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The Vordalyn 1

Page 9

by Michael T Payne

  “What happened to you Menina?” Renic asked.

  “What happened? I acted first, that’s what happened!” She snapped, “We both know it was only a matter of time before one of you tried to claim the crown for yourselves!” She stood, pointing at Charnio on the floor, “You look at him, and tell me he was not plotting against me, if not now, then it would have come soon!”

  Renic contemplated her words looking around the table at each of his brothers, then to Charnio on the floor. He looked back at Queen Menina, “And this gift, is this my fate for life, even in your service?” Renic asked, nodding at the amulet around his neck.

  “Renic, I need to protect myself, even from you. If I never see you flinch, maybe then I will believe that you truly have accepted me as your queen. In time, when I have taken hold of all Ganlin, there will no longer be a need for the amulet around your neck,” She picked up the wine glass and handed it to him, “In that case I would remove it, my brother. Maybe even elevate your status, more befitting a prince.” Darrin and Torak had started to calm, also listening to Queen Menina, “My dear brothers, the time of warrior kings is over, it is time to have a queen of Peace.” Renic took the glass Queen Menina offered him and drank it. She smiled warmly at him.

  “To Queen Menina.” Renic said and raised his glass, Torak and Darrin, also repeated the toast to the new queen.

  Queen Menina giggled at her brothers, putting her hands to her face, “I’m feeling generous, take them all, even him,” she pointed at Charnio on the floor, “Back to the border to join their men. What good it will do him, Charnio will never submit, so he will die, but I will not have him die here. He should die at home, his home.” The door was opened for her and she skipped out of the room like a little girl. Ohmbryn, very unhappy with that order, chased after her. Queen Menina was skipping down the hall away from him. He hurried to catch up to her.

  “My queen,” He said grabbing her arm at the elbow and stopping her, “What is wrong with you? Are you… are you drunk?”

  “Ohmbryn,” She laughed, grabbing his arm, then spun around him, dancing and said, “I’m the queen! I did it! I won!” Ohmbryn, very reserved, slowed her spinning dance to a stop.

  “Your highness, please, do not let anyone see you like this.” Ohmbryn finally stopped her. Her face was red. He thought she must be drunk. “Have you ever had wine before?” he asked.

  “Did you see me? I put them all in their place. I made those amulets, like mother said, I used my cunning!” She smiled excitedly.

  “But you were to kill Charnio as an example? You let him live, and leave?” Ohmbryn was worried, “Straying from our plan could cause chaos. Now, we cannot put a governor of our own in his region.”

  “What does it matter, Ohmbryn? He will die for sure. It is better he dies at home in his own bed, than here. We don’t want any rumors to start that he was killed by his sister?” She grabbed his arm and they walked down the hall together, she was bursting with pride for herself. Ohmbryn indulged her, but he was very distressed at her change of plans. He was sure it was the wine that affected her decision. She let the one brother who was most prone to violent behavior, one sure to die in that meeting hall, live. It was very distressing to Ohmbryn, Charnio was impulsive and rash, driven by emotion, unable to see reason. Even worse, of all the brothers, he worshipped the missing king, and no doubt felt himself the only one worthy to replace him.

  Chapter Eight

  Dracon awoke and at first, he forgot where he was. The room Queen Jenzenya gave him was huge and luxurious. There was a balcony that overlooked the city of Qinkas. Dracon collected himself then remembered Venalina feeding on him. He looked around for Venalina, she was not in bed with him. He sat up quickly, searching the room and grabbing his neck. Images flashed in his head, of his brothers and sister at a meeting. He didn’t know if it was real or not. There was no wound on his neck, as before. When Venalina fed on him, it made him see images of his home. The last time she fed on him, it was the same. Was it a real vision of home? Or was it just dreams of where he wanted to be? He remembered feeling her teeth, painlessly break his skin, it felt good. That scared him. He remembered what his mother said to him in his first vision, it filled him with guilt. Venalina came in from the balcony, then went to Dracon as soon as she saw him on the edge of the bed. She knelt between his knees and wrapped her arms around his leg, laying her head on the top of his knee.

  “Thank you.” She whispered. Dracon watched her closely, thinking of exactly what he wanted to say. He couldn’t remember anything after the initial bite, just the vision, she could have done anything to him. He felt close to her yet, so unsure of her at the same time. He wanted to see her as a beautiful woman who needed him. But her need to feed made her something else he couldn’t overlook.

