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The Vordalyn 1

Page 13

by Michael T Payne

  “Thikuf, what do you make of this?” Dracon said looking below his horse at the patch.

  “Sire,” Thikuf urged his horse faster to catch up to Dracon, “It’s not wise to-” Before Thikuf could finish, the ground beneath Dracon shook violently. His horse reared up as the patch of ground bubbled to life below him, roots shot up, grabbing Dracon and his horse. Dracon struggled for his sword, but the roots overwhelmed him, wrapping him and his horse up completely. Thikuf rode around the patch jumping from his horse, careful not to step on the bubbling earth below Dracon. He moved to the edge closest to Dracon and tried to hack at the roots with his sword. Dracon began to sink into the ground, pulled under by the roots. Velen and Simon were quickly upon them, followed by the rest of the group. “Don’t step on it!” Thikuf warned them, “Stay off the moving ground!” The others surrounded the patch, swords in hand, they couldn’t reach Dracon from where they were, then rushed to where Thikuf stood, already closest to Dracon. Satana arrived, leaping from her horse.

  “Rope! Get me rope!” she commanded. Danyll pulled a rope from his saddle. She ran by Danyll, taking one end of the rope from him, then leapt again, high into the air. Danyll quickly ran to a tree throwing the rope around it to act as a pulley. Simon and Velen joined Danyll, each grabbing the rope. Satana landed atop the roots that covered Dracon and his horse. She wrapped the rope around Dracon’s upper body, now completely encased in the roots. She leapt off, after securing the rope around him. Thikuf continued hacking, but the roots became solid, hardened like the stone they emerged from. Dracon sunk beneath the earth, rope and all. “Pull!” Satana ordered, running over to the rope, Thikuf quickly joined them. They pulled with all their might to no avail as he disappeared, swallowed by the earth. Venalina screamed, running to the rocky earth that had once again became whole, without any evidence that Dracon, or his horse, ever existed. She clawed at the rock patch with a horrific scream, that turned to a screech as she changed forms to a creature with massive claws, tearing at the rock. Dirt and bits of claw, flung into the air, as she frantically dug into the earth. They all looked on as she again changed to another, even larger creature, with larger claws, still clawing at the ground, barely making any head way. Thikuf grabbed Satana by the arm.

  “We have to stop her!” Thikuf ordered. Satana wasn’t sure why Thikuf wanted to stop her, was it for her own safety or some other reason. Satana looked around at the others who stood not knowing what to do to help Venalina, while others were in awe of her changing form so rapidly and into so many creatures, trying to free Dracon from the rock covered grave. One thing was certain, in all her struggles and forms she was unable to free him. She became a woman again, and wings sprouted from her back and horns like a ram, formed on her head. She stood screaming on the patch looking up to the sky with her palms out and up. Her screams turned to words that boomed all around them. Her eyes turned completely black as she began chanting unknown words, echoing all around them. The wind picked up and the air became charged with electricity, crackling around them all. Venalina raised her hands up higher, still calling out to the heavens above her. Lightning flashed down at her feet harmlessly against the rock, then with more ferocity, the lightning strikes came faster and faster, one after the other, no longer just settling on the rock patch beneath her feet, but all around them. The men had to run to take cover, as Venalina began to lose control of her lightning strikes. Thikuf ran up behind Venalina and hit her hard on the back of the head, knocking her out cold. She fell to the ground and slowly transformed back to the wingless, hornless woman they all knew. The wind stopped instantly and the lightning ceased. Satana ran over toward Thikuf, who stood over Venalina’s unconscious body. She jumped into the air, landing with both feet into Thikuf’s chest, just as he turned around, sending him flying back, free of the patch of earth. She landed like a cat, then popped to her feet between Venalina and Thikuf, sword in one hand, dagger in the other. The men quickly joined her, all ready to defend Venalina. Thikuf slowly rolled to his side, then to his knees. He held his hand’s up in surrender. “You don’t understand.” He said as he stood.

  “You stay away from her or I’ll bury you here too, Ffrei!” Satana growled, “She was trying to save him!” The sound of all the men pulling their swords out, sent a metallic clink that echoed through the air.

