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His Perfect Mate [Nehalem Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 11

by AJ Jarrett

  Jake darted across the hall into the foyer. Just as he reached the steps he heard something hit the floor followed by Seth’s loud growl. He didn’t stop. Jake took the stairs two at a time until he reached the top. He walked along the hallway trying doorknobs and sniffing the air. Carl’s scent was faint. The coppery smell of blood dominated over Carl’s sweet smell.

  The door at the end of the hallway stood out like a spotlight. Jake had a feeling that was where he’d find his mate. He took one step then another until he was racing toward the door. He stumbled to a stop before he crashed into the door. If Carl was in this room it meant Tobias was as well. He had to be stealthy now. If he could sneak up on the alpha Jake could kill him quickly. It was better than the man deserved but getting Carl to safety was his main priority.

  His hand shook as he reached out to grab the knob. The fear of not knowing what waited on the other side terrified him more than anything ever had. He’d seen his mother killed by a reckless driver, his father shot to death due to a deranged alpha, and somehow those things, harsh as they were for him to endure, didn’t compare to what condition he’d find his mate in once he stepped over the threshold.

  Taking a deep breath, Jake turned the handle and stepped into the room.

  * * * *

  The sound of the door creaking open drew Carl out of his dismal thoughts. His eyes stung from crying and clenching them tightly shut as Tobias delivered his punishment for disobeying.

  “Jake,” he mumbled as he saw his mate step quietly into the room. At first he thought he was imagining it. Jake stood with his back ramrod straight, his shaggy blond hair in disarray around his face, and he was naked. If this was a figment of his imagination he never wanted to come back to the real word. Jake looked like a rugged warrior straight back from battle. Sweat coated his tan skin and he looked effortlessly flawless.

  God, I never want to wake up.

  “Carl.” The vision of Jake hustled toward the bed. “Oh my god, what has he done to you?”

  Jake reached out his fingers and Carl hissed in pain as the vision touched him. Carl grabbed frantically for Jake’s hand. His fingers curled around thick solid muscle.

  He’s real! His mind shouted in glee.

  “You came for me?” Carl’s throat grew tight as he became overwhelmed with emotion.

  “Of course I did.” Jake took Carl’s hand and flipped it over to kiss the palm. “I’ll always come for you.”

  He couldn’t fight the smile that split across his face. For so long it had just been him and Casper against the world. It felt good knowing he had someone else in his corner.

  “Baby, you’re bleeding really bad.” Jake’s eyes roamed over his body and Carl tried to use his arms to shield his ugliness from his mate. “Stop, please. You’re making it worse.”

  “I don’t want you to see me like this,” he whispered. Carl turned his head away from Jake’s beautiful face. It stung that he’d never be able to match the beauty of his mate. He didn’t want Jake to be saddled with an ugly, weak wolf for a mate.

  “Carl, listen to me.” When he didn’t look at him, Jake used his finger to turn Carl’s face toward him. “It doesn’t matter how you look.”

  “It does,” he sobbed. “Tobias has scarred me with his mark. He even burned my neck until he removed any signs of yours. I’m a freak now.”

  “You are not a freak and I could care less how you look.” Jake placed his hands on either side of Carl’s face and laid a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you, Carl, and that’s all that matters.”

  “I love you, too.” Carl placed his hand over Jake’s and held tight. He was foolish to ever doubt his mate. Jake would never leave him behind.

  For the first time since coming to live with Tobias he felt like he had a future beyond this house.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Well isn’t that sweet.” Jake spun around to see Tobias leaning against the doorframe leading to the bathroom. The man clapped his hands and sneered at him. Tobias pushed away from the door and started toward him and Carl. “Carl, you lied to me.” Tobias made a tsking sound and waved a finger in the air.

  Jake stood to his full height. He darted a glance down at his mate who still lay motionless on the bed. Jake could see the fear in his milky blue eyes and he swore to himself he’d rid the world of the sadist who caused that look in his mate’s eyes.

