into his mate. He looked up to see what Carl was referring to. A blanket laid out on a flat piece of ground not covered in trees or weeds. He looked from the blanket to his mate. Words failed him at the moment.

  “Don’t you like it?” Carl’s face scrunched up.

  “It’s…” Jake rubbed his hand over his mouth. “What is this exactly?” He thought it was better to not assume anything. Carl could just want to kiss and cuddle for a while, which was fine with Jake.

  “I thought”—Carl turned in his embrace and snaked his arms up and around Jake’s neck—“we could finally be together. I’ve been looking forward to this since the first time we kissed. And after everything that happened with Tobias I don’t want to wait. Life’s too short, don’t you think?”

  Carl reached up on his toes and kissed Jake along his jaw. He closed his eyes and sunk into the warmth of Carl’s lithe body. His arms moved of their own accord to bring Carl even closer. Carl moaned as Jake skimmed kisses over his face.

  Jake brought his hand up to grip Carl lightly around the chin. “Are you sure?” he asked as his eyes darted between Carl’s looking for any signs of doubt.

  “I’ve never been surer about anything in my entire life.” Carl tightened his arms around Jake’s neck, urging him down.

  When their lips connected Jake growled into the kiss. He lifted Carl up off his feet and carried him to where the blanket lay. The whole time his mind was shouting about how it was too soon and that he should be the stronger person and wait. But Carl hugged his legs snug around Jake’s hips, grinding his erection into his stomach. He feared the heat would burn a hole through their clothes.

  Once Jake reached the blanket he dropped to his knees and gently laid Carl down and covered him with his body. Carl kept his legs spread wide and Jake situated himself between them. He rocked back and forth, rubbing their cocks against each other. Carl’s hands gripped harder and he lifted his hips up to meet Jake’s.

  The kiss grew more intense. Carl licked his way into Jake’s mouth and sucked on his tongue. Jake lost himself in the sensual slide of his mate’s tongue over his. Carl’s intoxicating taste had Jake’s toes curling in his boots. His wolf howled its approval for this mating. Outside under the view of nature seemed natural and right.

  “Jake, please.” Carl broke the kiss and pleaded with him. “I want you.”

  Jake propped himself up to hover over his mate. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? There’s no rush, baby.”

  “I know there isn’t and I love that you don’t want to rush me into anything but I’m ready to move on and make new memories.” Carl gnawed on his lower lip nervously.

  He could see by the look in his mate’s eyes this was something he needed not just wanted. If Carl wanted to create new memories with him then who was he to disagree? All Jake wanted was to make Carl happy.

  Jake didn’t say anything. He lowered himself and captured Carl’s lips in a smoldering kiss. It was so hot Jake thought he’d melt down to nothing but a trail of smoke floating away on the wind.

  Jake reached down to unzip Carl’s pants. Once open he reached in under Carl’s underwear to grip ahold of his cock.

  Carl let out a yelp of surprise and his hips shot up off the blanket. Thrilled with Carl’s reaction and eager to give more pleasure to his mate, Jake tightened his hand and stroked Carl’s cock in an easy up-and-down motion.

  Carl broke the kiss and let his head tilt back as he thrashed from side to side. Jake relished the way Carl looked in the throes of passion. His eyes were clinched tight and his lips were slightly parted. An alluring flush crept up Carl’s neck to spread across his cheeks, making them a pretty shade of pink.

  Pushing back to sit on his knees, Jake let go of Carl’s cock. He pulled Carl’s pants down his hips and his mate’s hot, hard length sprung forward to slap against his stomach. Drool pooled in his mouth at seeing his mate’s naked body, hot and hard and ready for him.

  Jake reached for the hem of Carl’s shirt and started to lift upward. Carl’s hand landed hard on his wrist, stopping him.

  “Leave it on,” Carl demanded.

  Jake cocked an eyebrow at his mate. “Why?” Did he do something wrong? He wasn’t sure this was such a good idea anymore.

  “It’s just…” Carl turned away from Jake’s questioning eyes. “I’m covered in scars. I don’t want you to be reminded of my past.”

  “Oh, baby.” Jake placed a hand on either side of Carl’s face. “You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen and what Tobias did to you will never tarnish what we share.” Jake pulled his collar down to expose his neck. “I have a matching mark he gifted me with as well. Am I any less attractive to you?”

  Carl began to laugh. “No, you’re not.” Carl traced a finger over Jake’s neck and he shuddered at the
light touch.

