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Many Beauty and the Many Beast

Page 21

by Felicity Collins

  Hans' POV:

  As Elsa got out of the room and closed the door, Skylynn walked towards me until she was standing beside my bed. I couldn't help but think over Elsa's words and Elsa herself. Once she got inside the room, I thought I was going to talk to the same fearful and insecure girl I had met a month ago, the one that would run away from her problems, that was afraid of her powers and that I easily broke down with just 5 sentences. The one I talked to now was a completely different person… older, wiser… the way she scolded me it made me feel really tiny, close to nothing. What surprised me, though, was the way she quoted my sister's words. Like if it were a lesson she had just learnt herself and made her own. I would have never expected that from Elsa, but she was right about everything. Skylynn has been doing so much for me… and I repaid her with having her almost getting killed because of me… I owe her life to Elsa and now that I looked at Skylynn standing next to me… I couldn't help but feel like… an ungrateful piece of crap.

  "Elsa told me what happened" I said finally finding my voice "Are you okay?" I asked.

  "Apart from a few stitches on the arm I'm fine" she answered as her grey eyes met my green ones "It could have been much worse if it weren't for Elsa"

  "I know" I said turning my head away.

  "Hans, do you want to talk to me?" she asked me softly sitting on the edge of the bed. I turned around and finally looked at her, feeling my chest heavier with… guilt.

  "I just spoke with Elsa" I said "Well… more like argued" I took a deep breath "Sky, I scared off the servants who came to treat me, I wanted my wounds to get infected… I wanted to end this hell I'm living. I lost everything, Sky, everything. I never had a family, as the last in line I would have never counted anything… I wanted to prove my brothers wrong, I wanted to show them that I was worth something, I-… I don't know how I could have thought of something like that I… because of my greed and stupidity, now the Southern Isles hate me, Arendelle hates me, every kingdom hates me. I lost my 'home', I lost my title, I brought shame to the Southern Isles royal family and I lost that little dignity that I had. I only had you, Sky but you have your own life in Drakora now and I can't take that away from you after all you've been through..." I paused "You said I could come to Drakora with you, but you do know that if I do come people will start questioning you"

  "I don't care, Hans. The first of Drakora's values is 'family' and those who neglect that value will face a punishment, if not paying with their life, like Hugh. You're my brother and I'm not going to slam my door in your face" she said taking my hand in hers.

  "And even if I do come to Drakora" I said "What would I do? Everyone would be uncomfortable with me around, everyone is going to question you. You need to accept the fact that what you did here, in the end will be useless, because I don't have anywhere to go and coming to Drakora, would mean losing your people's trust. You have a life there… I'm not going to take it away from you because I screwed up" I took a deep breath looking away from her.

  "Hans" Sky said softly "You know you have the possibility to make amends to your mistakes, what I don't understand is why you're not going to take it"

  "Because everything I do, whatever happens to me, I ruin it" I said quietly "What would my brothers say if I actually killed myself? 'Hans? He committed suicide? He ain't got the intelligence or the courage to do such a thing!'"

  "Screw them, Hans! They are the ones who got you in this mess in the first place! This is exactly what they want you to think!" she exclaimed

  "Even if I don't, once I'm done here with Elsa's punishment, you'll go back to Drakora and I will be a wild dog on the loose again. I know I will end up doing something stupid and hurt people again, and this time you won't be able to save me" I looked away. There was a short silence, then I felt Sky run a hand through my hair.

  "You won't if you look at the situation the way I see it" Skylynn said "The punishment Elsa gave you is not a punishment, it's a first step: a medicine… just a medicine" she paused "During the revolution, there was a soldier, a friend of mine, he was a little older than you at the time, his name is Carter. His parents had passed away, and Carter had lost everything he had during an enemy attack: his wife, his son, his brother, his house, everything and he was severely wounded. He wanted to die at first and refused to take his medicines, but then he realized that once the war was over he could start a new life. His family would have wanted that for him. So he finally picked up the medicine he had to take until he healed and was ready to fight again"

  "What happened to him, now?" I asked unsure.

