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Music City Dreamers

Page 28

by Robyn Nyx

  “Then maybe you’d like to come around to the house soon? I could show you my home studio.”

  The way Savana had raised her eyebrows and smiled indicated she was talking about making a different kind of music. “Thanks…but I can’t.” Just because she couldn’t have Louie didn’t mean she’d changed her mind about Savana and would jump into her bed and hide with her.

  Savana stood a little straighter. “Because of Louie?” she asked with an unmissable edge.

  The way Savana said Louie’s name made her want to pluck out her disrespectful tongue. “Please, Savana. We have to work together.”

  Savana shook her head. “No. No, we don’t, Heather.” Savana opened the door. “I’ll be asking for another exec as soon as Donny gets in today.”

  Heather shrugged. “Whatever you need to do, Savana.” Heather walked out and headed for her office, her heart pounding. She hated confrontation, and she had no idea what else Savana might be capable of, but she wouldn’t be forced into a relationship just because Savana wanted it. It was time someone said no to her.

  She heard her desk phone ringing as she approached her office and tried a little jog to get to it before the caller hung up. She tripped on her heels and almost ate it. She managed to catch hold of her door handle and steady herself with one hand. She even managed not to spill her coffee. “Damn you, Donny,” she muttered, wishing she could wear slightly smaller heels to work.

  She grabbed the phone. “Heather King.”

  “Heather, it’s Mandie. Are you okay? You sound breathless.”

  “Yeah, just my wardrobe disagreeing with my sense of balance,” said Heather. “What can I do for you?”

  “Lexi Turner’s here. She’d like you to come up to Donny’s office immediately.”

  Lexi Turner owned the company that owned Rocky Top and several other labels on Music Row. Heather had been modeling her own career on Lexi’s steady rise to the top. She pursed her lips and took a breath. “Please tell me I’m not walking into another crisis.”

  “Well…I don’t know if you’d use that word for this particular instance.”

  It was clear from Mandie’s phrasing that she couldn’t talk properly so Heather guessed that either Donny or Lexi or both were hanging over her. “Not a problem. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  Heather replaced the receiver and retrieved her coffee. She took a sip, but it was already cold so she left it in her office. She armed herself with her iPad, feeling like she might need a protective barrier between her and Donny. God only knew what this problem could be.

  Mandie greeted Heather with a wink and a smile and ushered her into Donny’s office. It wasn’t what she was expecting. Five years working under Donny Taylor had taught her only bad things came from being summoned to his office.

  Lexi, looking as glamorous in a Calvin Klein skirt suit as she did in all the magazine features Heather had seen of her, stood from behind Donny’s desk and came around to greet her. Lexi reached out to shake Heather’s hand, and when she let her tight grip go, Heather flexed her hand to make sure it was still in one piece.

  “Please, sit down.” Lexi motioned to the sofa behind Heather.

  She did, and Lexi joined her. Donny’s absence loomed larger than he would if he were there. “Is Donny in the restroom?”

  “I should flush him down the toilet. But no. He’s not.” Lexi leaned back on the sofa and crossed her legs. “I’ve fired the idiot.”

  Her frankness was refreshing but terrifying. Had she been called up here to be the next one to clear out her desk? Although by the looks of his office, Donny hadn’t even been given the time to do that. “Oh.” It was the only response that seemed professional and appropriate. Jumping up and doing an impromptu dance on the glass coffee table certainly wasn’t.

  “He was an ass. And he was using my funds to pay for sex workers. I’m not a fan of that.”

  Lexi spoke in punches. Each sentence was short and sharp, like she almost didn’t want to waste her breath speaking at all. Her presence made Heather want to take up as little of her space and time as possible. It was clear how she’d developed such a hard-ass reputation.

  “I didn’t know anything about that. I’m really sorry.” Heather perched on the edge of the couch, ready to bolt as soon as Lexi just got it out and fired her too.

  “I know that. I wanted you in here to talk about taking his job.”

  Heather froze like she’d been stunned by a venomous puffer fish. She’d heard wrong. Hadn’t she? She pulled a strand of hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. “Sorry…what?” She didn’t want to sound like a moron, but she was sure she’d misunderstood what Lexi just said.

