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Aiden (Members From Money Book 8)

Page 4

by Katie Dowe


  “Daddy, how about this one?” Holly jumped up and down as her father sifted through the many stuffed toys on display. They had only just come back from Cape Cod where they had spent three days much to Holly’s delight. Now they were out in the mall where Aiden had never set foot, preferring to do his purchases online. But Holly had wanted to come and look at stuffed toys even though she had a great number in her room.

  “Pink turtle?” He looked at her with an indulgent smile. She was wrapped up in a pink and white jacket and matching boots with a white sweater and pink pants. Her pink and white cap was perched on her blonde hair which was braided down her back.

  She nodded with a smile. “It’s pretty.”

  “Okay, the pink turtle it is.” He added some more stuffed toys either not noticing the looks he was getting from the women in the store or choosing to ignore them.

  “I miss Ciara,” Holly said as she tucked her small hand into his large one as they made their way out the store. The mall was buzzing with people buying last-minute Christmas gifts and a big bellied Santa with a line in front of him. “When is she coming back, Daddy?”

  “After Christmas. You really like her, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “She is fun and doesn’t get mad when I spill juice all over her nice top.” She became serious. “Nana used to spank me when I got dirty.”

  Aiden felt the rage at her words, and he had to take deep breaths to control it. “She won’t be doing that again,” he told her, his voice inflexible. “I promise you that.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” she said with a bright smile.

  “I love you too.”

  “Darling, fancy seeing you here!” A familiar voice trilled just in front of them. “And what an adorable little girl.”

  “Michelle.” Aiden unconsciously bent and took his daughter in his arms. “How are you?”

  “I miss you, darling,” she cooed, her eyes spiteful as she watched him holding the little girl close to him. “I was in the apartment bored out of my skull when I decide that I would come and spend some money. When are you coming over?”

  “Not the time,” he told her tightly.

  “Oops!” She put a slim delicate hand to her red painted lips. “I had forgotten that we have company. You look so sexy with your daughter on your hip, darling.”

  “Goodbye, Michelle,” he told her coldly and walked away swiftly.

  “Daddy, that lady looks mean,” Holly said, looking behind at the woman who was still standing there.

  “I suspect she is, sweetie,” he said with a smile in his voice. “How about some hot chocolate?”

  “Yay!” she said, jumping up in his arms.


  Ciara finished doing her housework and cleaning the fridge in just two days with a lot of time to spare. She wandered aimlessly around the apartment and wondered if she should maybe go out to a movie or something. She was never one for friends, but her friend since high school had moved to Paris two years ago when she had gotten married to a man she had met on a cruise. Ciara glanced at the clock and realized that if she called now, she would probably end up waking up the household. With a sigh, she decided that the best thing to do would be to turn in for the night.

  Chapter 4

  “Ciara!” Holly screamed as soon as she came in the door. It had snowed the night before and the manor, with its towering washed brick walls and shiny glass everywhere, told the tales of it. The grounds were covered like a thick white blanket. She had brought back a stuffed bear for Holly because she had not given her anything for Christmas.

  “Hey.” She bent and caught the little girl in her arms, hugging her tight to her. The little girl started talking a mile a minute. “Daddy is gone back to work and we went to the mall and there was a woman who looked at Daddy funny and said some things to make him mad. What is sexy?” she asked, her blue eyes round as she followed Ciara up to her room to put away her stuff.

  “Where did you hear that?” Ciara asked her as soon as she put her stuff on a sofa.

  “The woman said that to Daddy and he was mad.”

  “I see.” Ciara could well imagine that it was one of the women he was having sex with!

  “It means he looks handsome,” she improvised.

  It was the second day of January, and she had been told by Angela Carter that there was no need to come in early as they would take care of Holly for the morning. So, she had gone to the bank to sort out some things and then come here.

  “So, how was your Christmas?” she asked the little girl.

  “I had lots of fun.”


  “What?” Aiden’s voice was deliberately rude as he took the call.

  “Is that any way to talk to your lover?” The sultry voice sounded in his ear.

