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The Vordalyn 1

Page 8

by Michael T Payne

  “I wish to see it. All of it.” Queen Jenzenya said in a low voice.

  “It would be my pleasure your highness.” Dracon bowed. Thikuf and a company of men escorted Dracon to where their horses and gear were housed. Dracon retrieved Terrax’s head, helmet, and battle-axe. They returned to Queen Jenzenya’s throne room. She came down from her throne to meet Dracon as he returned. She wanted to examine the items he brought, up close. She looked at the helmet and the axe, then into the bag Dracon had dropped, unceremoniously at her feet with a thud. Queen Jenzenya took the axe from Dracon, her arms dipped from its weight.

  “Do you know the power that infuses this weapon?” She asked.

  “To me, it is nothing more than a dead man’s memory,” Dracon watched as Queen Jenzenya examined the axe.

  “May we, your friends, the Ffrei,” She asked hopefully, “Keep this weapon?”

  “In exchange for?” Dracon inquired.

  “Friendship everlasting, mighty King Dracon.” Queen Jenzenya smiled, again hopeful.

  “Then it is yours, Queen Jenzenya. How can I possibly resist your friendship?” He smiled. She turned away from Dracon to her court and held the axe as high as she could, almost dropping it from its weight. Thikuf rushed over holding it high for her, letting her hand hold it from its handle, as if she alone held it with her own strength.

  “Terrax is dead! Send word throughout the city, we celebrate this victory of the great King Dracon! Ally and friend to the Ffrei people!” The room erupted in cheers and claps. Satana and the others were subsequently brought to the throne room and were reunited with Dracon. They were honored in a ceremony by the queen. Then soldiers escorted them through the city, where they were treated to a hero’s welcome and paraded through the streets. The people of the Ffrei celebrated Terrax’s death throughout the city, before returning them to the palace, where a banquet awaited them. Dracon’s men enjoyed the laurels thrown upon them, the gifts, the wine, the food. It was a welcomed break from the constant battle, that was their travel through the forest, trying to find their way home again. For a short time, they forgot their worries and home sickness. All but Satana found comfort in the women of the Ffrei. The celebration lasted days. All the while, Venalina hid in Dracon’s room. Terrified of the Ffrei, worried at any moment they would come for her and kill her. Dracon had finally convinced her to join him for a meal with the queen, hoping she could soothe Venalina’s fears. Venalina was convinced Dracon was giving her up to the queen.

  “Your highness, may I present to you, Venalina.” Dracon introduced her. Venalina bowed her head, too scared to make eye contact.

  “You are welcomed here, Venalina, sit, join us.” Queen Jenzenya pointed to the seat in front of Venalina. She sat quickly. Dracon sat next to her, “Lord Dracon tells us you were instrumental in the victory over Terrax, is this so?”

  “My lord honors me with his words, I am but a-” Venalina was interrupted by the queen.

  “Kina, you know who you speak to, I am no foreigner, unfamiliar with your kind. We have an intimate knowledge of you and yours, so let’s cut to it, shall we?” She said. “I see your fear of being here, and rightfully so, we have a history,” The queen held up a cup, which was filled by an attendant, “Lord Dracon sees something in you, I must admit I do not, you appear unremarkable to me. Never the less, he has secured your safety. Venalina, you are the one Kina, in all the land, who will not have to fear the Ffrei.”

  “When we caught up to Terrax, your highness, Venalina was locked in battle with him. If not for her, I would be dead. If not for her assistance, Terrax would still roam these lands, unchecked.” Dracon held up his cup and it too was filled. Dracon spoke casually of the events, as he drank his wine and ate his food.

  “I see,” Queen Jenzenya nodded, “Then our thanks belong to you as well, as painful as it is for me to say, I thank you, Venalina. A gift is due. You will be welcomed among us, free to come and go as you please. We will see to any need you may have, and we will care for you when your mate dies, making you comfortable until your departure.” Venalina looked at her, surprised. Dracon had no idea what she was talking about, but it struck a chord with Venalina.

  “Thank you, your highness.” Venalina bowed her head, what she offered her was an extreme honor for a Kina. Dracon could see she had a tearful response to the reward from the queen.

  “Quite honestly, it’s been sometime since your kind has been spotted, I can’t imagine there are many of you left?” Queen Jenzenya chuckled, “In any case, don’t feed on my people and you will be safe among us.” Her words both hurt and comforted Venalina at the same time.

  “You have my thanks, Queen Jenzenya.” Dracon continued to eat, relieved Venalina’s fears were finally calmed, “Your highness, we are struggling to find a way back across the Expanse of Death, when I started out in pursuit of Terrax, we were fifty strong, but by the time we reached these lands, we were a mere twelve. I would like to get all I have left home safely, maybe find a safer passage across the expanse? Can you tell us of a way other than the one we took to get here?”

