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Assassins Betrayed

Page 28

by Robert Cuma

  I asked, “Are you two going to talk to me or not? It’s not the end of the world you know.”

  Tina said, “Steven, why don’t we let this one go? We’ll get them one at a time. Besides, we are not absolutely sure about Gina.”

  “Tomorrow will tell the whole story about who is rotten and who isn’t. That’s why I must be in that house when they are all there. I also have to know who is loyal to me.”

  Tina replied, “Steven, I love you and so does Hannah.”

  Hannah said, “Tina, everybody loves Steven but he loves loyalty. It means more to him than anything else.”

  Tina jumped up and said, “Steven, you better know how much loyalty I have for you. I would die for you! Damn it!” She stomped out of the little restaurant in a huff.

  Hannah said, “I’d bet my life on that kid’s loyalty and love for you, Steven.”

  “You’re probably right, Hannah.” I got up and ran after Tina. She was sitting in the car sobbing. I sat next to her and held her in my arms. I said, “Tina, I’m sorry. I guess it has to do with Gina’s betrayal of us.” She pushed her face in my shoulder and sobbed a little longer. I picked her head up with my hand and kissed her tenderly.

  Hannah returned to the car and started to drive back up the road.

  I suggested, “Let’s find another way up the mountain behind Bono’s house.” They agreed. After driving around awhile, we found an old dirt road that twisted and turned its way to the top of the mountain. Once there, we got out of the car and walked over to the ridge. We saw the back of the house but we were higher up than before. I asked, “Girls, do you think you both can make the target from this elevation?”

  Tina replied, “I can do it from here. Actually, we have a shot at the front yard also. Do you agree, Hannah?”

  “You’re right about her, Steven, she is brilliant. Sure, we can shoot from this position. We also have better cover,” as she pointed to the surrounding bushes.

  As the wind was blowing around the top of the hill, I began to feel better about the mission. These kids would have a better escape route going down this side of the mountain. Now I was able to make a more precise plan for our task tomorrow.

  Hannah asked, “Steven, tell me about how wide would you say this gorge is across?

  “I’d say it’s a good three-hundred yards.”

  “I thought it was about that far.”

  “That’s why when you guys take your shots you must consider the wind speed and direction.”

  “We sure will, Boss.”

  When we left the mountain, I told Hannah to drive us to civilization so we could rent a jeep for the girls to use. I would drive the car right up to the front gate and since I still had the money, I’m sure they would welcome me. We returned to the cabin that evening after enjoying an early dinner. Tina drove the jeep we rented for the mission. The jeep was hidden so it could not be linked to our other car. Then the three of us returned to the target house. Tina drove the car and parked it alongside the road. We used the same strategy as before. Hannah and I went to the side area of the house and again, my little commando slithered across the grounds unnoticed. This time she had a bag full of explosives. She successfully planted them around the perimeter of the house. As she started on her return, one of the watchdogs picked up her scent and went after her. Initially, the dog began to bark as we heard one of the guards start to call the pooch. Hannah calmly gave the dog a piece of candy, she had in her pocket, he, began to lick her. She gave him another piece as she quietly continued to crawl out of the courtyard. The guard didn’t have a clue of Hannah’s presence. Once she was in the clear, I held her close for a moment. She whispered in my ear, “Steven, everything is going to be just fine, so relax.”

  When we got back to the cabin, Hannah briefed Tina on the detonation sequence. Tina absorbed the information like a sponge. Once the girls went to their bed, I climbed into the other. A little while later, Hannah came to me and snuggled under my arm. She kissed me and then put her finger over my lips and said, “Sleep, my love, sleep.” When I woke up in the morning, they both were in bed with me, again. I do have to say it was a pleasant way to wake up.

