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Wylde Fire

Page 9

by Sarah Robinson

  "I'm doing great," Holly said, her hands in her lap.

  Sam could tell she was nervous. Having dinner with just his parents wasn't something he particularly wanted to do but his mother had insisted on it, and he did want them to get to know Holly since…well, he was marrying her. They'd be married for however long she needed insurance or until their arrangement no longer worked for one of them, so he figured it best that they get to know each other's families now.

  Sadly, she had no family except her sister, but he was more than happy to introduce her into his. She was the perfect buffer between the insanity that was his family's judgment and him.

  "So, tell me. How did you two meet?" Grace asked. "I don't think I ever heard this story, and I must admit…I'm confused as to when you two started dating. Sam here has kept this quite a secret. Although, I'm glad to know he hasn't been alone all this time."

  Holly glanced sideways at Sam. "Um…"

  "Uh, we actually met in high school," Sam said, cutting her off. "We both went to River Ridge High School. She was a freshman when I was a senior. We flirted a bit back then and always kept in touch. Then about a year ago, we ran into each other at an event she hosted in Nashville and struck up a conversation. The rest is history."

  "High school sweethearts," Doc said. "Very romantic."

  "Yes, it is," Grace agreed, though her tone didn't sound convinced in the slightest. "It would seem Sam has a thing for high school sweethearts."

  Would his mother ever let go of his relationship with Jane?

  "Mother," he warned.

  She put her hands up. "Sorry. I'm just saying. It's quite the pattern."

  "River Ridge is a small area, dear," Doc pointed out. "Let the boy live."

  "Of course, of course," she assured him. "I'm glad to see him happy again. He was so unhappy after the break-up with Jane. We were really worried he was going to do something drastic."

  Holly looked at him with one brow raised. "Really?"

  Sam squirmed in his seat, not wanting to remember such a dark period in his life. Things had definitely gotten drastic…hell, he'd made some mistakes he wish he could go back and change. But he wasn't one to live in the past. He was moving forward, and he was doing it with Holly.

  "Oh, yes. He was so lost," his mother continued. "But all is well now and he seems so happy with you. So, Holly…tell me about yourself. What do you do?"

  "I'm an event planner. I'm actually going to be planning the launch party for Wyldefire Whiskey," Holly explained animatedly, pulling out her phone to show them some plans for the party. "We have some great designs in place for the big day already."

  She scrolled through some photos, showing off her ideas to the table. Everyone seemed impressed over the plans.

  "What about the wedding? Are you planning that?" his mother asked.

  "Um…I hadn't thought about it yet," Holly admitted, glancing over at Sam.

  He shrugged. "We haven't really put much into it."

  "Why not combine the two?" Doc said. "Make the launch part of a wedding weekend. A big one-two event!"

  "What?" Sam balked at the idea.

  Holly was quiet for a moment, however. "Actually, that's not a terrible thought."

  Sam turned to her. "Seriously? Wouldn't it eclipse the launch?"

  She shook her head. "No, we'd only serve Wyldefire Whiskey at the wedding, go rustic with the decor, and tout it as a wholesome family brand. A real back home, country vibe like how your brand is."

  Grace nodded along with the idea. "I actually like this. I think it would give you all a chance to celebrate the launch of two new things—a marriage and a company."

  "When you say it like that, it doesn't sound very romantic," Sam countered.

  Holly put her hand on his thigh. "Quite the opposite. This company, this brand…it's part of you. I'm marrying you. It only makes sense that we'd combine them—that I'd marry both. I'm as dedicated to Wyldefire as I am to you."

  "Well, that was pretty romantic," Grace admitted, taking a sip of the wine the waiter had just dropped off. "It sounds like you two are really in love."

  "Of course we are," Sam replied quickly, wrapping his arm around the back of Holly's chair. "Very in love."