  “Listen,” Thikuf said still having his hands out, “She was using too much energy, Venalina was going to hurt herself if she continued,” Thikuf explained, “She would need to feed. Dracon told me that she explained what she was to you all, do you understand what it means for her, she must feed to live. If she is hurt or uses too much magic, she must feed. If she does not, she will die. Who among you has been feeding her?” They all looked around at each other uneasily, considering his question, “If her eyes go black from hunger, we will all be in danger.” Satana, knew who was feeding her. Velen had his suspicions, but was sure of it once the question was raised. He looked around at the men’s reaction to Thikuf’s words, trying to see if they finally saw her as a monster after hearing that she fed on people, on their king. The rest of the men were not aware of the feeding and looked around uneasily at each other.

  “Get her off this patch,” Satana ordered the men and lowered her sword. She knew exactly what Thikuf was talking about. She walked over to Thikuf, then extended her hand to help him to his feet. “What is this and how can we help Lord Dracon?” She asked as the men carried Venalina off to a safe distance from the patch.

  “I’ve never seen this before, but I’ll wager its magic by the way Venalina could not make any headway with all her power,” Thikuf, tapped the ground Dracon disappeared into with the tip of his sword. “We need to spread out, look for a cave,” He said to Satana who walked with, both examining the patch, “It appears to be some sort of trap,” He walked around the entire area, “Only question is, whether it’s meant to catch or kill?”

  “Until we find his body, we will assume he lives,” Satana said, “Our new purpose is to locate Lord Dracon.” She turned around and saw everyone was listening to her and Thikuf, anxiously, “Since you all heard me let’s get moving, spread out,” She said looking at the patch with the rope leading out of it. Venalina started to stir, Satana rushed over to her and knelt next to her. “Get moving,” She commanded again, they all watched her go to Venalina, “You all heard Thikuf, move in two’s, we’re looking for a cave, or any way underground. Danyll, you’re with me, Thikuf, you’re in charge of the search,” The men all followed her orders after a moment, “Danyll, get the horses settled.”

  “Where is he?” Venalina asked slowly sitting up, holding her head.

  “I need you to calm down, Venalina.” Satana put her hand on Venalina’s shoulder. Venalina looked over at the patch of ground with the rope sticking out of it. She covered her mouth and started to wail in grief. Satana was worried she would start changing again, it scared her. She hugged Venalina, trying to comfort her, in truth Satana needed a hug too. She kept her head about her, despite feeling a sadness for her missing friend.

  Chapter Eleven

  Charnio’s army returned home with their leader, in a state of sickness, his brothers could not explain. All they could tell Charnio’s men was that he became ill after the news of his mother’s death and to take him home. Renic explained to Charnio’s second in command, Alkwin, about the resources to be assessed from each region and to await the queen’s emissary for further instructions. This did not sit well with Alkwin or his men. No answer to what happened to Charnio’s personal guard that accompanied him. Renic told them that they were reassigned to the capital city, but Alkwin knew his men and didn’t believe it. Charnio ruled his men like a gladiator, training them by fighting hand to hand through constant tournaments. His men were ranked in his army by their skill in combat, Alkwin was his best. He was much like Charnio, in all things, especially in their admiration and respect for the proven warrior that was their new king, Dracon. The news of Queen Menina ruling the land, was hard to swa
llow. Everyone knew King Treska named Dracon the new king, it was no secret. Like his Lord Charnio, Alkwin too, completely ignored the fact that Dracon had disappeared into the outer region and was never heard from again. Then the return of Charnio, in his current state, who went to visit his siblings healthy, but came out on deaths door, made Alkwin riotous, warlike, ready to attack Urixis, in Charnio’s name, to demand answers. They returned to the region Charnio governed, called Eastmount. The news of Charnio’s sickness spread fast. Alkwin spoke with all the soldiers and told them what had happened to their lord, or rather what he guessed had happened. Anger reigned that night and their plotting began. If Lord Charnio were to die, because of his visit, they would move against the queen, in his name, and the name of the true ruler of Ganlin, King Dracon. Alkwin was given specific instructions by Charnio before he went to Urixis, to prepare the men for such a move. Alkwin would follow those instructions, on his life, he had no idea that Charnio would have been harmed going into the meeting. He thought Charnio was only preparing to support Dracon’s rule. He returned his Lord Charnio home, to be tended to by his wife, Dephe. Charnio was the only one of his brothers who had taken a wife. She was with child. If not for her sound counsel, Alkwin, in his anger, would have rode on Urixis that very night. Charnio was in and out of consciousness, giving Alkwin hope that his lord might eventually explain to him what happened. That too, stayed his hand against moving on Queen Menina as Charnio originally was preparing to do.

