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Damaged: The Complete Set Including DIRTY and FILTHY: A Dark Romance (The Damage Romance Box Set)

Page 6

by Michelle Horst

  I sink down on a chair and watch as Doc works on them.

  “It’s wrong,” Doc mutters.

  Worry that they might not pull through churns heavily in my stomach.

  Two days have passed since we got back home. Their fevers broke early this morning. They’ve been in and out of consciousness.

  Movement from Sophia catches my eye. Adam is up before I can move a muscle. He watches her carefully as she comes to. Her eyes flutter open and it’s with great relief that she focuses on Adam.

  “Hey,” Adam whispers as he sits down next to her. “How’s the pain?”

  Sophia swallows hard and tries to bring her hand to her neck.

  “Try some water,” I whisper.

  Adam slips his hand under her head as he brings a glass to her chapped lips. She takes a sip and swallows painfully on it.

  A tear sneaks from the corner of her eye, but before it can trail into her hair, Adam wipes it away. He doesn’t take his eyes off her. I don’t miss the protective look in his eyes.

  My eyes go back to Jack and that’s where they stay.

  My body is stiff from all the sitting, but I can’t bring myself to leave the room.

  It’s late afternoon when Jack starts to stir. I get up and walk over to the bed. He opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times before they focus on the ceiling.

  “Jack?” I whisper softly taking another step closer to him.

  I start to think that he didn’t hear me, when he turns his head to me. His green eyes are dull. There’s no sign of the vibrant green I saw on Thursday.

  I lean a little forward. “Are you in pain, Jack?”

  He turns his face away from me and closes his eyes. His mouth is set in a hard line.

  Miss Ella comes in with two bowls of soup and places them on the table between the beds.

  Slowly, I sit down on the bed. I’m careful not to jar Jack’s body.

  Adam gently pulls Sophia up into a sitting position, and slowly feeds her. He’s patient as she swallows hard on every bite. I’ve noticed that Sophia only looks at Adam. She avoids me, as if I’m not even here. I wonder what happened between them on Thursday night.

  I take Jack’s bowl of soup and move a little closer to him.

  “Jack, would you like to eat something? It’s Miss Ella’s famous recipe.”

  Jack moves fast, and I shriek with fright. He slaps the bowl from my hands and it crashes to the floor. Some of the hot soup splashes against my leg.

  Jack’s face is right by mine. His harsh breaths mix with my own, and his eyes are wild and dark. It feels like I’m staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.

  His chest rises and falls with every angry breath he takes. His jaw is clenched as he keeps his eyes locked with mine.

  I see the challenge in his eyes. He thinks he’s defying me. He’s daring me to punish him.

  Truth be told, I’m scared. Jack was wild before they almost beat him to death.

  “You’re free, Jack,” I whisper. I swallow hard on my fear, forcing myself to not break eye contact.

  It doesn’t look like my words are registering with him.

  “You’re no longer a slave. You can stay here until you’re better and then leave, if that is what you want. I want you to know that you’re welcome to stay here. The choice is yours.” He frowns darkly and I quickly repeat, “You have a choice, Jack.”

  He shoves me harshly and I stumble to get out of his way. There’s pain etched in every line of his face as he struggles to his feet.

  Shit, this man is strong. He should be half dead.

  He uses the wall to keep himself upright and then slowly starts to walk toward the door.

  “Jack, you shouldn’t be out of bed,” I say as I realize that he’s planning on leaving this very second. He’s naked, but doesn’t seem to care.

  He ignores me as he stumbles out of the room and into the hallway. I can see his muscles straining to keep him upright. There’s nothing I can do. I gave him the choice. I just didn’t think he’d make the choice right now.

  Sophia struggles to her feet. She’s clearly in pain as she limps past me.

  Shit, I should have kept my mouth shut. They won’t make it out there if they don’t heal first.

  Sophia grabs hold of Jack’s arm. He swings back, and for a moment, I fear that he might strike at her. His eyes roam over her. Finally, recognition sparks in his eyes.