  “It’s a shock. I get that. But I’ve been following your career, Heather.” Lexi patted Heather on the knee. “I see myself in you two decades ago. You’re ready to head a label. This one.”

  Heather ran her hand over her face as if to wipe away the shock. “Wow. That’s amazing…thank you so much.” Heather struggled to believe what was happening. Another big break. This was huge. And she had no one to share it with.

  Lexi smiled. “I heard how you handled the Savana Hayes issue. That impressed me.”

  Heather’s sudden high was tempered by the recollection of her betrayal to Louie. If that had contributed to her getting this job, it was like getting a new car home and finding a deep scratch in the bodywork. “Savana’s our top artist. I know we have to make sure she’s happy.”

  Lexi tilted her head a little. “She wanted something you didn’t want to give though, didn’t she?”

  Heather looked away, unable to maintain eye contact with Lexi’s penetrating stare and responded with a small shrug.

  “It’s okay. I know where you’re coming from. There are more of us in this business than you could ever imagine.”

  “You’re…” Heather began the question for confirmation but stopped herself. It didn’t seem like a question she should ever ask of anyone in a professional situation.

  But Lexi nodded. “I’m gay and in the closet, just like Savana and you. There’s no room in country for us. We have to stick together.”

  Heather blinked hard as a realization knocked her on her ass. Lexi was a multi-millionaire, with numerous labels and other companies to her name. She’d been at the top of the business for over a decade. And yet, she still hadn’t come out. All that money hadn’t bought her the freedom she clearly craved. What if Heather never had the courage to come out? She could easily take this job and continue building her reputation. As label head at Rocky Top, she could sign the acts she wanted without personal financial risk. If she was successful, would there even be a need or desire to start her own label? Or would it fade as quickly as her bank balance grew? Would she settle in to a comfortable closet of her own, amongst other prominent women in the industry who weren’t, as Louie would put it, true to themselves? Would that be her version of the LGBTQ community Louie was so proud to be a part of? Would she forget all about her own dream to be an independent label head? And with it, the opportunity to be herself without censorship, without fear, without barriers?

  Suddenly, everything Louie said made sense, and the impact of the monumental mistake she’d made threatened to swallow her up like a school of fish in a whale. Regret wrapped around her heart and squeezed without mercy.

  “I’m sorry, Lexi. I have to go.” Heather stood and offered her hand to the big boss, who looked like a stunned goat. “Thank you for the opportunity, but I can’t take it. I have to be…” God, she wished Louie was here for this. “I have to be true to myself.”

  Chapter Forty

  Heather’s text arrived just as Louie and her mom had finished talking about regrets and missed opportunities. A life well-worn was made of a patchwork of mistakes, but regrets tugged on your trousers like an irritating child wanting candy. Heather’s timing was damn near perfect.

  “I’m going to the Bluebird, Mom. Don’t wait up.”

  Louie kissed her smiling mom go
od-bye, grabbed her keys, and headed out the door. It was Friday night and the line for the Bluebird ran across the strip mall as far as the bank. Louie quickly thumbed a text to let Heather know she was working on getting in and joined the back of the line. Moments later, Heather was striding toward her with a wide grin. She took Louie by the hand, walked her beyond the thirty people before her, and into the Bluebird. She didn’t let go until they got to the bar, and Louie felt the loss instantly.

  Heather still hadn’t said a word to her. “So…hi.” Louie tugged at the back of Heather’s blouse while she was busy ordering drinks.

  Heather turned, took hold of Louie’s T-shirt, and pulled her close enough that Louie could see the dark flecks in her eyes.

  “Hi, handsome.” Heather leaned in even closer and kissed Louie, deep and hard.

  Louie reached out for the barstool to steady herself, taken aback by the force of her advance. Heather released her and offered her a bottle. Louie accepted, but she didn’t want to wash away the taste of that kiss with beer.

  Louie motioned to the vast array of country’s movers and shakers dotted around the room. “Not that I’m complaining, but unless you covered us with an invisibility cloak while I wasn’t looking, you just outed yourself in Nashville’s most classic country bar.”