  Sometime after their return, Alkwin was informed that lights had been seen in Dracon’s home and there were reports of activity throughout Dwerma. The news made Alkwin hopeful. He took a company of men and rode out immediately for Dragon’s Claw, the home of Dracon. They moved stealthily through the night, although Alkwin was hopeful that it was Lord Dracon returned home, he knew it was very unlikely. He suspected it was more elves from Urixis surveying the land again. As they approached the main fortification, they came upon many camps outside the walls of Lord Dracon’s home. They rode through the cluster of camps and were met by groups of women, children, and old men. He recognized they were all people who should still be residing in Urixis until the lands of Ganlin were declared safe to live in. They surrounded Lord Dracon’s home, respectfully, not entering the main grounds. They were refugees, all exiled from Urixis by Queen Menina. They were starving, not a hunter among them, seeking refuge at the home of their hero, Lord Dracon. Alkwin and his men were met by the hungry people, begging of any help they could give and news of the mighty Lord Dracon. Alkwin felt pity and anger that their people were treated so poorly by Queen Menina, who dared called herself their queen. If Dracon were there, Alkwin was sure he would not let these people suffer.

  “Who is in charge here?” Alkwin asked of the people. A woman came forward, fearfully.

  “My lord,” She said, “I help my countrymen here and do my best to help make our way in these uncertain times.” Alkwin dismounted his horse and made his way to the woman among the many people.

  “From where do you hail, my lady?” Alkwin asked.

  “I hail from Urixis, I am no lady sir, I am only a maid who once served Queen Ayana in her palace. We all hail from Urixis.” She said. Alkwin looked around at all the people slowly surrounding them

  “How is it you have come to Lord Dracon’s home in such a state?” Alkwin asked the woman.

  “We were exiled from our homes, told we had no place among her people, the queens people,” The woman looked at her countrymen around her and began to sob, “One time, not so long ago, we were the queens people, now we are cast out, to die of hunger and neglect.”

  Alkwin walked closer to the woman putting his hands on her shoulders, “By the king, you shall not die of hunger, nor shall you be neglected,” He stepped back and spoke loudly for all to hear, “I will return in the morning with food and supplies, these are Lord Dracon’s lands, he would not have his people suffer. Move inside the protective walls of his home, find shelter. You are under his protection!” Alkwin now spoke for his Lord Charnio, and knew in his heart he would have done the same. Alkwin was true to his word and looked after the people exiled from Urixis. He split the forces of Charnio’s army. Half to stay at home and do the bidding of Queen Menina, obeying her edict to supply the capital, the other half to look over the exiled and homeless, that went to Lord Dracon’s home in search of sanctuary.

  It wasn’t long after that night, that others heard of the refuge given to the people in the lands of Dracon. Soon people began to flock there, out-numbering the inhabitants of all the regions. Many said that Lord Dracon had returned in secret to take care of his exiled people. His lands became the home of the disenchanted and refugees of the other princes, who had become servile to Queen Menina. The memory of Lord Dracon alone inspired hope, and was a beacon to the people of Ganlin, in the confusion of a land once at war, and now, uncertain of its future. Alkwin saw to the people in Dracon’s region. In his lords weakened state, Alkwin acted on his lord’s behalf. All Charnio’s men looked to Alkwin as their new lord, even Charnio’s wife gave way to him to speak in her husband’s place.