  “Michelle, you need to stop calling. I already told you it’s over,” he told her impatiently.

  “Darling, I have already apologized for that little faux pas in the mall,” she complained. “Can’t we let bygones be bygones and continue where we left off?”

  “You think it is mainly because of what you said in front of my daughter?” he asked her coldly. “The sexual relationship we had has run its course, Michelle. You are a resourceful woman, I am sure you have men lining up to take my place.”

  “You bastard!” she screamed, hanging up the phone on him.

  Aiden shook his head to get rid of the ringing in his ear. He was wrong! She was no better than the others!

  He took up a framed photo of the little girl that had been taken on Christmas Day right by the huge tree. She had been wearing a cute princess dress with pink tulle and ballerina slippers and her hair had been loose around her shoulders and down her back. She had a magic wand in her hand and a big toothy grin as she smiled for the camera. His mother had several copies made and he had taken one for his desk. She was truly a beautiful child and did not have any of her mother’s features, she was all him! Holland! He closed his eyes as he tried to remember being with her, but he could not remember. It had been a fleeting affair which had fizzled out after a short while. She had been a decent enough girl, but it had been purely physical between them. He smiled gently as he put back the photo. Holly had come into his life unexpectedly and had brought something to it that had been missing all along!


  Angela sifted through the pictures and passed them to him as she came to a new one. “I know!” she said with a laugh. “I am behaving like your typical proud grandmother, but isn’t she adorable, William?”

  “She sure is,” he agreed as he looked at the different poses of the very pretty blonde-haired girl. “And she looks happy and settled.”

  They were at his place in his bed after a bout of lovemaking. She and William had been seeing each other for the past year without anyone at the hospital or her son knowing about it. He wanted them to go public with the relationship, but she had adamantly refused, saying that she was not ready yet and it might pose a problem as far as work was concerned. It was the last Thursday in January and one of those times when they had time off together.

  “She hugs me whenever I am around and is a like a beacon in that house. You know how very undemonstrative we were before, William?” She reached out and touched the craggy cheek with the hair spots fondly. She had grown so close to him and had started to realize that he had become very important to her.

  He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “I remember the first time I put my arms around you or tried to.” He chuckled in memory. “You almost sent me flat on my backside!’

  “You are being overly dramatic,” she said, laughing as she recalled. She leaned into him, her white skin a startling contrast against his dark one. “You have taught me so much and I am very grateful. With Charles, it was always a brief touch and not a lot of intimacy, and he was always busy building the company.”

  “I wish you would make up your mind and marry me,” he told her lightly as he closed his arms around her.

nbsp; She looked up at him, her blue eyes cloudy. “I just discovered I have a granddaughter and I am trying to fill the role. I cannot think about that right now.”

  He bent and kissed the top of her blonde head. “I understand. I am going to be patient as usual”

  “Thank you,” she whispered softly as she cuddled against his solid chest and closed her eyes.


  Ciara crept downstairs slowly. She could not sleep and she had tried watching some television, but it was not working. She had read Holly her story, and before she was finished, the little girl’s eyes had closed and she was fast asleep in a matter of minutes. She had been plain tuckered out because they had spent a lot of time playing in the snow and watching the men shovel the driveway. It was so peaceful and quiet that you could hear the ice falling to the ground. She knew that Aiden had already come home and had spent some time with his daughter before retiring to his suite. Usually, dinner consisted of Holly and her because both Aiden and his mother came in at odd hours. Ever since the episode with her painful period, she had avoided him as best as she could; the embarrassment was still fresh.

  She went into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine and went to the huge living room to sit in front of the fire. She had had the tour of the magnificent place, taking in the various art displayed on the walls and relishing the sinking of her feet in the plush carpeting. She had glimpsed Aiden’s suite and saw the masculinity there. It was quite a place and the grounds were huge with sections that looked like a forest waiting to be explored. She had promised Holly that as soon as the snow had melted from the ground and it was warm enough, they could go exploring.

