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Aiden (Members From Money Book 8)

Page 5

by Katie Dowe

  He did not respond but bent his head to take her lips with his again, his touch bruising and his mouth hard on hers as if he was trying to punish her for making him feel this way. Ciara welcomed it, her body arching towards his. They lost all track of time and place, not caring if they were discovered. It was after a few minutes when he felt he could bear it no more that Aiden broke the kiss and moved away from her. “Go to bed and lock your door,” he told her as he stepped back, his hands clenched at his sides. “Please.”

  Ciara could not move yet and she wanted to cry at the unfulfilled desire raging through her body yet again. The first time after he had left her in the living room and she had gone up to her room, she had been unable to sleep and now she knew it was going to be even worse!

  She pulled her dress together, and taking a deep breath to stop the trembling of her body, she moved off the wall. “I am not locking my door,” she whispered as she stared at him.

  His erection was burning a hole in his pants and if she did not leave he was going to take her right there. “I don’t consort with the help, Ms. Greene,” he told her, forcing his voice to be indifferent. “It tends to lead to problems when they expect something much more than what is intended.”

  Ciara stiffened at his words and felt the hurt replacing the raging desire.

  “Thank you for telling me,” she told him, standing up and straightening her shoulders. “I wish you goodnight, Mr. Carter,” she told him coolly and left the room.

  Aiden closed his eyes and went to sit on one of the stools, burying his face inside his palms, his body still highly sensitive and each nerve endings exposed and raw from the experience of being with her. He had hurt her with his words but better that than doing something they were both going to regret!

  Chapter 5

  “Of course you are invited, my dear,” Angela told her warmly on the rare occasion they sat together for breakfast the Thursday before the party. “It’s a formal function, so you are required to wear something dressy.” The elegant woman scanned the sweater Ciara was wearing quickly as she reached for the marmalade to put on her toast. Her son, sitting at the head of the table, was silent as he sipped his coffee. He had started avoiding her again, but Ciara had put up a veneer where he was concerned after the remark he had passed after he had finished ravishing her and leaving her limp and weak with desire.

  “I want to come to the party too, please.” Holly piped up in the middle of scooping out her Cheerios with a drop of milk on her chin. She had grown up so much since she had been at the manor, and her grandmother had had to order some clothes for her.

  “It’s for grownups, honey,” her grandmother told her fondly, reaching over to wipe the milk with a napkin. It was a little after seven and she was not due at the hospital until eight-thirty so she had a little time. “You have a birthday party with that little girl from the Mitchell’s place, remember?”

  “It’s far away,” she said with a pout.

  “It is in March, darling, and that is a few weeks away.”

  “Will I be getting a new dress?” she asked hopefully.

  “Typical female.” Her father’s voice sounded from the end of the table, his tone amused. “Don’t you have tons of dresses in your closet?”

  Holly nodded. “But I want one that is extra special and I want Ciara to pick it out for me.”

  Ciara felt his eyes on her, but she refused to look at him. “We will look for something in your closet together when he time is near, honey.”

  “Okay.” Holly nodded and went back eating her cereal.

  “Thank you for the invitation,” she told Angela politely as she got to her feet. “But I don’t think as the help I am supposed to attend.” She almost laughed in satisfaction as his head snapped up and he looked at her.

  “Nonsense, my dear!” Angela said with a wave of her elegant hand. “We have come to see you as part of the family, don’t we, Aiden?” she asked her son.

  His eyes were unreadable as he stared at Ciara. “Of course,” he said, inclining his head. “We would be delighted to have you there, Ciara.” His tone was mocking as he responded.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at him sweetly. “I would not dream of missing it.”


  Aiden stared broodingly at the coffee he had in his hand as he stood by the window in his office. He was moody and irritable and he knew exactly what it was! He was dying to bury himself deep inside her, and staying at the office late and trying to dull the ache of his desire with liquor was certainly not helping one bit! He knew that the remark she had made at the table this morning had been directed at him, and he had felt a grudging admiration at her bravery. She certainly was not afraid to tell him where to get off!

  His intercom sounded causing him to jump a little bit. With a sigh, he strode to the desk and depressed the button. “Yes?”

  Hi secretary hesitated a moment before saying, “Ms. Lakeside is on the phone, Aiden.”


  “Holly’s maternal grandmother.” Melanie clarified.

  Aiden hissed out a breath and his expression hardened. “Put her through.”

  “It’s about time!” she huffed as soon as she was put through to him. “That secretary of yours need to be fired for keeping me waiting so long.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Is that any way to talk to the grandmother of your daughter?”

  “I am hanging up in a few seconds if you do not tell me what you want,” he told her, his voice inflexible.

  “Okay, fine! I just wanted to find out if Holly is okay and settling in.”

  “She is. Anything else?”

  “I would like to see her.”

  “No,” His tone was rigid.

  “I have a right to see her, she is my blood,” the woman protested.

  “Holly told me you spank her, Ms. Lakeside, and I am finding it very hard to stand here talking to you right now without finding you and returning the favor.”