  “When I look at you all I see is the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.” He brushed his thumbs over Carl’s cheeks, loving how his mate’s eyes fluttered shut at his touch.

  A few seconds passed before Carl nodded his head then reached for the bottom of his shirt. Jake sat back and watched as Carl removed his shirt and tossed it aside. The wind picked up and the cool breeze caused his mate’s nipples to harden into little bitable peaks.

  Carl self-consciously rubbed his hands up and down his arms. Being a wolf shifter allowed for his mate’s body to heal faster than a human’s and all that remained of the bites were reddened marks with some flaking skin still shedding off. The scars were raised and stood out against the paleness of Carl’s skin but Jake wasn’t disgusted. They showed how strong his mate was because he survived Tobias’s torture and lived to see another day. It made Carl a stronger human being, something Jake planned to remind his mate of every day.

  “God, you’re gorgeous.” Jake stared, unable to look away.

  “Now you.” Carl pointed at his shirt. “Pants, too.”

  He stood up and did as his mate requested. Jake pulled his shirt up and let it fall to the ground. He then slowly undid his jeans and eased them down his legs. He left his boxer briefs for last. The tight fabric hugged his thick, heavy cock, nicely showcasing what he had to offer Carl. Carl’s eyes widened as he took in Jake’s cock size and his mate licked his lips.

  Not able to wait a second longer, Jake tugged down his briefs and moved back between Carl’s legs. He nipped at his mate’s full bottom lip and as Carl gasped in pleasure Jake plundered his moist, wet heat.

  Jake reached between them and adjusted his length so that it lay over Carl’s. Drops of pre-cum dribbled out of his slit to mix with Carl’s. Jake ran his finger through the stickiness then trailed his finger down past Carl’s balls to his ribbed little opening. He continued to kiss the air from his mate’s body as he slowly inserted one finger inside Carl. The muscle went tight and he had to coax the small opening to let him enter. As he eased his finger inward, Carl let out a long sigh. Jake found that encouraging and pushed deeper. Soon he was sawing two fingers in and out preparing his mate for his cock.

  “Make love to me,” Carl said in between kisses. “Please, Jake.”

  “With pleasure, my love.” Jake sat up. He jerked his cock up and down as he stared at his mate. Carl’s whole body was flushed with color as he gazed up at Jake. The thought of sinking deep into Carl’s tight ass had him almost spilling in his hand.

  As he continued to stroke his cock something hit him, no lube. “Fuck,” he bit out a curse.

  “What?” Carl looked confused.

  “We don’t have any stuff.” He lifted his eyebrows up and down but Carl just shook his head. “Lube.”

  “Oh.” Carl started to laugh. “I almost forgot.” Carl reached for his pants and pulled out a small tube from his back pocket. “Here you go.” He tossed it up at Jake and he caught it in one hand.

  “God, I love you.” He flipped open the cap and drizzled the clear liquid into his hand then rubbed it up and down his shaft.

  “Good to know.” Carl lay back and brought his knees up.

  The way Carl openly displayed himself made Jake tremble. He gripped the back of Carl’s thigh and used his other hand to guide his cock toward his mate’s opening. The blunt tip brushed over the starburst and he darted his eyes up at Carl’s gasp. His mate nodded his head, signaling for him to go further.

  Jake slid all the way in to the hilt until he rested up flush with Carl’s ass. Carl’s body accommodated him perfectly. He stayed seated for a moment savoring the hot, hard grip of his mate’s body before he began to move. Together they found a slow and steady rhythm. It was a coupling of two hearts along with two bodies. Jake had never been more turned on in his life.

  Carl let go of his legs and held his arms open for Jake to come to him. He fell into his mate’s embrace and kissed his swollen lips. The pressure in his balls began to build and his hips picked up the pace. Carl’s heels dug into the back of Jake’s ass as he clung tightly to him. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in his ears.

  “I love you,” Carl screamed as his cum shot out, smearing over his and Jake’s chest.

  The viselike grip of Carl’s ass clamped down on his cock. Jake fought back the need to come. He didn’t want it to end just yet.

  “Jake, claim me.” Carl tilted his head to the side.

  There was one spot right under his left ear that hadn’t been scarred by Tobias. Jake felt the tingle in his gum tissue as his canines lengthened into sharp points. As Carl rode out the waves of his release, Jake struck. He clamped down tight and thrust his hips into Carl’s welcoming body. His balls drew up tight and just when he thought he couldn’t handle it anymore, he came hard and deep inside Carl’s body. Jake couldn’t ever imagine doing this with anyone else ever again. Carl was his life and love, his perfect mate.