  “Come rest, Jack. Eat something first. You need to get stronger.” She shakes her head at him. “You can’t leave like this.”

  Taking hold of his hand, Sophia pulls his arm around her shoulders. I get out of the way, letting her help him back to the bed.

  Once he’s back in bed, Sophia takes what’s left of her soup, and feeds it to him.

  I’m relieved that I placed them in the same room. They can help each other heal.

  “We’ll get you some clothes today,” I say. Exhausted from the past two days, I leave them.

  I walk out back, and slowly make my way to the sandy beach that’s on the east side of the property. I love the plantation. Everything is peaceful and green. The trees are old, and huge, housing many different species of birds.

  The manor was built in 1934, and it has settled in well with the nature around it. It has eight hundred and twenty acres of farmland, mature forests, restored wetlands, and sandy beaches that stretch out around the lake.

  The manor itself is huge, with eight bedrooms and six bathrooms. It’s big enough to house eighteen people if we place three in a room. Miss Ella lives in the manor with me, along with those we’ve saved. Adam, Tristan, and the other men all share the four cottages out back.

  Everything about The Sanctuary makes me feel at peace, and I hope it will do the same for Jack and Sophia.


  Every part of my body throbs. It feels like the very skin has been peeled from my bones. It hurts too much to sleep. I don’t dare put on any of the clothes the man brought earlier in the evening.

  Sophia managed to put on a light dress. She’s currently sitting on the side of the bed, staring at me. She tilts her head, thinking hard on something.

  Growing up with Sophia, I know everything about her. I know she’s lost much more of herself over the years than I have, and that’s saying a lot, seeing as there’s nothing left of me.

  I wait, knowing she’s about to speak her mind.

  She brings her feet up onto the mattress and folds her arms around her shins, resting her chin on her knees. She keeps her eyes on something outside the window, when she says, “It feels different here. Master and Mistress Ryland seem nice.”

  Her voice is raw, and even though she’s been beaten just as badly as me, she smiles. I don’t know how she manages to still find something to smile about.

  “I think we can be happy here,” she whispers.

  I turn my back to her and growl, “In order to be happy I actually have to give a fuck.”

  I’m done caring. I cared about David and it turned out to be a weakness that kept me a prisoner in that hell hole. Caring for someone only makes you vulnerable. I’ll never place myself in such a position again.

  Someone comes into the room, but I don’t bother to see who it is. Something is placed on the table between the two beds, and then an elderly voice says, “What’s this I hear of you wasting my soup, Son?”

  I glance over my shoulder, but the movement only causes me pain. I watch as an old woman pulls a chair closer to the bed.

  “My momma always said; waste not, want not,” she goes on talking.

  Her eyes are a vibrant blue, and her hair grey with a purple tinge to it.

  “Now, I’ve brought you another bowl of soup and you’ll eat every last drop. I’ve also brought you some pills for the pain.”

  The painkillers get my attention. I struggle into a sitting position, my eyes never leaving the woman. I trust no one and expect the worst of everyone.

  “I’m Miss Ella, and that’s what you’ll call me. Don’t even try to c
all me Miss E. I’m nobody’s missy. My momma gave me the name Ella, and I expect you to use it.”

  She scoops up a bit of soup, and blows on the broth before bringing the spoon to my mouth. The action reminds me of my own mother. She used to do that, as well.

  I just stare at her, until she widens her eyes at me in warning.

  “Open your mouth. How do you expect to get any better if you don’t eat? Stubbornness won’t heal you.”

  I hate that she’s right. I take a few bites before Miss Ella asks, “What’s your name, Son?”

  I don’t bother answering her. It’s not as if they’re going to call me by my fucking name.

  Sophia clears her throat and then whispers, “His name is Jack.”

  Miss Ella smiles at Sophia. “Thank you, dear, and you are?”