  Heather grinned and shrugged. “I’ve been thinking about what you said, and I don’t want to hide anymore. And I definitely don’t want to hide you…if you can forgive me for being such a selfish ass.”

  Heather’s smile grew wider and Louie’s heart swelled in direct proportion. Was this really happening? This wasn’t the compromise Louie had come here prepared to accept; this was Heather going all out to meet Louie where she stood. “Just to see you smile…I’d do anything.”

  “Even forgive such an epic betrayal?” Heather slipped her arms around Louie’s waist and kissed her chest.

  “You can’t ever do that to me again.” Louie placed her finger beneath Heather’s chin and gently tipped it up so that Heather looked up to her. “Do you understand?”

  Heather nodded. “I’m going to take you home and show you exactly how much I want to understand all of you.”

  Louie’s clit twitched at Heather taking control. Strong feminine women had always been Louie’s Achilles’ heel; they weakened her in the best possible way. Louie wanted to sink into Heather’s perfectly-manicured hands and bend to her every will. The room went slightly dark as Louie’s eyes half-lidded, a sure-fire giveaway of her arousal.

  Louie put her untouched beer back on the bar and wrapped her hand around the back of Heather’s neck. Her long, silken hair caressed Louie’s skin with passionate promise. “There is nothing I want more.”

  Heather took Louie’s other hand, led her back out of the Bluebird, and across the parking lot to her car.

  “I’ll bring you back to pick your truck up in the morning.” Heather pushed Louie against her car, pressed her body to Louie’s, and kissed her again. “Or maybe tomorrow night. I might not let you out of bed until then.”

  Louie almost laughed. Heather was being everything she’d imagined she would be…everything Louie wanted in a woman.


  Louie took the time to watch Heather move as she unlocked her apartment door. Her hand shook slightly as she found the keyhole in the dim light. She turned and smiled, before she pulled Louie in and closed the door behind them. There were lit candles everywhere, leading a runway around the living room and, Louie guessed by how she was being guided, toward the bedroom.

  “You really shouldn’t leave candles on when you’re out,” said Louie, only marginally worried and mainly teasing. “You could start a fire.”

  Heather turned and pressed Louie against the hallway wall. “You’ve already done that.” She took Louie’s hand and placed it over her heart. “Right here.” She turned away again and pulled Louie into the open doorway and Heather’s bedroom. “And besides, Emma did it for me. We only just missed her.”

  “Perfect timing then.” Louie didn’t want to run into anyone or anything that could disrupt Heather’s flow and whatever it was she’d planned.

  Heather pushed Louie into a sitting position on her bed and took a step back. Louie leaned back on her hands, stretched her legs open, and relaxed, ready for the show. Heather began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Louie clenched her sex in response to the sight of Heather’s deep cleavage in a black lace bra. She reached the last button and pulled the blouse from the waistband of her skirt, before taking it off and tossing it to the side. Louie swallowed. There was no way she could watch and not touch. She moved to get up but Heather held out her hand.

  “Don’t move.”

  Louie frowned and bit her lip. “You can’t do that,” Louie motioned toward Heather’s discarded blouse, “and expect me to just sit here.”

  “Oh, Louie, that’s exactly what I expect you to do.”

  Louie sighed and sank back onto Heather’s bed. It was her own fault. Louie had told Heather that her taking control would really turn her on.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  Louie didn’t argue. She took the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head slowly. So slowly. She threw it in the same direction as Heather’s discarded blouse then leaned back, wanting to make sure her stomach looked as flat as possible.

  “No bra?” Heather nodded toward Louie’s naked chest.

  Louie nibbled the inside of her cheek. Was she disappointed? “I kinda don’t need one.” Louie nudged her left breast with two fingers. “They don’t tend to make minus A cup…”

  Heather came closer and knelt between Louie’s legs. She gripped Louie’s hips tightly and fixed her mouth around the breast Louie had just dismissed. She flicked her tongue over it and nibbled it lightly. The buzz traveled straight to Louie’s throbbing center, and she wrapped her hand in Heather’s hair, desperate to touch her.

  Heather broke away and took Louie’s hand. “No, baby. Not yet.”