  "He is remarried now and expecting a child" Sky said. She gave my hand a small squeeze "He did what you should be doing right now. Pick up the medicine, Hans pick it all up and start again. You got a second chance, you could finally find a home and escape your old life. You are still in time to go back to who you really are" she paused and stroke my face "You've got a warm heart and a wonderful mind… don't let our so-called 'siblings' destroy them, because this is what they want: to destroy every bit of good in you" I turned my face on the other side, not looking at her as the weight in my chest got heavier at every word she spoke, tears forming in my eyes… tears I haven't shed in years.

  "Hans" Sky continued turning my face to look at her "Pick up the medicine, forget the past and start over. The best part will come once you're done here: you'll know what to do in your new life" I had finally managed to look at Skylynn, her reassuring grey eyes met my green ones, silently telling me that it would have been alright. Elsa was right… about everything… I am a selfish coward… and I don't deserve a sister like Skylynn. I squeezed her hand softly, then before she could see my tears, I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly, as she hugged me back just as tight.

  "I'm sorry, Sky… I'm sorry" I cried, burring my face in her shoulder "I didn't mean it! I never meant any of those aweful that I said to you. I lied. Every single one of those things was a lie. I didn't mean what I said about Landon… I'm so sorry"

  "It's okay" Skylynn said running a hand through my hair "I know and I forgive you"

  "I love you, Tiger" I mumbled as I silently cried. Skylynn just held me tighter. In that moment I knew that even if I had no idea what to do once I got over this punishment, at the moment, I was going to do what the two queens told me: I was going to start over. As made up my mind though, I couldn't shake Elsa's words out of my head, what I told her, how I was to her and Skylynn; and thinking of them, of Elsa, I couldn't help but feeling even guiltier as remorse was biting my heart.


  I had just woken up from my afternoon nap… in my study… with my head on my desk. It usually never happens to me to fall asleep while working, but I haven't slept a wink tonight and with all the work I have to do, I just… my need for sleep won in the end. As I sleepily looked around on the desk to check the last things I needed to see, I heard a knock on the door.

  "Come in" I said not even bothering to ask who it was. The door opened and Skylynn entered the room.

  "Hello, Elsa" she greeted with a bright smile. Looks like someone is in a good mood…

  "Hey…" I said tiredly.

  "Is everything okay?" she asked noticing my sleepy face.

  "Yeah, I just…"

  "You fell asleep while working" she stated with a smirk.

  "No" I looked at her and then she raised an eyebrow "… okay, I did, but I have my good reasons for it!" I said in a little snappy way.

  "Geez, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the desk…" she said and chuckled at her own joke as I impassibly stared back at her "You get it?" she said chuckling "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but you slept on the desk so…"

  "Very clever, Sky. I'll make sure you get an award for it" I grumpily said. Sky gave me a small theatrical bow with teasing smile.

  "You didn't get a wink of sleep because of Hans, have you?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

  "He told you"

  "He just said you
argued and I know he can be very… uhm… brutal" I didn't say anything "You should talk to someone about it. Talk to Anna, or Kristoff, or myself if you want" she said. I gave her a tired smile.

  "I will, but it's not just that. I've got a big meeting today and I'm kind of nervous. I went through some documents and realized that my ministers are selfish idiots. With this meeting things will have to change. I have everything ready, but one wrong move and I could turn the people against me" I confessed. Skylynn walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder

  "You'll do great, Elsa. I know you will" she said with a warm smile.

  "I hope you are right" I said rubbing my eyes.

  "Come on, Elsa! Don't worry" Skylynn said rubbing my shoulders reassuringly "You'll do great! You're the queen and if you aren't happy with what your ministers are doing you have to let them know. They need to get the message. Sometimes being untactful and intimidating is the best thing to do. Show them you're angry, make them feel the need to hide under the pavement. Make them worry" she advised. I gave her a small smile.

  "How do you know that's not going to backfire?" I asked.

