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The Vordalyn 1

Page 12

by Michael T Payne

  “Gradually,” Satana answered from her spot closer to the water. They all chuckled.

  “This is truly a wondrous land.” Danyll exclaimed. After they had recovered from the blinding light, a gradual silence fell over the camp as each, sat looking up at the starry sky, missing home, and regular nightfall.

  “When I was a child, I prayed for the day’s never to end, now…” Folwin pondered aloud.

  “Yes. I too miss the night, who knew how restless life could be without it?” Danyll commented. Satana laid back on the ground with her saddle as a pillow, staring up at the sky.

  “And now, ladies,” Simon hopped up, looking at Venalina then around at the rest of the group, “And gentleman, the amazing Simon, will entertain you with his masterful skills with a…” He paused reaching behind his back, looking around at everyone dramatically, “A dagger!” he pulled his dagger from behind him. Venalina sat up from Dracon’s leg, attentive, on her knees, wide-eyed and curious at what Simon was about to do. Simon twirled the dagger in his palm, on the tip of its blade, spinning it like a top in his hand. Some of the others clapped, and some made a resounding moan of disappointment. Thikuf chuckled at Simon’s skill, he was an artist, flipping it about from hand to hand, twirling it between his fingers, then finally letting it fly across the camp, sticking in to a tree with a loud thud. Venalina clapped and laughed. “My lady,” Simon said reaching his hand out to Venalina, seeing he had her full attention. Venalina took his hand and stood up. Simon looked over at Satana, “For this, I’ll need an assistant, the lovely commander Satana,” He pointed at Satana who stood slowly as the men cheered her on. She smiled, waving at them to stop. Simon went to the tree and retrieved his dagger and returned. Satana stood behind Venalina, as Simon returned she started to turn around and look at Satana, curious. Simon stopped her, “No, no, stand here,” He said turning her to face the soldiers, while he stood to her right and Satana stood on her left, “No matter what you do, don’t move, ok?” Simon whispered, “And now!” he announced, “The blades of Death!” everyone laughed. Simon and Satana had two daggers each, and began throwing them at each other, whizzing by Venalina, then catching them and sending them back again like jugglers. Venalina squealed as the daggers flew by her, in front and behind. Thikuf watched smiling and walked over to sit next to Dracon, who was also watching the show.

  “You have quite a group here my lord, seasoned warriors all.” Thikuf pointed out.

  “These are the best of my men.” Dracon said as he and Thikuf looked on, “I started out across the expanse, with all my best men in pursuit of Terrax. I watched my father fall that day and I acted impetuously, leading the men into the outer region, blinded by hate and vengeance,” Dracon took a drink of his wine, “Many, I led to their deaths. These few here, these who have survived are all I have left. I would see them home safely.” Dracon finished.

  “Tell me, you have night more often in your lands, than we do?” Thikuf asked, surprised that could be the case.

  “We do, as many as the days.” Dracon chuckled and drank some more wine, he watched Venalina, as Simon was trying to show her how to handle a dagger, “Tell me, why do you fear her?” Dracon asked, “I look at her there, among my men, smiling, enjoying each-others company, and she is like any person? Unknown to us at first, but look at her, she is clearly a friend among us? Where is the evil? I wonder when I watch her.”

  “Hmm,” Thikuf nodded, “I do not fear her, per se, she may be special?” he started, “Her kind, however, we have a violent history with, I can’t forget it, or overlook it,” Dracon sat back, leaning on his saddle, looking over at Thikuf, who sat on the ground, “They breed by deceit, many have sought out Ffrei men, who were unaware of what they were, using them to spawn with. Men have lived their whole lives unaware they were not with Ffrei women.” Dracon listened, attentively, “There happened once, what we called, the great blooding. A man mated with a Kina, she urged him to… more… to rule, all he surveyed. Many died then, civil war, rebellions, decades of bloodshed.”

  “I know that life of war, a war that has waged on long since before I was born, one that I had hoped to quell when I came here. For me it is not just a tale, but reality.” Dracon nodded.

  “These Kina, sneak into societies and turn them on their sides, trying to rule all.” Thikuf said, “It would be unwise to be… uninformed, my lord.”