  “I feel for you, Lord Dracon. We are familiar with the terrors of the expanse. There is no physical way to travel the expanse safely. I’m afraid the way you came, is the only way back.” Queen Jenzenya said and gave him a look of pity for his plight.

  “There must be some way, even a rumor of one, could be something, Terrax, for years, had crossed the expanse with thousands of warriors, waging war on our lands, how was it he could make it unscathed?” Dracon asked.

  “I’m afraid we cannot answer that question. We too, have been at war with Terrax, that he haunted and waged war in your lands, is a surprise to us. He would leave us be for a short time, then suddenly return, attacking relentlessly, allowing us not a moments peace,” Queen Jenzenya explained, “I can tell you that his seat of power resided with the Priests of O’on.”

  “You mentioned the Priests of O’on before, who are they?” Dracon said. Venalina reached under the table and put her hand on Dracon’s leg. Her touch exhilarated him. He knew it was because she was still afraid, even so, inside he relished it. He had never felt such desire before. It was intoxicating, making it hard for him to focus on anything other than her warm hand on his leg.

  “Terrax was a Priest of O’on, he was the highest-ranking battlemage of their order. He ruled them all, I imagine there is a power struggle created by his death, the outcome of which could very well spawn another such as he. Only time will tell.” Queen Jenzenya said thoughtfully, “One Priest of O’on, can summon thousands of horrific creatures to battle by his side, he could wield armies of undead, even turn the minds of men to serve his purpose.”

  “Battle-mage, that would explain a lot,” Dracon said considering her words. As long as he could remember, every battle he had with Terrax’s armies, included fantastic creatures, spawned from the pits of hell, or so Dracon had thought. “So, it may not end with the death of Terrax?” Dracon asked.

  “I’m afraid not, Lord Dracon.” Queen Jenzenya looked saddened, “I’m sorry to have to be the one to diminish your great victory. I’m sure it will be years of in-fighting before another Terrax will rise to power, in that respite we can prepare. For that, you have our undying friendship and our loyalty to your crown, King Dracon. In time, may we stand together against them.”

  “It is good to have found more than death and war, to find friends so far from home.” Dracon smiled and looked from Queen Jenzenya to Venalina. Venalina looked ill and pale. She was sweating. She slipped from her seat to the floor with a crash. Dracon rushed to her aid. “Venalina!” He said coming to her side on the floor, he pulled her from under the table where she had slid, and laid her on her back. She shivered, and her eyes rolled in her head, her mouth hung slightly opened, breathing shallowed breaths. Queen Jenzenya walked around the table and looked down, observing. “Help me!” Dracon said desperately, looking up at Queen Jenzenya.

  “I cannot, my lord.” Queen Jenzenya said, “Make her
comfortable, it’s all you can do.”

  “Do you know what’s wrong with her?” Dracon stood scooping her up in his arms.

  “She’s starving to death. She needs to feed,” Queen Jenzenya said calmly, “It will pass, but if she doesn’t feed, she will die.”

  “So, feed her?” Dracon said looking at the table.

  “My lord, her feeding is more than just food, like you or I.” Queen Jenzenya said, “There is nothing we can do. It is the way of her kind.” Dracon gathered Venalina up and started to leave, “My Lord Dracon,” She called to him, Dracon stopped and turned back to look at Queen Jenzenya, “Be cautious, when her eyes turn black her hunger is peaked, no one will be safe from her. Do what you must, but know that I cannot allow her to feed on any of my people.” Dracon left the dining hall, returning to his room. Satana came upon them on the way and assisted Dracon getting Venalina in to bed.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Satana asked concerned for Venalina.

  “I don’t know,” Dracon said, “Get her some water, she’s ill.” Satana rushed out immediately to get water. Venalina opened her eyes.

  “My lord.” She said.

  “What can I do to help you?” Dracon asked.

  “Do you remember, in the forest when first we met?” She asked through struggled breath.

  “Yes, you were hurt, we brought you back to our camp.” Dracon sat back a little, knowing exactly what she was talking about, “You bit me,” He grabbed his neck, “Fed on me?” A flash of the feeling of euphoria struck him, he almost felt a yearning for it. It scared him. Was she so evil? Or simply misunderstood. He didn’t know what to think.

  “A trade,” she whispered, “A taste of life, for a taste of power.” She struggled and reached her hand out to him. Dracon stood, walking away from her. She made him impervious to weapons in that one bite, and it healed her. What more could she give him if he let her do it again? Was it a trick? A spell to make him want her to feed on him? Dracon was unsure of his own mind. He wanted her, but was it his true feelings or some sort of ploy on her part. Venalina passed out again. Satana rushed back to Dracon’s side with a pitcher of water.