  “I told you I’d tear him apart limb from bloody limb.” When Tobias spoke he didn’t even spare a glance at him. The other man acted as if Jake weren’t standing right there.

  “Hey fucker!” Jake had had enough. He wasn’t about to let this lowlife treat him like he was nothing and the gall of the jerk. To think Jake would allow him the chance to kill him. If he went down he’d be taking Tobias with him. “I’m standing right here. You can address me and leave Carl out of this.”

  Tobias turned to him. His head tilted to the side and stared at Jake as if he just now noticed him. The man’s black eyes assessed him from head to toe. Jake had to fight the urge to cover himself.

  “I can see why you find him attractive.” Tobias grinned at him. “It’s a waste I’m going to have to kill him.”

  Jake barely had time to react. Tobias leapt in the air and had his claws extended, reaching for him. He slid to the side, landing hard on his hip. Tobias landed with his knees bent and nails dug into the hardwood flooring.

  “Come now.” Tobias’s lips were pulled back over his lengthening teeth. “It’ll hurt less if you just hold still.” His voice rose as he raced toward him.

  Jake climbed to his feet and braced himself. He wasn’t going to run from the alpha. The man needed to learn his place and by no means was he superior to Jake.

  He allowed the change to crawl over his body. Bones popped and hair grew. Once Tobias was in reach Jake snapped his jaws and bit down on the alpha’s thigh. The man howled in agony and tried to shake loose but Jake held on. Jake clamped down hard then wrenched his head to the side, taking a chunk of Tobias with him.

  The man roared in pain then fell to the floor. Jake circled Tobias as he lay on the floor twitching. Just as he had done the alpha shifted. Blood poured from the gaping wound and Tobias hobbled toward him. Jake snarled at Tobias, letting him know he welcomed the fight.

  Tobias went left and Jake went right. The alpha was slowed down due to his wound and Jake was able to latch on to the back of Tobias’s neck. Tobias let out a loud, ear-piercing howl and flipped to lie on his back, trapping Jake underneath him. Jake struggled to get free but Tobias had gained the upper hand. Tobias rolled to where he straddled Jake’s body. Jake barked and nipped his teeth trying to ward the other man off but Tobias dodged his tactics and dove in for the death bite.

  Jake clenched his eyes tight and growled as he felt Tobias’s teeth sliced through muscle and flesh. Tobias snarled against his neck and waggled his jaw, tearing more flesh from his body. Jake tried to use his paws to push at the black wolf’s chest but Tobias wouldn’t budge.

  It can’t end like this! His voiced echoed in his head. He was supposed to save Carl from this life.

  Tobias clamped down hard and Jake gasped as the pressure began to crush his wind pipe. His vision started to become spotty and he blinked his eyelids rapidly trying to regain focus. He wasn’t ready to die.

  Jake called on his strength to push Tobias off. Just as he planted his paws the wolf above him whimpered and his jaw went slack.

  “You’ve taken my parents. I will not let you take my mate.”

  A gargling sound came from Tobias and his body went limp. Jake shoved Tobias off of him and scrambled to his feet. Carl sat with his knees under him staring at the black wolf. Jake forced his body to shift back to his human form. A scream shot out his mouth as his body stretched and popped back into place. He brought a hand up to clamp around his bleeding neck.

  “Carl.” His voice was hoarse and his throat burned when he spoke. He reached out with his free hand, beckoning Carl to come to him. “Baby, it’s okay.”
  Carl looked at him in surprise like he hadn’t noticed Jake sitting there. A rattled breath left his lips then without warning he fell to the floor.

  “Carl!” Jake shouted as his rushed to his mate’s side. The bite marks on the left side of Carl’s body that had started to scab over broke open when he toppled over. Thin trails of bloods trickled to the floor. Jake with as much ease as possible lifted Carl into his arms.

  “Are you okay?” Seth asked breathlessly. Jake looked up to see the man out of breath, holding himself up with the help of the door frame. Blood oozed down the side of his face to paint across his muscular chest.