  There was silence for a moment and then she spoke. “I spanked her because she was being fresh. I don’t see anything wrong with that,” she spluttered.

  “You are not going to see her. I have already paid you to keep away from her.”

  “About that,” she muttered.

  “Yes?” He knew what was coming.

  “I don’t think I was given a fair amount when I look at it.”

  “You were the one who named the figure.”

  “Yes, well, I had to take care of her and my daughter when she was ill and I deserve more.”

  “I am not going to tell you what you deserve,” he told her grimly. “But what I can tell you is that you are not getting a red cent more from me. You are trying to put a price on your granddaughter, and I really find that sick and disturbing.”

  “You sit there in your big office with your fine clothes and all your money and don’t have an idea what we poor folks go through,” she told him bitterly.

  “I know I gave you ten thousand dollars, Ms. Lakeside, and you were supposed to put it to good use. I have no time for people who feel sorry for themselves.”

  “I can see her when I want to,” she said, her tone threatening. “You cannot keep her up in that ivory tower for the rest of her life.”

  “Is that a threat?” he asked her softly.

  “Whatever!” she responded and hung up the phone.

  Aiden was galvanized into action! He picked up his private line and dialed a number. “I have a job for you.”


  Ciara chose her dress carefully. She might not have the amount of money to buy a designer outfit, but she had an innate sense of fashion that always fared her well and she had something to prove to Aiden. It was red and shimmery! She had finally found it after walking the mall for almost two hours in a little store that sold formal wear. The sales lady beamed as she told her to go and try it on. She had peeked at the price tag and was horrified at the cost, but if it served its purpose then it was worth it. The dress s
lid over her bare skin like water over a smooth rock. It settled and flowed over her curves and clung to her bosom like loving hands. It was ankle length and dipped far down in the front. Every time she moved, a glimpse of her flesh was shown. She was definitely taking it.

  “Some accessories to go with it,” the woman said with a big smile as she went over to where they were.

  Ciara came out of the store with less money on her debit card but a smile on her face.


  The night of the party came by swiftly. Holly had had a fever the day before, but Ciara had brought it down without them having to take her in or call her grandmother Angela to come and tend to her and she made sure to tell her father when he sat on the side of her bed and was reading her a story. “You should see her, Daddy,” she said, her blue eyes so like his shining. She was propped up on her frilly pink pillows with her hair braided and freshly showered smelling like spring. “She put me underneath the shower and let the cold water beat on me.” Her grandmother had been by to check her temperature and told her she was all better. “She said it would bring down my…” She bit her lip as she tried to remember the big word Ciara had told her.

  “Temperature?” her father supplied as he pushed back tendrils of her hair from her forehead.

  “Yes,” she said with a nod. “How did you know, Daddy?”

  “I made a guess,” he teased her. Ciara had left the room as soon as he had entered and he had a feeling it was deliberate. “Okay, kiddo, it’s time for bed.” He kissed her forehead and pulled the covers over her.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she said softly.

  “I love you too, sweetie.”

  He almost bumped into her as he left Ciara’s room. He reached out to steady her, his hands encountering her warm flesh. “Thank you for taking care of Holly.”

  “It’s my job,” she told him coolly even though she was feeling the heat of his touch.

  “You know what I meant.” He shook her a little bit then, with a groan, he hauled her into his arms plundering her lips with his. Ciara wanted to fight it, still smarting at the remark he had made about not consorting with the help, but she found herself curling her fingers into his jacket and holding on as his mouth moved over hers! His hands left her arms and closed around her waist as the kiss deepened. As before, they found themselves lost in the moment, the intense passion raging and threatening to get out of control! It was Ciara who broke away this time fully aware that they were right outside his daughter’s room. Her heart racing inside her breasts, she stood there looking at him before turning and running into her room locking the doors behind her.

  Aiden felt like going and knocking on the door and demanding that she let him in. He surely could not go sleep like this! He tunneled his fingers through his hair and stood there for a moment longer before walking away!


  Ciara stared at herself in the mirror, noting with satisfaction the way the dress looked on her. Her makeup was minimal with a soft delicate lip gloss and nude eye shadow making her eyes look even wider. Her shoulder length hair was twisted in a coil and was on top of her head. She had on large gold hoops and a matching chain with a cross pendant nestled in her cleavage. She dabbed several drops of perfume between her breasts and between her ears, and she was ready. She had read Holly her bedtime story with the little girl asking if she could come. “Grownups only, remember?” she had told the little girl.

  “I wish I was a grownup,” she had said with a sigh.

  “You will get there soon enough, don’t hurry it,” she had told her with a kiss on the brow.

  She made her way downstairs, hearing the chatter indicating that the guests had started arriving. Edward had told her that he was catering for more than two hundred guests and she could hardly believe it! The maids were kept busy taking coats and putting them away. The party was being held in what they referred to as the ‘Great Hall’ with its towering ceiling and wide open space. Angela beckoned her over as soon as she entered the room. The woman was stunning in black with her blonde hair swept up on top of her head. She was with a group of other women who looked equally stunning! “My dear, I would like to introduce you to some of the wives of the members of the club my husband and son belong to. This is Leesa Wellington.” She indicated a tall beauty who seemed familiar, and her eyes widened as she realized that she had been an international model several years ago. “Felicia Wainwright, Regina Brady, Deandre Antonovich, and Carrie Copeland. I was just telling them what a marvel you are with my granddaughter.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She smiled at the ladies present.