  “Venalina, I need to ask you some things.” Dracon finally said, her hands were caressing his leg, lovingly, giving him goosebumps. Her touch pleased him more than he wanted her to know. He tried not to react, but he wanted more of her touch.

  “Ask.” Venalina said, still resting her head on his knee.

  “What will happen to me? With these… feedings.” Dracon asked, “What is the price for this… this gift?” Venalina raised her head from his knee, and put her hands on his knee tops, still between his legs.

  “You share your life with me and in return, I share what I am with you.” Venalina explained, “You are very strong, my lord. Your strength makes me strong. Sharing your life with me makes us both stronger, the longer you share your life with me, the stronger you too, will become. You can become extremely powerful. My life will be in service of you, my lord, to keep you safe and strong, that you may share your life with me.”

  “When you’re done with me? Then what?” Dracon asked. Venalina put her hands on his face.

  “I will never be done with you.” Venalina came close to him to kiss him, “I’m yours, forever.” Dracon pushed her back gently and stood up from the bed. He walked around the other side of it, where his shirt was on the floor. He looked back at Venalina, she was incredibly beautiful, and extremely healthy, much better than she looked prior to when he passed out. He too, felt different, stronger. It appeared that what she said was true, but for how long, and how much of it could be believed? He was confused about his feelings for her. There was a knock at the door, then before Dracon could say yes, hello, or even, come in, the door opened, and in walked Satana, like a sister into her brother’s bedroom, unannounced, or permitted. She looked at Venalina getting up from the floor by the bed, then at Dracon getting dressed, then once again at Venalina. A smile crept across her face.

  “No.” Dracon said immediately, pointing at Satana, knowing her mind.

  “Hey, I am not one to pass judgement, my lord.” She said chuckling as she spoke, “You’re looking much better.” She said to Venalina, who smiled back at her.

  “This is not what you think, Satana, don’t start any rumors.” Dracon said seriously.

  “I wouldn’t dream of telling any of your secrets, my lord. I mean, I think this is great,” Satana said with a smirk, “Really, I think this is long overdue.”

  “This isn’t what you think, Satana,” He started to say, but knew it was futile, she would needle him with it until she forgot about it, “Gather the men, we need to talk.” He ordered, “We’ll meet you directly, in your room.” Dracon walked over to the bed, across from Venalina, “We’re going to tell them what you are. I don’t want any more secrets between us. I told you there would be a time, it’s now.”

  “And about my feeding as well, my lord?” Venalina asked, “About us?”

  “I don’t think they need all the little details, just a brief explanation will be enough.” He responded, unable to make eye contact. Dracon and Venalina went to Satana’s room where the men had gathered.

  “I have news,” Dracon started, “We aren’t done here yet.” The men all looked around at each other, “Terrax belonged to some type of group called the Priests of O’on, he was
their leader. We need to find these priests and find out if they pose a lasting threat, now that Terrax is dead.”

  “Where are these priests, my lord?” Simon asked.

  “I don’t know,” Dracon looked at Venalina, “Do you know anything about them?”

  “I do, but I don’t know where they come from. I know they live to the north somewhere, but that’s all.” She said looking around at the group.

  “I’m going to ask the Ffrei, hopefully they have some insight as to where they can be found.” Dracon said.

  “So, we aren’t going home yet?” Velen asked, “What about a way across the expanse? Was the Ffrei queen able to help with that?”

  “That answer may also lie with the Priests of O’on.” Dracon said. Velen nodded.

  “Well, it’s never easy, is it?” Velen said, making the others chuckle.

  “Let’s have at these priests then!” Danyll barked, rousing the others.

  “There’s something else,” Dracon settled the men down, “Venalina.” He stepped away to let her talk.

  “I told you all that they call me a Kina.” Venalina spoke up, getting every one’s attention.

  “That Ffrei warrior seemed to recognize you right away. It made him attack us without asking any questions.” Simon pointed out.

  “What exactly is a Kina.” Velen asked, his face was in a sneer of disgust.

  “Well, she’s not human,” Dracon said looking at Velen, “Let’s speak plain. When Velen and I found her, she was locked in battle with Terrax and his Priests of O’on. They were summoning creatures to fight Venalina. She was not human then. She was another creature all together. She was wounded in that fight. Velen and I were about to kill her, when she spoke to me. Then she turned human before our very eyes. You all saw how wounded she was when we returned to camp. These Ffrei fear Venalina and hunt her kind.”

  “Why do they hunt you, Venalina?” Danyll asked her directly.