  It was very warm in her room, so she had put on her short pajamas and matching blue top. She had pulled on a robe over it, but left it undone. The wine and the mesmerizing blaze of the fire lulled her and she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

  Aiden came down the stairs, a little bit distracted. They were trying to buy out a large pharmaceutical company in the UK, but it was not going well. He might have to take the trip in a day or two to meet with the owners face to face. He was on his way into the kitchen when he saw her half lying on the sofa. He thought about leaving her there and going into the kitchen to get what he needed, but something held him there. Ever since the incident with her painful period, he had felt something stirring inside him. His eyes drifted down her body, his own tightening as he lingered on her generous breasts with the nipples pointed out. He shook his head feeling like a damned peeping Tom! She looked uncomfortable he thought moving forward to try and position her head properly. She shifted suddenly and her eyes opened to look up at him. At first, she did not move, obviously trying to get the sleep out of her eyes. Aiden moved too suddenly and his balance was hindered. He fell on top of her, his chest pressing against her breasts! Ciara’s felt her nipples tightening against his body and the awareness heightening. He did not move off her but braced his hands on the sofa as he looked down at her. Ciara’s lips opened slightly as her breath came out in a whoosh. Without thinking of the consequences, his head dipped and his mouth came nearer to hers, his breath stirring against her flesh causing her to shiver. His mouth met hers slowly as if waiting for her to object, and when she didn’t, he eased his tongue into her mouth exploring the insides and touching her tongue with his. Ciara moaned, her arms coming up around his neck as she pressed herself against him, opening her mouth wider to accommodate him. He sank into the kiss, feeling the fire unfurled inside his belly. His penis hardened perceptively and his heart was hammering inside his chest as he explored her mouth. He could feel her nipples like branding irons on his chest and even though he was wearing a t-shirt, the imprint was very evident. Ciara dug her fingers into his soft thick hair and lifted her body to his, knowing that she needed more. She had been kissed several times before and had had a brief relationship with a guy while in college, but nothing had prepared her for this intensity of feelings rushing through her body. She would never object if he chose to take her right there on the living room sofa. In fact, she wished he would!

  But somehow common sense broke through the thick fog of desire that was covering Aiden, and with superhuman effort, he dragged himself away from her almost stumbling backwards! His body was raging with unfulfilled desire and passion and his erection pressed painfully against the soft material of the loose pants he had dragged on to come downstairs. He stood there looking down at her and took in the wanton sexiness of her mussed hair and swollen lips. Her nipples pressed against her top and he almost got back down and take the bud in his mouth. “Go to bed!” he told her harshly, and without another word, he turned on his heels and bounded up the stairs, leaving her there shivering from the desire crowding her!


  Aiden stripped hurriedly and went straight into the bathroom, stepping into the oversized shower stall and putting the spray on cold. He ignored the icy coldness of the water and stood beneath it, allowing it to beat down on him until he was numb. He turned off the spray and reached for a towel to dry the water from his body. What the hell had he been thinking, he thought angrily. Why had he broken the cardinal rule and touched someone in his employ? Especially the woman who was taking care of his child? And what was even worse was the fact that he had wanted to abandon common sense and sink his dick deep inside her, so hard and hot he had been for her! He groaned as he looked down realizing that his penis had started to rise again with just thinking about her. How was he going to be in the same room with her and act as if nothing happened? And it was not like he could get rid of her! His daughter thought the world of her! He strode into his sitting room and went to the cabinet where he reached for the scotch, pouring himself a generous amount before bringing it to his lips. He had everything in his suite. There was even a kitchen there in case he wanted to make himself something because he did not have time for cooking. So, why had he gone downstairs in the first place? If he had stayed upstairs this would not have happened. He put the glass to his lips and drank down the liquor, grimacing as it hit the walls of his stomach. He was going to have a hell of a time going to sleep now!