  “Well, it seems everyone has informed me about her, including her,” Dracon said shaking his head slightly, then taking another sip of his wine, “Where did they come from, Thikuf? Where are her people?”

  “There are many rumors about their origins,” Thikuf started, then drank some of his own wine, “Some say they are descendants of a higher race of people, I can’t remember the name, my queen would know. In any case, they are said to be half breeds now, diluted over centuries of spawning with other races to survive. Some say they are the spawn of an evil union between a demon and a woman. Whatever the truth, none of it has been any more than trouble and deceit.”

  “She has told us nothing different than what your people have told us, she has hidden nothing from me. I can’t believe just because she is a Kina, automatically condemns her to death, Thikuf. And if you think for one second, I would allow anyone to harm her…” Dracon glared at him.

  “My lord, I would not harm her, nor is it my intent to. I am here not because of her, be assured, she is not my problem. I only wish to enlighten you on our ways and the history of our peoples. You forget, you have secured her safety, like no other Kina. My queen’s edict regarding Venalina is not just for show, my lord.” Thikuf said calming Dracon.

  “I am thankful for that, Thikuf. We are strangers intruding on your land. You and your people have shown us hospitality and friendship, I will not soon forget.” They both looked on, as Simon dueled with Folwin, they used sticks, both trying to show off to Venalina. Folwin was a bit more inebriated than Simon, and was making a fool of himself. Thereby being a great source of entertainment.

  “My lord, have you been feeding her? Or, maybe another among you?” Thikuf asked. Dracon stiffened, and a concerned look covered his face. He considered briefly if she had spent time with anyone other than him. He was instantly jealous, then relaxed. She had not, “She feeds,” Thikuf started then paused.

  “I know what it is you’re asking, Thikuf,” Dracon said before he could finish, “Why?”

  “I see.” Thikuf said then took a drink of his wine.

  “You see what?” Dracon asked in almost a growl.

  “I see why my blade did not take your hand off when you caught it barehanded. It is you she is with,” Thikuf sat back reclining on the ground, leaning on his elbow, “A word of caution, tread lightly my lord. It is one thing to feed her, Lord Dracon, it’s another to truly become her mate.”

  “What of Terrax?” Dracon asked changing the subject.

  “Yes, what of him?” Thikuf sat up slightly, curious.

  “He was a Ffrei.” Dracon said, Thikuf did not answer right away.

  “Yes,” He finally said, “How did you know?”

  “These Priests of O’on? Are they Ffrei as well?” Dracon asked. Thikuf only nodded, sitting up fully, “The characters on Terrax’s battle-axe Queen Jenzenya wanted so badly, and some on the armor he wore, I saw them throughout your city and in your royal library.” Thikuf slowly nodded.

  “We are not all like them, my lord. Do not judge us by these Priest of O’on, or by the actions of Terrax and his armies. We wish a treaty with you and a lasting peace. My queen allowed me to accompany you because of it.” Thikuf said, he sounded worried.

  “I know I cannot judge you by the actions of others of your species.” Dracon smiled at Thikuf, who slowly smiled back, then toasted Dracon, getting his point.

  “You have a cunning way about you, Lord Dracon,” Thikuf said then took a drink of his wine, “I will try to look upon her, with new eyes.” He said then stood. He lingered a moment watching the revelry of the soldiers, then went to
his tent. Dracon stood after Thikuf left and walked around the outside of the camp, making his way over to where Satana was laughing with Simon, Velen and a few others. Satana saw him and went over immediately, expecting him to shut them down for the night.

  “Let the men have their fun tonight, as you said, it’s been awhile, and we may not get another chance,” Dracon said raising his hands to stop her from speaking, he already knew what she was thinking, “We’ll linger a bit in the morning, then make our way out.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Satana smiled. Simon and Velen were watching, expecting to have to set up watch and turn in.

  “Satana?” Dracon said.

  “Yes?” She asked.

  “Do you know what it is they traded for that wine?” He asked her.

  She smiled, “A plate and a cup.”

  “Satana, are you poking fun at me?” He asked giving her a sideways glance.

  “I am completely serious, they seemed in awe of the metal they were made from.” Satana said smiling at him. Satana returned to the men and gave them the good news.