  Chapter Twelve

  What had once been the city of refuge for a war weary people, open to all, had become a fortress, walled by the hardest stone, mined by the people in Torak’s region. Queen Menina had closed Urixis off, no one could come and go freely. The families of the remaining soldiers serving in the armies of the princes were sent away from Urixis to join with those who served. She declared the lands of Ganlin safe and Urixis was no longer needed to protect the families of the soldiers, save for the soldiers stationed at the capital, none of which were human. She feared the return of Dracon and was ever preparing for that eventuality. Her men were constantly training for war, pairing magic with sword, imbuing weapon’s and armor with powerful defensive magic. Her men were trained to wield an offensive spell, during battle. To Queen Menina, the spells were simple, but used during battle with the magical armament, made each warrior, ten. The elves were already seasoned fighters from the wars with Terrax, and knew well the armies of her brothers, having once fought side by side with them. She had the upper hand and was in control of Ganlin in its entirety.

  Queen Menina walked through her garden alone, it was her time to commune with her thoughts. All her plans and ideas came to her while she wandered her garden quietly. The only noise to be heard was her own voice. Queen Menina had begun talking to herself during her times of solitude in the garden, rolling over her ideas, saying them aloud to make sure they were as sound to the ear as they were in her mind. Her guards stood at every opening possible to the garden, preventing anyone from interrupting her solitude. As was often the case, there was always business waiting just outside the doors, needing her immediate attention. When she left the garden Ohmbryn awaited her.

  “Ohmbryn,” She smiled, “Why did you not come in to see me?” Queen Menina asked, rushing over to him and taking his hand.

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn nodded accepting her hand, “Your orders would have them behead me immediately if I were to disturb you.” Ohmbryn nodded to the guards who left their post outside the door to stay close to the queen.

  “Yes!” Queen Menina’s eyes went wide, as if she forgot and was surprised by the reminder, “Of course they would.” She took her finger and made a swiping motion across his throat and giggled.

  “My queen,” Ohmbryn nodded as she delighted in herself. She was cruel, behind her childlike behavior, and would smile as she ordered your death, in the most gruesome of ways. She terrified Ohmbryn, yet she relied upon him to teach her about herself, to learn what her mother had told him about her. Ohmbryn was resistant to give her a full measure of her abilities, hoping that something he learned about her would keep him alive. Every day he expected would be his last, or would be the day she removed his free will with her amulet. She called them the Amulet’s of Ayana. Everyone close to her and residing in the palace wore one, save for Ohmbryn, yet, and a select few. She was far from the loving ru
ler he thought she would be, there seemed to be no love emanating from her as it once did from her mother. Maybe there was none to be had? At least not toward him.

  “So, Ohmbryn, why do you disturb me today?” Queen Menina asked.

  “My queen, I waited quietly, and…” Ohmbryn began to panic.

  “Of course, you did, of course, you did,” She patted his cheek then walked away from him down the hall. Ohmbryn rushed after her to catch up, her pace was quick, as were the guards on her heels, “Every time I look upon you, Ohmbryn, I’m reminded of your deception, your secret meetings, your cohorts in my dungeon. I say to myself, why is he alive? That, is disturbing to me.” Queen Menina said slowing her pace to look at him, still smiling in a very convincing appearance of complete happiness. It was horrifying to see her smile like she was happy, yet discuss his death.

  “My queen, I-” Ohmbryn started and again she cut him off.

  “Yes, Ohmbryn, we know, you are sorry, and so forth and so on,” She waved her hand in the air dismissively, “What do you wish of me, Ohmbryn, is it time for a lesson? A new spell perhaps? Or something completely annoying to me, that makes me reconsider the very mercy that allows your pathetic existence?”

  “There have been reports that the home of Dracon is again alive with activity.” Ohmbryn hurried to say. It stopped Queen Menina in her tracks. She turned and walked very slowly to him. Ohmbryn backed away from her cowering, until he became trapped, with his back against the wall. Queen Menina raised her hand slowly to his face, he cringed as she stroked his cheek.


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