  They lay there on the blanket naked as they soaked up the rest of the afternoon sun. The nip in the air grew colder and Jake suggested they head back to the cabin before Casper, Seth, or Holden came looking for them.

  Jake helped Carl fold up the blanket then walked hand in hand back to Seth’s. A smile a mile wide lit up his face. He couldn’t wait to introduce Carl and Casper to his brothers. He knew they’d love the brothers just as much as he did.

  “About time you guys came back.” Holden stood at the back door giving them a knowing smile. “It took everything I could think of to keep your brother from going out to look for you. Talk about scarring a kid for life, seeing his older brother getting plowed by you”—Holden pointed the wooden spoon in his hand at Jake—“would have freaked him out.”

  “How do you know that’s what we were doing?” Jake stopped at the back steps and pulled Carl into his arms. “We could have been on a nature hike.” It was possible and he didn’t have to tell his best friend about his sex life.

  “I might have bought that if your adorable little mate hadn’t asked if I could get him some lube.” Jake looked down at Carl who had his head buried in Jake’s chest. He started to laugh and looked back to Holden. “It was a total giveaway.”

  “I bet it was.” He kissed the top of Carl’s head then ruffled a hand through his light-brown hair. “Let’s get you inside before you get too cold.

  They went inside and took a seat at the table. Holden had dinner ready to go and the spicy smell of spaghetti and meatballs had his stomach growling.

  Conversation flowed easily as they ate supper. Casper reminded him so much of Cole when he was younger. The way he talked and got excited about every little thing.

  Casper was eager to move to Nehalem. Jake and Holden had both promised to help get him prepared to take his high school equivalency test. Amazingly enough Carl had taken his when he turned fifteen. Jake had to wonder if his mate was some sort of genius, not that he really thought Carl would ever admit it though.

  Carl also promised to help do whatever it’d take to give his brother a normal life. The way Carl doted on his brother one would think Carl was his father instead of his brother. Jake figured it was part of the guilt Carl felt for the life his brother had lived but he also knew his mate would still go overboard for his brother. Carl had a good heart and wanted to help other people. Jake thought it was a miracle Tobias hadn’t killed that part of his mate’s personality. The world would have suffered from that loss.

  After dinner Carl and Casper helped Holden with the dishes which Jake and Seth thought was funny. The kitchen being as small as it was made the three men look like sardines in a can. Holden was wider and taller than the brothers and looked out of place as he stood in the middle of the speed-talking duo. Holden kept up with the conversation and laughed and joked right along with them.

  With the dinner dishes put away and a couple of hours of mindless TV watching later they turned in for the night. Holden and Casper slept in sleeping bags in the living ro
om. There was a movie on TV they wanted to watch. Seth took refuge in his room, locking the door behind him, and Carl and Jake shared the bed in the spare bedroom.

  They shared a few kisses but nothing more. Tiredness took hold over both of them and they didn’t have the energy to go for a second round. It was probably for the best. Seth was driving them home first thing in the morning.


  Jake couldn’t wait to get there and start his life with Carl.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The drive from Clawson back to Nehalem felt ten hours longer then the drive up. It had to be because Jake was eager to get home.

  Seth had woken everyone up before the sun had even risen. They all walked around like zombies as they loaded up the Jeep and climbed inside. Jake sat in the middle with Carl and Casper on either side of him. As soon as they hit the highway both brothers fell asleep, leaning on him.

  “Nehalem five more miles.” Holden pointed out. “I can’t wait to get home.”

  “You missing Carson?” Jake asked.

  “I am. I just came into his life and I don’t want him to forget about me.”

  “Like Noah or Skyler would ever let that happen,” Jake reassured his friend.

  Seth dropped him, Carl, and Casper off first then took Holden home. Jake thanked Seth for all he did to help them. Seth said not to mention it being as he was the one who brought Holden and Jake to Clawson in the first place.

  It didn’t matter the reason behind it. Jake still thanked the man. He hoped to see more of Seth in the future but he wasn’t so certain of that. Seth liked his solitude and Jake didn’t think having him and Holden around changed that too much.

  As Seth pulled away Jake waved one last goodbye, then shouldered their bags and walked up the steps of the Carsten house. He hadn’t grown up here but the house still felt like his home.

  Home wasn’t necessarily where a person grew up, it’s where they make it and he made his here. Jake just hoped that Carl and Casper loved it just as much.


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