  "I may be three years younger than you, but you forget I've got two years of queenly experience more than you do" she said "Listen to me, Elsa. Your choices and words must be based on your people's mentality. For example, Drakora is well known to be a kingdom of warriors. My kingdom has historically been a land of warlords. I know that if I'm too easy going, the people won't trust me and try to put someone else in my place, but if I'm a tyrant, they will fight back. My people have very rigid values and are attached to their custom and tradition, they will accept change, even a radical one, but not if it is too fast because they need some time to accept them. It is only logic that in order to keep the nation in control…" she trailed off.

  "I need to balance it out. Got it" I said, finishing her sentence.

  "Exactly, you know your people, don't you? What do you think they want in their ruler?" she asked. For a split of a second, my mind went back to some of my parents' teaching on how to be a queen, remembering the few meetings my mother convinced my father to have me assist. Very few actually… to be frank, my queen training has mostly been self-taught. I got the books, studied and then Mrs. Hyles, my tutor, would come test me with my parents supervising. I have assisted on a total of 3 meetings my parents had with foreigner dignitaries, but there was one thing Mama and Papa always wanted for the kingdom.

  "Peace. Arendelle has always been peaceful. My people want a ruler who is going to make sure the kingdom lives peacefully, but they also want a ruler who is authoritative when needed, which is what I need to be now" Skylynn nodded with a side smile

  "I'm sure the Snow Queen is capable of doing that, considering how you handled the trial, my half-brothers, Hans… Anna told me you've been doing a pretty good job with Weaseltown" she added with a wink "Come on, now. Your ministers aren't doing their job? You're not happy about it? Things need to change? Make sure they get the message and be clear, especially with the party you are supporting" I smiled at her. It was difficult to admit it, but having the Heroine of Drakora giving me advice for a matter such as this and encouraging me, I couldn't help but feel my confidence slowly building up. She was right. I was the queen and I ran business here in Arendelle. If I was not happy with my ministers I had to show them I was not afraid of them, if anything, they had to be afraid of the consequences for not living up to their duty to the kingdom.

  "Okay… I've got everything ready. I can do this" I said confidently.

  "Good. Now show me your 'angry Snow Queen face'" she said. I turned around to look at her trying to hide a smile and her enthusiastic face fell "My pink bunny flip-flops are much more terrifying…" she commented "Come on! Intimidate me!" she said shaking my shoulders.

  "BACK OFF!" I shouted blasting some ice on her sides, careful not to hit her, making Skylynn jump back.

  "That's more like it!" she said smiling. I laughed at her "Well, I wanted to ask you something, but I see you're busy, so I'll just ask later" she said walking towards the door

  "Thank you, Skylynn" I said.

  "Don't mention it" she said

  "Sky" I called as an idea popped into my head. She stopped and turned around "May I ask you a few questions about your kingdom?" I asked her. She smiled and walked back to me.

  It was finally time, I had everything ready for the meeting with my ministers. I had the check I asked Kristoff, I had read the documents, I had their cute little letters (note the sarcasm), I overheard their conversation, I had a little talk with Skylynn about Drakora, I found the information I needed about royal marriages and I had brought the people's representatives. Today things were going to change and the aristocrats were heading for a big surprise. As I got into parliament and entered the huge room where the meeting was being held, all the present representatives where both from the people and aristocrats. As I got inside followed by Anna and Kristoff, the room got quiet and everyone settled down. Aristocrats on the right, Commoners and Middle-Class on the left, I sat in my seat, in the middle of the platforms, and Anna sat right next to me with Kristoff standing next her like a bodyguard, waiting for the remaining representatives to come in and settle down. When every single noise died down I spoke up.

  "Thank you all for coming to this meeting. I suppose you are curious to know why I had you all summoned here?" I started.

  "About that, your Majesty" said one of the noblemen "Why are there… 'representatives' of the lower classes? If I may ask" he said earning a few glares from them, as his disdained tone didn't go by unnoticed.

  "Well, they are here because, being them also part of this kingdom, they are needed here for this is a rather important matter we all need to discuss" I said eying the man. He just nodded his head.