  “Yeah, Carl just fainted.” Jake rocked Carl gently from side to side, praying that was the only thing that had happened. “What about you?” He nudged his chin toward Seth. “You okay?”

  Seth shook his head. “I’m fine but that fucker”—Seth thumbed over his shoulder—“was one hell of a fighter.” He reached up to cover his ear. “The bastard bit off a piece of my ear.” That explained all the blood matting his hair and rolling down his neck. “But he got his.” A chill ran down Jake’s back at the wicked gleam in Seth’s eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re on our side.”

  Seth shrugged and stepped into the room and walked over to where he sat. “I see you got the alpha.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Carl killed him.”

  “Good for him.” Seth lightly touched Jake’s shoulder. “We need to get out of here.”

  Jake nodded his agreement and stood up. He grabbed the comforter off the bed and wrapped it around his mate’s body. As they reached the foot of the stairs and headed for the front door, Seth said he would meet him out front and went toward the back of the house. Jake didn’t stop to ask why, just headed for the door. He had made it down the driveway when Seth came running out the house. He put an arm around Jake and ushered him to go faster. Glass shattered in the distance as a fire raged to life. Jake turned to look at the blaze, then back to Seth.

  “Too bad the fire won’t erase their memories, huh?” Seth asked but never took his eyes from the house.

  Heat drifted in their direction from the house as the fire grew larger. Jake wished it could be that easy. But nevertheless his mate and his brother had to live with the past and do their best to not let it infringe on their future. A lot easier said than done.

  “Jake. Seth!” Holden’s shouts could be heard over the fire. They both turned to see Holden and Casper running toward them. “Thank god you guys are all right. I was getting ready to call Devon.”

  “We’re fine,” Jake answered.

  “Carl?” Casper’s tear-filled voice drew Jake’s attention. “Is he alive?”

  The markings on Casper’s face had scabbed over and some of the redness had started to fade. He wore some clothes that he assumed Holden had given him. They swallowed up Casper’s thin body, making him look like a little kid.

  “Yes, he’s alive,” Jake reassured the young wolf. “He’s just fainted.” Tears spilled from Casper’s eyes.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Seth started off toward the trees and led the way back to where they had left their clothes.

  Once they were dressed they headed in the direction they’d come. A few hours into the hike they decided to stop and rest. Casper was too weak to keep going. They made camp and somehow Holden, Seth, and Casper managed to share a sleeping bag while he and Carl shared the other. His mate never woke up and Jake held him through the night as his ravaged body shook and twitched.

  At first light they continued on their way back to where they left Seth’s Jeep. The parking lot was empty and they were able to leave unseen. It would have been pretty hard to explain the condition they were all in. Plus him carrying a passed-out bloodied and beaten Carl wouldn’t have gone over well had someone seen them.

  Back at Seth’s house Jake carried Carl into the room he and Holden had shared and laid his mate on the bed. Casper had gone to the kitchen where Holden brewed some coffee and hot tea.

  “Has he woken up yet?” Seth asked.

  Jake sat in a chair by the bed, staring at his mate. “Nope.” He was starting to get worried.

  “If he’s not better by tonight I’ll call that doctor I know,” Seth offered then left the room.

  Jake scooted his chair closer to the bed and caressed his fingers over Carl’s forehead. The man’s hair had clumped together from sweat and blood. His face looked so pale but his chest rose and fell in soft succession. Carl looked as if he were just sleeping and Jake assumed maybe he was. His mate had gone through a lot and not just the past couple of days but years.

  A soft knock at the door drew his attention. He turned to see Casper standing in the entryway. “Can I come in?”

  Jake sat up and dried his clammy palms on his thighs. “Sure. I think he’d like to hear your voice, Casper.”

  Casper smiled brightly as he rushed into the room. The young wolf climbed on the bed and snuggled close to his sleeping brother. It warmed Jake’s heart to see them together. It made him miss his brothers.

  “Casper, I’m going to go call home.” He stood up. He had just reached the door when a thought occurred to him. “Hey, Casper.” The young wolf propped up on an elbow to look at him. “Do you think you and your brother would like to come live with me? I fully intend on asking Carl but what do you think about it?”