  “Satana, leave us.” Dracon ordered.

  “Will she be ok? What can I do to help?” She asked looking down at her.

  “Nothing,” Dracon said shaking his head, “Leave us.”

  “My lord,” Satana started, “There is something you should know about her.”

  “I know enough, Satana, I think we both know, please, leave us.” Dracon said again. Satana considered what he intended to do for a moment, then did as she was told. Dracon returned to the bed and removed his shirt, looking down at her. The queen’s words resounded in his head, ‘When her eyes go black…’ He climbed into bed, questioning every move he made as he moved closer to her. If she didn’t feed it could mean death for her, if she fed on someone else it would certainly mean death for her. Dracon was unwilling to let either of those things happen and reasoned himself into letting her feed on him. Through all his reasoning, the truth in his heart was that he wanted her to feed on him, on him alone. He gently rolled Venalina over, nuzzling her face to his neck. Still unconscious, her instincts took over. She bit down and instantly euphoria took hold of him. Dracon was again, transported from his body, home, to the palace in Urixis. He saw a council of his brothers and his sister around a table, with many soldiers surrounding them all. His mother the queen, was nowhere to be seen.

  Chapter Seven

  Charnio, Torak, Renic and Darrin, were finally invited by Queen Menina to meet with her in Urixis. They had attempted to see her many times since discovering their mother had died but were turned away. As each arrived at the borders of Urixis, they were met by an army of elves, dwarves, halflings, and creatures of all the races residing in the land of Urixis. They informed them that their men would not be allowed to enter the borders of Urixis. They would only be allowed two men each, to escort them. Their armies would have to wait outside the borders of Urixis. This infuriated the brothers more, as they each arrived separately. Eventually each relented, wanting desperately to have a word with their sister. When they all finally arrived, they were brought to a meeting hall. All the human guards had been replaced with elven guards. The only humans they saw, were each other, and each other’s men. They had started to hear rumors that humans were being expelled from Urixis, but now could see it was true. They waited for an hour, talking amongst themselves, and getting each other even angrier than they were when they arrived. None of them angrier than Charnio. They were furious with their sister. Queen Menina entered the room and they all started talking at once, each wanting to give her a piece of their mind.

  “Brothers, please,” Queen Menina raised her hands to silence the many voices of her brother’s verbal attacks, when she reached the head of the table, “I know you all have questions, and they will be answered. Please, be seated.” She said then sat, “Wine for my brothers.” She ordered, and wine was brought in to each of them. She paused for a minute, looking around the room struck with a sudden daze, her brothers all growled and grumbled waiting for her to speak.

  “Menina,” Renic’s voice shook her from her daze, “You have something to say?”

  “Yes,” She chuckled, “For a second, I felt as though Dracon was here,” She finished in a whisper. Queen Menina shook her head then began again, “First, I want to address mothers wishes, I know you are all angry, but please, I was only acting on her behalf. She did not want you to return, for fear that with Dracon’s disappearance in the outer region, and the death of King Treska, all Ganlin was in jeopardy, you were needed,” They all erupted again, talking at once, she stood with her hands out to calm them and spoke louder, “You were all needed to stand against any threat that may come. During this time, mother passed on.” None of them stopped talking at her, however, trying to speak over her.

  “And you kept that from us for months, Menina.” Charnio growled standing from his seat.

  “Queen Menina!” Ohmbryn snapped at him. Charnio kicked the seat from behind him angrily.

  “How dare you speak to me, who the hell are you anyways?” Charnio said, threatening to come around the table at Ohmbryn. The guards all around the room outnumbered the brothers and their men. They snapped to, ready to put Charnio down, if necessary.

  “Stop!” Queen Menina stood from her seat looking at Ohmbryn, then at her guards, “I understand you’re upset Charnio, I’m sure you’re all upset. I had hoped mother would have had me do this any other way, I promise you my brothers, this was not my doing. I only followed mothers wishes!” Queen Menina said getting flustered by her little brother.

  “Why would she do this, Menina?” Renic asked, he remained calm and poured himself wine. Charnio watched Renic, so calm, it made him pick his seat up from the floor and sit again. It also calmed Queen Menina, “Why would she have you keep her death from us, and furthermore, why have a funeral for her, without us? It needs answering Menina, even if it was her wishes, you should have sent for us to say our goodbyes.”

  “Well-” she started.

  “Menina, what is all of this?” Torak asked interrupting her.

  “Let her speak!” Renic commanded. Queen Menina looked at Renic and nodded her thanks, then small boxes were brought in to her, by an attendant with a tray. She straightened up and collected herself again. Remembering, the attendant was entering as ordered, she was falling behind schedule. She greatly underestimated her ability to get to the point quickly with her angry brothers.