  “My people are changelings, we can do many things.” Venalina started.

  “Like that shield you made for us?” Simon asked.

  “Yes, I can also take many forms, if I choose to.” Venalina said.

  “Is that what scares them?” Satana asked.

  “No, not exactly.” Venalina looked around at them, gauging their reactions, “My parents died when I was young, much about my people I do not know. I know that we have mated with others, such as the Ffrei. We become like the one we mate with, that we may bear another Kina. We can only bear Kina, daughters, with one of our own kind we can bear sons, but it is said the Kina that remain are all female, and we must breed with humans to survive.”

  “But why do the Ffrei want you dead?” Velen asked, “It must be more than just that?”

  “Yeah, what are they so mad about then?” Simon asked, “They really seemed upset.”

  “Ffrei men have sought us out, to mate with, to gain power over their enemies. Some of them have tried to conquer their own people by using our power as weapons. There has been much bloodshed among the Ffrei because of it. The Ffrei came to believe, that the only solution to such uprisings, by power hungry Ffrei, was to eliminate the Kina, thereby removing the tool of their own destruction,” They all considered what she said for a few moments, “There have been Kina who have waged war on the Ffrei as a result. It is bitter between us. I don’t know a lot about my own kind. My parents died when I was small and they never had the chance to tell me about my people. I don’t know what I can tell you about myself, but if you ask me, I will answer honestly.”

  “I trust her.” Dracon said suddenly, “She has proven herself to me. We all saw how she helped me kill Terrax. Many of us would be dead if not for her, human or not.”

  “I trust Venalina, as well,” Satana added, “I accept her as my friend. She is a good creature, despite what she can do, or these peoples fear of her.”

  “When we first saw you in that cave you were some kind of winged monster, is that your true form?” Velen asked.

  “I can turn into many creatures to protect myself,” Venalina said.

  “Can you mate with a dog?” Velen suddenly asked, the question surprised Venalina and her face reflected it, the question surprised many of the men, “I mean, you can take any form? Right? Can you mate with a dog, or just humans, and elves, and such? I mean if you had no choice? Is it only humans you can mate with?”

  “I… I suppose I could take that form, yes.” Venalina looked at him confused.

  “So how would that work, would you have a litter of Kina, or just one?” Velen sneered, “Your parents, what was your father? Was he a Ffrei, or was he a goat, or some type of beast?” Everyone became uneasy and embarrassed by Velen’s questions. It was clear he was trying to insult her.

  “My father died before I knew him, your kind killed him! And my mother!” Venalina started to cry, embarrassed. Simon punched Velen in the head, with an angry, glancing blow. It started the two men fighting. Venalina looked at Dracon angrily, wondering why he didn’t say anything to defend her. She left the room quickly. The others pulled the two men apart, Dracon moved between them. He grabbed them both by the front of their armor, at the necks.

  “Knock it off!” he ordered, “Don’t we have enough to worry about without turning on each other?” Dracon shook them hard, then released Simon while slamming Velen against the wall, “What the hell was that about, have you not seen what she has done for us? She is with us!” Dracon growled, “She helped us kill Terrax, for facks sake!”

  “She’s with you!” Velen cursed, “That’s all I see, that monster is with you!”

  “Yes! She is! Are you, Velen? Why can’t you let it go!” Dracon moved face to face with him. He was furious with Velen, and every act, every glare, every sneer toward Venalina had built up in Dracon. He wanted nothing more than to unleash his anger on him, physically.

  “You’re letting your desire for her cloud your judgement, my lord, she’s not to be trusted! These people fear her for a reason! You are just casually looking the other way, and for what? She’s not even human!” Velen growled back at him, “If it’s just being between her legs that you’re looking for, then get it over with and be done with it!” Dracon raised his fist to punch Velen. Satana quickly intervened, grabbing Dracon’s arm, ready to put it into a wrist lock. Dracon recognized the move she was about to put on him. It further angered him.

  “No,” Satana said in his ear, “This is not Dracon!” Dracon released Velen, shoving him hard. He turned away from him angrily, jerking his arm free from Satana’s hold. She put her hands up and stepped back, then she glared at Velen for making her have to intervene.

  “She rides with us as long as she can stomach us,” he glanced back at Velen snarling. “Does anyone else have something to say?” he said growling. No one spoke up, “Danyll, Velen, get pack horses and supplies, as much as they’ll let us carry.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Danyll answered for them both and the two men moved out immediately.


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