  What he didn't say was that he was actually a little worried that that might be true one day. The way she spoke about his passion, his business, him…there was a very real chance he could fall in love with his future fake wife.

  The thought terrified him.

  "So, we're doing this? We're combining them?" she asked.

  Sam nodded. "I guess so. I mean, it would be cheaper, and it makes sense with the theme."

  "I'll get started on the planning then," Holly said, tucking her phone back in to her purse.

  Grace smiled and clapped her hands. "It'll be an affair to remember."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Holly pulled the tape across the top of the box and sealed it closed. "There. One more down." She glanced around her bedroom. "Only a thousand more to go."

  Amelia chuckled and finished packing the box she was working on, then sealed it up with packing tape. "Honestly, this entire thing is absolutely crazy."

  Amelia was the only person in the world she had been honest with about her situation. She had to. There was no way she could lie to her and convince her she'd been secretly dating Sam for over a year. Amelia would call bullshit on that so fast. They were too close for that. There were plenty of people in her life she could lie to and fake it with, but Amelia? She definitely wasn't one of them.

  "I mean, I honestly don't know how I feel about it, Hol." Amelia plopped down on the bed and took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off her brow. "You haven't even seen him much—if at all—in ten years. Since high school. Do you even know him anymore? What if he's a totally different person? What if you're a totally different person?"

  Holly shrugged. "I think that's a given. I think we're definitely both different people and that's a good thing."

  "How so?" her friend asked.

  "Well, back then I was so shy and basically a wall flower. I never would have even approached him," Holly reminded her, reminiscing on her high school days. "And he was kind of an asshole jock. I mean, not really an asshole, but not really not an asshole either. A typical teen boy. But now? He's caring and sweet, and he really wants to take care of me."

  "That's what I don't get." Amelia shook her head. "Why? Why does he care about your sister? Why does he want to take care of her?"

  "Because marrying me benefits him as well," Holly continued. "He's done with the single life. The pitying looks. The prying family."

  "So, you're just an arrangement for him? Something to do with his time."

  Holly licked her lips, trying to make sense of it in her own head. Honestly, she questioned it most days, too. She felt like she was getting the better end of the deal, but he swore this is what he wanted. "In some ways…yeah. I guess so."

  "And you're okay with that?" Amelia asked. "Being just that for him? A project?"

  "Look what I get out of it though," Holly reminded her. "I don't really have a choice. My sister needs this. I need this. And truthfully…I…I like Sam."

  Amelia grinned. "That's what I was wondering. The high school crush still alive and well?"

  Holly felt her cheeks heating and she could only imagine how red they must be turning. "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"


  "I can't really help it. Being engaged to him…makes it real again. Makes me remember all those lovey-dovey feelings I once had. It's impossible not to feel that way again," she admitted. "Plus, he's Sam. And he's doing so much for me. He's practically sacrificing his life for me and my sister."

  "Let's not be dramatic. It's not really his life, just his single-hood."

  Holly shrugged. "True. Still, it's significant."

  Amelia nodded in agreement. "No one is saying it's not. I'd certainly never do what he's doing. He's insane—like someone should have him t
ested, seriously. But, it's a really hospitable gesture. I can see why someone would do that for someone else. You see people do it all the time for people who need green cards and things like that. What's the difference for someone who needs insurance?"

  "Exactly," Holly said. "Plus, we have the benefit of actually liking each other and enjoying each other's company."

  "I'm sure the sex helps," Amelia teased.

  Holly felt her cheeks heating. "It certainly doesn't hurt."

  "I'm trying not to be jealous as fuck over here, but you're not making it easy," her friend joked. "Let's get these boxes finished so you can move in with Prince Charming."

  They worked for the next few hours stuffing boxes and drinking wine until finally the majority of the apartment was packed away. The women were just finishing the last of the kitchen when they heard a knock at the front door.

  "Are you expecting anyone?" Amelia asked Holly, walking over to go answer the door.