  “As per mothers wishes, she has asked that I give you these, and tell you her last words for each of you to hear. It may answer your questions, it will explain everything, I promise you,” Queen Menina took one of the boxes from the tray, held by her attendant. “Her parting gift to you, her sons.” Queen Menina opened the box as she stood next to Darrin and pulled from it, an amulet. “These gifts of magical protection, I give to you, my sons,” Queen Menina spoke her mother’s words for them like she was re
ading a letter, she placed the amulet around Darrin’s neck. The charm on the amulet was large, silver and gold, and very ornate. Darrin was impressed with the craftsmanship as it was awarded to him and placed around his neck. She walked to each of her brothers and placed an amulet around their necks. She returned to her seat then sat looking around at her brothers, who were each examining the exquisite craftsmanship of the amulets. “With these amulets of protection, let the kingdom of Ganlin be forever unified, and may you never stand against your sister, who will rule over you, and all Ganlin as its queen, now and forever. If you should ever stand against your sister, it will be upon a penalty of death!” Their faces suddenly changed, Charnio stood again to protest in the vilest words he could muster, even though the look on his face said more than his words were going to be able to. The amulet suddenly began to glow dropping Charnio to his knees. The brothers all stood to protest, but were immediately met with the same fate, dropping them to their knees in pain. The guards attacked, killing the men that accompanied the brothers to the palace. The elves then picked up and returned each of the brothers to their seats. “You see, my brothers, I am the only child of King Treska and Queen Ayana,” Queen Menina said as she walked around the table, addressing her brothers, “Even though mother wanted me to kill you all” She chuckled, “and end any claim you think you might have, we do share blood, my brothers, so I will not kill you.” She said circling the table, she let her words sink in as she walked, she grabbed Charnio’s wine from in front of him, as he writhed in pain, staring at her with murder in his eyes, “Oh, I know you’re asking yourself, how can this be?” She took a drink of the wine, “I asked the same question myself,” She said putting a hand to her chest, “Needless to say, it’s all true.” She snarled as she spoke in disgust at her brothers, “My mother gave your father other women, making father believe they were Queen Ayana, chamber maids, servants,” She leaned down to Charnio’s face, “And local whores, like your mother,” She said slowly, staring into his eyes, “Women who were easily manipulated into giving King Treska the sons he wanted, bastards!” She stood again and continued around the table, “And yet, father still believed it was his loving, Queen Ayana, that bore you bastards, for him. Your real mothers are all dead. As soon as you were born, their throats were slit, and they were fed to pigs.” She stopped next to Torak and grabbed the carafe from in front of him, refilling her wine. She looked over at Charnio, “You should have been fed to pigs with them, I mean really, who needs five sons?” She chuckled than looked around at the brothers, “You will serve me as you always have, I give you your territories, and there you will remain unless I call for you.” She drank the entire glass of wine, some dripping down her cheek, she giggled and wiped her face, “I am being very generous, seeing that death was originally scheduled to be your fate.” She stopped, standing behind her seat, “You will send resources to the capital. Before you leave, Ohmbryn will give you a detailed list of what each territory will supply me. You will still be responsible, as you always have, to protect the lands of Ganlin from threats that may come from the outer region, so keep on your toes, brothers.” The brothers started to growl as the pain intensified. “That pain you feel little brother’s, is the pain you will always feel if ever a thought of betrayal should enter your little minds.” She walked over to Charnio again and filled her cup, this time, she threw it in his face, taunting him, making him cry out in pain. The amulet was causing him an incredible amount of pain, his mind was filled with hate and murder for his sister. “You may not live the day, I see it in your eyes, Charnio. Such evil thoughts! To be expected from one whose mother was just a common whore!” She snapped then laughed, turning away from him. “You will have some time to get your minds right, and submit to me, or you will die in excruciating pain. Your territories will be split among the surviving, loving, and loyal brothers, who are able to leave here today. If you all die, I will appoint new governors to rule over your regions.” Charnio slipped from his chair, unconscious to the floor again, overwhelmed from the pain. Queen Menina giggled an all too familiar giggle that chilled her brothers. Throughout their childhood, whenever Queen Menina got the better of her brothers, that giggle would follow. “Renic, you’ve always, supposedly, been the smart one,” She said smiling, “Consider, at the very least, that you are losing nothing. You keep your lands, and all you must do is serve me, support me as queen. I offer you stability, a world unchanged, except by peace. Dracon is gone, I have been raised for no other reason than to rule Ganlin.” She poured Renic a glass of wine and pushed it closer to him. He had stopped struggling in pain as he listened to her. “In his absence, it is my place to rule as mother had. Now we just make sure you and they, do not try to take it from me,” She looked around at her other brothers, “You will all stand with me. I am Queen, Ayana, Treska, Dracon, are all dead.”


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