  I only take a few more bites and then I turn my head away. She sighs heavily as she places the bowl on the table. When she holds out the painkillers to me, I make eye contact with her.

  I swallow them down with some water, never taking my eyes away from hers.

  “I’m sorry for the life you’ve been forced to live up until now, Jack,” she says, taking the glass from me. “I’ll never understand how some people can be so cruel.”

  She gets up and looks from Sophia to me. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by my angry glares.

  “My room is the one right by the stairs. If the pain becomes unbearable, come wake me.”

  She gathers the dishes and then gives us each a pointed look.

  “You need to eat all your food so your bodies can heal. There’s a lot of work to be done. Everyone works here to earn their keep.”

  An icy ripple spreads down my spine.

  Miss Ella looks at Sophia. “As soon as you’re up to it you can help me in the kitchen.”

  When she looks at me, I growl. I’ll tear her apart if she tries anything with me.

  “River says you’ve been born with a green thumb,” she says, ignoring my threatening growl. “That’s a good thing. No one around here likes to garden, and I’m too old to be playing with flowers. We can do with some color around here, so as soon as you’re better, you can fix the gardens up nicely. Now, get a good night’s rest and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I can go on gardening here? Miss Ella said nothing about sex. Come to think of it neither did the man and woman who brought us here. Not that it means anything. As soon as we’re better they’ll put us to work. After all, Miss Ella said we have to earn our keep.

  The old familiar anger and disgust well up in my chest. Thankfully, the painkillers start to work, easing the harsh bite of pain.

  I wake up in the dead of the night. My body and the sheets are soaked with sweat. The pain burns through me like a raging fire, threatening to devour every inch of me.

  I try to fight it, but after a while I can’t hold out anymore.

  “Sophia,” I whisper, my voice drenched with pain.

  The light flashes on and I blink so my eyes can adjust to the sudden brightness. The younger woman comes to the bed, a look of concern clouding her face. She’s still dressed in the same clothes from earlier. She looks disheveled, like she hasn’t slept in days. There’s not an ounce of make-up on her face, and it makes her look even younger than when we first met.

  “Do you need something, Jack?” she whispers. Her cool hand rests on my forehead for a few seconds.

  “Painkillers,” I whisper.

  She takes two pills out of a box. Slipping her hand gently under my head, she helps me to hold my head up. She places the pills in my mouth and then holds the glass to my lips so I can drink. I take a few sips.

  When I’m done, she places the glass back on the table. I watch as she rinses a cloth. She comes to sit on the bed, right next to me and starts to wipe over my face. The cloth is cool and I close my eyes, hoping the painkillers will start to work soon.

  I hear her rinse the cloth again and then she wipes my neck.

  When she rinses the cloth for a third time, I whisper, “Thank you.” I don’t know what to call her, and I refuse to call her mistress.

  “My name is River,” she says, as she starts to wipe the cool cloth over my chest.

  “River.” My voice slurs as the painkillers kick in.


  It’s been five days since we rescued Jack and Sophia. Yesterday, Sophia started helping in the kitchen. She’s healing fast. She seems to have taken a liking to Miss Ella, and I’m grateful for that.

  A lot of the people we rescue cling to Miss Ella. They see her as a mother figure. She plays a big part in their recovery.

  Jack should be up and about soon. He’s eating on his own, and last night, he slept right through, without having to wake for painkillers.

  I walk to the kitchen and find Sophia busy peeling potatoes.

  “If you’re not careful Miss Ella will make you peel potatoes every day. She hates to do that.”

  Sophia smiles her brilliant smile. Even with all the welts and wounds, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Not a day has passed, where she hasn’t smiled. I don’t know how she does it. How does she look past what’s been done to her, and find a reason to smile?

  “I don’t mind,” she says softly.

  “Hush, child,” Miss Ella says. “You know my old hands can’t peel and grate anymore.”

  I chuckle. It’s easy to get a rise out of Miss Ella.

  “Actually,” I say, walking over to Sophia, “I wanted to steal Sophia for an hour. I think it’s time she meets everyone.”