  After getting cleaned up, drinking some horrible instant coffee, I sent the girls out the back of the cabin. They needed to be in place by high noon, in time for the big showdown. We were all wearing our communications gear so we could listen to clues for taking action. I didn’t even put on my gun. I figured they would search me real good since the headman would be in the house. We could have blown the house to oblivion, but as stubborn, as I was I had to hear the whole story first.

  22 – The Gangs All Here


  When I approached the front gate, a couple of thugs with automatic weapons came out. They told me to go right in as the entire gate opened. Once in the courtyard, they yanked me from the car and searched me good. Convinced that I had no weapons of mass destruction, they led me in the house. Once inside, they tied my hands behind my back. They shoved me into a rather large room with a whole bunch of people in it. I quickly scanned the room to see familiar faces quietly staring at me. Popov, Bono, Campo, and good old Titov were all looking like my executioners. Also, standing there, off to the side, was my lovely Gina. I couldn’t bear to look at her. It just broke my heart.

  Then, one heavyset guy approached me. He said, “Welcome, Mr. Cross.”

  “Mr. Bono, I presume.”

  “We finally meet face to face.”

  “You’ve quite a cast of characters here today.”

  “I believe you know most of them so introductions are not in order.”

  “Not really. I would like some answers before you kill me.”

  “Kill you, Mr. Cross, why would I do that? You have my money, my wife and you’ve killed most of my partners on my behalf. You made my piece of the pie rather large. They were right about you. You always get your man. Oh, one thing, I know you came here unarmed but I think you should know we found the explosives you planted around my building last night. I wouldn’t want you to hurt anyone else.”

  There went that plan, out the window. I hoped the girls heard since Bono’s goons didn’t find our little wireless system on me. I needed to continue to get information out of these clowns. I had a good feeling that Tina was recording the whole thing.

  I spoke, “Since I did such a good job for you, maybe I could find out whose idea it was for me to do your dirty work.”

  “Well, it all started with your boss, Grimes, talking to his old friend Balsano. They decided there were too many people to divide-up such a small pie. So, they concocted this scheme to bring you out for the job. Since you are the top assassin in the world, it would be child’s play.”

  “Bono, people like you think the world is all yours just for the pickings. But every once in awhile, someone comes along and turns your little world upside down. I am that someone.”

  “Nonsense, Mr. Cross your own people are coming over to our side. Consider your, precious Gina for instance she is our latest convert. Why just yesterday she freed one of our key people and came down here to join us. I’ll let her tell you in her own words. Gina, the floor is all yours.”

  Gina came forward and began to speak, “Steven, you were easy since you love women so much. It required a small effort on my part for you to let me into your heart. But, you see, the truth is that Popov and I have become lovers since he recently had his way with me. It was wonderful. I couldn’t free him from your clutches at my house, so I waited until you left on this crazy mission of yours. Through Popov, I have come to realize these people are right and you are wrong. I’ve been such a fool,” as she slapped me across the face.

  “But I saw the wounds on your back. Why go to such extremes?”

  “I think that was what turned me on to him. His cruelty shows his strength.”

  “I guess you let him out of jail and never notified anyone else.”

  “No, Steven, you’re on your own. For the record, I had
my weak moments with you. There were times I thought I was in love with you but my love for the money is greater.”

  “Is anybody clean in this country?”

  “Oh sure, there are some. Like that idiot Carlo and of course my self-righteous father. They are the fools.”

  Then the big guy, Campo stood up and spoke. He exclaimed, “Enough of this garbage! Move the money back into our accounts now!”

  “Listen, fat boy, I would assume the lovely Gina would have told you by now how the money was moved. So why are you talking to me?”

  “Because you’re the only one who knows the people in Washington to get it moved.”

  Immediately, my thoughts stated to run wild. If Gina wasn’t telling them about the money, then she was still my trusted girl. But what was she thinking coming here with Popov. I had to think fast and buy some time.

  I continued, “Tell me, Titov, why are you involved in such a wild scheme?”

  Titov responded, “Steven, look at the money. Take some for yourself and return the rest. I can convince the others to spare your life. Don’t be a fool, my friend.”