  Amelia opened the door. "Oh, hi, Evie."

  "Hi there," Evie Everrett, owner of Evie's Exotic Pets from Main Street in River Ridge, greeted the two of them from the front step. "How are you ladies doing tonight?"

  "We're doing great," said Holly, although she found herself getting more and more nervous by the second at the large covered cage that Evie was holding. "What do you have there?"

  "Your delivery. The little guy is sleeping peacefully, but I know he's excited to meet his new mommy!" Evie walked right in to the house and placed the cage down on the dining room table without even asking if she could come in.

  "Um…I didn't order anything," Holly quickly reminded her, a slight panic in her voice because there was no freaking way she'd forgotten that she'd ordered herself an exotic pet. I mean, the occasional drunken Amazon shopping binges, sure. What girl hadn't? But an exotic pet? I mean, it was time to cut up her credit card if she'd done this.

  "It's a gift from your boyfriend, Sam." Evie lifted the cover off the cage. "He said you'd love it. Meet your new family member."

  Holly's eyes widened as she tried to absorb the information being thrown at her at the same time as she looked into the cage to see a tiny, furry animal sleeping in a ball on a blanket in the corner. When the light hit him after the cover was removed, he blinked open huge eyes and yawned, stretching out arms and legs that were attached by a winged web. A long tail snuck out and curled around in a circle.

  Honestly, it was adorable, but she had no clue what the hell it was.

  "What…what is it?" Amelia asked.

  "He's a sugar glider," Evie said, lifting the roof of the cage and sticking her hand in to pick him up. He made a loud chattering noise when she touched him, but then she squeezed him tight and he calmed down. "Ah, he gets nervous, but if you give him a good squeeze flat between your palms, he feels safe and calms right down. Once he gets to know you, he'll be totally serene and just sleep in your pockets and crawl around on you."

  "Really?" That was actually kind of cute. She'd always loved pets growing up, but she hadn't owned one for a while because of the amount of work that went into one. "How much work is involved in caring for this little guy?"

  "Nothing much," she assured her. Evie gave her a brief run-down of the feeding, exercising, heating, water, and vitamin regimen that would need to be followed and it honestly didn't seem that difficult. It was certainly easier than a dog or cat, and she really could keep the critter with her most of the time if she wanted.

  Still, she planned on yelling at Sam for giving her such an insane gift. The man had clearly lost his mind.

  "Well, enjoy this little guy. I better be off," Evie said. "Give him a good name!" With that, she said her goodbyes and left.

  "What are you going to name him?" Amelia asked. "He looks like he needs a strong name."

  Holly nodded, lifting him up on one finger. The glider dangled from one foot and stared at her, then switched to another foot and chewed on his front paw, still keeping one eye on her. "He needs a person name. I like Steve."

  "You're going to name a sugar glider Steve?"

  She grinned. It was perfect. Her favorite bartender's name at her hometown bar called Whitlow's was Steve. Actually, his name was Brandon, or maybe something entirely different, she wasn't sure. She could never remember, so always called him Steve, and it pissed him off so much, so it only seemed fitting that she pay homage to the memory in her first pet given to her by her whiskey-selling husband.

  "You're as insane as your future husband," Amelia mused. "You're perfect for each other."

  Holly couldn't help but wonder if maybe that was entirely too true.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "You do realize you can't just give people pets, right?" Holly asked the moment he opened his front door. She walked right in and made herself comfortable on his living room couch without even asking. Reaching in to her front pocket, she scooped out a little ball of fur. "Say hello to Steve."

  "You named it Steve?" Sam's brows furrowed as he closed the front door behind her and walked over to the couch, a beer in one hand. Honestly, he hadn't thought the gift would be that big of a deal but from the look on her face, he was wondering if he'd made the right choice. "And why can't I? You don't like it?"

  "I love it, but that's not the point. The point is that it's an insane gift."

  Sam shrugged, confused by her entire entrance. "I think it's well established that we're insane people."