  “To King Dracon,” Simon raised his cup. The others echoed him, some slurring. Dracon returned to his tent and walked in. He started to unbuckle the sides of his plate armor, anxious to be free of it. From behind, he felt hands assisting him. He turned, startled, to see Venalina, smiling at him and continuing to work at the buckles.

  “Venalina, that’s not necessary.” He said grabbing her shoulders, while her hands continued to try anyway.

  “It is my duty to serve you my lord.” She said then shrugged free of his hands. Dracon didn’t know what to do, he felt like he was taking advantage of her, if he let her do anything for him. He didn’t want her to be his slave, but he did like the attention she gave him.

  “I don’t want you to serve me, Venalina.” Dracon said stepping back away from her, “You are free, you don’t owe me anything, you are a woman, a Kina, you’re… free. You have your own tent, you don’t have to stay here with me.”

  “I know,” She smiled stepping back to him, “I want to be here, with you. I choose to serve you. You saved me, you help me, and you protected me. I don’t want my own tent,” She began taking off his chest plate again. He shook his head slightly, with his mouth open, again speechless. Venalina removed his armor from him, then his shirt. She sat down on his bedding, bidding him down to join her. He was about to say something, but she spoke first. “You make me feel a safety in your presence that I have never known. I am weary of being in fear for my life. Come, Lord Dracon, lay down, you too are weary, you need to rest. Let me tend to you.” With her hand on his shoulder, she urged him to his bedding, following him in. Dracon was unsure what she meant by tend to him, it exhilarated him, the anticipation. He felt desire for her like no other woman in his life, anxious for her touch. She lay nuzzled in his neck, and for a moment he thought she might start feeding on him. She did not, she caressed the opposite side of his neck with the nails of her fingers, it stirred his desire further. He could feel her warm breath on his neck, she was soothing, “Sleep,” She whispered and he fell asleep immediately.

  When Dracon woke, it was daylight. Very bright, in fact. He sat up alarmed, looking around. Venalina was gone. He quickly got dressed and came out of his tent. Everyone was up, milling about, some checking gear. Venalina was by the considerably smaller fire, it had burned all night. She stood as soon as she saw him, and brought him food. Dracon was famished, his instincts were to grab it and start shoveling it into his mouth, but he refrained, “Thikuf,” He called when he caught sight of the warrior.

  “Yes, your highness?” Thikuf answered and walked closer, leading his readied horse. Dracon looked at Venalina.

  “How long was I asleep?” he asked her, she put some food up to his mouth for him to eat. He was still a little hazy and took a bite. Then tried to shake the haze from his head, looking back at Thikuf while he chewed.

  “A long time,” Satana rode by, already on her horse, “You’re keeping us behind.” She said with a chuckle. The more Dracon looked around the more he realized he was the only one not ready to go.

  “Eat.” Venalina ordered, he looked at her confused then started to eat. He remembered what he was going to say.

  “Thikuf?” He said again making Thikuf chuckle, “You said you’d know after last night, what are we looking at?”

  “Well, for stealth it’s going to be good, for safety, it’s going to be very, very, bad.” Thikuf looked at Venalina, “My lady,” He said nodding, she ignored him, her only goal was trying to feed Dracon.

  “How so?” Dracon said between bites that Venalina was scooping up to his mouth. Thikuf looked at the pair amused.

  “Maybe you should finish eating, my lord?” Thikuf chuckled and climbed on his horse, “We can talk when you’re done.” Dracon nodded, then walked to a log by the dwindling fire, followed by Venalina and the plate of food. He sat on the log, joined by Venalina immediately, with a spoon full, ready to feed it to him. Dracon could see a couple of his men watching, grinning all the while. It made him embarrassed and he started to feel flush. It made him think they could all see how he was starting to feel about her. He heard men talking about how cold it was during the night. Then a comment about his tent being the warmest, followed by laughter. He took the spoon from her and fed himself.

  “You don’t have to feed me like a child.” He said and reached for the plate.

  “You act like a child,” She chuckled. “You don’t rest, but you need to,” She said smiling, “You don’t eat, but you need to. All you do is go, go, go.”