  “I can’t do it, Ivan, too much corruption going on all over and I don’t like being taken for a fool!” I thought that would get the bull Campo going enough to take me out to the backside of the house. Once outside, the girls could open fire. With an army of Bono’s people here, we weren’t going to win but Tina and Hannah would have a chance to get out safely.

  Well, I was right about the bull, he came charging at me and exclaimed, “Let’s hang him over the side! I’ll get him to move the money!” With that, he and a couple of Bono’s goons grabbed me and headed for the back of the house. Popov gladly joined the lynching mob.

  Behind him, Gina came running out yelling, “Don’t you dare kill him, you fat creep,” as she jumped on Campo’s back and wrapped one of her arms around his throat and began to choke him. Popov took out his gun and pointed it at my head. While Gina was riding the bull, she took out her pistol and shot Popov right between his eyes. Campo, being the huge man that he was, flipped Gina off his back like a fly. She went flying toward the edge of the yard. Then she started to slide into the gorge. I made a leap for her and grabbed her skinny little wrist as she began to go over the edge. I yelled, “Hang on, baby, hang on.”

  Then the first shot finally rang out from the girls. It hit Campo in the back of his head and he went down like a pile of garbage. The two other goons were quickly extinguished with the next set of shots fired from my girls. I pulled Gina up from her fragile position, laid her flat on the ground and placed my body over hers. The enemy from inside the house began shooting at us. I had nowhere to gain cover and without the explosives, I didn’t think we were going to make it.

  All of a sudden, out of the clear blue and I mean the clear blue skies, came two helicopters. One rose right out of the ravine and the other was around the front of the house. They were civilian choppers with men onboard aiming rocket launchers and automatic weapons at the enemy. They immediately commenced firing at the house. The choppers had the gangsters in an intense crossfire. None of them could escape the wrath of their impending doom. The house began to explode into thousands of pieces. The assault didn’t stop until the entire house was leveled. As a final gesture, the chopper in the front of the house flamed the entire area and detonated a deep explosive device into the center of the house. This certainly left no room for survivors. Meanwhile, the chopper in the back hovered low enough to get Gina and me onboard. My adrenalin was pumping so fast that I didn’t even realize I had been shot in the leg. It was at that moment I knew who our rescuers were. I looked up and there was the smiling face of Colonel Jackson Hawk sitting next to my girls. I think I smiled and then passed out.


  When I woke up, I found myself in some hospital room. The nurses were speaking Italian so I knew we didn’t go too far. There in the room with me were Hannah, Tina and my lovely Gina. They all started to hug and kiss me. I was beyond elated. I held them all very tight in my arms.

  I said, “I never want to let go.”

  Tina said, “We’ll always be with you!”

  I asked, “What happened back there?”

  Hannah responded, “Well, hot shot, since you were determined to go through with this crazy plan, I called for backup. Using our cell phone while you were out walking the other night, I called Hawk. I gave him the coordinates of our position with the width of the canyon and our probable strike time. And presto, he was there, right on time. He and his men had immediately flown into Naples and rented private choppers. They loaded them up with munitions and attacked our enemy. He dropped us back here at the Naples base and said he would see you in Taipei. Off they went returning to Athens as quickly as they arrived. What crazy Gina was up to, I have no idea. You can talk to her about her bizarre plan. The two of you were obviously meant for each other.”

  “To tell you the truth, I didn’t think we would make it but I’m glad you guys were thinking ahead of me. Gina, what were you trying to do?”

  “I don’t know what came over me. After letting Popov out of jail, I told him I wanted in on the money. I needed him to take me to Bono’s house so I could kill the both of them. It’s like you always said, Steven, sometimes it’s better to kill them than to try and seek lawful justice.”

  “How did you convince Popov to take you?”

  “I did something rather shameful. I spent the night with the animal I had to kill! After what he did to me in France how bad could one night be with this pig.”