  "So… to what do we owe this sudden meeting?" asked another aristocrat. I looked towards Anna, who was looking at me expectantly and lightly smirked. I had given her more details, so she knew very well, what I was going to do. Then I got up from my seat and took a few steps between the two parties. Instinctively I would have gone with the talking manner I had learned to use when speaking politics with dignitaries, elegant and refined, using particular words and oratory techniques that were suitable for talks such as this. If I did so, then maybe, the aristocrats might have got the message, but it was the support of both middle and lower class I needed and if I spoke like that, most of them would have not understood. 'Balance it out. Be clear, especially with the party you are supporting' Skylynn had said. Then I got an idea, finally deciding how I was going to present the matter: humor, bitter humor. I needed the full attention of the lower classes and the aristocrats.

  "I've been thinking" I started "I was in my study a few days ago and I've been thinking… 'Is it Christmas already and I haven't noticed it?' Because this week I have receive a few cute little letters just like the ones 7 years-olds send to Santa Clause on December 24th" I paused and eyed the puzzled parties. It working. The aristocrats were surprised and the people were listening.

  "Okay, this is serious and she's doing humor, Elsa's angry…" I heard Anna whisper to Kristoff. I hid my smirk and took another few steps forward.

  "This 'letter sending' thing, though, started a few years ago and stopped with my parents' passing. Well, last week, after reading a letter sent to 'Santa Clause Queen Elsa', I took the liberty of looking back to my father's old doings and found some more cute little letters. Of all these pretty little letters addressed to 'Santa Clause King Adgar', my father" I continued "there was one that was written by our beloved Honorable Members of Parliament, which now I'm going to read you all what it says" I said glancing at the people "Princess Anna, the letter" I said. Anna stood up from her seat and handed me one of the documents she was holding. I thanked her and she got back to her seat. "Here is what the letter to 'Santa Clause King Adgar' says, it says:

  'HRH Santa Clause King Adgar VI of Arendelle,

  the presidency has humbly requested for its work
, to maintain the total sum of the endowment of the time frame of 1609- 1619, in the same amount that has already been deposited in the year 1608-1609'

  And this request I just read has been accepted"I paused and glared at the aristocrats "Cute letter right?" I said towards the commoners and middle-class"Do you know what this means? It means that, unfortunately, King Adgar has approved that while the common Arendellians will be working their guts out to bring some bread home to their families" I started "Our Honorable… deputies, for the next six years… will be getting the same, identical, scandalous pay-check they have received until now" I said. There where various reactions from the commoners and middle-class, most of them were glaring at them, others disgusted, but most of them let out indignant comments.

  "That's right!" I added "Without any reductions! Without any curtailment!" Then I turned back to the aristocrats "What's the meaning of this, Honorable Members of Parliament? What about the famous 'cuts on the price of politics'? What happened to those?" I said in angry mockery "I remember, three years ago, you've been waving your arms about it like you've all gone berserk! You were having a race at who was talking the biggest whopper: 'We're ready to cut our pay-checks too!' – 'Sacrifices for Arendelle must be done by everyone!' Now, let me ask you something, Honorable Members of Parliament…" I paused "… Aren't you all one tiny bit disgusted of yourselves?" From behind me the other party erupted in cheers, clapping their hands for me while the aristocrats looked at me with their eyes out of their sockets. I raised a hand signaling the cheering party to quiet down and they did.

  "Queen Elsa" said an aristocrat "For your own sake, I believe it's best if you stop now with this nonsense, since your position isn't exactly much different from ours"

  "I think I'll go on with this 'nonsense' since I am the one who runs this kingdom, I am the kingdom. What these people behind me pay as the kingdom's taxes, is my pay-check and that pay-check, called 'State Funds' –if that word means anything to you- I use it to make sure things function around here! I- we" I said motioning to the crowd behind me "pay you to assist me in making sure things work and that the state funds don't run out, but it seems to me that that isn't really clear to you" I snapped, before going back to mocking them "I'm just saying, Honorable Members of Parliament, do you have any idea how much we Arendellians give you to sit here and scratch your bellies? Not much, right?" I said mockingly earning glares from the aristocrats and cheering from the people "In average… our Honorable Members of Parliament, between deputies and senators, get between 13,000 and 16,000 kr* a month – in average, of course! No one says otherwise"


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