  He was avoiding her. She knew it and so did he. When she came down in the mornings with his daughter, he had already left, and the few times he stuck around to see Holly, he would give her a cool nod and concentrate on the little girl who thankfully was not aware of the tension in the room. She had started leaving every weekend now that Holly had become adjusted and would spend the time either with her mother or puttering around the apartment, but somehow the place she had called home before was now alien to her. She missed Holly, who had grabbed a hold of her heart and sank her fingers in. She was a delight to be around and was the only one who could cut through her distant father’s armor and make him laugh.

  It was late one Friday night when she was having a conversation with the chef that they found themselves alone again.

  Edward Collins had been with the Carters for five years and had actually studied at the Cordon Bleu in Paris. He had cooked for celebrities before getting the position as chef for the family. He was a slight, brown-haired man with deep grey eyes and a ready smile. He was only twenty-eight but looked younger because of his build. Ciara had struck up a friendship with him from the first time she got there and loved to watch him make his creations. He did catering when the family was entertaining and they were having a function with the heads of the pharmaceutical companies and doctors in town on Valentine’s Day.

  “It’s called Cupid’s pastry,” he told her with his usual smile as he passed her a sample of the sinfully rich vanilla cupcake smothered in red and white frosting with a colorful glaze on top. “Tell me what you think.”

  Ciara tasted the flaky light pastry and her dark brown eyes widened as she chewed on it. “Easily the tastiest dessert I have ever had,” she said, licking her lips. He reached over to wipe the cream from the side of the mouth and that was how Aiden saw them. He had attended a dinner with some members of the pharmac
eutical society and had been bored out of his skull, deciding to come home a little earlier. His eyes narrowed and his body stiffened as he looked at the seemingly intimate scene.

  “How about something to take upstairs with you?” Edward asked her, his eyes twinkling.

  “I am going to blame you completely if I get fat.”

  “As if you could.”

  Aiden cleared his throat, and they turned and looked at him standing in the doorway. “Mr. Carter.” Edward’s gaiety vanished at the wintry look on the man’s face. “See you in the morning, Ciara.” He hurried from the room, leaving the two of them there.

  Ciara put her pastry into a piece of foil paper, getting ready to exit the kitchen when he spoke. “I did not expect you to be up so late.” His voice was cold as he came forward and went to the fridge to take out a juice. “Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, his brows lifting sardonically.

  “I am just going to bed now. Edward wanted me to taste something he made.” She felt as if she owed him an explanation.

  “Are you sleeping with him?” The words were out of his mouth before he could take them back.

  Ciara stared at him for a moment, and without responding, she got off the stool and turned to leave. He was swift as he strode over and gripped her arm. “You have not answered my question.”

  “And I am not going to because it is none of your business,” she retorted. He was still in the pearl grey suit he had worn this morning and looked so achingly handsome with his hair falling down his forehead that she felt weak.

  “You are both employed by me, so it is my business.” He was still holding onto her and they both felt when the atmosphere changed. “I have been trying to stay away from you ever since…” He dropped her arm as if it had burnt him.

  “I will make it easy for you.” With that, she turned and walked away. She had reached the doorway when he caught up with her, and pulling her around, he pushed her up against the wall, his mouth descending rapidly and closing over hers! Ciara moaned and clenched her fists into his jacket, her body arching towards his. His hands cupped her face as he deepened the kiss, his body wired and taut with the desire he was feeling. He pressed against her as his mouth moved over hers, practically devouring her, his hands keeping her steady. She was wearing a loose wool dress she had put on when she had taken a shower after finishing with Holly, and his hands slid down to her shoulders, pushing the material away and seeking and finding her breasts encased in lace. He moved the material and sighed inside her mouth as he found the pebble-like nipples. He dragged his mouth away from hers and found a nipple, taking it inside his mouth. Ciara gasped and gripped his hair tightly, trying hard not to cry out at the fire burning through her entire body. He lifted his head after a while and looked down at her, his breathing ragged. He should leave her and go up to his suite, but he could not move. She was sensationally beautiful with her swollen lips and her disheveled appearance. Her dress leaned drunkenly off her and her nipples were wet from his mouth. Her lips were parted as she looked up at him. “Are you going to tell me to go to my bed?” she whispered, her breasts heaving with the effort it took her to breathe.


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