  “You can have her for an hour, but bring her back so she can finish helping me.”

  I take Sophia’s hand so she’ll follow me.

  “Thanks, Miss Ella.”

  We slip out the back door and walk in the direction of the farmland.

  “We farm our own vegetables and fruits here,” I start to explain to her. “We have some cattle and fowl, as well, but that falls under Tristan and Miss Ella.”

  We approach a group of girls and they all smile when they spot us. Diane is still careful around us all. She was the last slave we saved. She’s only eighteen and her life has already been so hard. I don’t blame her for being careful. The other girls, Lizzie, Varsha, Jane, and Kgomotso have all settled in. They work the piece of land we grow our vegetables on.

  “Girls,” I say when we get close. “This is Sophia. Please make her feel at home.”

  Varsha is the one with a bubbly personality and also the first to step forward. She’s gentle as she hugs Sophia.

  “You’re going to be so happy here.”

  Varsha has been with us for seven years. She was taken as a child. We think she’s from the Middle East. Most of the people come here with only their names. They have no past and no family.

  Kgomotso is an African beauty. She also hugs Sophia.

  “Welcome,” she whispers. She’s not one to talk much, but when she does have something to say, she doesn’t hold back. Not that any of us understand her when she lets us have it in her native tongue.

  Lizzy and Diane just smile at Sophia. For some reason Diane has taken to Lizzy. I think it’s because Lizzie is only seventeen. With them being so close in age, their similar dark hair and grey eyes, they could have been sisters in another life.

  “The girls tend to the vegetables. We have potatoes, carrots, peas, pumpkin, tomatoes,” I take a breath and let out a burst of laugher. “We grow all kinds of vegetables here. You can get to know them better over dinner. Let me go introduce you to the others.”

  We find the other girls picking apples. This group is really tight. The two groups are polite to each other but it’s seldom that they socialize.

  Jamie is another young one. She just turned twenty, but she’s been with us four years. She’s one of the cases that broke my heart. It’s her friend, Lolla, who died. She took the blow really hard.

  Savannah, Beverly, and Julie are glued to each other. They were freed from the same assh
ole. I suppose they’re a little family. Jack and Sophia might be the same. Usually if people are freed together, they cling to each other.

  April is the oldest of the women. She’s a year older than me. We got to her just in time. They were going to kill her because she was too old for the sex trade.

  When everybody has had a chance to meet Sophia, we walk in the direction of the cattle.

  Kevin, Joe and Theo look after the cattle. Then there’s Maddie. She stays away from the other girls. The person who took her sold her to a bitch of a woman, who took great pleasure in hurting her. She fears women, so we leave her with the men. She feels safe with them, especially Christopher. He guards this side of the plantation, making sure to keep a close eye on her.

  On the way back to the kitchen, I notice that Sophia is deep in thought.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  She drops her eyes to her feet, a puzzled look on her face. “Are they all your slaves?”

  I shake my head quickly. “No, Lovely. No one here is a slave. They were all slaves at one point, but just like you and Jack, they are free. You are no longer someone’s property. Here you can make eye contact with anyone. You are no longer a slave.”

  Sophia frowns and I can see something is worrying her. I take her hand and hold her back. I need to make her understand that she is free of that hellish life.

  “You are not a slave, Sophia. No one will use you for sex, or beat you again. You’re safe here. You can now live your own life. You can make your own choices.”

  Tears well in her eyes and she whispers, “I don’t know how to live my own life. My whole life, I’ve only been a slave. It’s all I know.”

  “I understand, Lovely. With time you will adjust to this new life. There’s no rush. Take it one day at a time.”

  When I start to walk again she says, “Mistress…”

  I swing back, shaking my head hard. “Your first lesson is that no one is the boss of you, Sophia. I’m not a mistress. No one is. There is no such thing as a mistress or master. I’m River Sinclair.” I cup her cheek with my hand. “Say my name.”


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