  Louie frowned. “This is painful.”

  “No, baby. This is pleasure.”

  Heather gently pushed her body against Louie’s and pressed her to the bed. Her mouth found Louie’s and she felt Heather’s tongue searching for hers. She met it and allowed her in, turned on even more by her forcefulness. Heather unbuckled Louie’s belt and pulled it from the loops. She lifted herself from Louie and smiled at her wickedly, holding the belt in her hands. Louie’s breath caught. Heather’s silent question was plain to see, and Louie nodded, eager to release all control to her. Heather grinned and Louie saw desire flame across her eyes as she wrapped the leather around Louie’s left wrist, through her metal headboard, and back around Louie’s right wrist. Louie swallowed hard and lifted her hips toward Heather’s crotch. Heather placed her hand on Louie’s stomach and pushed down gently.

  “Patience, sweet Louie.”

  Heather unfastened Louie’s jeans and she motioned for Louie to lift her ass off the bed. She pulled them off and they were swiftly followed by Louie’s shorts. Heather’s hands felt like a hundred flickers of heat across her body as she ran them all over her chest and stomach. She paused when she reached Louie’s neat triangle of hair.

  “Is this what you want?” asked Heather, her hand barely brushing Louie’s body.

  Louie ached in places she didn’t think possible. “God, yes.”

  Heather bent down so that Louie could feel her breath on her lower lips. “Should I kiss you here?”

  Heather’s breath cooled and set her on fire at the same time. She strained at her bindings, grateful for their restriction but wanting to have her hands on Heather. She lifted her hips again and Heather’s lips touched her and made her jump.

  “You’re so sensitive.”

  Louie drew a shallow breath. “Not usually. This is all you,” she whispered. Louie slammed her head back into the pillow when Heather’s tongue finally touched her. Heather pressed her mouth around Louie’s rock solid clit and circled her tongue gently at first, but she seemed to gro
w more confident with each stroke, sucking and licking alternately. Louie caught hold of the headboard’s bars and gripped hard as Heather’s rhythm took hold and pushed her up toward her orgasm. Louie felt it building, like her whole body hummed with electricity. Heather pressed her hands onto Louie’s hips, keeping her firmly in place. She wasn’t going anywhere. Heather withdrew her hand and Louie felt Heather’s fingers softly exploring the wetness she’d created. She barely broke rhythm as she slipped what felt like two fingers inside Louie. The extra stimulation caused Louie to drive her hips toward Heather’s face, but Heather simply pushed her back down to the bed with her free hand.

  Louie half-closed her eyes. She could feel almost nothing except where Heather’s mouth and hands were. That’s all she needed to feel. All the teasing, the heavy make-out session in Louie’s truck—all of it was leading to this moment. That Louie had to wait another week made her need even more overwhelming. She ground her hips in sync with Heather’s mouth and sank back into the bed with her eyes closed. So close. Heather must’ve felt Louie’s desire building. She nibbled a little harder and drove her fingers even deeper. Louie cried out as Heather took her over the edge and she came in her mouth, her body convulsing beneath Heather’s control.

  Louie’s whole body trembled and Heather traced her fingers along the hollow of Louie’s hips, making her shudder with little aftershocks. Heather kissed Louie’s inner thigh and looked up. There were no words that would do justice to the moment so Louie hoped her smile would convey her emotions.

  “You don’t think I’m done, do you?” Heather asked and smiled wickedly.

  Louie shook her head. “I hope you’re never done with me.”

  Heather pressed little kisses to Louie’s stomach before she settled by her side. She reached up and tugged on Louie’s hands gently.

  “Still okay?”

  Louie glanced at her shackled wrists. “As long as you don’t leave me here on my own, I’ll be fine.”

  Heather licked her upper lip before leaning down and taking Louie’s nipple in her mouth again. She nibbled it just hard enough to make Louie jerk slightly. She worked her way up Louie’s body, over her neck, and up to mouth. Heather sucked Louie’s lip and kissed her hard. She broke away and Louie strained to follow her. Heather simply pressed her hand to Louie’s chest, and she fell back to the bed, helpless…and loving every moment.


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