  He knew he had a point that she couldn't argue. They had agreed to get married after a few days of knowing each other—or at least really knowing each other—just so he could show up his family and she could commit insurance fraud. They weren't operating on an entirely sane level to begin with.

  "Okay, fine. But no more pets without asking first."

  He nodded, glad they'd been able to come to some sort of agreement. "Deal."

  "Want to touch him?" she asked.

  Sam reached out and petted the little guy on top of his head. "He's soft. Cute, little thing."

  "Steve is handsome, thank you very much."

  "Oh, excuse me," Sam said. "Handsome." He settled onto the couch next to her, wrapping an arm around her and leaning in to kiss her cheek.

  Holly tucked Steve back in to his zippered pouch and placed him down on the table where he'd be safe. Turning toward Sam, she lifted a leg across his lap and straddled him. Chest to chest, she leaned in and grazed her lips across his.

  "Mmm," Sam moaned, a stirring in his core at her proximity. "Holly, I want you."

  "Oh, do you now?" she teased, even though he knew full well she wanted the same thing. "How badly do you want me?"

  "I've never wanted anyone so much." He lifted her hips and positioned her over him. God, he loved the way she fit on him. "Holly, I l—"

  Love? Had that word just crossed his mind?

  Her face tinted crimson and she looked down, shying away from him. What was she hiding? Did she…did she think of words like love, too? Did she find herself thinking about him a little too long, a little too often, a little too deeply? Because Sam was beginning to wonder if maybe there was something not-so-fake about their fake engagement.

  "Holly, do you…" Sam began, placing a hand on her knee and drawing a small circle against her skin. "Do you ever think about—"


  He ignored her warning tone. "Do you ever think about us as more? As something real?"

  She looked toward the ceiling, her brows furrowed and her mouth in a tight line. "You can't just ask me that, Sam. Not with everything I have at stake here—everything you have at stake with Wyldefire."

  Sam pushed off the couch and got on his knees on the floor in front of Holly. He pushed her knees just enough apart that he could get in between them and place his arms around her waist. His face was inches from hers as they breathed each other in.

  "Maybe that's exactly why now is the perfect time to ask you," he replied. "Because I'm on my knees here, Holly. You're my lifeline. My lifeline to Wyl
defire, and I'm beginning to realize…to everything."

  Her chest rose and fell faster with each breath coming quicker.

  "Tell me you think about it, Holly. Tell me you think about us," he repeated. "Because I sure as hell can't get you off my mind, and I think I want to give this a real shot."

  He couldn't even believe the words that were coming out of his mouth, or where they were coming from. But they were true. They poured out of him and they were the truest thing he'd said in months, maybe years. He'd fallen for Holly in every moment he'd spent planning this launch with her, but if he was being honest with himself, he fell for her the moment she stole his parking spot at Town Hall.

  And he needed her to be there with him and feel it, too.

  Holly swallowed hard and tears lined the bottom rim of her lashes. She nodded her head slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I do."

  God, that sounded so much better right now than he'd ever pictured it would at the end of an aisle.

  Sam leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. They kissed softly, gently, passionately, with everything that they weren't saying but knew the other was feeling.

  "Go on a date with me," Sam said as he pulled away.

  She let out a small chuckle. "What?"

  "You heard me," he teased, squeezing her waist between his large fingers, causing her to laugh at the ticklish sensation. "We haven't been on a proper date. You're my fiancée. It's about damn time."

  "Where are you going to take me?" Holly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning her chest into his and kissing a line up his neck. "If it's our first official date, I have to be properly wined and dined."

  "McDonald's it is."

  She smacked him hard on the chest. "Samuel Jed Wylde!"

  He laughed a hearty laugh, his head dipping backwards with the bellow coming up from his stomach. "Fine! I can spring for a little Chipotle, but no extra guac. That up-charge is ridiculous."


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