  “I think there’s no other place my brother would want to be.” Casper smiled at him. “But are you sure you want me to come along?” Casper still smiled but Jake could see the uncertainty and fear that he’d say no in the young man’s eyes.

  “Casper, wherever we go, you go. You understand that? We’re family.”

  He could see the shine in Casper’s eyes. “Thanks, Jake.”

  Jake smiled and gave Casper a small wave and left the room. He fished out his cell phone and punched in his brother’s number.


  “Cole, it’s me.” Jake gave Cole a simplified version of what took place. He told his brother that he had found his mate and that he’d be bringing him and his younger brother back home with him. Cole sounded excited and promised to inform Devon. Hearing his brother’s voice made him long for home.

  They said their goodbyes and Jake hung up the phone. So much had happened in such a short span of time. If someone would have told him four days ago that he’d be shot, find his mate, and be involved in murder and arson he wouldn’t have believed it. But going through all that he still wouldn’t have changed a thing because it brought him to Carl. He just prayed he could help his mate recover from his past.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The soft sounds of snoring woke Carl up. He shifted on the bed and opened his eyes to see Casper curled up next to him. He blinked his eyes to try and clear away the sleepiness. Casper’s face was covered in marks that had started to heal. He lightly touched one and his heart threatened to crack at what his little brother must have gone through.

  “He’s fine, Carl.”

  He rolled over to see Jake sitting in a chair besides the bed. “We made it out?” Carl asked as he tried to remember what happened.

  “Yes and thanks to you, Tobias is dead.” Jake scooted his chair closer to the bed and took Carl’s hand in his.

  Carl closed his eyes and bits and pieces flashed before his eyes, being restrained, the burn on his neck, and Tobias biting on his body like a hungry dog. Then he saw himself over a large black wolf forcing the very same fire poker with the decorative handle into Tobias’s neck. The beast was trying to kill Jake and he couldn’t let Tobias take his mate away from him too. Murder was a sin and against the law. Carl should have felt bad but he didn’t. Tobias got what he deserved and Carl would never apologize for that.

  “You okay?” Jake’s eyebrows rose to his hair line.

  “You know what? I think I am.” He grinned so hard his face began to ache. “We’re free, Casper and I.”

  “You are.”

  “I just wished I could have prevented ev
erything that had happened.” Guilt sat heavy in his stomach over what he had learned from Tobias, all the bad things Tobias had done in the name of love.

  “Baby.” Jake’s thumb stroked over his hand in a circular pattern. “There’s nothing you could have done to stop Tobias from doing the things he did. There’s no rhyme or reason to the thought pattern of a madman.”

  “In my head I know that and understand but it doesn’t take away my guilt.” He took a deep breath. “Tobias killed my parents. He also killed the alpha all because he loved me. How sick is that?”

  “Like I said it’s not for us to understand.”

  “I know but it’s not fair to Casper.” He turned to look at his brother. “He didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “And neither did you,” Jake said sharply. “What Tobias did rests on his shoulders not yours. It’ll take time but we all can get past this together. It won’t be easy but we’re family now and we have each other to lean on.”

  “Family,” he whispered. Carl stared into Jake’s deep-green eyes and the heavy burden of the past started to lift away. It wouldn’t all disappear overnight but this was a fresh start. Not just for him but for Casper as well. He’d spend every day right down to his last breath doing whatever it took to give Casper the life that had been stolen away from him. And with the help of his mate he knew it was possible. “I like that.”

  “Me too.” Jake leaned down to kiss Carl’s knuckles. “There’s something I want to ask you.”


  “Would you like to move back to Nehalem with me?” Jake rushed the words out so quickly like he was afraid Carl would say no.

  “I’d love too but I need to ask Casper what he thinks. I love you, Jake, but I’m not going anywhere without my brother.” He didn’t want it to seem like he was giving his mate an ultimatum but it was how he felt. If Casper didn’t want to go with them then Carl would stay with his brother. He’d owed Casper that much.


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