  “Did you think of how you would get out of that place?”

  Gina with a pensive look on her face, said, “I knew you would come for me, Steven.”

  “Well, you sure cut that one close.”

  Hannah spoke, “You both are certifiable that’s for sure.”

  I held Gina in my arms and she began to sob a little.

  I said, “Gina, everything is going to be fine, now. I promise.”

  Then Hannah continued, “Hey, Tina, why don’t you get the Boss some good coffee at the store downstairs.”

  “Oh, sure, I’ll be right back.” Off she went down the hallway getting coffee for her Boss.

  I asked, “Why did you send her away, Hannah? What’s up?”

  “Well, I thought you both should know that kid made a choice on the mountain today. She killed her father in an effort to save your lives. If that isn’t enough loyalty for you, Steven, then, I don’t know what is. She even told me to leave Campo to her.”

  “Oh, damn it, what a tough choice. I never wanted her to be in that position.”

  Moments later, Tina came running down the hall with my coffee. She put it down on the table and I pulled her toward me holding her in my arms.

  Tina jumped up and said, “Hannah, you told him what happened.”

  “They had to know, Tina.” She fell back into my arms and began to cry. All I could do was to tell her I loved her.

  I said, “Tina, remember, I want you by my side always.”

  She responded, “You got that right, Boss. Oh by the way, I put the money back.”

  “All of it?”

  “What do you think?”

  “That’s my girl.”

  In a little while, we all began to feel much better. Not many words were spoken, just a lot of hugs and kisses.

  23 – Rounding up the Rest


  I had to get out of the hospital to finish what we started but the doctors had different plans for me. It would be several days before I could be moved. Gina called Carlo and Enrico to meet us in the hospital. When they arrived, we had a good discussion with the two honest crime fighters. Carlo told us what happened outside of Rome today.

  He said, “The local police reported they officially identified Bono as one of the victims of a tragic fire. There were some other people there also, but they haven’t been identified yet.”

  I responded, “I heard what went on, Carlo. The story I receive
d from my sources was that the entire heads of the Bono and Russian mobs were killed in that awful fire. However, it has nothing to do with any of my team, including Gina. But we do have enough evidence for you to arrest the other leaders of the cartel. I will take care of the Americans who were associated in this ruthless reign of terror. I’m sorry your father has been implicated with this group. It has nothing to do with my mission. Therefore, Carlo, we leave that decision up to you and Enrico.”

  They both new damn well that me and my people where at the Bono house today, especially with me sitting in the hospital with gunshot wounds. But, it didn’t matter. Bono was dead and they felt relieved over the whole situation. These two men and possibly Gina could gain some control over the violent crimes perpetrated by Bono and his cohorts. To them it was a great day. Enrico and I privately laughed over the plans of Balsano and Grimes to have me do the dirty work for them. But it sure backfired on those two.

  Tina printed out enough documentation for Carlo to arrest his father and Marino. We would be leaving Carlo as a dedicated crime fighter with a mission that would be tough for anyone to endure – the arrest of his own father.

  Enrico said, “Steven, this turned out to be an extremely horrific mission for you and your people. But we Italians owe you a debt of gratitude and you will always be welcome here.”

  I replied, “Thank you, my friend but its’ all part of what we do. Besides, I found a few good friends on this journey. Soon we will be going back to the States to arrest the remaining criminals. Should you need me for anything in the future, you can call me directly since our superiors might be in jail.”

  Both men wished me a speedy recovery and left to continue with their part of the mission.

  With everyone out of the room, except Gina, she began to talk.

  She said, “Steven, I love you with all my heart but there is much to be done now that the leaders are all gone. I know Carlo and Enrico both need me to help put SISMI back together. I also must make sure Bono’s remaining lieutenants running around Italy are all incarcerated. So, my love, I must remain here in Italy for a while. When I feel organized, I will come to you, if you still want me.”


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