  “I am pregnant with my first child and need some pointers. I was telling Angela that I might have to steal you away,” Regina Brady told her.

  “My heart belongs to Holly I am afraid,” she told the girl with a polite smile.

  “I am giving you my number in case.”

  Aiden watched her as she talked and laughed with the ladies there. She did not look out of place but had fit in quite smoothly listening and laughing. She was stunning! He wanted to go to her so much and he had to almost restrain himself. His mind drifted from the conversation around him as he looked at her. He stiffened when a doctor he knew quite well went up and touched her on her bare arm. He saw when she turned to him and nodded and almost had a fit when he led her onto the dance floor and put his arm around her. His name was Michael Wright and his parents and Aiden’s parents were friends. He was an intern at the hospital where his mother was, but Aiden had never quite liked him, he was too oily and smooth for his own good. His mouth tightened as he saw the man whisper something in Ciara’s ear and how she looked up at him. Damn her! What was she doing to him? He left the conversation abruptly and made his way out of the room. If he stayed there, he was going to kill someone!


  Ciara stepped out of the dress and carefully placed it on a chair beside the bed. She had enjoyed herself and had found the women she had been introduced to quite friendly in spite of the fact that their husbands were movers and shakers in their various fields. She recalled Leesa telling her the women who came in contact with them did not remain single for very long. She had no idea what that meant! She took off her shoes and was sitting on the side of the bed massaging her insoles when her door was opened. She did not have time to react as Aiden came into the room and closed the door behind him, his eyes sweeping over her naked body.

  “What are you doing in here?” Her voice was husky as she looked at him. She had seen him dancing with several single women and seen the way they looked at him and had felt the sickness in the pit of her stomach. Some guy who said he was a doctor by the name of Michael had tried to hit on her, telling her how important he was, but she had not been impressed.

  “What do you think?” His tone was insolent as he came further into the room. His black cashmere sweater clung to his muscled chest and was a startling contrast to his hair. “Did you give him your number?” he asked, his voice tight.

  “What?” She had stood up unconsciously, not remembering that she was only in tiny flesh-colored panties and nothing more.

  “That asshole who was touching you and whispering in your ear.” His voice was hoarse as he reached out a hand to cup her breast.

  “That’s none of your concern.” She felt faint as he ran his thumb over her nipple.

  “It is.” His voice was strained as he came closer to her. “I am making it mine.” He pulled her into his arms, and their lips met and clung! Ciara closed her eyes as she gripped the front of his sweater, welcoming the familiar passion that his mouth alone could evoke. She forgot what he had said to her in the kitchen that night, knowing that tonight was the night they were going to delve further into what they had been feeling all along! He lifted her and placed her onto the bed, stepping back to take off his clothes. His muscles rippled as he pulled off his pants, leaving his underwear on. He moved over her and continued kissing her, his mouth hard and hot against hers. Ciara’s arms went around his strong th
ick neck, pulling him against her as the heat invaded her body causing her to shiver against him. She needed this so much! He lifted his head and looked down at her, his blue eyes stormy as he continued to look down at her. He bent his head again and took a nipple inside his mouth, his tongue tasting the tight bud. She cried out in shock and hot desire, her body writhing beneath his. His mouth left her nipple and drifted down to her flat stomach, his tongue exploring the quivering flesh before going further down to her pubic area. Ciara arched her body and cried out again as he licked at her mound covered by the scrap of material! She felt as if she was being sucked into a volcano and it was erupting around and through her! He lifted his head and pulled the panties down, bending his head to plunge his tongue into her unsuspecting flesh! She came shortly after and he had to hold her to keep still as her body trembled violently. He came over her and settled on top of her, not moving for a moment as he looked down into her storm-filled face. He lowered his head and kissed her, letting her taste the tangy taste of her orgasm in his mouth. He reached between them and put his penis inside her tight wetness, pushing further and further in until he was touching the core of her. Ciara lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist as she lifted her body and moved against him as he started thrusting into her. His body stiffened at the gigantic rush of passion that went through him! Surely, he could not be feeling such intensity! He lifted his head and stared down at her, his heart hammering inside his chest as his control slowly but surely slipped away from him! He had not planned it or maybe he had because as soon as he had seen her tonight downstairs, he knew he was not going to wait any longer, he was going to have to make love to her. His body felt feverish and hot as if he was running a temperature and he felt as if he wanted to tear her in pieces! He pulled out of her for a little bit, wanting to take back some of the control he had lost, but she murmured against his mouth and moved beneath him. He felt his testicles tighten and knew he was on the verge of erupting! He tore his mouth from hers and called her name raggedly. Ciara dug her fingers into his taut shoulders as she felt the tide coming over her again! They came in one gigantic crashing moment, their bodies shivering as the wave washed over them and pulled them under!


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