  “What do you know about children? You’re not even human,” He snarled at her, lashing out with an anger fueled by his embarrassment. Her smile left her. He looked around the almost broke down camp, growling under his breath. She stood up quickly, slapping the plate of food from his hands, into his face. His eyes were wide from his surprise and he was stunned. His mouth was partially opened, as he slowly looked back at Venalina.

  “I may not be human, but I was a child once, maybe not a human child, but I was a child!” She screamed at him, “I had parents who loved me, took care of me! Same as you, mighty Dracon! Human Dracon! All species have children,” She leaned over, getting in his face, “At one moment you are so kind to me and then, so very cruel! Is it because I am not a human you treat me so? Do you want me gone? I’ll leave you then!” She growled then stomped over to her horse. She leapt onto her horse with a surprising dexterity, then rode out of camp fast and hard. Everyone looked at Dracon for orders. He said nothing, still stunned. She was only caring for him and he lashed out at her cruelly, at odds with himself and what his men might say about his desires for her. Velen’s words still stuck with him.

  “My lord?” Satana said trotting over to him atop her horse.

  “Let her go.” Dracon grumbled.

  “Let her go? What is going on with you?” Satana leaned down from her saddle and asked, then said, “There is a whole society dedicated to killing her out there, who knows who else is out there?” She said pointing after Venalina, “You want me to let her-”

  “Go get her!” Dracon yelled and stood up, angrily throwing the plate of food from his lap to the ground. He kicked the plate in his anger. Dracon stomped around the camp angrily getting his gear together, refusing help from the men who offered to do it for him. Eventually, he was ready to move out, with the rest of the group. They left the clearing and headed back into the forest, again they were led by Thikuf, this time Dracon trailed just behind him. He wanted to see that Satana had found Venalina safe. He regretted what he said and that he was cruel to her. It wasn’t long before they came upon the two women and Danyll, who accompanied Satana to chase down Venalina. Satana and Danyll fell back in formation as the group arrived. Venalina waited until Thikuf and Dracon passed her before rejoining the group. She refused to look at Dracon, and had an angry scowl on her face. She was so upset her face twitched in anger, like she was fighting back a snarl. It made Velen smirk, ha
ppy with the discontent between Venalina and Dracon.

  “Well,” Thikuf chuckled, “She sure does act like a real woman.” Dracon ignored him.

  “Tell me the rest, Thikuf.” Dracon said as they rode through the forest.

  “The rest?” Thikuf asked confused for a second, then said, “Oh, yes. The night will come more frequent until the moon is in the sky, then it won’t go away until after the moon has gone completely, sometimes a little longer.”

  “Ok, and what are the dangers you mentioned?” Dracon asked.

  “Large predators hunt more frequently at night, for one. We’ll have to set watch from here out, and two, there are some creatures in these lands that only come out at night.” Thikuf said.

  “Really?” Dracon asked amazed, “Where do they come from?”

  “Cave dwellers mostly.” Thikuf replied.

  “Like bats?” Dracon inquired.

  “Among larger, more dangerous creatures,” Thikuf said sounding ominous, “There is a race of people who live entirely in darkness, underground. They have been known to come out and take what they can from the world above, in the limited time of darkness.”

  “Are you telling me the truth, Thikuf?” Dracon looked at him suspiciously.

  “I swear to you, it is true.” He held his hand up like he was taking an oath, “Some have said they are elves.”

  “Now, if you had said dwarves, I might have believed you, but elves, ha!” Dracon said amused, “I know elves, my friend, and not an elf alive would be caught dead in a cave where the possibility existed that he might get a little dirt on himself.” He laughed heartily at the thought of it. Thikuf shook his head at Dracon’s disbelief.

  “Well, laugh if you will, my lord, but it is the truth none the less, and we need to be cautious, especially where we are going.” Thikuf said. Dracon rode ahead a few yards, looking back at Thikuf and the terrain around them. He hurried his horse along wanting to stretch its legs a bit, breaking into a full run ahead of the group. Dracon made some distance before slowing and waiting for the group to catch up. He came upon a large patch of dried ground that looked like the top of a very large rock, only a portion of which was above the ground. Dracon stopped over the area, examining it. He trotted along its edges, he couldn’t tell if it were stone or just a patch of dirt. As soon as he spotted Thikuf, still ahead of the group, he called out.


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